二、 SQL分类
1.1 DDL数据库操作
1.2 DDL表操作---查询
1.3 DDL表操作---创建编辑
1.4 DDL表操作---数据类型
1.5 DDL表操作---修改
1.6 DDL表操作---删除
1.7 DDL总结
2. 图形化界面工具DataGrip
2.1 创建
2.2 使用
3. DML
3.1 DML介绍
3.2 DML---添加数据
3.3 DML---修改数据
3.4 DML---删除数据
3.5 DML总结
4. DQL
4.1 DQL介绍
4.2 DQL语法
4.2.1 基本查询
4.2.2 条件查询
4.2.3 聚合函数
4.2.4 分组查询
4.2.5 排序查询
4.2.6 分页查询
4.3 DQL案例练习
4.4 DQL---执行顺序
4.5 DQL总结
5. DCL
5.1 DCL介绍
5.2 DCL---管理用户
5.3 DCL---权限控制
5.4 DCL总结
一、 SQL通用语法
二、 SQL分类
1.1 DDL数据库操作
1.2 DDL表操作---查询
1.3 DDL表操作---创建
1.4 DDL表操作---数据类型
char(50)-->性能好 用户名 username varchar(50)
varchar(50)-->性能较差 性别 gender char(1)
create table emp (
id int comment '编号',
workno varchar(10) comment '工号',
name varchar(10) comment '姓名',
gender char(1) comment '性别',
age tinyint unsigned comment '年龄',
idcard char(18) comment '身份证号',
entrydate date comment '入职时间'
)comment '员工表';
1.5 DDL表操作---修改
1.6 DDL表操作---删除
1.7 DDL总结
2. 图形化界面工具DataGrip
DataGrip 2024.1.2 最新激活码,破解版安装教程(亲测有效) - 犬小哈教程
2.1 创建
2.2 使用
3. DML
3.1 DML介绍
3.2 DML---添加数据
3.3 DML---修改数据
3.4 DML---删除数据
3.5 DML总结
4. DQL
4.1 DQL介绍
4.2 DQL语法
4.2.1 基本查询
--1.查询指定字段name,wonkno, age返回s
elect name, workno, age from emp;
select id,workno,name,gender,age,idcard ,workaddress,entrydate from emp;
select * from emp;
slect workaddress as '工作地址' from emp;
select workaddress '工作地址' from emp;
select distinct workaddress '工作地址' from emp;
4.2.2 条件查询
-- 1,查询年龄等于88的员工
select * from emp where age = 88;
select * fron emp where age < 20;
select * from emp where age <= 20;
select * from emp where idcard is null;
-- 5.查询有身份证号的员工信息
select * from emp where idcard is not null;
-- 6.查询年龄不等于88的员工信息
select * fron emp where age != 88;
select * from emp where age <> 88;
select * from emp where age >= 15 && age <= 20;
select * from emp where age >= 15 and age <= 20;
-- 8.查询性别为女且年龄小于25岁的员工信息
select * from emp where gender = ‘女’and age < 25;
-- 9.查询年龄等于18或20或48的员工信息
select * from emp where age = 18 or age = 20 or age =40;
select * from emp where age in(18,28,40);
-- 10.查询姓名为两个字的员工信息 _%
select * from emp where name like '__';
-- 11.查询身份证号最后一位是X的员工信思
slect * from emp where idcard like '%X';
select * from emp where idcard like '_____________X';
4.2.3 聚合函数
select count(*) from emp;
select count(idcard) from emp;
-- 2.统计该企业员工的平均年龄
select avg(age) from emp;
-- 3.统计该企业员工的最大年龄
select max(age) from emp;
select min(age) from emp;
-- 5,统计西安地区员工的年龄之和
select sum(age) from emp where workaddress =‘西安";
4.2.4 分组查询
select gender,count(*) from emp group by gender ;
select gender, avg(age) from emp group by gender ;
select workaddress,count(x) address_count from emp where age < 45 group by wonkaddress having address_count >= 3;
4.2.5 排序查询
-- 1.根据年龄对公司的员工进行升序排序
select * from emp order by age ase;
select * from emp order by age desc;
select * from emp order by age;
-- 2.根据入职时问,对员工进行降序排序
select from emp order by entrydate desc;
select * from emp order by ege ase , entrydate dese;
select * from emp order by age ase , entrydate asc;
4.2.6 分页查询
-- 1,查询第1负员工数据,每页展示10条记录
select * from emp linit 0,10;
select *fron emp linit 10;
select * from emp limit 10,10;
4.3 DQL案例练习
----------------- DQL语句练习----------
-- 1-查询年龄为20,21,22,23岁的女性员工信息
select from emp where gender ='女' and age in(20,21,22,23);
select * from emp where gender = '男' and age between 20 and 40 and name like '___';
select gender, count(*) from emp where age < 60 group by gender;
select name , age from emp where age <= 35 order by age asc , entrydate desc;
select * from emp where gender = '男' and age between 20 and 40 order by age asc ,entrydate ase limit 5 ;
4.4 DQL---执行顺序
select name,age from emp where age > 15 order by age ase;
select name,age from emp e where e.age > 15 order by age ase;
select e.name,e.age from emp e where e.age > 15 order by age ase;
select e.name ename,e.age eage from emp e where eage > 15 order by age ase;#报错
select e.name ename,e.age eage from emp e where e.age > 15 order by age ase;
select e.name ename,e.age eage from emp e where e.age > 15 order by eage ase;
# from ...
# where ...
# select ...
# order by ...
# limit ...
4.5 DQL总结
5. DCL
5.1 DCL介绍
5.2 DCL---管理用户
--创建用户 itcast ,只能够在当前主机localhost访问,密码123456;
create user 'itcast'@'localhost" identified by "123456';
--创建用户 heima ,可以在任意主机访问该数据库,密码123456 ;
create user "heima'@'%' identified by "123456";
alter user 'heima'@'%' identified with mysql_native_password by '1234";
drop user 'itcast'@'localhost";
5.3 DCL---权限控制
show grants for 'heima'@'%;
grant all on itcast.* to 'heina'@'%';
revoke all on itcast.* from 'heima'@'%';