

创建一个新表,想让他的字符集是 gbk,怎么弄?



set names gbk; 等价于:

set character_set_client = gbk;
set character_set_connection = gbk;
set character_set_results = gbk;



charactor_set_server 控制的是创建的 database 字符集。
建表字符集受控于 character_set_database。

改用下面的方式就可以:控制 db 的字符集,间接实现控制表的字符集。


原因:character_set_database 能改变当前数据库的字符集,影响建表字符集。



set character_set_client = gbk;
set character_set_connection = gbk;
set character_set_results = gbk;

表示:客户端使用的字符集、server 使用的字符集、结果集使用的字符集。

如果三者都是一样,可以用 set names gbk 来简写。

疑问:character_set_client 和 character_set_results 可以不一样?

client 是utf8(表示它发来的query字符串的字符集是utf8)
result 是 gbk (表示query执行结果的字符集会转成 gbk)
client 发 utf8,收 gbk,实际有这种场景?

**回答:**有!比如你要写一个 transfer data as it is 的程序,你就不会去转换字符集。PHP 程序里,character_set_client 设置成 UTF8,去查数据库里不同表,不同表的字符集不同,character_set_results 可以设置为 NULL,这样可以把不同表的数据“原汁原味”地返回给客户端。至于外面的客户端如何用,他们自有办法(比如,原样存入文件给客户下载)。 参考这篇文章(要梯子)


允许直接设置数字!(是 collation 的值,不是 charset!)

mysql> SET @@character_set_client = 48;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> SET @@character_set_client = 2;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> show variables like 'character_set_client';
| Variable_name        | Value  |
| character_set_client | latin2 |
1 row in set (0.03 sec)

