'定义插件对象接口. 必须具有的声明, 以此来获得事件
Private WithEvents m_BillTransfer As k3BillTransfer.Bill
Public Sub Show(ByVal oBillTransfer As Object)
'注意: 此方法必须存在, 请勿修改
Set m_BillTransfer = oBillTransfer
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
'注意: 此方法必须存在, 请勿修改
Set m_BillTransfer = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub m_BillTransfer_LoadBillEnd(ByVal ShowType As Long)
' MsgBox "点击成功"
On Error Resume Next
With m_BillTransfer.BillForm.tlbTool.Buttons
'如果还要加按钮,就增加一行.Add.Count,Count - 1指最后一个图标的前一个位置;最后的数字是图标的编号,可任意。
.Add .Count - 1, "BtnIn", "流程卡", , 10
.Add .Count - 1, "BtnCod", "条码", , 20
End With
End Sub
Private Sub m_BillTransfer_RetEvents(ByVal Para As KFO.IDictionary)
'TODO: 请在此处添加代码响应事件 RetEvents
Dim Report As GridppReport
Set Report = New GridppReport
If Not Para Is Nothing Then
If Para.GetValue("EventID", 0) = "Bill_ButtonClick" Then
If Para.GetValue("EventIDprop", 0) = "0" Then
If Para("Para")("Button").Key = "BtnIn" Then
' MsgBox "测试成功"
Report.LoadFromFile ("\\\Gird Report\流转卡.grf")
Report.DetailGrid.Recordset.ConnectionString = m_BillTransfer.Cnnstring
Report.DetailGrid.Recordset.QuerySQL = "exec jlkj_dyh_Gird_工序流程卡打印 '" & m_BillTransfer.GetHeadText(GetHeadIndex("FInterID", 1)) & "'"
Report.PrintPreview (True)
ElseIf Para("Para")("Button").Key = "BtnCod" Then
Report.LoadFromFile ("\\\\Gird Report\任务条码.grf")
Report.Printer.PrinterName = "Microsoft Print to PDF" '指定打印机
Report.DetailGrid.Recordset.ConnectionString = m_BillTransfer.Cnnstring
Report.DetailGrid.Recordset.QuerySQL = "exec jlkj_dyh_Gird_工序流程卡打印 '" & m_BillTransfer.GetHeadText(GetHeadIndex("FInterID", 1)) & "'"
Report.[Print] (True) '不预览直接打印。加[]是为了避免与VB的print函数混掉
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Function GetHeadIndex(ByVal ColHead As String, Optional iField As Long = 0) As Long
On Error Resume Next
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To UBound(m_BillTransfer.HeadCtl)
If (m_BillTransfer.HeadCtl(i).Caption = ColHead And iField = 0) Or (LCase(m_BillTransfer.HeadCtl(i).FieldName) = LCase(ColHead) And iField = 1) Then
GetHeadIndex = i
Exit For
End If
End Function