LLM之RAG实战(三十九)| 高级RAG技术全面解析(附代码)


       基本 RAG 的工作流程可分为三个步骤:索引检索生成。在索引阶段,文本被转换为嵌入,然后存储在向量数据库中以创建可搜索的索引。在检索步骤中,用户的查询也被转换为嵌入,此嵌入用于在向量数据库中搜索最相关的文本数据。最后,在生成步骤中,查询会使用先前检索到的相关文档进行增强,大型语言模型会使用此增强的提示来生成对用户问题的答案。

       高级 RAG是在基本RAG流程基础上添加了很多新步骤(子步骤)。以下是本文将讨论的增强点列表,但总体列表并不仅限于这些。

  • Data Indexing Optimizations(数据索引优化):使用滑动窗口进行文本分块和有效利用元数据等技术来创建更易于搜索和更有条理的索引。
  • Query Enhancement(查询增强):使用同义词或更广泛的术语修改或扩展初始用户查询,以改进相关文档的检索。
  • Hybrid Search(混合搜索):将传统的基于关键字的搜索与使用嵌入向量的语义搜索相结合,以处理各种查询复杂性。
  • Fine Tuning Embedding Model(微调嵌入模型):调整预先训练的模型以更好地理解特定领域的细微差别,提高检索到的文档的准确性和相关性。
  • Response Summarization(响应摘要):在最终生成响应之前,浓缩检索到的文本以提供简洁且相关的摘要。
  • Re-ranking and Filtering(重新排序和过滤):根据相关性调整检索到的文档的顺序,并过滤掉不太相关的结果以优化最终输出。

      关于RAG的更多高级优化技术,可以参考论文《A Survey on Retrieval-Augmented Text Generation for Large Language Models》[1]


       预检索是定义 a) 如何进行索引以及 b) 在将用户查询用于检索之前对其进行哪些操作的步骤。下面,我将讨论预检索优化的各种策略,包括数据索引和查询增强,并提供示例 Python 代码示例。

2.1 数据索引优


2.1.1. 用于文本分块的滑动窗口

        索引文本的一种简单方法是将文本拆分为 n 个部分,将它们转换为嵌入向量,然后将它们存储在向量数据库中。滑动窗口方法创建重叠的文本块,以确保在块的边界处不会丢失任何上下文信息。以下代码示例使用 nltk 库按句子拆分文本。

import nltk
from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize
nltk.download('punkt')  # Ensure the punkt tokenizer is downloaded
def sliding_window(text, window_size=3):
    Generate text chunks using a sliding window approach.
    text (str): The input text to chunk.
    window_size (int): The number of sentences per chunk.
    list of str: A list of text chunks.
    sentences = sent_tokenize(text)
    return [' '.join(sentences[i:i+window_size]) for i in range(len(sentences) - window_size + 1)]
# Example usage
text = "This is the first sentence. Here comes the second sentence. And here is the third one. Finally, the fourth sentence."
chunks = sliding_window(text, window_size=3)
for chunk in chunks:
    # here, you can convert the chunk to embedding vector
    # and, save it to a vector database

2.1.2. 元数据利用


       以下代码示例:使用 faiss 库创建一个向量数据库,并将向量插入其中并通过元数据(标签)进行搜索。

import numpy as np
import faiss
documents = [
    "Document 1 content here",
    "Content of the second document",
    "The third one has different content",
metadata = [
    {"date": "20230101", "tag": "news"},
    {"date": "20230102", "tag": "update"},
    {"date": "20230103", "tag": "report"},
# Dummy function to generate embeddings
def generate_embeddings(texts):
    """Generate dummy embeddings for the sake of example."""
    return np.random.rand(len(texts), 128).astype('float32')  # 128-dimensional embeddings
# Generate embeddings for documents
doc_embeddings = generate_embeddings(documents)
# Create a FAISS index for the embeddings (using FlatL2 for simplicity)
index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(128)  # 128 is the dimensionality of the vectors
index.add(doc_embeddings)  # Add embeddings to the index
# Example search function that uses metadata
def search(query_embedding, metadata_key, metadata_value):
    """Search the index for documents that match metadata criteria."""
    k = 2  # Number of nearest neighbors to find
    distances, indices = index.search(np.array([query_embedding]), k)  # Perform the search
    results = []
    for idx in indices[0]:
        if metadata[idx][metadata_key] == metadata_value:
            results.append((documents[idx], metadata[idx]))
    return results
# Generate a query embedding (in a real scenario, this would come from a similar process)
query_embedding = generate_embeddings(["Query content here"])[0]
# Search for documents tagged with 'update'
matching_documents = search(query_embedding, 'tag', 'update')

