- openssl3.2 - 测试程序的学习
- 概述
- 笔记
- openssl3.2 - 测试程序的学习 - test\aborttest.c
- openssl3.2 - 测试程序的学习 - test\sanitytest.c
- openssl3.2 - 测试程序的学习 - test\acvp_test.c
- openssl3.2 - 测试程序的学习 - test\aesgcmtest.c
openssl3.2 - 测试程序的学习
namke test时, 记录日志.
nmake test > nmake_test_log.txt
"link" /nologo /debug setargv.obj /subsystem:console /opt:ref /nologo /debug @C:\Users\chenx\AppData\Local\Temp\nmCACF.tmp
IF EXIST test\x509_test.exe.manifest "mt" -nologo -manifest test\x509_test.exe.manifest -outputresource:test\x509_test.exe
IF EXIST test\x509_time_test.exe.manifest DEL /F /Q test\x509_time_test.exe.manifest
"link" /nologo /debug setargv.obj /subsystem:console /opt:ref /nologo /debug @C:\Users\chenx\AppData\Local\Temp\nmCC66.tmp
IF EXIST test\x509_time_test.exe.manifest "mt" -nologo -manifest test\x509_time_test.exe.manifest -outputresource:test\x509_time_test.exe
IF EXIST test\x509aux.exe.manifest DEL /F /Q test\x509aux.exe.manifest
"link" /nologo /debug setargv.obj /subsystem:console /opt:ref /nologo /debug @C:\Users\chenx\AppData\Local\Temp\nmCD90.tmp
IF EXIST test\x509aux.exe.manifest "mt" -nologo -manifest test\x509aux.exe.manifest -outputresource:test\x509aux.exe
IF EXIST engines\capi.dll.manifest DEL /F /Q engines\capi.dll.manifest
cmd /C ""link" /nologo /debug /dll /nologo /debug @C:\Users\chenx\AppData\Local\Temp\nmCEAB.tmp || (DEL /Q capi.* engines\capi.* & EXIT 1)"
IF EXIST engines\capi.dll.manifest "mt" -nologo -manifest engines\capi.dll.manifest -outputresource:engines\capi.dll
IF EXIST engines\dasync.dll.manifest DEL /F /Q engines\dasync.dll.manifest
cmd /C ""link" /nologo /debug /dll /nologo /debug @C:\Users\chenx\AppData\Local\Temp\nmD003.tmp || (DEL /Q dasync.* engines\dasync.* & EXIT 1)"
IF EXIST engines\dasync.dll.manifest "mt" -nologo -manifest engines\dasync.dll.manifest -outputresource:engines\dasync.dll
IF EXIST engines\loader_attic.dll.manifest DEL /F /Q engines\loader_attic.dll.manifest
cmd /C ""link" /nologo /debug /dll /nologo /debug @C:\Users\chenx\AppData\Local\Temp\nmD7D4.tmp || (DEL /Q loader_attic.* engines\loader_attic.* & EXIT 1)"
IF EXIST engines\loader_attic.dll.manifest "mt" -nologo -manifest engines\loader_attic.dll.manifest -outputresource:engines\loader_attic.dll
IF EXIST engines\ossltest.dll.manifest DEL /F /Q engines\ossltest.dll.manifest
cmd /C ""link" /nologo /debug /dll /nologo /debug @C:\Users\chenx\AppData\Local\Temp\nmD9AA.tmp || (DEL /Q ossltest.* engines\ossltest.* & EXIT 1)"
IF EXIST engines\ossltest.dll.manifest "mt" -nologo -manifest engines\ossltest.dll.manifest -outputresource:engines\ossltest.dll
IF EXIST engines\padlock.dll.manifest DEL /F /Q engines\padlock.dll.manifest
cmd /C ""link" /nologo /debug /dll /nologo /debug @C:\Users\chenx\AppData\Local\Temp\nmDAF3.tmp || (DEL /Q padlock.* engines\padlock.* & EXIT 1)"
IF EXIST engines\padlock.dll.manifest "mt" -nologo -manifest engines\padlock.dll.manifest -outputresource:engines\padlock.dll
IF EXIST providers\legacy.dll.manifest DEL /F /Q providers\legacy.dll.manifest
cmd /C ""link" /nologo /debug /dll /nologo /debug @C:\Users\chenx\AppData\Local\Temp\nmE18C.tmp || (DEL /Q legacy.* providers\legacy.* & EXIT 1)"
IF EXIST providers\legacy.dll.manifest "mt" -nologo -manifest providers\legacy.dll.manifest -outputresource:providers\legacy.dll
cmd /C "set "SRCTOP=." & set "BLDTOP=." & set "PERL=C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe" & set "FIPSKEY=f4556650ac31d35461610bac4ed81b1a181b2d8a43ea2854cbae22ca74560813" & "C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe" ".\test\run_tests.pl" "
00-prep_fipsmodule_cnf.t .. skipped: FIPS module config file only supported in a fips build
Files=1, Tests=0, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr + 0.00 sys = 0.02 CPU)
01-test_abort.t ......................... ok
01-test_fipsmodule_cnf.t ................ skipped: Test only supported in a fips build
测试脚本是用perl写的, 挺复杂的. 但是大概齐能看懂意思.
