20250225-代码笔记03-class CVRPModel AND other class


  • 前言
  • 一、class CVRPModel(nn.Module):__init__(self, **model_params)
    • 函数功能
    • 函数代码
  • 二、class CVRPModel(nn.Module):pre_forward(self, reset_state)
    • 函数功能
    • 函数代码
  • 三、class CVRPModel(nn.Module):forward(self, state)
    • 函数功能
    • 函数代码
  • 四、def _get_encoding(encoded_nodes, node_index_to_pick)
    • 函数功能
    • 函数代码
  • 五、class CVRP_Encoder(nn.Module)
  • 六、class EncoderLayer(nn.Module)
  • 七、CVRP_Decoder(nn.Module)
  • 八、def reshape_by_heads(qkv, head_num)
    • 函数功能
    • 函数代码
  • 九、def multi_head_attention(q, k, v, rank2_ninf_mask=None, rank3_ninf_mask=None)
    • 函数功能
    • 函数代码
  • 十、class AddAndInstanceNormalization(nn.Module):__init__(self, **model_params)
    • 函数功能
    • Batch Normalization (BN) 是什么?
      • Batch Normalization 的具体操作
        • 1. **计算均值和方差**
        • 2. **标准化**
        • 3. **缩放和平移**
      • Batch Normalization 的优势
    • 函数代码
  • 十一、class AddAndInstanceNormalization(nn.Module):forward(self, input1, input2)
    • 函数功能
    • 函数代码
  • 十二、class FeedForward(nn.Module):__init__(self, **model_params)
    • 函数功能
    • 函数代码
  • 十三、class FeedForward(nn.Module):forward(self, input1)
    • 函数功能
    • 函数代码
  • 附录
    • 代码(全)


class CVRPModel(nn.Module):
class CVRP_Encoder(nn.Module):
class EncoderLayer(nn.Module):
class CVRP_Decoder(nn.Module):
class AddAndInstanceNormalization(nn.Module):
class AddAndBatchNormalization(nn.Module):
class FeedForward(nn.Module):


一、class CVRPModel(nn.Module):init(self, **model_params)


init 是 CVRPModel 类的构造函数,负责初始化模型的各个组件。

  • 接收和存储模型的参数(model_params)。
  • 初始化编码器(encoder)和解码器(decoder)子模块。
  • 初始化 encoded_nodes 变量,用于存储经过编码的节点数据。



    def __init__(self, **model_params):
        self.model_params = model_params

        self.encoder = CVRP_Encoder(**model_params)
        self.decoder = CVRP_Decoder(**model_params)
        self.encoded_nodes = None
        # shape: (batch, problem+1, EMBEDDING_DIM)

二、class CVRPModel(nn.Module):pre_forward(self, reset_state)


pre_forward 是 CVRPModel 类的一个前向传播前的准备函数。它的主要任务是根据给定的初始状态(reset_state)准备和编码数据,为模型的后续前向传播(forward)过程做准备

  • 提取并处理初始状态的数据。
  • 使用编码器对节点进行编码,得到编码后的节点表示。
  • 为解码器设置额外的嵌入信息,并将编码后的节点与额外的嵌入信息拼接。
  • 设置解码器中的 kv(key-value)信息,为解码过程做准备。



    def pre_forward(self, reset_state):
        depot_xy = reset_state.depot_xy
        # shape: (batch, 1, 2)
        node_xy = reset_state.node_xy
        # shape: (batch, problem, 2)
        node_demand = reset_state.node_demand
        # shape: (batch, problem)
        node_xy_demand = torch.cat((node_xy, node_demand[:, :, None]), dim=2)
        # shape: (batch, problem, 3)

        encoded_nodes = self.encoder(depot_xy, node_xy_demand)
        # shape: (batch, problem+1, embedding)
        _ = self.decoder.regret_embedding[None, None, :].expand(encoded_nodes.size(0), 1,self.decoder.regret_embedding.size(-1))
        # _ 的shape:(batch,1,embedding)
        self.encoded_nodes = torch.cat((encoded_nodes, _), dim=1)
        # self.encoded_nodes的shape:(batch,problem+2,embedding)

三、class CVRPModel(nn.Module):forward(self, state)


forward 是 CVRPModel 类的核心前向传播函数,用于根据当前状态(state)生成模型的输出,包括选择的节点(selected)和相关的概率(prob)。



    def forward(self, state):
        batch_size = state.BATCH_IDX.size(0)
        pomo_size = state.BATCH_IDX.size(1)

        if state.selected_count == 0:  # First Move, depot
            selected = torch.zeros(size=(batch_size, pomo_size), dtype=torch.long)
            prob = torch.ones(size=(batch_size, pomo_size))

            # # Use Averaged encoded nodes for decoder input_1
            # encoded_nodes_mean = self.encoded_nodes.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True)
            # # shape: (batch, 1, embedding)
            # self.decoder.set_q1(encoded_nodes_mean)