2.2 查询增强


       我们可以利用 LLM 本身。我们可以将问题发送给 LLM,并要求其更好地表达。以下提示将有助于此。

Given the prompt: '{prompt}', generate 3 question that are better articulated.




3.1 混合搜索模型


       让我们建立一个混合搜索模型。我们将使用 Elasticsearch 作为传统搜索机制,并使用 faiss 作为向量数据库进行语义搜索。

3.1.1. 创建Elasticsearch索引

       首先假设所有文档都在“documents”字典中,并且我们已经获取了嵌入向量并将它们存储在字典中。以下代码块连接到 Elasticsearch 8.13.4 并为给定的示例文档创建索引。

ES_NODES = "http://localhost:9200"
documents = [
    {"id": 1, "text": "How to start with Python programming.", "vector": [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]},
    {"id": 2, "text": "Advanced Python programming tips.", "vector": [0.1, 0.3, 0.4]},
    # More documents...
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
es = Elasticsearch(
for doc in documents:
    es.index(index="documents", id=doc['id'], document={"text": doc['text']})

3.1.2. 创建Faiss索引

       在这一部分中,我们使用 faiss 作为向量数据库并对向量进行索引。

import numpy as np
import faiss
dimension = 3  # Assuming 3D vectors for simplicity
faiss_index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(dimension)
vectors = np.array([doc['vector'] for doc in documents])

3.1.3. 混合索引


def hybrid_search(query_text, query_vector, alpha=0.5):
    # Perform a keyword search using Elasticsearch on the "documents" index, matching the provided query_text.
    response = es.search(index="documents", query={"match": {"text": query_text}})
    # Extract the document IDs and their corresponding scores from the Elasticsearch response.
    keyword_results = {hit['_id']: hit['_score'] for hit in response['hits']['hits']}
    # Prepare the query vector for vector search: reshape and cast to float32 for compatibility with Faiss.
    query_vector = np.array(query_vector).reshape(1, -1).astype('float32')
    # Perform a vector search with Faiss, retrieving indices of the top 5 closest documents.
    _, indices = faiss_index.search(query_vector, 5)
    # Create a dictionary of vector results with scores inversely proportional to their rank (higher rank, higher score).
    vector_results = {str(documents[idx]['id']): 1/(rank+1) for rank, idx in enumerate(indices[0])}
    # Initialize a dictionary to hold combined scores from keyword and vector search results.
    combined_scores = {}
    # Iterate over the union of document IDs from both keyword and vector results.
    for doc_id in set(keyword_results.keys()).union(vector_results.keys()):
        # Calculate combined score for each document using the alpha parameter to balance the influence of both search results.
        combined_scores[doc_id] = alpha * keyword_results.get(doc_id, 0) + (1 - alpha) * vector_results.get(doc_id, 0)
    # Return the dictionary containing combined scores for all relevant documents.
    return combined_scores
# Example usage
query_text = "Python programming"
query_vector = [0.1, 0.25, 0.35]
# Execute the hybrid search function with the specified query text and vector.
results = hybrid_search(query_text, query_vector)
# Print the results of the hybrid search to see the combined scores of documents.