mysql> SET @@character_set_client = 48;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> show variables like 'character_set_client';
| Variable_name        | Value  |
| character_set_client | latin1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SET @@character_set_client = 45;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> show variables like 'character_set_client';
| Variable_name        | Value   |
| character_set_client | utf8mb4 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SET @@character_set_client = 90;
ERROR 1231 (42000): Variable 'character_set_client' can't be set to the value of '90'
mysql> SET @@character_set_client = 0;
ERROR 1115 (42000): Unknown character set: '0'
| Collation                | Charset  | Id  | Default | Compiled | Sortlen |
| big5_chinese_ci          | big5     |   1 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| big5_bin                 | big5     |  84 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| dec8_swedish_ci          | dec8     |   3 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| dec8_bin                 | dec8     |  69 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| cp850_general_ci         | cp850    |   4 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| cp850_bin                | cp850    |  80 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| hp8_english_ci           | hp8      |   6 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| hp8_bin                  | hp8      |  72 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| koi8r_general_ci         | koi8r    |   7 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| koi8r_bin                | koi8r    |  74 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| latin1_german1_ci        | latin1   |   5 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| latin1_swedish_ci        | latin1   |   8 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| latin1_danish_ci         | latin1   |  15 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| latin1_german2_ci        | latin1   |  31 |         | Yes      |       2 |
| latin1_bin               | latin1   |  47 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| latin1_general_ci        | latin1   |  48 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| latin1_general_cs        | latin1   |  49 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| latin1_spanish_ci        | latin1   |  94 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| latin2_czech_cs          | latin2   |   2 |         | Yes      |       4 |
| latin2_general_ci        | latin2   |   9 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| latin2_hungarian_ci      | latin2   |  21 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| latin2_croatian_ci       | latin2   |  27 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| latin2_bin               | latin2   |  77 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| swe7_swedish_ci          | swe7     |  10 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| swe7_bin                 | swe7     |  82 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| ascii_general_ci         | ascii    |  11 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| ascii_bin                | ascii    |  65 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| ujis_japanese_ci         | ujis     |  12 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| ujis_bin                 | ujis     |  91 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| sjis_japanese_ci         | sjis     |  13 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| sjis_bin                 | sjis     |  88 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| hebrew_general_ci        | hebrew   |  16 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| hebrew_bin               | hebrew   |  71 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| tis620_thai_ci           | tis620   |  18 | Yes     | Yes      |       4 |
| tis620_bin               | tis620   |  89 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| euckr_korean_ci          | euckr    |  19 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| euckr_bin                | euckr    |  85 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| koi8u_general_ci         | koi8u    |  22 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| koi8u_bin                | koi8u    |  75 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| gb2312_chinese_ci        | gb2312   |  24 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| gb2312_bin               | gb2312   |  86 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| greek_general_ci         | greek    |  25 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| greek_bin                | greek    |  70 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| cp1250_general_ci        | cp1250   |  26 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| cp1250_czech_cs          | cp1250   |  34 |         | Yes      |       2 |
| cp1250_croatian_ci       | cp1250   |  44 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| cp1250_bin               | cp1250   |  66 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| cp1250_polish_ci         | cp1250   |  99 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| gbk_chinese_ci           | gbk      |  28 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| gbk_bin                  | gbk      |  87 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| latin5_turkish_ci        | latin5   |  30 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| latin5_bin               | latin5   |  78 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| armscii8_general_ci      | armscii8 |  32 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| armscii8_bin             | armscii8 |  64 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| utf8_general_ci          | utf8     |  33 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| utf8_bin                 | utf8     |  83 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| utf8_unicode_ci          | utf8     | 192 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_icelandic_ci        | utf8     | 193 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_latvian_ci          | utf8     | 194 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_romanian_ci         | utf8     | 195 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_slovenian_ci        | utf8     | 196 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_polish_ci           | utf8     | 197 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_estonian_ci         | utf8     | 198 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_spanish_ci          | utf8     | 199 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_swedish_ci          | utf8     | 200 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_turkish_ci          | utf8     | 201 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_czech_ci            | utf8     | 202 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_danish_ci           | utf8     | 203 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_lithuanian_ci       | utf8     | 204 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_slovak_ci           | utf8     | 205 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_spanish2_ci         | utf8     | 206 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_roman_ci            | utf8     | 207 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_persian_ci          | utf8     | 208 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_esperanto_ci        | utf8     | 209 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_hungarian_ci        | utf8     | 210 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_sinhala_ci          | utf8     | 211 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_general_mysql500_ci | utf8     | 223 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| ucs2_general_ci          | ucs2     |  35 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| ucs2_bin                 | ucs2     |  90 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| ucs2_unicode_ci          | ucs2     | 128 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_icelandic_ci        | ucs2     | 129 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_latvian_ci          | ucs2     | 130 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_romanian_ci         | ucs2     | 131 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_slovenian_ci        | ucs2     | 132 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_polish_ci           | ucs2     | 133 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_estonian_ci         | ucs2     | 134 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_spanish_ci          | ucs2     | 135 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_swedish_ci          | ucs2     | 136 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_turkish_ci          | ucs2     | 137 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_czech_ci            | ucs2     | 138 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_danish_ci           | ucs2     | 139 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_lithuanian_ci       | ucs2     | 140 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_slovak_ci           | ucs2     | 141 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_spanish2_ci         | ucs2     | 142 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_roman_ci            | ucs2     | 143 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_persian_ci          | ucs2     | 144 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_esperanto_ci        | ucs2     | 