Qwen 论文阅读记录


关于后面的code-qwen and math-qwen,我个人认为依托于前三部分,这两部分大致阅读,尚未细究,暂不记录于此。

1. Abstract(Introduction补充)

QWEN is a comprehensive language model series that encompasses distinct models with varying parameter counts.
QWEN 是一个全面的语言模型系列,包含参数数量不同的多个独立模型。

It includes QWEN, the base pretrained language models, and QWEN-CHAT, the chat models finetuned with human alignment techniques.

The base language models consistently demonstrate superior performance across a multitude of downstream tasks,

and the chat models, particularly those trained using Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF), are highly competitive.


The model series include the base pretrained language models,
chat models finetuned with human alignment techniques, i.e., supervised finetuning (SFT), reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF), etc.,
as well as specialized models in coding and math.


Figure 1: Model Lineage of the Qwen Series.
We have pretrained the language models, namely QWEN, on massive datasets containing trillions of tokens.

We then use SFT and RLHF to align QWEN to human preference and thus we have QWEN-CHAT and specifically its improved version QWEN-CHAT-RLHF.

Additionally, we also develop specialized models for coding and mathematics, such as CODE-QWEN, CODE-QWEN-CHAT, and MATH-QWEN-CHAT based on QWEN with similar techniques.

Note that we previously released the multimodal LLM, QWEN-VL and QWEN-VLCHAT (Bai et al., 2023), which are also based on our QWEN base models.

The chat models possess advanced tool-use and planning capabilities for creating agent applications, showcasing impressive performance even when compared to bigger models on complex tasks like utilizing a code interpreter.


LLMs are not just limited to language tasks.

They can also function as a generalist agent, collaborating with external systems, tools, and models to achieve the objectives set by humans.

For example, LLMs can understand multimodal instructions, execute code, use tools, and more.

2. Pretraining

2.1 Data

To ensure the quality of our pretraining data, we have developed a comprehensive data preprocessing procedure.

2.2 Tokenization

we utilize byte pair encoding (BPE) as our tokenization method.

2.3 Model

2.3.1 Architecture

QWEN is designed using a modified version of the Transformer architecture.

Specifically, we have adopted the recent open-source approach of training large language models, LLaMA (Touvron et al., 2023a).

Our modifications to the architecture include:

  • Embedding and output projection. ----嵌入和输出投影。
    Based on preliminary experimental findings, we have opted for the untied embedding approach instead of tying the weights of input embedding and output projection.
    This decision was made in order to achieve better performance with the price of memory costs.

“Output projection”指的是在模型的输出层,将隐藏层的表示映射回原始的词汇或符号空间,以产生最终的输出。

“untied embedding approach”指的是输入嵌入和输出投影的权重是独立的,不共享的。这与“tied embedding”或“weight tying”相对,后者将输入嵌入和输出投影的权重设置为相同,以减少参数数量和防止过拟合。

  • Positional embedding.
    We have chosen RoPE (Rotary Positional Embedding) as our preferred option for incorporating positional information into our model.
    In particular, we have opted to use FP32 precision for the inverse frequency matrix, rather than BF16 or FP16, in order to prioritize model performance and achieve higher accuracy.

  • Bias.
    For most layers, we remove biases following Chowdhery et al. (2022), but we add biases in the QKV layer of attention to enhance the extrapolation ability of the model (Su, 2023b).


在注意力机制的QKV层中添加偏差项:Su的研究指出,在注意力机制的QKV(Query,Key,Value)层中添加偏差项可以增强模型的外推能力(extrapolation ability)。



  • Pre-Norm & RMSNorm.
    In modern Transformer models, pre-normalization is the most widely used approach, which has been shown to improve training stability compared to post-normalization.
    Additionally, we have replaced the traditional layer normalization technique described in (Ba et al., 2016) with RMSNorm(Jiang et al., 2023). This change has resulted in equivalent performance while also improving efficiency.

  • Activation function.
    We have selected SwiGLU (Shazeer, 2020) as our activation function, a combination of Swish (Ramachandran et al., 2017) and Gated Linear Unit (Dauphin et al., 2017).
    Our initial experiments have shown that activation functions based on GLU generally outperform other baseline options, such as GeLU (Hendrycks & Gimpel, 2016).
    As is common practice in previous research, we have reduced the dimension of the feed-forward network (FFN) from 4 times the hidden size to 8/3 of the hidden size.

2.3.2 Context length extension

Transformer models have a significant limitation in terms of the context length for their attention mechanism.

As the context length increases, the quadratic-complexity computation leads to a drastic increase in both computation and memory costs.


  • NTK-aware interpolation (bloc97, 2023)
  • dynamic NTK-aware interpolation(Peng et al., 2023a)

QWEN additionally incorporates two attention mechanisms:

  • LogN-Scaling
  • Window Attention

LogN-Scaling rescales the dot product of the query and value by a factor that depends on the ratio of the context length to the training length, ensuring that the entropy of the attention value remains stable as the context length grows.
LogN-Scaling 通过一个依赖于上下文长度与训练长度之比的因子来重新缩放查询和值的点积,从而确保随着上下文长度的增加,注意力值的熵保持稳定。

Window attention restricts the attention to a limited context window, preventing the model from attending to tokens that are too far away.
Window Attention则将注意力限制在一个有限的上下文窗口内,防止模型关注到距离过远的标记(tokens)。

Swin transformer,待启动新的记录,详细解析其细节。

We also observed that the long-context modeling ability of our model varies across layers, with lower layers being more sensitive in context length extension compared to the higher layers.
我们还观察到,我们模型的 long-context 建模能力,在不同层之间存在差异,与较高层相比,较低层在上下文长度扩展方面更为敏感。

To leverage this observation, we assign different window sizes to each layer, using shorter windows for lower layers and longer windows for higher layers.

