

  • 基本查询
  • 插入时是否更新
  • 替换
  • 查询
    • 指定列查询
    • 查询字段为表达式
    • 为查询结果指定别名
    • 结果去重
    • where条件
    • NULL 的查询
  • 结果排序
  • 筛选分页结果
  • Update
  • Delete
  • 截断表
  • 聚合函数
  • 分组(group by)
  • having && where



mysql> create table Student (
    -> id int unsigned primary key auto_increment,
    -> sn int unsigned unique key comment '学号',
    -> name varchar(20) not null ,
    -> qq varchar(20)  unique key 
    -> );


mysql> insert into Student (sn,name,qq) values (123,'苏雪卿','4567890' ) ;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from Student;
| id | sn   | name      | qq      |
|  1 |  123 | 苏雪卿    | 4567890 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> insert into Student  values (10,222,'林游星','12346' ) ;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from Student;
| id | sn   | name      | qq      |
|  1 |  123 | 苏雪卿    | 4567890 |
| 10 |  222 | 林游星    | 12346   |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> insert  Student  values (11,333,'林斩令','1254546' ) ;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from Student;
| id | sn   | name      | qq      |
|  1 |  123 | 苏雪卿    | 4567890 |
| 10 |  222 | 林游星    | 12346   |
| 11 |  333 | 林斩令    | 1254546 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> insert into Student values (12,127,'曹操','3515545') ,(14,128,'许褚','545445') ;
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 2  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from Student;
| id | sn   | name      | qq      |
|  1 |  123 | 苏雪卿    | 4567890 |
| 10 |  222 | 林游星    | 12346   |
| 11 |  333 | 林斩令    | 1254546 |
| 12 |  127 | 曹操      | 3515545 |
| 14 |  128 | 许褚      | 545445  |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into Student (sn,name,qq) values (5151,'诸葛亮','35155') ,(545,'单沙禹','545') ;
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 2  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from Student;
| id | sn   | name      | qq      |
|  1 |  123 | 苏雪卿    | 4567890 |
| 10 |  222 | 林游星    | 12346   |
| 11 |  333 | 林斩令    | 1254546 |
| 12 |  127 | 曹操      | 3515545 |
| 14 |  128 | 许褚      | 545445  |
| 15 | 5151 | 诸葛亮    | 35155   |
| 16 |  545 | 单沙禹    | 545     |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)


如果发生键值冲突 ,需要修改数据

mysql> select * from Student;
| id | sn   | name      | qq      |
|  1 |  123 | 苏雪卿    | 4567890 |
| 10 |  222 | 林游星    | 12346   |
| 11 |  333 | 林斩令    | 1254546 |
| 12 |  127 | 曹操      | 3515545 |
| 14 |  128 | 许褚      | 545445  |
| 15 | 5151 | 诸葛亮    | 35155   |
| 16 |  545 | 单沙禹    | 545     |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into Student  values (15,20,'xuchu','8888') on duplicate key update sn=20,name='xuchu',qq=''8888';
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from Student;
| id | sn   | name      | qq      |
|  1 |  123 | 苏雪卿    | 4567890 |
| 10 |  222 | 林游星    | 12346   |
| 11 |  333 | 林斩令    | 1254546 |
| 12 |  127 | 曹操      | 3515545 |
| 14 |  128 | 许褚      | 545445  |
| 15 |   20 | xuchu     | 8888    |
| 16 |  545 | 单沙禹    | 545     |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)


有冲突:Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.00 sec)

没有冲突:Query OK, 1 rows affected (0.00 sec)

要更新的数据和之前的数据一样,就不更新了:Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from Student;
| id | sn   | name      | qq      |
|  1 |  123 | 苏雪卿    | 4567890 |
| 10 |  222 | 林游星    | 12346   |
| 11 |  333 | 林斩令    | 1254546 |
| 12 |  127 | 曹操      | 3515545 |
| 14 |  128 | 许褚      | 545445  |
| 15 |   20 | xuchu     | 8888    |
| 16 |  545 | 单沙禹    | 545     |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into Student  values (17,22,'雪如之','888') on duplicate key update sn=22,name='雪如之',qq=='888';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> select * from Student;
| id | sn   | name      | qq      |
|  1 |  123 | 苏雪卿    | 4567890 |
| 10 |  222 | 林游星    | 12346   |
| 11 |  333 | 林斩令    | 1254546 |
| 12 |  127 | 曹操      | 3515545 |
| 14 |  128 | 许褚      | 545445  |
| 15 |   20 | xuchu     | 8888    |
| 16 |  545 | 单沙禹    | 545     |
| 17 |   22 | 雪如之    | 888     |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into Student  values (17,22,'雪如之','888') on duplicate key update sn=22,name='雪如之',qq='888';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)