145 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_hungarian_ci        | ucs2     | 146 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_sinhala_ci          | ucs2     | 147 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_general_mysql500_ci | ucs2     | 159 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| cp866_general_ci         | cp866    |  36 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| cp866_bin                | cp866    |  68 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| keybcs2_general_ci       | keybcs2  |  37 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| keybcs2_bin              | keybcs2  |  73 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| macce_general_ci         | macce    |  38 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| macce_bin                | macce    |  43 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| macroman_general_ci      | macroman |  39 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| macroman_bin             | macroman |  53 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| cp852_general_ci         | cp852    |  40 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| cp852_bin                | cp852    |  81 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| latin7_estonian_cs       | latin7   |  20 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| latin7_general_ci        | latin7   |  41 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| latin7_general_cs        | latin7   |  42 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| latin7_bin               | latin7   |  79 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| utf8mb4_general_ci       | utf8mb4  |  45 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| utf8mb4_bin              | utf8mb4  |  46 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| utf8mb4_unicode_ci       | utf8mb4  | 224 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_icelandic_ci     | utf8mb4  | 225 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_latvian_ci       | utf8mb4  | 226 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_romanian_ci      | utf8mb4  | 227 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_slovenian_ci     | utf8mb4  | 228 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_polish_ci        | utf8mb4  | 229 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_estonian_ci      | utf8mb4  | 230 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_spanish_ci       | utf8mb4  | 231 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_swedish_ci       | utf8mb4  | 232 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_turkish_ci       | utf8mb4  | 233 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_czech_ci         | utf8mb4  | 234 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_danish_ci        | utf8mb4  | 235 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_lithuanian_ci    | utf8mb4  | 236 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_slovak_ci        | utf8mb4  | 237 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_spanish2_ci      | utf8mb4  | 238 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_roman_ci         | utf8mb4  | 239 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_persian_ci       | utf8mb4  | 240 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_esperanto_ci     | utf8mb4  | 241 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_hungarian_ci     | utf8mb4  | 242 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_sinhala_ci       | utf8mb4  | 243 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| cp1251_bulgarian_ci      | cp1251   |  14 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| cp1251_ukrainian_ci      | cp1251   |  23 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| cp1251_bin               | cp1251   |  50 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| cp1251_general_ci        | cp1251   |  51 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| cp1251_general_cs        | cp1251   |  52 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| utf16_general_ci         | utf16    |  54 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| utf16_bin                | utf16    |  55 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| utf16_unicode_ci         | utf16    | 101 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_icelandic_ci       | utf16    | 102 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_latvian_ci         | utf16    | 103 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_romanian_ci        | utf16    | 104 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_slovenian_ci       | utf16    | 105 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_polish_ci          | utf16    | 106 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_estonian_ci        | utf16    | 107 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_spanish_ci         | utf16    | 108 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_swedish_ci         | utf16    | 109 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_turkish_ci         | utf16    | 110 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_czech_ci           | utf16    | 111 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_danish_ci          | utf16    | 112 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_lithuanian_ci      | utf16    | 113 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_slovak_ci          | utf16    | 114 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_spanish2_ci        | utf16    | 115 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_roman_ci           | utf16    | 116 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_persian_ci         | utf16    | 117 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_esperanto_ci       | utf16    | 118 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_hungarian_ci       | utf16    | 119 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_sinhala_ci         | utf16    | 120 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| cp1256_general_ci        | cp1256   |  57 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| cp1256_bin               | cp1256   |  67 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| cp1257_lithuanian_ci     | cp1257   |  29 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| cp1257_bin               | cp1257   |  58 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| cp1257_general_ci        | cp1257   |  59 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| utf32_general_ci         | utf32    |  60 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| utf32_bin                | utf32    |  61 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| utf32_unicode_ci         | utf32    | 160 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_icelandic_ci       | utf32    | 161 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_latvian_ci         | utf32    | 162 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_romanian_ci        | utf32    | 163 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_slovenian_ci       | utf32    | 164 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_polish_ci          | utf32    | 165 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_estonian_ci        | utf32    | 166 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_spanish_ci         | utf32    | 167 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_swedish_ci         | utf32    | 168 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_turkish_ci         | utf32    | 169 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_czech_ci           | utf32    | 170 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_danish_ci          | utf32    | 171 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_lithuanian_ci      | utf32    | 172 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_slovak_ci          | utf32    | 173 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_spanish2_ci        | utf32    | 174 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_roman_ci           | utf32    | 175 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_persian_ci         | utf32    | 176 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_esperanto_ci       | utf32    | 177 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_hungarian_ci       | utf32    | 178 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_sinhala_ci         | utf32    | 179 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| binary                   | binary   |  63 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| geostd8_general_ci       | geostd8  |  92 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| geostd8_bin              | geostd8  |  93 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| cp932_japanese_ci        | cp932    |  95 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| cp932_bin                | cp932    |  96 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| eucjpms_japanese_ci      | eucjpms  |  97 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| eucjpms_bin              | eucjpms  |  98 |         | Yes      |       1 |
197 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SET @@character_set_client = 3;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> show variables like 'character_set_client';
| Variable_name        | Value |
| character_set_client | dec8  |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> SET @@character_set_client = 96;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> show variables like 'character_set_client';
| Variable_name        | Value |
| character_set_client | cp932 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


