自适应全屏滚动,实现swiper 全屏滚动效果与解决bug




BUG 原因是只获取了一次高度







<!DOCTYPE html>

<!-- 代码来源 -->
<!-- https://blog.csdn.net/liona_koukou/article/details/52680409 -->

<!-- 原理解释可参考 -->
<!-- https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000022558029 -->

<!-- 但是还有BUG,比如小窗时打开,放大就还按小窗高度继续滚动 ,这是由于 window.onload 只给高度赋值一次,解决方案就是监听窗口大小变化-->
	<head lang="en">
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		<link href="http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Josefin+Slab:400,700" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
		<!-- CSS样式也是从原来到穷举版本的 -->
		<link href="new.css" rel="stylesheet" />

		<!-- 自适应调整比例 -->
			.containerv2 {
				display: flex;
				justify-content: center;
				/* 水平方向居中对齐 */
				align-items: center;
				/* 垂直方向居中对齐 */
				/* 容器样式 */
				/* 加上下面这一个才能竖着随竖着窗口变化 */
				/* 来源自 */
				/* https://www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/2015/07/flex-examples.html */
				flex-direction: column;
				/* background-color: #0cf; */

			.childv2 {
				/* width: 100px; */
				/* vw 指的是 view width 50是指视口的50%*/
				/* 小蓝条顶格,所以childv2的宽度就成了小蓝条的位置 */
				width: 100vw;
				/* height: 100px; */
				height: 60vh;
				/* background-color: #ccc; */
				/* margin: 100px; */
				/* margin: 3%; */
				/* margin: left -3rem;; */
				/* 子元素样式 */
		<!-- 居中 -->
			/* 这个一定要占满屏幕,然后利用CSS居中可以使得子元素居中 */
			/* 但是也可以改写比例实现自适应靠左靠右 */
			.login {
				/* width:100px; */
				width: 100%;
				/* width:50% */
				/* 原作者说不小于100%的视口高度 viewhight */
				/* height不行,得 min-height */
				min-height: 100vh;
				/* min-height: 30%; */
				display: flex;
				justify-content: center;
				align-items: center;
				/* background-color: #0cf; */


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				width: 100%;
				/* height: 260px; */
				height: 50vh;
				border: 1px solid #000;
				/* background-color: #aa0; */
		<!-- 小蓝条样式之前的包裹自适应 -->
			.sectionDisplay {
				display: flex;
				/* display: block; */
				flex-direction: column;
				/* height: 100%; */
				/* 影响缩小放大间距 */
				height: 120%;
				box-sizing: border-box;

			/* 最顶上的距离 */
			.informationArticleContainer {
				margin-top: 1rem;
				/* margin-top: 10rem; */

				width: 60.125rem;
				/* 每一条的宽度 */
				/* width: 6.125rem; */
				flex-grow: 1;
				flex-shrink: 1;
				display: flex;
				flex-direction: column;

			/* 注释之后没啥不调动,没啥用 */
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				display: none;
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			/* 注释掉就全部隐藏 */
			.articleContainer .articleList.active {
				display: flex;
				flex-direction: column;

			/* 注释掉没有问题,没啥用 */
			/* .articleContainer .articleList .articleItem {
				display: none;
			} */
			/* 注释掉就全部隐藏 */
			.articleContainer .articleList .articleItem.display {
				display: block;
		<!-- 小蓝条样式 在导航2-->
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				/* 注释掉了没啥用 */
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					display: flex;
					justify-content: flex-end;
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				/* 注释掉了没啥用 */
				.articleCategory .articleCategoryItem {

					color: #fff;
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					padding: 0 0.5rem;
					margin: 0 0.75rem;
					position: relative;
					transition: color 0.3s, background-color 0.3s; */

				.articleCategory .articleCategoryItem::before {
					/* content: "·";
					display: block;
					position: absolute;
					color: #fff;
					left: -0.75rem;
					transform: translateX(-50%); */