            # Use encoded_depot for decoder input_2
            encoded_first_node = self.encoded_nodes[:, [0], :]
            # shape: (batch, 1, embedding)

        elif state.selected_count == 1:  # Second Move, POMO
            selected = torch.arange(start=1, end=pomo_size+1)[None, :].expand(batch_size, pomo_size)
            prob = torch.ones(size=(batch_size, pomo_size))

            encoded_last_node = _get_encoding(self.encoded_nodes, state.current_node)
            # shape: (batch, pomo, embedding)
            probs = self.decoder(encoded_last_node, state.load, ninf_mask=state.ninf_mask)
            # shape: (batch, pomo, problem+1)

            if self.training or self.model_params['eval_type'] == 'softmax':
                while True:  # to fix pytorch.multinomial bug on selecting 0 probability elements
                    with torch.no_grad():
                        selected = probs.reshape(batch_size * pomo_size, -1).multinomial(1) \
                            .squeeze(dim=1).reshape(batch_size, pomo_size)
                    # shape: (batch, pomo)
                    prob = probs[state.BATCH_IDX, state.POMO_IDX, selected].reshape(batch_size, pomo_size)
                    # shape: (batch, pomo)
                    if (prob != 0).all():

                selected = probs.argmax(dim=2)
                # shape: (batch, pomo)
                prob = None  # value not needed. Can be anything.

        return selected, prob

四、def _get_encoding(encoded_nodes, node_index_to_pick)


_get_encoding 的作用是从 encoded_nodes 中按照 node_index_to_pick 选择相应的编码,并返回选中的编码信息。



def _get_encoding(encoded_nodes, node_index_to_pick):
    # encoded_nodes.shape: (batch, problem, embedding)
    # node_index_to_pick.shape: (batch, pomo)

    batch_size = node_index_to_pick.size(0)
    pomo_size = node_index_to_pick.size(1)
    embedding_dim = encoded_nodes.size(2)

    gathering_index = node_index_to_pick[:, :, None].expand(batch_size, pomo_size, embedding_dim)
    # shape: (batch, pomo, embedding)

    picked_nodes = encoded_nodes.gather(dim=1, index=gathering_index)
    # shape: (batch, pomo, embedding)

    return picked_nodes

五、class CVRP_Encoder(nn.Module)

笔记:20250226-代码笔记04-class CVRP_Encoder AND class EncoderLayer

六、class EncoderLayer(nn.Module)

笔记:20250226-代码笔记04-class CVRP_Encoder AND class EncoderLayer


笔记:20250226-代码笔记05-class CVRP_Decoder

八、def reshape_by_heads(qkv, head_num)


reshape_by_heads 函数的功能是将输入的张量(如查询 q, 键 k, 或值 v)从一个紧凑的多头结构 (batch, n, head_num * key_dim) 转换为适合多头注意力机制计算的结构 (batch, head_num, n, key_dim)


def reshape_by_heads(qkv, head_num):
    # q.shape: (batch, n, head_num*key_dim)   : n can be either 1 or PROBLEM_SIZE

    batch_s = qkv.size(0)
    n = qkv.size(1)

    q_reshaped = qkv.reshape(batch_s, n, head_num, -1)
    # shape: (batch, n, head_num, key_dim)

    q_transposed = q_reshaped.transpose(1, 2)
    # shape: (batch, head_num, n, key_dim)

    return q_transposed

九、def multi_head_attention(q, k, v, rank2_ninf_mask=None, rank3_ninf_mask=None)


multi_head_attention 函数的主要功能是实现 多头注意力机制。该函数接收查询(Q)、键(K)和值(V),并计算多头注意力输出。它通过计算查询与键之间的相似度,生成加权值的结果,并结合所有头的输出生成最终的注意力表示。


def multi_head_attention(q, k, v, rank2_ninf_mask=None, rank3_ninf_mask=None):
    # q shape: (batch, head_num, n, key_dim)   : n can be either 1 or PROBLEM_SIZE
    # k,v shape: (batch, head_num, problem, key_dim)
    # rank2_ninf_mask.shape: (batch, problem)
    # rank3_ninf_mask.shape: (batch, group, problem)

    batch_s = q.size(0)
    head_num = q.size(1)
    n = q.size(2)
    key_dim = q.size(3)

    input_s = k.size(2)

    score = torch.matmul(q, k.transpose(2, 3))
    # shape: (batch, head_num, n, problem)

    score_scaled = score / torch.sqrt(torch.tensor(key_dim, dtype=torch.float))
    if rank2_ninf_mask is not None:
        score_scaled = score_scaled + rank2_ninf_mask[:, None, None, :].expand(batch_s, head_num, n, input_s)
    if rank3_ninf_mask is not None:
        score_scaled = score_scaled + rank3_ninf_mask[:, None, :, :].expand(batch_s, head_num, n, input_s)

    weights = nn.Softmax(dim=3)(score_scaled)
    # shape: (batch, head_num, n, problem)

    out = torch.matmul(weights, v)
    # shape: (batch, head_num, n, key_dim)

    out_transposed = out.transpose(1, 2)
    # shape: (batch, n, head_num, key_dim)

    out_concat = out_transposed.reshape(batch_s, n, head_num * key_dim)
    # shape: (batch, n, head_num*key_dim)

    return out_concat

十、class AddAndInstanceNormalization(nn.Module):init(self, **model_params)



Batch Normalization (BN) 是什么?