1 row affected ,表中没有冲突数据,数据被插入


mysql> replace into Student (sn,name,qq) values (140,'许攸', '2222') ;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from Student;
| id | sn   | name      | qq      |
|  1 |  123 | 苏雪卿    | 4567890 |
| 10 |  222 | 林游星    | 12346   |
| 11 |  333 | 林斩令    | 1254546 |
| 12 |  127 | 曹操      | 3515545 |
| 14 |  128 | 许褚      | 545445  |
| 15 |   20 | xuchu     | 8888    |
| 16 |  545 | 单沙禹    | 545     |
| 17 |   22 | 雪如之    | 888     |
| 18 |  140 | 许攸      | 2222    |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

2 rows affected ,表中有冲突数据,删除后重新插入


mysql> select * from Student;
| id | sn   | name      | qq      |
|  1 |  123 | 苏雪卿    | 4567890 |
| 10 |  222 | 林游星    | 12346   |
| 11 |  333 | 林斩令    | 1254546 |
| 12 |  127 | 曹操      | 3515545 |
| 14 |  128 | 许褚      | 545445  |
| 15 |   20 | xuchu     | 8888    |
| 16 |  545 | 单沙禹    | 545     |
| 17 |   22 | 雪如之    | 888     |
| 18 |  140 | 许攸      | 2222    |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> replace into Student (sn,name,qq) values (140,'许攸1', '2222') ;
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from Student;
| id | sn   | name      | qq      |
|  1 |  123 | 苏雪卿    | 4567890 |
| 10 |  222 | 林游星    | 12346   |
| 11 |  333 | 林斩令    | 1254546 |
| 12 |  127 | 曹操      | 3515545 |
| 14 |  128 | 许褚      | 545445  |
| 15 |   20 | xuchu     | 8888    |
| 16 |  545 | 单沙禹    | 545     |
| 17 |   22 | 雪如之    | 888     |
| 19 |  140 | 许攸1     | 2222    |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)



mysql> CREATE TABLE exam_result (
    -> name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL COMMENT '同学姓名',
    -> chinese float DEFAULT 0.0 COMMENT '语文成绩',
    -> math float DEFAULT 0.0 COMMENT '数学成绩',
    -> english float DEFAULT 0.0 COMMENT '英语成绩'
    -> );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO exam_result (name, chinese, math, english) VALUES
    -> ('唐三藏', 67, 98, 56),
    -> ('孙悟空', 87, 78, 77),
    -> ('猪悟能', 88, 98, 90),
    -> ('曹孟德', 82, 84, 67),
    -> ('刘玄德', 55, 85, 45),
    -> ('孙权', 70, 73, 78),
    -> ('宋公明', 75, 65, 30);
Query OK, 7 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 7  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from  exam_result ;
| id | name      | chinese | math | english |
|  1 | 唐三藏    |      67 |   98 |      56 |
|  2 | 孙悟空    |      87 |   78 |      77 |
|  3 | 猪悟能    |      88 |   98 |      90 |
|  4 | 曹孟德    |      82 |   84 |      67 |
|  5 | 刘玄德    |      55 |   85 |      45 |
|  6 | 孙权      |      70 |   73 |      78 |
|  7 | 宋公明    |      75 |   65 |      30 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select id from  exam_result ;
| id |
|  1 |
|  2 |
|  3 |
|  4 |
|  5 |
|  6 |
|  7 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select id ,math from  exam_result ;
| id | math |
|  1 |   98 |
|  2 |   78 |
|  3 |   98 |
|  4 |   84 |
|  5 |   85 |
|  6 |   73 |
|  7 |   65 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select name,math ,math+chinese+english  from  exam_result ;
| name      | math | math+chinese+english |
| 唐三藏    |   98 |                  221 |
| 孙悟空    |   78 |                  242 |
| 猪悟能    |   98 |                  276 |
| 曹孟德    |   84 |                  233 |
| 刘玄德    |   85 |                  185 |
| 孙权      |   73 |                  221 |
| 宋公明    |   65 |                  170 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select name,math ,math+chinese+english as total  from  exam_result ;
| name      | math | total |
| 唐三藏    |   98 |   221 |
| 孙悟空    |   78 |   242 |
| 猪悟能    |   98 |   276 |
| 曹孟德    |   84 |   233 |
| 刘玄德    |   85 |   185 |
| 孙权      |   73 |   221 |
| 宋公明    |   65 |   170 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)