讲明白了 character_set_client 和 character_set_connection 的用途:



character_set_server and collation_server

  • The character_set_server and collation_server system variables indicate the server character set and collation. See Section 10.3.2, “Server Character Set and Collation”.
  • The character_set_database and collation_database system variables indicate the character set and collation of the default database. See Section 10.3.3, “Database Character Set and Collation”.

These session system variable values are initialized at connect time, but can be changed within the session. The server takes the character_set_client system variable to be the character set in which statements are sent by the client.Some character sets cannot be used as the client character set. See Impermissible Client Character Sets.

What character set should the server translate statements to after receiving them?

  • To determine this, the server uses the character_set_connection and collation_connection system variables:
    • The server converts statements sent by the client from character_set_client to character_set_connection. Exception: For string literals that have an introducer such as _utf8mb4 or _latin2, the introducer determines the character set. See Section 10.3.8, “Character Set Introducers”.
  • collation_connection is important for comparisons of literal strings. For comparisons of strings with column values, collation_connection does not matter because columns have their own collation, which has a higher collation precedence (see Section 10.8.4, “Collation Coercibility in Expressions”).

What character set should the server translate query results to before shipping them back to the client?

The character_set_results system variable indicates the character set in which the server returns query results to the client. This includes result data such as column values, result metadata such as column names, and error messages.
To tell the server to perform no conversion of result sets or error messages, set character_set_results to NULL or binary:

OceanBase(admin@test)>SHOW SESSION VARIABLES LIKE 'character\_set\_%';
| Variable_name            | Value   |
| character_set_client     | utf8mb4 | <=== 客户端字符集
| character_set_connection | utf8mb4 | <=== observer 收到连接上的请求后,应该把请求转换成什么字符集来处理(observer 字符集)
| character_set_results    | utf8mb4 | <=== 结果应该转成什么字符集
| character_set_server     | utf8mb4 | <=== 
| character_set_database   | utf8mb4 | <=== 
| character_set_filesystem | binary  |
| character_set_system     | utf8mb4 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

OceanBase(admin@test)>SHOW SESSION VARIABLES LIKE 'collation\_%';
| Variable_name        | Value              |
| collation_connection | utf8mb4_general_ci | <=== 连接上的排序方式
| collation_database   | utf8mb4_general_ci | <=== database 排序方式?
| collation_server     | utf8mb4_general_ci | <=== observer 排序方式?
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

* mysql test --default-character-set=latin1

mysql> show variables like 'chara%';
| Variable_name            | Value                            |
| character_set_client     | latin1                           |
| character_set_connection | latin1                           |
| character_set_database   | latin1                           |
| character_set_filesystem | binary                           |
| character_set_results    | latin1                           |
| character_set_server     | utf8mb4                          |
| character_set_system     | utf8                             |
| character_sets_dir       | /usr/local/mysql/share/charsets/ |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show variables like 'coll%';
| Variable_name        | Value              |
| collation_connection | latin1_swedish_ci  |
| collation_database   | latin1_swedish_ci  |
| collation_server     | utf8mb4_general_ci | <=== server 的 collation 还是很坚定的
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

