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Spring Boot - Application Events 的发布顺序_ApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent
Spring Boot - Application Events 的发布顺序_ApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent 概述
Spring Boot 的广播机制是基于观察者模式实现的,…
【现代密码学】笔记7-- CCA安全与认证加密《introduction to modern cryphtography》 写在最前面7 CCA安全与认证加密 写在最前面
主要在 哈工大密码学课程 张宇老师课件 的基础上学习记录笔记。
内容补充:骆婷老师的PPT 《introduction to modern cryphtography》…
Role of the transport layer
• The transport layer is responsible for providing a reliable end-to-end connection between two application processes in a network • Abstracting away the physical subnet • Does not involve intermediate nodes • Takes a netwo…