       该hybrid_search 函数首先使用 Elasticsearch 进行关键字搜索。下一步,它使用 Faiss 执行向量搜索,Faiss 返回前五个最接近的文档的索引,这些索引用于根据文档的排名创建反向分数文档(即,最接近的文档得分最高)。

       一旦我们获得了 Elasticsearch 和 Faiss 的结果,我们就可以把这两种方法的得分结合起来。每个文档的最终得分是使用参数 alpha加权平均值计算得到,如果alpha=0.5,意味这两个结果赋予了相同的权重。


3.2 微调嵌入模型



  • 增强语义理解:微调有助于模型掌握原始训练数据中可能无法很好体现的特定领域的术语和概念。
  • 适应内容的更新:某些领域(例如医学或技术领域)的信息正在迅速变化,通过微调保持嵌入更新可以保持系统的有效性。
  • 提高检索精度:通过使嵌入空间与目标用例更紧密地对齐,微调可确保更可靠地检索语义相关的文本。

3.2.1 准备微调数据

       以下代码块是微调模型的第一步。它初始化用于微调预训练屏蔽语言模型的管道,加载模型和标记器,并调整设备兼容性(GPU 或 CPU)。


# Define the model name using a pre-trained model from the Sentence Transformers library
model_name = "sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2"
# Load the tokenizer for the specified model from Hugging Face's transformers library
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)
# Load the model for masked language modeling based on the specified model
model = AutoModelForMaskedLM.from_pretrained(model_name)
# Determine if a GPU is available and set the device accordingly; use CPU if GPU is not available
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
# Move the model to the appropriate device (GPU or CPU)
# Define a generator function to create a dataset; this should be replaced with actual data loading logic
def dataset_generator():
    # Example dataset composed of individual sentences; replace with your actual dataset sentences
    dataset = ["sentence1", "sentence2", "sentence3"]
    # Yield each sentence as a dictionary with the key 'text'
    for sentence in dataset:
        yield {"text": sentence}
# Create a dataset object using Hugging Face's Dataset class from the generator function
dataset = Dataset.from_generator(dataset_generator)
# Define a function to tokenize the text data
def tokenize_function(example):
    # Tokenize the input text and truncate it to the maximum length the model can handle
    return tokenizer(example["text"], truncation=True)
# Apply the tokenization function to all items in the dataset, batch processing them for efficiency
tokenized_datasets = dataset.map(tokenize_function, batched=True)
# Initialize a data collator for masked language modeling which randomly masks tokens
# This is used for training the model in a self-supervised manner
data_collator = DataCollatorForLanguageModeling(tokenizer=tokenizer, mlm=True, mlm_probability=0.15)

3.2.2 开始微调模型


      以下代码块使用 Hugging Face 的 API 设置并执行语言模型的训练Trainer。它首先定义训练参数(时期、批量大小和学习率等)。Trainer然后,对象使用这些设置以及预加载的模型、标记化数据集和用于屏蔽语言建模的数据整理器(模型、标记化数据集和数据整理器是在上一步中创建的)。训练完成后,将保存新的更新模型及其标记器以供下一步使用。

# Define training arguments to configure the training session
training_args = TrainingArguments(
    output_dir="output",  # Directory where the outputs (like checkpoints) will be saved
    num_train_epochs=3,  # Total number of training epochs to perform
    per_device_train_batch_size=16,  # Batch size per device during training
    learning_rate=2e-5,  # Learning rate for the optimizer
# Initialize the Trainer, which handles the training loop and evaluation
trainer = Trainer(
    model=model,  # The model to be trained, already loaded and configured
    args=training_args,  # The training arguments defining the training setup
    train_dataset=tokenized_datasets,  # The dataset to train on, already tokenized and prepared
    data_collator=data_collator,  # The data collator that handles input formatting and masking
# Start the training process
# Define the paths where the fine-tuned model and tokenizer will be saved
model_path = "./model"
tokenizer_path = "./tokenizer"
# Save the fine-tuned model to the specified path
# Save the tokenizer used in training to the specified path

