

深度学习中最常使用的便是秘密定点数sfix,有关定点数的高级运算协议请参阅Paper: Secure Computation With Fixed-Point Numbers.



def Tensor(cls, shape):
    Type-dependent tensor of any dimension::

        a = sfix.Tensor([10, 10])
    if len(shape) == 1:
        return Array(shape[0], cls)
        return MultiArray(shape, cls)



a = sint.Tensor([3, 10, 10])    #创建张量,类型为sint,内容是3个10×10的矩阵
a[0].input_from(0)    #第一个矩阵从第0方读取数据
a[1].input_from(1)    #第二个矩阵从第1方读取数据
a[2][:] = a[0][:] * a[1][:]    #第三个矩阵由前两个矩阵元素对应相乘实现;[:] 表示选择这个矩阵的所有元素。


assign(other, base=0)

        Assign container to content. Not implemented for floating-point.

                Parameters other – container of matching size and type


        Assign the same value to all entries.

                Parameters value – convertible to relevant basic type

assign_part_vector(vector, base=0)

        Assign vector from range of the first dimension, including all entries in further dimensions.


                        • vector – updated entries

                        • base – index in first dimension (regint/cint/int)

assign_vector(vector, base=0)

               Assign vector to content. Not implemented for floating-point.


                                • vector – vector of matching size convertible to relevant basic type

                                • base – compile-time (int)

direct_mul(other, reduce=True, indices=None, res_type=None)

        Matrix multiplication in the virtual machine. Unlike dot(), this only works for sint and sfix, and it returns a vector instead of a data structure.


                        • self Matrix / 2-dimensional MultiArray

                        • other Matrix / 2-dimensional MultiArray

                        • indices – 4-tuple of regint vectors for index selection (default is complete multiplication)

                Returns Matrix as vector of relevant type (row-major)

PS: 不常用,因为泛用性很差,只能针对二维数组;也是库里自带函数的通病,以至于很多tf的很多高级函数在库中都是不存在的。

dot(other, res_params=None, n_threads=None)

        Matrix-matrix and matrix-vector multiplication.


                • self – two-dimensional

                • other – Matrix or Array of matching size and type

                • n_threads – number of threads (default: all in same thread)

        Return type Matrix or Array of appropriate size and type

input_from(player, budget=None, raw=False, **kwargs)

        Fill with inputs from player if supported by type.

                Parameters player – public (regint/cint/int)

randomize(*args, n_threads=None)

        Randomize according to data type. If it is sfix, the following will sample an individual         uniformly random entry of the multi-array M roughly in the range [𝑎, 𝑏]:

M.randomize(a, b)


        Reveal to MultiArray of same shape.


        Reveal as list.

sort(key_indices=None, n_bits=None)

        Sort sub-arrays (different first index) in place. This uses radix sort.


                        • key_indices – indices to sorting keys, for example (1, 2) to sort three-dimensional array a by keys a[*][1][2]. Default is (0, ..., 0) of correct length.

                        • n_bits – number of bits in keys (default: global bit length)


重要模块 - Compiler.library 

Compiler.library.do_while(loop_fn, g=None)

        Do-while loop. The loop is stopped if the return value is zero. It must be public. The following executes exactly once:

def _():
    return regint(0)

Compiler.library.for_range(start, stop=None, step=None)

        Decorator to execute loop bodies consecutively. Arguments work as in Python range(), but         they can be any public integer. Information has to be passed out via container types such as         Array or using update(). Note that changing Python data structures such as lists within the         loop is not possible, but the compiler cannot warn about this.