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					content: "·";
					display: block;
					position: absolute;
					color: #fff;
					right: -0.75rem;
					top: 0;
					transform: translateX(50%);

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					color: #22bbff;

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					color: #88daff;

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				/* 注释掉了也是没有上下间距 */
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					position: absolute;
					width: 100%;
					height: 100%;
					flex-direction: column;

				/* 注释掉了就没有上下间距 */
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					flex-basis: 16.666%;
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				.articleItem.last {
					border-bottom-width: 0;

				/* 注释掉了就居中且上下分几行 */
				.articleItemLink {
					color: unset;
					height: 100%;
					display: flex;
					align-items: center;
					text-decoration: none;

				/* 点击之前的蓝色标,现在变绿色 */
				.articleItemLink::before {
					content: "READ MORE +";
					display: inline-block;
					font-weight: bold;
					font-size: 0.675rem;
					text-align: right;
					color: #000;
					font-family: "Bender";
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					overflow: hidden;

				.articleItemLink:hover::before {
					width: 11em;
					margin-right: 2em;
					padding: 5px 7px;

				/* 日期的 字体样式 */
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					font-family: "Bender";
					/* color: #fff; */
					color: #6c0aff;
					font-size: 0.875rem;
					width: 6em;
					text-align: center;
					white-space: nowrap;

				/* 2024-5-26 F12 点击再点击发现CSS位置定位得 */
				/* 活动 这两个字的颜色 */
				.articleItemCate {
					font-family: "SansMedium";
					/* color: #22bbff; */
					color: #fff33e;
					font-size: 1rem;
					margin-left: 2.25rem;
					/* margin-left: 5.25rem; */

				/* 白色字 活动预告 栏目的字体样式 */
				.articleItemTitle {
					font-family: sans-serif;
					color: #fff;
					/* color: #ff4221; */
					font-size: 1rem;
					font-weight: normal;
					margin: 0;
					margin-left: 0.75rem;

				/* 置顶蓝色的样式 */
				.stickTag {
					white-space: nowrap;
					margin-left: 1rem;
					font-size: 0.8rem;
					display: inline-block;
					padding: 0.2em 0.5em;
					/* line-height: 1; */
					line-height: 2;
					color: #22bbff;
					border: #22bbff 1px solid;

				/* 没啥用,好像是之前的活动,通知,公告多个栏目的样式 */
				/* 更多情报的栏目 */
				.articleFooter {
					height: 2rem;
					display: flex;
					justify-content: space-between;

				.articlePaginationList li:not(:first-of-type) {
					margin-left: 1.5625rem;

				.articleMoreButton {
					font-size: 1.1rem;
					padding: 0.4rem 0.8rem;
		<!-- 更多情报 在导航2 按钮的样式 -->
			.articleFooter .articlePaginationList {
				display: flex;
				height: 100%;
				align-items: flex-end;
				padding: 0;
				margin: 0;
				justify-content: center;

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				position: relative;
				font-family: "Bender";
				color: #838588;
				width: 1.875rem;
				height: 1.875rem;
				display: block;
				transition: background-color 0.15s, color 0.15s;

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				content: "";
				display: block;
				position: absolute;
				width: 4px;
				height: 4px;
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				left: 0;

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				bottom: 0;
				right: 0;

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				color: #fff;

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			.articleFooter .articlePaginationList li.active {
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			.articleFooter .articlePaginationList li.articlePaginationNavBtn {
				width: 3.875rem;

			.articleFooter .articlePaginationList li a {
				display: flex;
				width: 100%;
				height: 100%;
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				display: flex;
				align-items: center;
				margin-left: 1rem;

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				display: flex;
				font-family: "SansMedium";
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				transition: color 0.15s;

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				display: block;
				position: absolute;
				width: 100%;
				height: 20%;
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				transition: border-color 0.15s, height 0.15s;

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				top: 0;
				left: 0;
				border-bottom: none;