mysql> select name 姓名,math 数学 ,math+chinese+english  总分  from  exam_result ;
| 姓名      | 数学   | 总分   |
| 唐三藏    |     98 |    221 |
| 孙悟空    |     78 |    242 |
| 猪悟能    |     98 |    276 |
| 曹孟德    |     84 |    233 |
| 刘玄德    |     85 |    185 |
| 孙权      |     73 |    221 |
| 宋公明    |     65 |    170 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select name 姓名,math 数学 ,math+10  from  exam_result ;
| 姓名      | 数学   | math+10 |
| 唐三藏    |     98 |     108 |
| 孙悟空    |     78 |      88 |
| 猪悟能    |     98 |     108 |
| 曹孟德    |     84 |      94 |
| 刘玄德    |     85 |      95 |
| 孙权      |     73 |      83 |
| 宋公明    |     65 |      75 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select distinct math from exam_result ;
| math |
|   98 |
|   78 |
|   84 |
|   85 |
|   73 |
|   65 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)






mysql> select  name ,english from exam_result  where english<60 ;
| name      | english |
| 唐三藏    |      56 |
| 刘玄德    |      45 |
| 宋公明    |      30 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select name, chinese from exam_result where chinese>=80 and chinese<=90;
| name      | chinese |
| 孙悟空    |      87 |
| 猪悟能    |      88 |
| 曹孟德    |      82 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select name, chinese from exam_result where chinese>=80 and chinese<=90;

select name, chinese from exam_result where chinese between 80 and 90;


mysql> select name, chinese from exam_result where math=58 or math=59 or math=98 or math=99;
| name      | chinese |
| 唐三藏    |      67 |
| 猪悟能    |      88 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select name, chinese from exam_result where math in (58,59,98,99);
| name      | chinese |
| 唐三藏    |      67 |
| 猪悟能    |      88 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select name, chinese from exam_result where math=58 or math=59 or math=98 or math=99;

select name, chinese from exam_result where math in (58,59,98,99);


% 匹配任意多个(包括 0 个)任意字符


mysql> select name, chinese from exam_result where name like '孙%';
| name      | chinese |
| 孙悟空    |      87 |
| 孙权      |      70 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

_ 匹配严格的一个任意字符


mysql> select name, chinese from exam_result where name like '孙_';
| name   | chinese |
| 孙权   |      70 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select name, chinese ,english from exam_result where  chinese >english;
| name      | chinese | english |
| 唐三藏    |      67 |      56 |
| 孙悟空    |      87 |      77 |
| 曹孟德    |      82 |      67 |
| 刘玄德    |      55 |      45 |
| 宋公明    |      75 |      30 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select name ,chinese+english+math total from exam result where total <200 ;
ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'test_db.exam' doesn't exist




例如:查询英语成绩+语文成绩+数学成绩 <200的同学

mysql> select name ,chinese+english+math as  total from exam_result where chinese+english+math  <200 ;
| name      | total |
| 刘玄德    |   185 |
| 宋公明    |   170 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

语文成绩 > 80 并且不姓孙的同学

mysql> select name ,chinese from exam_result where chinese>80 and name  not like '孙%' ;
| name      | chinese |
| 猪悟能    |      88 |
| 曹孟德    |      82 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

孙某同学,否则要求总成绩 > 200 并且 语文成绩 < 数学成绩 并且 英语成绩 > 80

mysql> select   name, chinese, math, english, chinese + math + english  总分 from exam_result where name like '孙_' or     (   chinese + math + english > 200 and chinese < math and english > 80        )  ;
| name      | chinese | math | english | 总分   |
| 猪悟能    |      88 |   98 |      90 |    276 |
| 孙权      |      70 |   73 |      78 |    221 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