                Parameters start/stop/step – regint/cint/int

PS: 勘误-默认参数应为stop,同Python中的 for i in range(stop)。

例:The following should output 10:

n = 10
a = sint.Array(n)
x = sint(0)
def _(i):
    a[i] = i
    x.update(x + 1)
print_ln('%s', x.reveal())



重要模块 - Compiler.mpc_math 


重要模块 - Compiler.ml 


# this trains a dense neural network on MNIST
# see https://github.com/csiro-mlai/mnist-mpc for data preparation
# 该代码在根目录的Programs/Source中

program.options_from_args()    #表示程序可以从外界(终端)获取输入

if 'torch' in program.args:
    import torchvision
    data = []
    for train in True, False:
        ds = torchvision.datasets.MNIST(root='/tmp', train=train, download=True)
	# normalize to [0,1] before input
        samples = sfix.input_tensor_via(0, ds.data / 255., binary=True)
        labels = sint.input_tensor_via(0, ds.targets, binary=True, one_hot=True)
        data += [(labels, samples)]

    (training_labels, training_samples), (test_labels, test_samples) = data

    training_samples = sfix.Tensor([60000, 28, 28])    #为样本与标签设置存储结构
    training_labels = sint.Tensor([60000, 10])

    test_samples = sfix.Tensor([10000, 28, 28])
    test_labels = sint.Tensor([10000, 10])

    training_labels.input_from(0)    #读入数据,在根目录的Player-Data/Input-P0-0

    test_samples.input_from(0)    #注意导入的顺序

from Compiler import ml
tf = ml

layers = [
    tf.keras.layers.Dense(128, activation='relu'),
    tf.keras.layers.Dense(10,  activation='softmax')

model = tf.keras.models.Sequential(layers)    #构建模型

optim = tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(momentum=0.9, learning_rate=0.01)    #选择优化器,设置参数

model.compile(optimizer=optim)    #编译

#Train model.
opt = model.fit(
    validation_data=(test_samples, test_labels)

#Use model for prediction
guesses = model.predict(test_samples)



# this trains network D from SecureNN
# see https://github.com/csiro-mlai/mnist-mpc for data preparation
# 该代码在根目录的Programs/Source中

import ml
import math
import re
import util    #这里引用的应是Compiler中的包

sfix.set_precision_from_args(program, True)

if 'profile' in program.args:
    print('Compiling for profiling')
    N = 1000
    n_test = 100
elif 'debug' in program.args:
    N = 100
    n_test = 100
elif 'debug1000' in program.args:
    N = 1000
    n_test = 1000
elif 'debug5000' in program.args:
    N = 5000
    n_test = 5000
    N = 60000
    n_test = 10000

#deep-mpc库中有预处理数据集的方法,默认就是N = 60000,n_test = 10000
n_examples = N
n_features = 28 ** 2

try:    #设置轮数
    n_epochs = int(program.args[1])
    n_epochs = 100

try:    #设置batch大小
    batch_size = int(program.args[2])
    batch_size = N

assert batch_size <= N
ml.Layer.back_batch_size = batch_size

try:    #设置线程数

if program.options.ring:
    assert sfix.f * 4 == int(program.options.ring)

if 'stride1' in program.args:    #设置步长
    stride = (1, 1)
    stride = (2, 2)

if 'valid' in program.args:    #设置padding方式
    padding = 'VALID'
    inner_dim = (28 - 4) // stride[0]
    padding = 'SAME'
    inner_dim = 28 // stride[0]

layers = [    #层
    ml.FixConv2d([N, 28, 28, 1], (5, 5, 5, 1), (5,),
                 [N, inner_dim, inner_dim, 5], stride, padding),
    ml.Relu([N, inner_dim, inner_dim, 5]),

if 'maxpool' in program.args:
    layers += [ml.MaxPool((N, inner_dim, inner_dim, 5))]
    inner_dim //= 2

n_inner = inner_dim ** 2 * 5

dropout = 'dropout' in program.args

if '1dense' in program.args:
    if dropout:
        layers += [ml.Dropout(N, n_inner)]
    layers += [ml.Dense(N, n_inner, 10),]
elif '2dense' in program.args:
    if dropout:
        layers += [ml.Dropout(N, n_inner)]
    layers += [
        ml.Dense(N, n_inner, 100),
        ml.Relu([N, 100]),
        ml.Dense(N, 100, 10),
    if dropout or 'dropout1' in program.args:
        layers.insert(-1, ml.Dropout(N, 100))
    raise Exception('need to specify number of dense layers')

layers += [ml.MultiOutput(N, 10)]

