


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <functional>

// 封装参数的结构体
struct ConditionParams {
    int facenum;
    double zoomRatio;
    int iso;
    double facelv;
    int face_w;
    double qualityScore;
    int xx;
    int yy;

// 条件检查函数,使用 std::function
bool checkConditions(const ConditionParams& params) {
    std::vector<std::pair<std::function<bool(const ConditionParams&)>, std::string>> conditions = {
        {[](const ConditionParams& p) { return p.facenum < p.xx; }, "Face number condition failed."},
        {[](const ConditionParams& p) { return p.zoomRatio > p.xx; }, "Zoom ratio condition failed."},
        {[](const ConditionParams& p) { return p.iso < p.xx && p.iso > p.yy; }, "ISO condition failed."},
        {[](const ConditionParams& p) { return p.facelv > p.xx; }, "Face level condition failed."},
        {[](const ConditionParams& p) { return p.face_w > p.xx; }, "Face width condition failed."},
        {[](const ConditionParams& p) { return p.qualityScore > p.xx; }, "Quality score condition failed."}

    // 逐个检查条件
    for (const auto& [checker, errorMessage] : conditions) {
        if (!checker(params)) {
            std::cerr << errorMessage << std::endl;
            return false;
    return true;

int main() {
    // 输入的参数
    ConditionParams params = {5, 2.0, 400, 1.5, 60, 0.95, 10, 100};

    // 检查条件
    if (checkConditions(params)) {
        std::cout << "All conditions met." << std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout << "Some conditions failed." << std::endl;

    return 0;
  • std::function:使用 std::function<bool(const ConditionParams&)> 取代了函数指针,使得 lambda 表达式更加灵活。
  • ConditionParams 结构体:将所有条件判断的输入参数封装在 ConditionParams 结构体中,使得代码简洁且易于扩展。
  • 简洁的条件检查流程:通过 for 循环遍历所有条件并逐个检查,每个条件不满足时打印对应的错误信息,便于调试。


  • 将每个条件提取到独立的函数中:这样每个条件的逻辑更加清晰。
  • 提供清晰的日志或调试信息:当某个条件未通过时,可以打印出相关的错误或状态信息。
  • 使用可读性更好的结构:比如,链式调用或结构体方式,使条件检查更具语义化。
#include <iostream>

bool checkFaceNum(int facenum, int threshold) {
    if (facenum < threshold) {
        std::cout << "Check failed: facenum < " << threshold << std::endl;
        return false;
    return true;

bool checkZoomRatio(float zoomRatio, float threshold) {
    if (zoomRatio <= threshold) {
        std::cout << "Check failed: zoomRatio <= " << threshold << std::endl;
        return false;
    return true;

bool checkIsoRange(int iso, int minThreshold, int maxThreshold) {
    if (iso < minThreshold || iso > maxThreshold) {
        std::cout << "Check failed: iso out of range [" << minThreshold << ", " << maxThreshold << "]" << std::endl;
        return false;
    return true;

bool checkFaceLevel(float facelv, float threshold) {
    if (facelv <= threshold) {
        std::cout << "Check failed: facelv <= " << threshold << std::endl;
        return false;
    return true;

bool checkFaceWidth(float face_w, float threshold) {
    if (face_w <= threshold) {
        std::cout << "Check failed: face_w <= " << threshold << std::endl;
        return false;
    return true;

bool checkQualityScore(float qualityScore, float threshold) {
    if (qualityScore <= threshold) {
        std::cout << "Check failed: qualityScore <= " << threshold << std::endl;
        return false;
    return true;

bool allConditionsMet(int facenum, float zoomRatio, int iso, float facelv, float face_w, float qualityScore) {
    return checkFaceNum(facenum, 10) &&    // 假设阈值为 10
           checkZoomRatio(zoomRatio, 1.5) &&   // 假设阈值为 1.5
           checkIsoRange(iso, 100, 800) &&    // 假设iso范围为100-800
           checkFaceLevel(facelv, 0.8) &&    // 假设facelv阈值为 0.8
           checkFaceWidth(face_w, 50) &&     // 假设face_w阈值为 50
           checkQualityScore(qualityScore, 0.9);  // 假设质量分数阈值为 0.9

int main() {
    int facenum = 9;
    float zoomRatio = 2.0;
    int iso = 400;
    float facelv = 1.0;
    float face_w = 55.0;
    float qualityScore = 0.95;

    if (allConditionsMet(facenum, zoomRatio, iso, facelv, face_w, qualityScore)) {
        std::cout << "All conditions met, proceeding..." << std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout << "Conditions not met, please check the logs for details." << std::endl;

    return 0;



#include <iostream>

struct ConditionChecker {
    int facenum;
    float zoomRatio;
    int iso;
    float facelv;
    float face_w;
    float qualityScore;

    bool checkFaceNum(int threshold) {
        if (facenum < threshold) {
            std::cout << "Check failed: facenum < " << threshold << std::endl;
            return false;
        return true;

    bool checkZoomRatio(float threshold) {
        if (zoomRatio <= threshold) {
            std::cout << "Check failed: zoomRatio <= " << threshold << std::endl;
            return false;
        return true;

    bool checkIsoRange(int minThreshold, int maxThreshold) {
        if (iso < minThreshold || iso > maxThreshold) {
            std::cout << "Check failed: iso out of range [" << minThreshold << ", " << maxThreshold << "]" << std::endl;
            return false;
        return true;

    bool checkFaceLevel(float threshold) {
        if (facelv <= threshold) {
            std::cout << "Check failed: facelv <= " << threshold << std::endl;
            return false;
        return true;

    bool checkFaceWidth(float threshold) {
        if (face_w <= threshold) {
            std::cout << "Check failed: face_w <= " << threshold << std::endl;
            return false;
        return true;

    bool checkQualityScore(float threshold) {
        if (qualityScore <= threshold) {
            std::cout << "Check failed: qualityScore <= " << threshold << std::endl;
            return false;
        return true;

    // 链式条件检查
    bool allConditionsMet() {
        return checkFaceNum(10) &&
               checkZoomRatio(1.5) &&
               checkIsoRange(100, 800) &&
               checkFaceLevel(0.8) &&
               checkFaceWidth(50) &&

int main() {
    ConditionChecker checker = {9, 2.0, 400, 1.0, 55.0, 0.95};

    if (checker.allConditionsMet()) {
        std::cout << "All conditions met, proceeding..." << std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout << "Conditions not met, please check the logs for details." << std::endl;

    return 0;




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