- sevaa/dwex: DWARF Explorer - a GUI utility for navigating the DWARF debug information (github.com)
- eliben/pyelftools: Parsing ELF and DWARF in Python (github.com)
- 8 调试信息标准: DWARF · GitBook (hitzhangjie.pro)
调查后可通过elf中的DWARF信息获取, DWARF信息在ELF的.debug_info段中。
DWARF 是一种广泛使用的标准调试信息格式,最初DWARF的设计初衷是配合ELF格式使用,不过DWARF与具体的文件格式是没有依赖关系的。DWARF这个词是中世纪幻想小说中的用语,也没有什么官方含义,后来才提出 “Debugging With Attributed Record Formats” 这个术语来作为DWARF的另一种定义。
DWARF使用DIE(Debugging Information Entry)来描述变量、数据类型、代码等,DIE中包含了标签(Tag)和一系列属性(Attributes)。
DWARF还定义了一些关键的数据结构,如行号表(Line Number Table)、调用栈信息(Call Frame Information)等,有了这些关键数据结构之后,开发者就可以在源码级别动态添加断点、显示完整的调用栈信息、查看调用栈中指定栈帧的信息。
CU - Compilation Unit
DIE - Debugging Information Entry
- DW_TAG_xxxx: DIE的类型
- DIE也有父子关系,兄弟关系,例如:一个structure的成员变量就是structure DIE的子DIE.
1.通过readelf tool
readelf -w xxx.elf
2. 通过python lib - pyelftools
使用示例:获取linux kernel module的各种structure定义。
import argparse
import json
import os
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Optional
from elftools.dwarf.die import DIE
from elftools.elf.elffile import ELFFile
from loguru import logger
Map_TypePrefix = {
'DW_TAG_base_type': '',
'DW_TAG_structure_type': 'struct ',
'DW_TAG_union_type': 'union ',
'DW_TAG_pointer_type': 'pointer '
Map_AnonTypes = {
'DW_TAG_subroutine_type': 'subroutine',
'DW_TAG_pointer_type': 'pointer',
'DW_TAG_union_type': 'union'
# recursive function to get type of a DIE node
def die_type_rec(die: DIE, prev: Optional[DIE]):
t = die.attributes.get("DW_AT_type")
if t is None:
# logger.debug(die)
prefix = '* ' if prev.tag == 'DW_TAG_pointer_type' else ''
# got a type
if die.attributes.get("DW_AT_name"):
# common named type with prefix
return prefix + Map_TypePrefix.get(die.tag, f'unknown: {die.tag}') \
+ die.attributes.get("DW_AT_name").value.decode()
elif die.tag == 'DW_TAG_structure_type' and prev.tag == 'DW_TAG_typedef':
# typedef-ed anonymous struct
return prefix + 'struct ' + prev.attributes.get("DW_AT_name").value.decode()
# no name types
return prefix + Map_AnonTypes.get(die.tag, f'unknown: {die.tag}')
elif t.form == 'DW_FORM_ref4':
ref = t.value
ref_die = dwarfinfo.get_DIE_from_refaddr(ref + die.cu.cu_offset)
return die_type_rec(ref_die, die)
# recursive function to get all struct members
def die_info_rec(die: DIE, name=''):
# logger.debug(die)
if die.tag == 'DW_TAG_member' and die.attributes.get("DW_AT_name"):
member_name = die.attributes.get("DW_AT_name").value.decode()
member_type = die_type_rec(die, None)
if die.attributes.get("DW_AT_data_member_location"):
member_offset = die.attributes.get("DW_AT_data_member_location").value
logger.debug(' > .{}, type: {}, offset: {}'.format(member_name, member_type, member_offset))
elif die.attributes.get("DW_AT_bit_size") and die.attributes.get("DW_AT_data_bit_offset"):
member_bit_size = die.attributes.get("DW_AT_bit_size").value
member_bit_offset = die.attributes.get("DW_AT_data_bit_offset").value
logger.debug(' > .{}, type: {}, bit_offset: {}, bit_size: {}'.format(member_name,
member_type, member_bit_size,
# save to return data
if member_type.startswith('*'):
# pointer member, change to *name -> type
struct_data[name]['*' + member_name] = member_type[1:]
struct_data[name][member_name] = member_type
if die.tag == 'DW_TAG_structure_type' and die.attributes.get("DW_AT_name"):
name = 'struct ' + die.attributes.get("DW_AT_name").value.decode()
if die.attributes.get("DW_AT_declaration") and die.attributes.get("DW_AT_declaration").value == 1:
logger.debug("struct {}: just a declaration".format(name))
size = die.attributes.get("DW_AT_byte_size").value
logger.debug("{}, size:{}".format(name, size))
# recursion into all children DIE
for child in die.iter_children():
die_info_rec(child, name)
def parse_top_die_by_cu(dwarfinfo):
j = 0
for CU in dwarfinfo.iter_CUs():
j = j + 1
logger.debug(' Found a compile unit at offset %s, length %s' % (CU.cu_offset, CU['unit_length']))
# Start with the top DIE, the root for this CU's DIE tree
top_DIE = CU.get_top_DIE()
logger.debug("------------------------Top Die[{}] start-----------------------------------------".format(j))
# Display DIEs recursively starting with top_DIE
i = 0
for child in top_DIE.iter_children():
# for child in CU.iter_DIEs():
i = i + 1
logger.debug("Top Die[{}]->child[{}]:", j, i)
logger.debug("------------------------Top Die[{}] end-----------------------------------------".format(j))
# dict for all struct members
struct_data = defaultdict(dict)
elf_file = ".\\test.ko"
print('Processing file:', elf_file)
f = open(elf_file, 'rb')
elffile = ELFFile(f)
if not elffile.has_dwarf_info():
print(f'ERROR: input file {elf_file} has no DWARF info')
dwarfinfo = elffile.get_dwarf_info()