3.2.3 使用微调后的模型


       以下代码块加载模型和标记器以生成给定句子的嵌入。首先,从保存的路径加载模型和标记器,并将其加载到 GPU 或 CPU。句子(在本文的上下文中,它们是查询)被标记化。模型在不更新其参数的情况下处理这些输入,这称为推理模式,可以使用with torch.no_grad()。我们不使用此模型来预测下一个标记;相反,我们的目标是从模型的隐藏状态中提取嵌入向量。最后一步,这些嵌入向量被移回 CPU。

# Load the tokenizer and model from saved paths, ensuring the model is allocated to the appropriate device (GPU or CPU)
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(tokenizer_path)
model = AutoModelForMaskedLM.from_pretrained(model_path).to(device)
# Define a function to tokenize input sentences, configuring padding and truncation to handle variable sentence lengths
def tokenize_function_embedding(example):
    return tokenizer(example["text"], padding=True, truncation=True)
# List of example sentences to generate embeddings for
sentences = ["This is the first sentence.", "This is the second sentence."]
# Create a Dataset object directly from these sentences
dataset_embedding = Dataset.from_dict({"text": sentences})
# Apply the tokenization function to the dataset, preparing it for embedding generation
tokenized_dataset_embedding = dataset_embedding.map(tokenize_function_embedding, batched=True, batch_size=None)
# Extract 'input_ids' and 'attention_mask' needed for the model to understand which parts of the input are padding and which are actual content
input_ids = tokenized_dataset_embedding["input_ids"]
attention_mask = tokenized_dataset_embedding["attention_mask"]
# Convert these lists into tensors and ensure they are on the correct device (GPU or CPU) for processing
input_ids = torch.tensor(input_ids).to(device)
attention_mask = torch.tensor(attention_mask).to(device)
# Generate embeddings using the model without updating gradients to save computational resources
with torch.no_grad():
    outputs = model(input_ids=input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask, output_hidden_states=True)
    # Extract the last layer's hidden states as embeddings, specifically the first token (typically used in BERT-type models for representing sentence embeddings)
    embeddings = outputs.hidden_states[-1][:, 0, :]
# Move the embeddings from the GPU back to CPU for easy manipulation or saving
embeddings = embeddings.cpu()
# Print each sentence with its corresponding embedding vector
for sentence, embedding in zip(sentences, embeddings):
    print(f"Sentence: {sentence}")
    print(f"Embedding: {embedding}\n")


       检索到相关信息后,还需要以正确顺序喂给大模型。在接下来的 2 个小节中,我们将解释如何使用摘要和重新排序来提高 RAG 的质量。

4.1 对响应进行摘要


       以下代码块可用于摘要过程。以下代码块使用该transformers库通过预先训练的 BART 模型来提取文本摘要。该函数summarize_text接收文本并使用该模型根据定义的最大和最小长度参数生成简洁的摘要。

from transformers import pipeline
def summarize_text(text, max_length=130):
    # Load a pre-trained summarization model from Hugging Face's model hub.
    # 'facebook/bart-large-cnn' is chosen for its proficiency in generating concise summaries.
    summarizer = pipeline("summarization", model="facebook/bart-large-cnn")
    # The summarizer uses the BART model to condense the input text into a summary.
    # 'max_length' specifies the maximum length of the summary output.
    # 'min_length' sets the minimum length to ensure the summary is not too terse.
    # 'do_sample' is set to False to use a deterministic approach for summary generation.
    summary = summarizer(text, max_length=max_length, min_length=30, do_sample=False)
    # The output from the summarizer is a list of dictionaries.
    # We extract the summary text from the first dictionary in the list.
    return summary[0]['summary_text']
# Example text to be summarized.
# This text discusses the importance of summarization in retrieval-augmented generation systems.
long_text = "Summarization are vital steps in the workflow of retrieval-augmented generation systems. They ensure the output is not only accurate but also concise and digestible. These techniques are essential, especially in domains where the accuracy and precision of information are crucial."
# Call the summarize_text function to compress the example text.
summarized_text = summarize_text(long_text)
# Print the summarized text to see the output of the summarization model.
print("Summarized Text:", summarized_text)