NULL 的查询

mysql> create table test(
    -> id int ,
    -> name varchar(20) 
    -> );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> insert into test (id ,name) values(1,'张三') ;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into test (id ,name) values(null,'张三') ;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into test (id ,name) values(1,null) ;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into test (id ,name) values(null,null) ;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into test (id ,name) values(1,'') ;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from test ;
| id   | name   |
|    1 | 张三   |
| NULL | 张三   |
|    1 | NULL   |
| NULL | NULL   |
|    1 |        |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select  * from test where name is null ;
| id   | name |
|    1 | NULL |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select  * from test where name ='' ;
| id   | name |
|    1 |      |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select  * from test where name is not null;
| id   | name   |
|    1 | 张三   |
| NULL | 张三   |
|    1 |        |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)





mysql> select name ,math from exam_result  order by math desc ;
| name      | math |
| 唐三藏    |   98 |
| 猪悟能    |   98 |
| 刘玄德    |   85 |
| 曹孟德    |   84 |
| 孙悟空    |   78 |
| 孙权      |   73 |
| 宋公明    |   65 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select name ,math from exam_result  order by math asc ;
| name      | math |
| 宋公明    |   65 |
| 孙权      |   73 |
| 孙悟空    |   78 |
| 曹孟德    |   84 |
| 刘玄德    |   85 |
| 唐三藏    |   98 |
| 猪悟能    |   98 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select name from test order by name desc ;
| name   |
| 张三   |
| 张三   |
|        |
| NULL   |
| NULL   |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select name from test order by name asc;
| name   |
| NULL   |
| NULL   |
|        |
| 张三   |
| 张三   |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

查询同学各门成绩,依次按 数学降序,英语降序,语文升序的方式

mysql> select name, math , english ,chinese from exam_result   order by math desc , english desc ,chinese asc ;
| name      | math | english | chinese |
| 猪悟能    |   98 |      90 |      88 |
| 唐三藏    |   98 |      56 |      67 |
| 刘玄德    |   85 |      45 |      55 |
| 曹孟德    |   84 |      67 |      82 |
| 孙悟空    |   78 |      77 |      87 |
| 孙权      |   73 |      78 |      70 |
| 宋公明    |   65 |      30 |      75 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

order by 默认升序


mysql> select name, math+chinese+english as total  from exam_result   order by total desc;
| name      | total |
| 猪悟能    |   276 |
| 孙悟空    |   242 |
| 曹孟德    |   233 |
| 唐三藏    |   221 |
| 孙权      |   221 |
| 刘玄德    |   185 |
| 宋公明    |   170 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)




mysql> select name, math   from exam_result  where name like '孙%' or name like '曹%'  order by math  des
| name      | math |
| 曹孟德    |   84 |
| 孙悟空    |   78 |
| 孙权      |   73 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select  * from  exam_result  limit 3 ;
| id | name      | chinese | math | english |
|  1 | 唐三藏    |      67 |   98 |      56 |
|  2 | 孙悟空    |      87 |   78 |      77 |
|  3 | 猪悟能    |      88 |   98 |      90 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select  * from  exam_result  limit 2,4;
| id | name      | chinese | math | english |
|  3 | 猪悟能    |      88 |   98 |      90 |
|  4 | 曹孟德    |      82 |   84 |      67 |
|  5 | 刘玄德    |      55 |   85 |      45 |
|  6 | 孙权      |      70 |   73 |      78 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select  * from  exam_result  limit 3 offset 0;
| id | name      | chinese | math | english |
|  1 | 唐三藏    |      67 |   98 |      56 |
|  2 | 孙悟空    |      87 |   78 |      77 |
|  3 | 猪悟能    |      88 |   98 |      90 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)



将孙悟空同学的数学成绩变更为 80

mysql> select * from exam_result ;
| id | name      | chinese | math | english |
|  1 | 唐三藏    |      67 |   98 |      56 |
|  2 | 孙悟空    |      87 |   78 |      77 |
|  3 | 猪悟能    |      88 |   98 |      90 |
|  4 | 曹孟德    |      82 |   84 |      67 |
|  5 | 刘玄德    |      55 |   85 |      45 |
|  6 | 孙权      |      70 |   73 |      78 |
|  7 | 宋公明    |      75 |   65 |      30 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> update   exam_result  set math=80  where  name='孙悟空' ;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from exam_result ;
| id | name      | chinese | math | english |
|  1 | 唐三藏    |      67 |   98 |      56 |
|  2 | 孙悟空    |      87 |   80 |      77 |
|  3 | 猪悟能    |      88 |   98 |      90 |
|  4 | 曹孟德    |      82 |   84 |      67 |
|  5 | 刘玄德    |      55 |   85 |      45 |
|  6 | 孙权      |      70 |   73 |      78 |
|  7 | 宋公明    |      75 |   65 |      30 |
7 rows in set (0.01 sec)