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				width: 4rem;
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				transition: stroke 0.15s;

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				color: #22bbff;

			.articleFooter .articleMoreButton:hover svg {
				stroke: #22bbff;

			.articleFooter .articleMoreButton:hover::before,
			.articleFooter .articleMoreButton:hover::after {
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				height: 50%;
		<!-- 原明日方舟旧官网第五栏,对应导航5 -->
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				height: 22.5rem;
				background-size: contain;
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			#media-container-box .media-entry .entry-pic.review {
				background-image: url(https://web.hycdn.cn/arknights/official/static/celebReview.0ae9f4ea5533ea5fb304.png);

			#media-container-box .media-entry .entry-pic.compile {
				background-image: url(https://web.hycdn.cn/arknights/official/static/dynCompile.ac71803ad4fbdef368d5.png);

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		<div class="container">
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				<input type="radio" name="radio-set" checked id="nav1">
				<!-- 解决 小蓝条总是在第一页最底下问题————不过是共用 a 的CSS样式了 -->
				<!-- <a class="a" href="#panel1">导航1</a> -->
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						<div class="login">
							<div class="longin-body">
								<p>you are my sunshine</p>

					<section class="panel panelColor" id="panel2">
						<div class="icon" data-icon="b"></div>
						<div class="login">
							<div class="longin-body">
								<p>you are my sunshine</p>

					<section class="panel" id="panel3">
						<div class="icon" data-icon="c"></div>
						<p>you are my sunshine</p>
					<section class="panel panelColor" id="panel4">
						<div class="icon" data-icon="d"></div>
						<p>you are my sunshine</p>
						<div class="containerv2">
							<div class="childv2">
								<div class="sectionDisplay">
									<div class="articleContainer informationArticleContainer">
										<div class="articleListWrapper">
											<ol class="articleList active" data-category-key="LATEST">
												<li class="articleItem display"><a class="articleItemLink"
														<h6 class="articleItemTitle">[活动预告]#04「引航者试炼」限时活动即将开启
														<span class="stickTag">置顶</span>
												<li class="articleItem display"><a class="articleItemLink"
														<h6 class="articleItemTitle">
												<li class="articleItem display"><a class="articleItemLink"
														<h6 class="articleItemTitle">
												<li class="articleItem display"><a class="articleItemLink"
														<h6 class="articleItemTitle">[明日方舟]02月28日封禁处理公示</h6>
												<li class="articleItem display last"><a class="articleItemLink"
														<h6 class="articleItemTitle">[明日方舟]02月27日16:00闪断更新公告

										<div class="articleFooter">
											<div class="articlePagination"></div>
											<div class="articleMore"><a class="articleMoreButton"
														xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" viewBox="0 0 48 18">
														<path d="M6 13 h35 l-6 -6" fill="none"></path>

					<section class="panel" id="panel5">
						<div class="icon" data-icon="e"></div>
						<p>you are my sunshine</p>
						<div class="loginv2">
							<div class="login-bodyv2" style="width: auto;height: 100%; background-color: #000;">
								<div id="media-container-box">
									<div class="media-entry" data-cursor="pointer" data-type="1">
										<div class="entry-pic review"> </div>
										<div class="entry-info">
											<div class="entry-title">节事回顾</div>
											<div class="entry-subtitle">Celebration Review</div>
											<div class="entry-button">点击查看</div>
									<a class="media-entry" data-cursor="pointer" data-type="2"
										<div class="entry-pic compile"> </div>
										<div class="entry-info">
											<div class="entry-title">干员动态集录</div>
											<div class="entry-subtitle">Operator Dynamic Compile</div>
											<div class="entry-button">点击查看</div>