Y = sint.Matrix(n_test, 10)    #存储测试集标签
X = sfix.Matrix(n_test, n_features)    #存储测试集特征

if not ('no_acc' in program.args and 'no_loss' in program.args):
    layers[-1].Y.input_from(0)    #读取训练集标签
    layers[0].X.input_from(0)    #读取训练集特征
    Y.input_from(0)    #读取测试集标签
    X.input_from(0)    #读取测试集特征

optim = ml.Optimizer.from_args(program, layers)    #外部读入优化器
optim.run_by_args(program, n_epochs, batch_size, X, Y)    #训练

FixConv2d参数:(input_shape, weight_shape, (out_channels,), output_shape, stride, padding)

Relu参数:([N, d, d_out])

MaxPool参数:(input_shape, pool_size, strides, padding))

Dense参数:(N, d_in, d_out)

Dropout参数:(N, d1, d2=1, alpha=0.5)       
#d1: 总维度,这通常表示特定层输入或输出的特征数量或维度。
#d2: 另一个维度,默认值为1。在某些场景下,如当需要将数据处理为三维结构(例如,在处理时间序列数据或具有多个特征映射的卷积层输出时),这个参数变得有用。
#alpha: 概率(必须是2的幂),表示每个神经元被置零的概率。默认值是0.5,意味着在每次前向传播时,有50%的概率每个神经元的输出会被置为0。

MultiOutput参数:(N, d_out)        #这一般就是最后一层了,d_out是最终分类数目


class Compiler.ml.Optimizer(layers=[], report_loss=None)

        Bases: object

        Base class for graphs of layers.


                Compute backward propagation.


                Compute evaluation after training.


                                • data – sample data (Compiler.types.Matrix with one row per sample)

                                • top – return top prediction instead of probability distribution

                        Returns sfix/sint Array (depening on top)

class Compiler.ml.SGD(layers, n_epochs=1, debug=False, report_loss=None)

        Bases: Compiler.ml.Optimizer

        Stochastic gradient descent.


                        • layers – layers of linear graph

                        • n_epochs – number of epochs for training

                        • report_loss – disclose and print loss


                Compute backward propagation.


                Compute evaluation after training.


                        • data – sample data (Compiler.types.Matrix with one row per sample)

                        • top – return top prediction instead of probability distribution

                Returns sfix/sint Array (depening on top)

run/run_in_batches/run_by_args 皆是进行训练,通过run_by_args的参数可知,顺便它也能进行预测。(源码太长不再放这里了,仅简单介绍一下整个函数:)

run_by_args(self, program, n_runs, batch_size, test_X, test_Y,

主要逻辑和功能 - run_by_args

  1. 参数解析: 方法首先解析program.args中的参数,如学习率(gamma), 折旧率(depreciation), 动量(momentum), 是否打印损失(print_losses)等。

  2. 动态配置: 根据提供的参数动态调整训练和评估配置,如是否使用动量(nomom), 是否记录每层的时间(time_layers), 是否在训练之前首先进行模型评估(acc_first), 以及是否对卷积操作进行特定的处理(full_cisc).

  3. 训练和评估: 根据n_runs参数指定的次数,执行训练循环。在每次循环中,根据配置执行前向传播(forward), 反向传播(backward), 和参数更新(update). 如果设置了测试集(test_Xtest_Y), 也会执行测试集上的评估,并计算准确率和损失。

  4. 特殊条件处理: 支持特殊的命令行参数来执行一些特定操作,如one_iter用于执行一次完整的前向和反向传播并打印权重,bench1bench10用于性能基准测试。

  5. 学习率调整: 如果检测到模型发散(crash)或准确率低于阈值,学习率(gamma)会减半以尝试恢复训练。此外,如果设置了折旧率(depreciation), 学习率将按该比率递减。

  6. 输出权重: 如果指定了model_output, 最后会输出模型的权重。

注意:这种模式的代码编译时要加额外的参数,具体的参数请参阅csiro-mlai/deep-mpc (github.com)中的common.sh第69行。这里给一个具体的例子:

./run-local.sh emul D prob 2 2 64    
python3 ./compile.py -R 64 -K '' -CD mnist_full_D 2 128 2 trunc_pr f64 k127 2dense | grep -v WARNING   






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