2.4 Training

To train QWEN, we follow the standard approach of autoregressive language modeling(自回归语言建模) Radford et al. (2018).

This involves training the model to predict the next token based on the context provided by the previous tokens.

We train models with context lengths of 2048.

To improve computational efficiency and reduce memory usage, we employ Flash Attention in the attention modules (Dao et al., 2022).


3. Alignment

Pretrained large language models have been found to be out of sync with human behavior, making them unsuitable for serving as AI assistants in most cases.

Recent research has shown that the use of alignment techniques, such as supervised finetuning (SFT) and reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF), can significantly improve the ability of language models to engage in natural conversation.

3.1 Supervised Fine-tuning

To gain an understanding of human behavior, the initial step is to carry out supervised fine-tuning.

This process fine-tunes a pre-trained model on chat-style data, which includes both human queries and AI responses.

Supervised finetuning is similar to text-to-text transfer, but it is capable of creating a helpful AI assistant due to the intricate and varied nature of the datasets used for finetuning.

In the following sections, we will delve into the details of data construction and training methods.

3.1.1 DATA

To enhance the capabilities of our supervised finetuning datasets, we have annotated conversations in multiple styles.


3.2 Rein Forcement Learning from Human Feedback

While SFT has proven to be effective, we acknowledge that its generalization and creativity capabilities may be limited, and it is prone to overfitting.

To address this issue, we have implemented Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) to further align SFT models with human preferences.

This process involves training a reward model and using Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) to conduct policy training.
这个过程包括训练一个奖励模型,并使用近端策略优化(Proximal Policy Optimization,简称PPO)来进行策略训练。

3.2.1 Reward Model

3.2.2 ReinForcement Learning

Our Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) process involves four models:

  • policy model,
  • value model,
  • reference model,
  • reward model.

3.3 Automatic and Human evaluation of Aligned Models

Besides the widely used few-shot setting, we test our aligned models in the zero-shot setting to demonstrate how well the models follow instructions.

The prompt in a zero-shot setting consists of an instruction and a question without any previous examples in the context.
在零样本设置(zero-shot setting)中,提示(prompt)仅包含一个指令和一个问题,而不包含任何先前的示例作为上下文。








3.4 Tool use, Code Interpreter, and Agent

The QWEN models, which are designed to be versatile, have the remarkable ability to assist with (semi-) automating daily tasks by leveraging their skills in tool-use and planning.

We explore QWEN’s proficiency in the following areas:

  • Utilizing unseen tools through ReAct prompting (Yao et al., 2022) (see Table 6).
  • Using a Python code interpreter to enhance math reasoning, data analysis, and more.
  • Functioning as an agent that accesses Hugging Face’s extensive collection of multimodal models while engaging with humans (see Table 9).
    作为一个能够与人类交互,并访问Hugging Face庞大多模态模型库的代理;

To enhance QWEN’s capabilities as an agent or copilot, we employ the self-instruct (Wang et al., 2023c) strategy for supervised fine-tuning (SFT).

Specifically, we utilize the in-context learning capability of QWEN for self-instruction.

By providing a few examples, we can prompt QWEN to generate more relevant queries and generate outputs that follow a specific format, such as ReAct.

We then apply rules and involve human annotators to filter out any noisy samples.

Afterwards, the samples are incorporated into QWEN’s training data, resulting in an updated version of QWEN that is more dependable for self-instruction.

We iterate through this process multiple times until we gather an ample number of samples that possess both exceptional quality and a widerange of diversity.

Figure 2: A high-level overview of Self-Instruct.

The process starts with a small seed set of tasks as the task pool.

Random tasks are sampled from the task pool, and used to prompt an off-the-shelf LM to generate both new instructions and corresponding instances, followed by filtering low-quality or similar generations, and then added back to the initial repository of tasks.

The resulting data can be used for the instruction tuning of the language model itself later to follow instructions better.

Tasks shown in the figure are generated by GPT3.

其中,上图中的 Input-First 和 Output-First,具体可以参考下面两张图:

  • Input-First

Table 7: Prompt used for the input-first approach of instance generation. The model is prompted to generate the instance first, and then generate the corresponding output.
For instructions that don’t require additional input, the output is allowed to be generated directly.

  • Output-First


Table 8: Prompt used for the output-first approach of instance generation.
The model is prompted to generate the class label first, and then generate the corresponding input.
This prompt is used for generating the instances for classification tasks.

We apply the output-first approach to the classification tasks identified in the former step, and the input-first approach to the remaining non-classification tasks.

Related Work


  2. SELF-INSTRUCT: Aligning Language Models with Self-Generated Instructions.




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