将曹孟德同学的数学成绩变更为 60 分,语文成绩变更为 70 分

mysql> update   exam_result  set math=60 ,chinese=70  where  name='曹孟德' ;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from exam_result ;
| id | name      | chinese | math | english |
|  1 | 唐三藏    |      67 |   98 |      56 |
|  2 | 孙悟空    |      87 |   80 |      77 |
|  3 | 猪悟能    |      88 |   98 |      90 |
|  4 | 曹孟德    |      70 |   60 |      67 |
|  5 | 刘玄德    |      55 |   85 |      45 |
|  6 | 孙权      |      70 |   73 |      78 |
|  7 | 宋公明    |      75 |   65 |      30 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

将总成绩倒数前三的 3 位同学的数学成绩加上 30 分

mysql> select name , math+chinese+english as total   from exam_result  order by  total asc limit 3 ;
| name      | total |
| 宋公明    |   170 |
| 刘玄德    |   185 |
| 曹孟德    |   197 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> update exam_result  set math=math+30 order by math+chinese+english asc limit 3 ;
Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 3  Changed: 3  Warnings: 0

mysql> select name,  math+chinese+english   total  from exam_result order by total limit 3 ;
Display all 909 possibilities? (y or n) 
mysql> select name,  math+chinese+english   total  from exam_result order by total  asc  limit 3 ;
| name      | total |
| 宋公明    |   200 |
| 刘玄德    |   215 |
| 唐三藏    |   221 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select name , math+chinese+english  from  exam_result  order  by  math+chinese+english asc ;
| name      | math+chinese+english |
| 宋公明    |                  200 |
| 刘玄德    |                  215 |
| 唐三藏    |                  221 |
| 孙权      |                  221 |
| 曹孟德    |                  227 |
| 孙悟空    |                  244 |
| 猪悟能    |                  276 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)



mysql> select  * from exam_result  where name='孙悟空'; 
| id | name      | chinese | math | english |
|  2 | 孙悟空    |      87 |   80 |      77 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> delete  from exam_result  where name='孙悟空';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)


mysql> select name , math+chinese+english  as total from  exam_result order by   total  asc limit 1;
| name      | total |
| 宋公明    |   200 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> delete   from exam_result    order by math+chinese+english  asc limit 1 ;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select name , math+chinese+english  as total from  exam_result order by   total  asc limit 1;
| name      | total |
| 刘玄德    |   215 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> CREATE TABLE for_delete (
    -> name VARCHAR(20)
    -> );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO for_delete (name) VALUES ('A'), ('B'), ('C');
Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.01 sec)
Records: 3  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> show create table for_delete  \G ;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
       Table: for_delete
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `for_delete` (
  `name` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql>  show create table for_delete  \G ;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
       Table: for_delete
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `for_delete` (
  `name` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from for_delete ;
Empty set (0.00 sec)





只能对整表操作,不能像 DELETE 一样针对部分数据操作;

实际上 MySQL 不对数据操作,所以比 DELETE 更快,但是TRUNCATE在删除数据的时候,并不经过真正的事


mysql> CREATE TABLE for_truncate (
    -> name VARCHAR(20)
    -> );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO for_truncate (name) VALUES ('A'), ('B'), ('C'); 
Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 3  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> show create table for_truncate \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
       Table: for_truncate
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `for_truncate` (
  `name` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> truncate for_truncate ;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.14 sec)

mysql> select * from for_truncate ;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show create table for_truncate \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
       Table: for_truncate
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `for_truncate` (
  `name` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
1 row in set (0.00 sec)



mysql> select * from  duplicate_table ;
| id   | name |
|  100 | aaa  |
|  100 | aaa  |
|  200 | bbb  |
|  200 | bbb  |
|  200 | bbb  |
|  300 | ccc  |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select distinct * from duplicate_table ;
| id   | name |
|  100 | aaa  |
|  200 | bbb  |
|  300 | ccc  |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

--创建一张空表 no_duplicate_table,结构和 duplicate_table 一样
mysql> create table no_duplicate_table like duplicate_table;
Query OK,0 rows affected (0.04 sec)