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				// 全屏之后取消全屏,鼠标事件才能启动
				// 不取消全屏也能启动了
				// 去掉onsize窗口屏幕监听才会失效
				if (window.addEventListener) {
					window.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', wheel, false);
				window.onmousewheel = wheel;

			function handle(delta, arr) {
				var num;
				for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { //得到当前checked元素的下标
					if (arr[i].checked) {
						num = i;
				if (delta > 0 && num > 0) { //向上滚动
					arr[num].checked = true;
				} else if (delta < 0 && num < 4) { //向下滚动
					arr[num].checked = true;



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/* https://blog.csdn.net/liona_koukou/article/details/52680409 */
body {
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/* 这个a 不能变 .a */
/* 这个a 能变 .a */
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	/* 没有挡板,调了之前的背景发现蓝色就在上边 */
	/* 打开top:-25cap拉伸网页就不会露出蓝边 */
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/* a 变 .a 标签就变类*/
.nav input,
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.nav input {
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/* 修改a 为 .a 解决明日方舟条目自动停留导航栏问题 */
/* 设置目录块的共同属性 */
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#nav1+a {
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#nav2+a {
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#nav3+a {
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#nav4+a {
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#nav5+a {
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.nav input:hover+a {
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.panel {
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	/* padding-top:2500px; */
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	/* 会和之前的-25cap冲突导致取消top:-25cap注释后网页顶上被遮挡 */
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.panel {
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	/* 是白色的页面变化,不是最后的背景 */
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#nav1:checked~.scroll #panel1 h1 {
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/* https://blog.csdn.net/qq_43090158/article/details/104568977 */
/* 关键帧命名 moveDOwn哪里来的,就是这样来的 */
@keyframes moveDown {

	/* 一开始的进度 */
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		/* transform: translateY(-600px); */
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	/* 最后完成时的进度 */
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.panel p {
	/* 黑色的字符 you are 的颜色 */
	color: #000;
	margin-top: 20px;

/* https://www.cnblogs.com/EasonJim/p/6140097.html */
/* 这种方式在业界上统称:识别码、前缀




//-o代表欧朋【opera】内核识别码 */

#nav1:checked~.scroll {
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.icon {
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	/* 改完发现可以改位置 */
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.panelColor {
	background: #fa96b5;
	/* 临近的颜色变化 */
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	color: #fff;

.panelColor .icon {
	background: #fff;
	color: #fa96b5;

.panelColor .icon:after {
	color: #3bfa77;

.scroll .panel h1 {
	font-size: 60px;

@media screen and (max-device-width: 520px) {}

/* 增加其他测试,未果 */
@media screen and (max-device-width: 620px){

@media screen and (max-device-width: 920px){

@media screen and (max-device-width: 1420px){
} */





目录 1. 引言 2. 了解杨氏矩阵 3. 思路分析 4. 代码 5. 总结 1. 引言 最近在做二维数组的训练的时候发现了一个很有意思的题&#xff1a; 一看这不是杨氏矩阵嘛&#xff0c;接下来就由姜糖我带大家了解一下这个著名的矩阵。 2. 了解杨氏矩阵 通过查阅百度得知&#xff1a; …

电脑如何开启硬件虚拟化?这 2 种方法都可以使用

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【Python】解决Python报错:AttributeError: ‘int‘ object has no attribute ‘xxx‘

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SpringBoot 单元测试 指定 环境



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硬件层 计算机由何组成&#xff1f; 我们现在手中的计算机&#xff0c;无论配置如何&#xff0c;是笔记本还是台式&#xff0c;都由三部分构成&#xff1a; 输入设备&#xff1a;键盘&#xff0c;鼠标...中央处理器&#xff1a;cpu&#xff0c;显卡&#xff0c;磁盘...输出设…


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目录 前言一、sudo是什么&#xff1f;二、配置sudo三、测试 前言 本篇文章介绍如何在centos7中为普通用户配置sudo认证 一、sudo是什么&#xff1f; sudo是一个命令&#xff0c;其作用是为普通用户以临时管理员&#xff08;root&#xff09;的身份去执行一条命令。 例如&…