4.2 重排序和过滤


4.2.1. 基本重排序和过滤

       下面代码块定义了一个文档列表,每个文档都由一个包含 ID、文本和相关性分数的字典表示。然后它实现了两个主要功能:re_rank_documents和filter_documents。该re_rank_documents函数按相关性分数降序对文档进行排序,在重新排序后,该filter_documents函数用于排除相关性分数低于指定阈值 0.75 的任何文档。

# Define a list of documents. Each document is represented as a dictionary with an ID, text, and a relevance score.
documents = [
    {"id": 1, "text": "Advanced RAG systems use sophisticated techniques for text summarization.", "relevance_score": 0.82},
    {"id": 2, "text": "Basic RAG systems primarily focus on retrieval and basic processing.", "relevance_score": 0.55},
    {"id": 3, "text": "Re-ranking improves the quality of responses by ordering documents by relevance.", "relevance_score": 0.89}
# Define a function to re-rank documents based on their relevance scores.
def re_rank_documents(docs):
    # Use the sorted function to order the documents by 'relevance_score'.
    # The key for sorting is specified using a lambda function, which extracts the relevance score from each document.
    # 'reverse=True' sorts the list in descending order, placing documents with higher relevance scores first.
    return sorted(docs, key=lambda x: x['relevance_score'], reverse=True)
# Re-rank the documents using the defined function and print the result.
ranked_documents = re_rank_documents(documents)
print("Re-ranked Documents:", ranked_documents)
# Define a function to filter documents based on a relevance score threshold.
def filter_documents(docs, relevance_threshold=0.75):
    # Use a list comprehension to create a new list that includes only those documents whose 'relevance_score'
    # is greater than or equal to the 'relevance_threshold'.
    return [doc for doc in docs if doc['relevance_score'] >= relevance_threshold]
# Filter the re-ranked documents using the defined function with a threshold of 0.75 and print the result.
filtered_documents = filter_documents(ranked_documents)
print("Filtered Documents:", filtered_documents)

4.2.2. 使用机器学习算法进行高级重排序



# assumung the data is stored in the following format in a database
# query_text | response_text | user_clicked
query_embeddings = get_embedding_vector(database.query_text) 
response_embeddings = get_embedding_vector(database.response_text) 
# create the dataset
X = concat(query_embeddings, response_embeddings)
y = database.user_clicked
model = model.train(X, y)


  • Generating Embeddings(生成嵌入):对于查询和响应文档,创建嵌入向量来捕获它们的语义内容。
  • Creating the Dataset(创建数据集):这些嵌入连接起来形成特征向量(X),目标变量(y)表示用户是否点击了文档。
  • Model Training(模型训练):在该数据集上训练分类模型,以根据组合查询和文档嵌入来预测文档被点击的可能性。
  • Prediction(预测):训练后的模型可以预测新查询-文档对的点击概率,帮助根据预测的相关性重新对文档进行排名,以提高搜索结果的准确性。


       实施简单的检索增强生成 (RAG) 系统可能会解决您的问题,但添加增强功能将改善您的结果并帮助您的系统生成更精确的答案。在本文中,我们讨论了旨在实现此目标的几项增强功能,包括数据索引优化、查询增强、混合搜索、嵌入模型的微调、响应汇总以及重新排名和过滤。



[1] https://arxiv.org/pdf/2404.10981

[2] https://github.com/ndemir/machine-learning-projects/tree/main/hybrid-search

[3] https://github.com/ndemir/machine-learning-projects/tree/main/fine-tuning-embedding-model





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CUDA12.0 + cuDNN9.0.0安装

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【AndroidStudio旧版本BUG问题】完美解决运行报错问题Invalid keystore format

由于之前安装的版本导致AndroidStudio 运行报错:Invalid keystore format 在如下截图的路径中删了debug.keystore重新打开Android Studio运行一下就好了!!! 下面介绍各个模块功能: adbkey 是 Android Debug Bridge (AD…