-- 将 duplicate_table 的去重数据插入到 no_duplicate_table
mysql> insert into no_duplicate_table select distinct * from duplicate_table ;
Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 3  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from  no_duplicate_table ; 
| id   | name |
|  100 | aaa  |
|  200 | bbb  |
|  300 | ccc  |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
-- 重命名表
mysql> RENAME TABLE duplicate_table TO old_duplicate_table,
    -> no_duplicate_table TO duplicate_table;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> SELECT * FROM duplicate_table; 
| id   | name |
|  100 | aaa  |
|  200 | bbb  |
|  300 | ccc  |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)


COUNT([DISTINCT] expr) 返回查询到的数据的 数量
SUM([DISTINCT] expr) 返回查询到的数据的 总和,不是数字没有意义
AVG([DISTINCT] expr) 返回查询到的数据的 平均值,不是数字没有意义
MAX([DISTINCT] expr) 返回查询到的数据的 最大值,不是数字没有意义
MIN([DISTINCT] expr) 返回查询到的数据的 最小值,不是数字没有意义

mysql> select * from exam_result;
| id | name      | chinese | math | english |
|  1 | 唐三藏    |      67 |   98 |      56 |
|  3 | 猪悟能    |      88 |   98 |      90 |
|  4 | 曹孟德    |      70 |   90 |      67 |
|  5 | 刘玄德    |      55 |  115 |      45 |
|  6 | 孙权      |      70 |   73 |      78 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select count(*) from  exam_result ;
| count(*) |
|        5 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select count(*) 总数  from  exam_result ;
| 总数   |
|      5 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select count(1) 总数  from  exam_result ;
| 总数   |
|      5 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select count(2) 总数  from  exam_result ;
| 总数   |
|      5 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)
mysql> select count(math) from    exam_result   ;
| count(math) |
|           5 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select  count(distinct math) as res from exam_result ;
| res |
|   4 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select sum(math) from exam_result ;
| sum(math) |
|       474 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)


mysql> select sum(math)/count(*) from exam_result ;
| sum(math)/count(*) |
|               94.8 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select avg(math) from exam_result ;
| avg(math) |
|      94.8 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select max(english) from  exam_result ;
| max(english) |
|           90 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

返回 > 70 分以上的数学最低分

mysql>  select min(math) from  exam_result  where math>70 ;
| min(math) |
|        73 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

分组(group by)



mysql> select * from emp;
| empno  | ename  | job       | mgr  | hiredate            | sal     | comm    | deptno |
| 007369 | SMITH  | CLERK     | 7902 | 1980-12-17 00:00:00 |  800.00 |    NULL |     20 |
| 007499 | ALLEN  | SALESMAN  | 7698 | 1981-02-20 00:00:00 | 1600.00 |  300.00 |     30 |
| 007521 | WARD   | SALESMAN  | 7698 | 1981-02-22 00:00:00 | 1250.00 |  500.00 |     30 |
| 007566 | JONES  | MANAGER   | 7839 | 1981-04-02 00:00:00 | 2975.00 |    NULL |     20 |
| 007654 | MARTIN | SALESMAN  | 7698 | 1981-09-28 00:00:00 | 1250.00 | 1400.00 |     30 |
| 007698 | BLAKE  | MANAGER   | 7839 | 1981-05-01 00:00:00 | 2850.00 |    NULL |     30 |
| 007782 | CLARK  | MANAGER   | 7839 | 1981-06-09 00:00:00 | 2450.00 |    NULL |     10 |
| 007788 | SCOTT  | ANALYST   | 7566 | 1987-04-19 00:00:00 | 3000.00 |    NULL |     20 |
| 007839 | KING   | PRESIDENT | NULL | 1981-11-17 00:00:00 | 5000.00 |    NULL |     10 |
| 007844 | TURNER | SALESMAN  | 7698 | 1981-09-08 00:00:00 | 1500.00 |    0.00 |     30 |
| 007876 | ADAMS  | CLERK     | 7788 | 1987-05-23 00:00:00 | 1100.00 |    NULL |     20 |
| 007900 | JAMES  | CLERK     | 7698 | 1981-12-03 00:00:00 |  950.00 |    NULL |     30 |
| 007902 | FORD   | ANALYST   | 7566 | 1981-12-03 00:00:00 | 3000.00 |    NULL |     20 |
| 007934 | MILLER | CLERK     | 7782 | 1982-01-23 00:00:00 | 1300.00 |    NULL |     10 |
14 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select  deptno, max(sal) 最高, avg(sal)  平均 from emp group by deptno ;
| deptno | 最高    | 平均        |
|     10 | 5000.00 | 2916.666667 |
|     20 | 3000.00 | 2175.000000 |
|     30 | 2850.00 | 1566.666667 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select  deptno,job   ,avg(sal)  平均, min(sal) 最低  from emp group by deptno,job ;
| deptno | job       | 平均        | 最低    |
|     10 | CLERK     | 1300.000000 | 1300.00 |
|     10 | MANAGER   | 2450.000000 | 2450.00 |
|     10 | PRESIDENT | 5000.000000 | 5000.00 |
|     20 | ANALYST   | 3000.000000 | 3000.00 |
|     20 | CLERK     |  950.000000 |  800.00 |
|     20 | MANAGER   | 2975.000000 | 2975.00 |
|     30 | CLERK     |  950.000000 |  950.00 |
|     30 | MANAGER   | 2850.000000 | 2850.00 |
|     30 | SALESMAN  | 1400.000000 | 1250.00 |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)



