【投稿资讯】区块链会议CCF A -- SP 2025 截止6.6、11.14 附录用率


会议名称:46th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy( S&P)

CCF等级:CCF A类学术会议


录用率:2023年 195/1147,2024年录用了17篇和区块链相关的论文

Topics of interest include:

  • Applied cryptography

  • Attacks with novel insights, techniques, or results

  • Authentication, access control, and authorization

  • Blockchains and distributed ledger security

  • Cloud computing security

  • Cyber physical systems security

  • Distributed systems security

  • Economics of security and privacy

  • Embedded systems security

  • Formal methods and verification

  • Hardware security

  • Hate, Harassment, and Online Abuse

  • Human-centered security and privacy

  • Intrusion detection and prevention

  • Machine learning and computer security

  • Malware and unwanted software

  • Network security and measurement

  • Operating systems security

  • Privacy-enhancing technologies, anonymity, and censorship

  • Program and binary analysis

  • Protocol security

  • Security and privacy metrics

  • Security and privacy policies

  • Security architectures

  • Security for at-risk populations

  • Software supply chain security

  • Systems security

  • User studies for security and privacy

  • Web security and privacy

  • Wireless and mobile security/privacy

Important Dates

All deadlines are 23:59:59 AoE (UTC-12).

First deadline
  • Paper submission deadline: June 6, 2024

  • Early-reject notification: July 22, 2024

  • Rebuttal period (interactive): August 19 - August 30, 2024

  • Rebuttal text due: August 26, 2024

  • Acceptance notification: September 9, 2024

  • Camera-ready deadline: October 18, 2024

Second deadline
  • Paper submission deadline: November 14, 2024

  • Early-reject notification: January 20, 2025

  • Rebuttal period (interactive): February 17 - February 28, 2025

  • Rebuttal text due: February 24, 2025

  • Acceptance notification: March 10, 2025

  • Camera-ready deadline: April 18, 2025








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