文章目录 DCL1. 基本介绍2. 语法2.1 基础查询2.2 条件查询2.3 聚合函数2.4 聚合查询2.5 分组查询2.6 排序查询2.7 分页查询2.8 综合案例练习2.9 执行顺序 3. DQL总结 DCL 更多数据库MySQL系统内容就在以下专栏: 专栏链接:数据库MySQL 1. 基本介绍 DQL英…


一、首先找到自己的sql文件,没有就从数据库挪进来 二、在Maven下打包一下(点击package),看到BUILD SUCCESS就是打包好了 三、将上面两个文件分别挪到 linux 中对应的文件,没有就创建一个(我的是spring_blog…


文章目录 DCL1. 基本介绍2. 用户管理2.1 查询用户2.2 创建用户2.3 修改用户密码2.4 删除用户 3. 权限控制3.1 查询权限3.2 授予权限3.3 撤销权限 4. DCL总结 DCL 更多数据库MySQL系统内容就在以下专栏: 专栏链接:数据库MySQL 1. 基本介绍 DCL英文全称是…

Docker 部署 Redis Cluster 高性能高可用分片集群

文章目录 1、环境准备2、Cluster 集群讲解2.1、Cluster 介绍2.2、Cluster 和哨兵模式区别2.3、Cluster 如何分散存储数据 3、Cluster 搭建流程3.1、安装 Docker3.2、启动 Redis 容器3.3、创建 Cluster 集群 4、Cluster 集群测试4.1、读写操作4.2、故障转移 1、环境准备 准备6台…

计算机网络 ——数据链路层(广域网)

计算机网络 —— 广域网 什么是广域网PPP协议PPP协议的三个部分PPP协议的帧格式 HDLC协议HDLC的站HDLC的帧样式 PPP和HDLC的异同 我们今天来看广域网。 什么是广域网 广域网(Wide Area Network,简称WAN)是一种地理覆盖范围广泛的计算机网络…


开发者发起下单_小程序_抖音开放平台 第一步、抖音小程序发起支付 tt.pay_小程序_抖音开放平台 前端提交订单数据到后端接口,然后使用 tt.pay发起支付 请求参数 属性 类型 必填 说明 order_id string 是 担保交易服务端订单号 order_token string 是 …


这里写目录标题 一级目录二级目录三级目录 下面开始案例的练习,建议第一个动手操作好了再进行下一个一、交错的小块效果展示1.大致思路1.基本结构2.实现动态移动 2.最终版代码 二、会展开的魔方1.大致思路1.基本结构;2.静态魔方的构建3.让静态的魔方动起来 2.最终版…


文章目录 登录校验拦截器 基于拦截器实现登录校验功能全局异常处理器 登录校验 拦截器 拦截器是spring中提供的 所以第一步就是把拦截器交给spring管理 不管是过滤器还是拦截器都是需要配置路径 /** 拦截所有 拦截器放行直接是true 是否运行访问对应的web资源 拦截器实现Ha…

动态规划6:63. 不同路径 II

动态规划解题步骤: 1.确定状态表示:dp[i]是什么 2.确定状态转移方程:dp[i]等于什么 3.初始化:确保状态转移方程不越界 4.确定填表顺序:根据状态转移方程即可确定填表顺序 5.确定返回值 题解:63. 不同…


脚本参考:https://www.cnblogs.com/haorancracker/articles/17699536.html) 1.cors&jsonp 在csrf的学习中,我们了解到解决第三方网站采取的发包操作,最简单的策略就是同源策略sof,即为同协议,同域名,…


文章目录 25. 单例模式25.1. 饿汉式单例模式25.2. 懒汉式单例模式25.2.1. 解决方案125.2.2. 解决方案2 (推荐写法) 运行在VS2022,x86,Debug下。 25. 单例模式 单例即该类只能有一个实例。 应用:如在游戏开发中&#x…


DLL1调用lib,lib调用DLL2 问题1:为什么在dll1中需要引入dll2的.lib文件 当你有一个工程(dll1)调用静态库(lib),而静态库(lib)又调用另一个DLL(dll2&#xf…