def is_prime(n):if n % 2 0 and n ! 2:return Falsefor i in range(3, int(math.sqrt(n) 1)):if n % i 0:return Falsereturn n ! 1def eratosthenes(n):primes []is_prime [True] * (n 1)for i in range(2, n1):if is_prime[i]:primes.append(i)# 用当前素数i去筛掉所有…
Foundation Models, Transformers, BERT and GPT
总结一下: Bert 是学习向量表征,让句子中某个词的Embedding关联到句子中其他重要词。最终学习下来,就是词向量的表征。这也是为什么Bert很容易用到下游任务,在做下游任务的时候&a…
High Performance Computation for N-D Tensors in .NET, similar API to NumPy. NumSharp (NS) is a NumPy port to C# targetting .NET Standard. NumSharp is the fundamental package needed for scientific …