* mysql test ----default-character-set=utf8  (默认也是 utf8)

mysql> show variables like 'chara%';
| Variable_name            | Value                            |
| character_set_client     | utf8                             |
| character_set_connection | utf8                             |
| character_set_database   | latin1                           |
| character_set_filesystem | binary                           |
| character_set_results    | utf8                             |
| character_set_server     | utf8mb4                          |
| character_set_system     | utf8                             |
| character_sets_dir       | /usr/local/mysql/share/charsets/ |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show variables like 'coll%';
| Variable_name        | Value              |
| collation_connection | utf8_general_ci    |
| collation_database   | latin1_swedish_ci  |
| collation_server     | utf8mb4_general_ci |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)




LSS 和 BEVDepth算法解读

前言 当前BEV的研究大都基于深度学习的方法&#xff0c;从组织BEV特征信息的方式来看&#xff0c;主流方法分属两类&#xff1a;自底向上方法和自顶向下方法。 自底向上方法比较早的代表工作是LSS&#xff0c;后来BEVDet、BEVDepth等也是基于LSS的框架来进行优化。自底向上方…

redis 一些笔记1

redis 一、redis事务二、管道2.1 事务与管道的区别 三、主从复制3.13.2 权限细节3.3 基本操作命令3.4 常用3.4.1 一主几从3.4.2 薪火相传3.4.3 反客为主 3.5 步骤3.6 缺点 一、redis事务 放在一个队列里&#xff0c;依次执行&#xff0c;并不保证一致性。与mysql事务不同。 命…


咦咦咦&#xff0c;各位小可爱&#xff0c;我是你们的好伙伴 bug菌&#xff0c;今天又来给大家手把手教学Java SE系列知识点啦&#xff0c;赶紧出来哇&#xff0c;别躲起来啊&#xff0c;听我讲干货记得点点赞&#xff0c;赞多了我就更有动力讲得更欢哦&#xff01;所以呀&…


6月12日&#xff0c;广东泰迪智能科技股份有限公司携手广西科技大学理学院在泰迪智能科技产教融合实训中心举行“上进双创工作室”签约揭牌仪式&#xff0c;标志“泰迪科技广西科大上进双创工作室”的正式启动。 仪式由泰迪智能科技运营中心总监翁梦婷主持。广西科技大学理学院…

组件二次封装,通过属性事件透传,插槽使用,组件实例方法的绑定,深入理解 Vue.js 组件扩展与插槽

透传&#xff0c;插槽&#xff0c;组件实例方法的绑定&#xff0c;深入理解 Vue.js 组件扩展与插槽 前言 Vue.js 提供了强大的组件化系统&#xff0c;允许开发者构建可复用、可组合的UI组件。在实际项目中&#xff0c;直接使用第三方库提供的基础组件&#xff08;如Element UI…


引言 近年来&#xff0c;随着信息技术的飞速发展&#xff0c;网络安全问题日益凸显。其中&#xff0c;勒索病毒作为一种新型的网络威胁&#xff0c;给企业和个人用户带来了极大的困扰。在众多勒索病毒中&#xff0c;.anony勒索病毒以其独特的加密方式和勒索手段&#xff0c;引…

2024/6/11 英语每日一段

They found that, regardless of culture, greater mental well-being is linked with feeling emotions that we believe are appropriate to our situation, rather than just having positive emotions regardless of context--“feeling right” as opposed to “feeling g…


文章目录 11.3 迁移学习的常用方法 11.3.1 数据分布自适应 11.3.2 边缘分布自适应 11.3.3 条件分布自适应 11.3.4 联合分布自适应 11.3.5 概率分布自适应方法优劣性比较 11.3.6 特征选择 11.3.7 统计特征对齐方法 11.3 迁移学习的常用方法 11.3.1 数据分布自适应 数据分布自适…


