原索引 task1 的字段 title 字段包含单词 The,查询 the 可以查出 1200 篇文档。重建 task1 索引为 task1_new,重建后的索引, title 字段查询 the 单词,不能匹配到任何文档。
PUT task1
{"mappings": {"…
文章链接: HippoRAG: Neurobiologically Inspired Long-Term Memory for Large Language Models
项目地址: OSU-NLP-Group/HippoRAG: HippoRAG is a novel RAG framework inspired by human long-term memory that enables LLMs to continuously integrate knowledge across e…
You can add skin selectors to a toolbar (BarManager) and Ribbon Control to allow users to choose skins at runtime.
At design time, click the [Add] button in the toolbar, and select a skin selector from the Skin Item sub-menu. 以下…