71、Which two are true about an Oracle gold image-based installation in Oracle 18c and later releases?
A) It does not require the setup wizard
B) It can be used to install and upgrade Oracle Database for single-instance and cluster configurations
C) It can be used for both Oracle Database and Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation
D) It uses a single RPM that automatically extracts and installs the Oracle Database software
E) It can only install and configure Oracle Database software. The database has to be create separately.
关于Oracle 18c及后续版本中基于Oracle gold image的安装,哪两点是正确的?
A)错,它不需要安装向导 (有OU图形界面,有安装向导)
自oracle 18c 开始,db home支持镜像式安装,只需解压缩db 压缩包至 db home,然后执行runInstaller 注册、配置。
镜像式安装简化了oracle 数据库软件堆栈的部署,可以将当前环境的oracle 数据库软件环境快速克隆至其他相同平台服务器上,自oracle 18c 开始,runInstaller、gridSetup.sh 支持 createGoldImage 选项 从当前环境克隆oracle home以取代之前的 clone.pl 脚本,这里以19c 为例介绍新的oracle home克隆方式:
1、将当前环境db、grid home 更新好补丁:
su – grid
su – oracle
2、克隆grid home:
su – grid
$ /u01/app/19.3.0/grid/gridSetup.sh -createGoldImage -destinationLocation /home/grid/ –silent
完成后会生成一个grid home 压缩包:
3、克隆db home:
su – oracle
$ /u01/app/oracle/product/19.3.0/db_1/runInstaller -createGoldImage -destinationLocation /home/oracle/ –silent
完后后会生成一个db home 压缩包:
4、将得到的grid、db home 压缩包复制到其他相同平台服务器上进行镜像式安装即可。
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