目录 本节重点 先见一下什么是Linux 后台vs前台 企业为何选择使用Linux作为后台服务器 国内企业后台和用户使用Linux现状 1. IT服务器Linux系统应用领域 2. 嵌入式Linux系统应用领域 3. 个人桌面应用领域 Linux时代发展 版本更新 ​编辑 就个人找工作/能力提升来说…


sklearn深度学习指南&#xff1a;掌握机器学习的利器&#xff01; 1. 简介1.1 什么是sklearn&#xff1f;1.2 sklearn的优势和应用领域1.3 为什么要学习和使用sklearn&#xff1f; 2. 安装和环境设置2.1 如何安装sklearn&#xff1f;安装Anaconda&#xff08;Windows/macOS/Lin…





一带一路情 相逢《中国缘》-诗琳探访湘西墨戎苗寨交流有感

一带一路情 相逢《中国缘》 诗琳探访湘西墨戎苗寨交流有感 5月21日至25日&#xff0c;《中国缘》栏目组组织的走进湘西苗疆边陲的文化交流活动&#xff0c;在群山环抱、绿树成荫、人文厚重的湘西古丈墨戎苗寨美丽绽放。这场以民间角度推演的中国和中亚人民的文化交流活动&am…


沉降观测点&#xff0c;简称沉降点&#xff0c;是指在建筑物、构筑物或地基等结构物上设置的用于测量其垂直位移(沉降)的特定位置。这些点通常被标记并安装相应的监测设备&#xff0c;以便长期、连续地监测结构物的沉降情况。 点击输入图片描述&#xff08;最多30字&#xff09…

Kong AI Gateway 正式 GA !

Kong Gateway 3.7 版本已经重磅上线&#xff0c;我们给 AI Gateway 带来了一系列升级&#xff0c;下面是 AI Gateway 的更新亮点一览。 AI Gateway 正式 GA 在 Kong Gateway 的最新版本 3.7 中&#xff0c;我们正式宣布 Kong AI Gateway 达到了通用可用性&#xff08;GA&…

MySQL 5.7详细下载安装配置教程(MySQL 5.7安装包)_mysql5.7的安装教程

记录MySQL 5.7 的下载安装教程&#xff0c;并提供了Mysql 安装包 &#xff0c;以下是详细下载安装过程。 一、下载Mysql安装包 网盘下载&#xff1a; 下载MySQL 5.7安装包&#xff0c;网盘下载地址&#xff1a;点击此处直接下载 官网下载&#xff1a; 进入官网&#xff0c…

云消息队列 ApsaraMQ 成本治理实践(文末附好礼)

作者&#xff1a;家泽、稚柳 前言&#xff1a; 在 AI 原生应用架构浪潮中&#xff0c;消息队列需支持大规模数据和复杂 AI 模型训练与推理场景下的高效异步通信&#xff0c;其成本效益优化也日益受到重视。面对大模型或大数据量&#xff0c;消息量显著增加&#xff0c;云消息…


数据为2013年到2022年苹果公司各产品&#xff08;iPhone、iPad、Mac等&#xff09;及服务的销售收入。iPhone是苹果公司销售收入最高的产品。 数据统计单位为&#xff1a;亿美元 。 数据说明&#xff1a; 数据整理自苹果公司历年10-K文件&#xff0c;每年10-K文件可能对之前年…


前言 随着人工智能技术的飞速发展&#xff0c;大模型技术已经成为推动行业进步的重要力量。在这个变革的时代&#xff0c;作为一位具有前瞻性的企业家&#xff0c;您深知拥有自主大模型对于提升公司竞争力、引领行业未来的重要性。本文将为您详细介绍大模型的市场现状以及企业…


文章目录 MybatisPlus 介绍一、MyBatisPlus 集成步骤第一步、引入依赖第二步、定义mapper 二、注解TableNameTableldTableField 三、配置文件四、加解密实现步骤 在SpringBoot项目中使用Mybatis-plus&#xff0c;记录下来&#xff0c;方便备查。 MybatisPlus 介绍 为简化开发而…