- 1. IOrganization Interface
- 1.1 基本介绍
- 1.2 方法分析
- 2. Entity对象
- 2.1 Constructor
- 2.2 Properties
- 2.3 Methods
- 3. 相关方法
- 3.1 单行查询 Retrive
- 3.2 多行查询 RetriveMultiple
- 3.3 增加 Create
- 3.4 删除 Delete
- 3.5 修改 Update
- 4. 数据查询的不同实现方式
- 4.1 QueryExpression
- 4.2 QueryByAttribute
- 4.3 FetchExpression
- 4.3 FetchExpression
1. IOrganization Interface
1.1 基本介绍
- IOrganization 是用于向组织提供元数据以及数据的编程访问的接口. (Dataverse的增删改查以及表联系的相关操作)
//ServiceClient、CrmServiceClient 都可实现 IOrganizationService接口
IOrganizationService service = new CrmServiceClient(connectionString);
IOrganizationService service = new ServiceClient(connectionString);
using Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages;
using Microsoft.PowerPlatform.Dataverse.Client;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;
class Program
// Dataverse环境URL以及登录信息
static string url = "https://yourorg.crm.dynamics.com";
static string userName = "you@yourorg.onmicrosoft.com";
static string password = "yourPassword";
// 连接上述代码串进行测试
static string connectionString = $@"
AuthType = OAuth;
Url = {url};
UserName = {userName};
Password = {password};
AppId = 51f81489-12ee-4a9e-aaae-a2591f45987d;
RedirectUri = http://localhost;
RequireNewInstance = True";
static void Main()
// 获取IorganizationService的接口实例
IOrganizationService service = new ServiceClient(connectionString);
var response = (WhoAmIResponse)service.Execute(new WhoAmIRequest());
Console.WriteLine($"User ID is {response.UserId}.");
// Pause the console so it does not close.
Console.WriteLine("Press the <Enter> key to exit.");
参考文献. c#连接Microsoft Dataver:c#连接 MicroSoft Dataverse
1.2 方法分析
参考文献. IOrganization:IOrganizationService 接口
2. Entity对象
2.1 Constructor
2.2 Properties
2.3 Methods
参考文献. Entity对象:Entity对象
3. 相关方法
3.1 单行查询 Retrive
a. 代码及使用
//public Microsoft::Xrm::Sdk::Entity ^ Retrieve(System::String ^ entityName, Guid id, Microsoft::Xrm::Sdk::Query::ColumnSet ^ columnSet);
static void Retrive(IOrganizationService service){
string entityName = "crda9_room"; // 逻辑名称
ColumnSet columnSet = new ColumnSet("crda9_name", "crda9_type", "crda9_site"); // 查询的属性
Guid guid = new Guid("4e4c81a1-439d-ee11-be37-000d3a85d073"); // 全局唯一标识符
Entity entity = service.Retrieve(entityName, guid, columnSet); // 发起查询
+ " " + $"type:{entity.GetAttributeValue<OptionSetValue>("crda9_type").Value}"
+ " " + $"site:{entity.GetAttributeValue<string>("crda9_site")}");
3.2 多行查询 RetriveMultiple
a. 代码及使用
// Microsoft::Xrm::Sdk::EntityCollection ^ RetrieveMultiple(Microsoft::Xrm::Sdk::Query::QueryBase ^ query);
static void RetriveMultiple(IOrganizationService service){
QueryExpression query = new("crda9_room") { }; // 表逻辑名称
EntityCollection results = service.RetrieveMultiple(query); // 查询发送
foreach (Entity entity in results.Entities){
Console.WriteLine($"Id:{entity.Id}"); // 全局唯一标识符(每行数据有一个Id)
b. QueryExpression 总结
public ref class QueryExpression sealed : Microsoft::Xrm::Sdk::Query::QueryBase
query.EntityName = "crda9_room"; // 1.EntityName --> 表逻辑名(可在构造函数时直接构造)