分组的条件deptno,组内一定是相同的 ,相同就意味着可以被聚合压缩




ysql> select   deptno , avg(sal)   deptavg from emp group by deptno   having deptavg  < 2000 ;
| deptno | deptavg     |
|     30 | 1566.666667 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)



having && where

having 和where 都能条件筛选

mysql> select * from emp ;
| empno  | ename  | job       | mgr  | hiredate            | sal     | comm    | deptno |
| 007369 | SMITH  | CLERK     | 7902 | 1980-12-17 00:00:00 |  800.00 |    NULL |     20 |
| 007499 | ALLEN  | SALESMAN  | 7698 | 1981-02-20 00:00:00 | 1600.00 |  300.00 |     30 |
| 007521 | WARD   | SALESMAN  | 7698 | 1981-02-22 00:00:00 | 1250.00 |  500.00 |     30 |
| 007566 | JONES  | MANAGER   | 7839 | 1981-04-02 00:00:00 | 2975.00 |    NULL |     20 |
| 007654 | MARTIN | SALESMAN  | 7698 | 1981-09-28 00:00:00 | 1250.00 | 1400.00 |     30 |
| 007698 | BLAKE  | MANAGER   | 7839 | 1981-05-01 00:00:00 | 2850.00 |    NULL |     30 |
| 007782 | CLARK  | MANAGER   | 7839 | 1981-06-09 00:00:00 | 2450.00 |    NULL |     10 |
| 007788 | SCOTT  | ANALYST   | 7566 | 1987-04-19 00:00:00 | 3000.00 |    NULL |     20 |
| 007839 | KING   | PRESIDENT | NULL | 1981-11-17 00:00:00 | 5000.00 |    NULL |     10 |
| 007844 | TURNER | SALESMAN  | 7698 | 1981-09-08 00:00:00 | 1500.00 |    0.00 |     30 |
| 007876 | ADAMS  | CLERK     | 7788 | 1987-05-23 00:00:00 | 1100.00 |    NULL |     20 |
| 007900 | JAMES  | CLERK     | 7698 | 1981-12-03 00:00:00 |  950.00 |    NULL |     30 |
| 007902 | FORD   | ANALYST   | 7566 | 1981-12-03 00:00:00 | 3000.00 |    NULL |     20 |
| 007934 | MILLER | CLERK     | 7782 | 1982-01-23 00:00:00 | 1300.00 |    NULL |     10 |
14 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select  deptno,job,avg(sal) myavg from emp where ename !='SMITH' group by deptno , job having myavg<2000 ;
| deptno | job      | myavg       |
|     10 | CLERK    | 1300.000000 |
|     20 | CLERK    | 1100.000000 |
|     30 | CLERK    |  950.000000 |
|     30 | SALESMAN | 1400.000000 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)


having和 where , 条件筛选的阶段是不同的





一、series &#xff08;一&#xff09;创建series import pandas as pd#1.使用列表或数组创建Series # 使用列表创建Series&#xff0c;索引默认从0开始 s1 pd.Series([1, 2, 3]) print(s1) # 使用列表和自定义索引创建Series s2 pd.Series([1, 2, 3], index[a, b, c]) pr…

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