cmd /C "set "SRCTOP=." & set "BLDTOP=." & set "PERL=C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe" & set "FIPSKEY=f4556650ac31d35461610bac4ed81b1a181b2d8a43ea2854cbae22ca74560813" & "C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe" ".\test\run_tests.pl"
run_tests.pl 中找测试配置文件*.t
# prep recipes are mandatory and need to be always run first
my @preps = glob(catfile($recipesdir,"00-prep_*.t"));
foreach my $test (@preps) {
delete $tests{$test};
sub find_matching_tests {
my ($glob) = @_;
if ($glob =~ m|^[\d\[\]\?\-]+$|) {
return glob(catfile($recipesdir,"$glob-*.t"));
return glob(catfile($recipesdir,"*-$glob.t"));
use OpenSSL::Test;
plan tests => 1;
is(run(test(["aborttest"])), 0, "Testing that abort is caught correctly");
结合make test的日志和makefile, 就可以知道具体测试程序(e.g. aborttest.exe ) 编译时, 需要哪些工程文件.
这些测试程序, 是用来对编译好的openssl组件(主要是DLL)来测试. 是真正对openssl外部接口的测试.
这些测试程序是在调用openssl的DLL的接口, 和我们正常使用openssl DLL的场景是一样的, 不同的时, 官方提供的测试程序, 是在测试各种细节场景, 保证编译出的openssl DLL是正常可用的. 如果通不过测试, 那就说明从源码编译出的openssl的可执行文件(exe, DLL)是有问题的.
我想将openssl的这些测试exe的工程实现过一遍. 等过完后, openssl DLL接口细节的使用, 就没啥不知道的了.
等于是, 我们自己工程中如何用openssl, 在这些官方内部使用的nmake test相关工程中, 已经全部演示了.
看完这些测试程序, 在openssl.exe工程中找代码参考, 也容易和清晰多了.
如果测试程序很短, 就写在这个笔记中
如果测试程序很长, 就另外开一个笔记, 将具体笔记的索引放在这个索引贴中.
openssl源码目录下的\test下, 用everything搜索全部的*.c, 拷贝到自己工程的备用目录下, 这些.c就是要学习的官方测试程序的C实现.
全部过一遍. 过一个工程, 就删掉一个实现, 等实现都没了, 就搞定了.
openssl3.2 - 测试程序的学习 - test\aborttest.c
#include "my_openSSL_lib.h"
#include <openssl/crypto.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// 打印错误原因, 报错点(file, line), 结束程序
OPENSSL_die("Voluntary abort", __FILE__, __LINE__);
return 0;
openssl3.2 - 测试程序的学习 - test\sanitytest.c
openssl3.2 - 测试程序的学习 - test\sanitytest.c
openssl3.2 - 测试程序的学习 - test\acvp_test.c
openssl3.2 - 测试程序的学习 - test\acvp_test.c
openssl3.2 - 测试程序的学习 - test\aesgcmtest.c
openssl3.2 - 测试程序的学习 - test\aesgcmtest.c