query.ColumnSet.AddColumns("crda9_name"); // 2.ColumnSet --> 负责查询列数
query.Criteria.AddCondition("crda9_type", ConditionOperator.Equal, 0); // 3.Criteria --> 查询限定条件
query.AddOrder("crda9_name", OrderType.Ascending); // 4. AddOrder --> 列排序
query.TopCount = 2; // 5. TopCount --> 控制显示的行数(与PageInfo不能同时使用)
query.PageInfo = new PagingInfo() { // 6. PageInfor --> 控制分页
PageNumber = 1, // 页数
Count = 2 // 每页数量
3.3 增加 Create
a. 代码及使用
// Guid Create(Microsoft::Xrm::Sdk::Entity ^ entity);
static void CreateExpressionExample(IOrganizationService service)
Entity entity = new Entity("crda9_student");
entity["crda9_name"] = "新学生_张雪雪";
entity["crda9_age"] = 17;
Guid id = service.Create(entity);
Console.WriteLine("新学生的唯一id为:" + id);
3.4 删除 Delete
a. 代码及使用
// void Delete(System::String ^ entityName, Guid id);
static void DeleteExpressionExample(IOrganizationService service)
string entityName = "crda9_student"; // 逻辑名称
Guid guid = new Guid("e334ba87-4c9a-ee11-be37-000d3a85d073"); // 全局唯一标识符
service.Delete(entityName, guid);
3.5 修改 Update
a. 代码及使用
// void Update(Microsoft::Xrm::Sdk::Entity ^ entity);
static void UpdateExpressionExample(IOrganizationService service)
Guid id = CreateExpressionExample(service); // 先调用函数创建一个新学生,返回其Id唯一标识
Entity entity = new Entity("crda9_student");
entity.Id = id;
entity["crda9_name"] = "更新后的学生";
Console.WriteLine("successful update....");
4. 数据查询的不同实现方式
参考文献. QueryBase抽象类接口:QueryBase抽象类接口
4.1 QueryExpression
QueryExpression类 – 属性
- QueryExpression 是较为常用的数据查询类,支持列查询、条件判断、实体联系、排序等操作,
- 示例代码见相关方法当中多行查询
4.2 QueryByAttribute
QueryByAttribute类 – 属性
- 感觉功能可以由QueryByExpression代替,感觉这个可能更加侧重通过属性来查找判断,
static void QueryByAttributeTest(IOrganizationService service){
QueryByAttribute query = new QueryByAttribute("crda9_room") {
ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("crda9_name", "crda9_site"),
query.AddAttributeValue("crda9_site", "武汉"); // 此行必须实现(查找满足条件的数据)
EntityCollection results = service.RetrieveMultiple(query);
foreach (Entity entity in results.Entities){
4.3 FetchExpression
- 通过使用Fetch Xml语句拼接完成属性的查询以及过滤判断等相关操作.
- Dynamic 365 -> 高级查找 查找Fetch XML 使用
static void QueryByFetch(IOrganizationService service){
string fetchXml = $@"<fetch version=""1.0"" output-format=""xml-platform"" mapping=""logical"" distinct=""false"">
<entity name=""crda9_room"">
<attribute name=""crda9_name"" />
<attribute name=""crda9_type"" />
<attribute name=""crda9_site"" />
<attribute name=""crda9_detail"" />
<filter type=""and"">
<condition attribute=""crda9_name"" operator=""like"" value=""%北京%"" />
FetchExpression query = new FetchExpression(fetchXml);
EntityCollection results = service.RetrieveMultiple(query);
foreach (Entity entity in results.Entities){
foreach (Entity record in results.Entities)
name: {record["school_name"]}
email: {record.GetAttributeValue<string>("school_email")}
mobilenumber: {record.GetAttributeValue<string>("school_mobilenumber")}
gender: {record.GetAttributeValue<OptionSetValue>("school_gender")?.Value}
state: {record.GetAttributeValue<OptionSetValue>("statecode")?.Value}