Batch Normalization (BN) 是一种在训练深度神经网络时常用的技术,它的目的是提高网络的训练速度、稳定性,并帮助避免梯度消失或爆炸问题。
Batch Normalization 操作的核心思想是对每一层的输入数据进行标准化,使得输入数据的均值接近 0,方差接近 1。这样可以避免激活函数输出过大或过小的问题,帮助优化过程更加稳定。

Batch Normalization 的具体操作

1. 计算均值和方差


  • 均值
    μ B = 1 m ∑ i = 1 m x i \mu_B = \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i=1}^{m} x_i μB=m1i=1mxi

  • 方差
    σ B 2 = 1 m ∑ i = 1 m ( x i − μ B ) 2 \sigma_B^2 = \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i=1}^{m} (x_i - \mu_B)^2 σB2=m1i=1m(xiμB)2

其中, m m m 是一个批次中的样本数, x i x_i xi是每个样本的输入值。

2. 标准化

使用计算出的均值和方差将输入数据标准化,使得每个特征的均值为 0,方差为 1:

x ^ i = x i − μ B σ B 2 + ϵ \hat{x}_i = \frac{x_i - \mu_B}{\sqrt{\sigma_B^2 + \epsilon}} x^i=σB2+ϵ xiμB

这里 ϵ \epsilon ϵ是一个非常小的数值,用来防止除以零的情况。

3. 缩放和平移

由于标准化可能会影响到模型的表达能力,Batch Normalization 还会引入两个可学习的参数 γ \gamma γ(缩放参数)和 β \beta β(平移参数),它们允许模型重新调整标准化后的数据:

y i = γ x ^ i + β y_i = \gamma \hat{x}_i + \beta yi=γx^i+β

其中, γ \gamma γ β \beta β是学习的参数,通常会通过反向传播进行优化。

Batch Normalization 的优势

  • 加速训练:Batch Normalization 通过减少输入数据的偏移(internal covariate shift),使得每一层的输入分布更加稳定,从而加速了网络的训练过程。
  • 提高稳定性:由于它通过标准化输入避免了梯度爆炸或梯度消失问题,使得训练更加稳定。
  • 缓解过拟合:在一些情况下,Batch Normalization 也可以起到正则化的作用,减少了模型对训练数据的过拟合。
  • 减少对初始化的依赖:Batch Normalization 可以在一定程度上缓解对权重初始化的敏感性。


    def __init__(self, **model_params):
        embedding_dim = model_params['embedding_dim']
        self.norm = nn.InstanceNorm1d(embedding_dim, affine=True, track_running_stats=False)

十一、class AddAndInstanceNormalization(nn.Module):forward(self, input1, input2)


forward 方法,它执行了加法和批量归一化操作。
forward 方法的主要功能是:

  • 加法操作:将两个输入张量 input1input2 相加。
  • 批量归一化:将加法结果进行批量归一化(Batch Normalization),标准化其特征维度。
  • 形状恢复:批量归一化后,将张量的形状恢复到原来的维度。



  1. 获取输入张量的维度:
batch_s = input1.size(0)
problem_s = input1.size(1)
embedding_dim = input1.size(2)

  • batch_s 表示批次大小,problem_s 表示问题的大小(特征的数量),embedding_dim 表示嵌入的维度。
  • 这些维度来自输入张量input1,并且假设 input2 具有相同的形状。
  1. 加法操作:
added = input1 + input2

  • input1 nput2 进行逐元素加法。此时,added 张量的形状与 input1input2 相同,仍为 (batch_s, problem_s, embedding_dim)
  1. 批量归一化:
normalized = self.norm_by_EMB(added.reshape(batch_s * problem_s, embedding_dim))

  • added 张量的形状重塑为 (batch_s * problem_s, embedding_dim),将批次维度和问题维度合并,以便进行批量归一化操作。这样就对每个特征维度(embedding_dim)做了批量标准化。
  • self.norm_by_EMB 是一个 BatchNorm1d 层,它会对每个特征维度执行标准化,使得每个特征的均值接近 0,方差接近 1。
  1. 恢复形状:
back_trans = normalized.reshape(batch_s, problem_s, embedding_dim)

  • 批量归一化后,将 normalized 张量的形状恢复回 (batch_s, problem_s, embedding_dim),即恢复原本的输入形状。
  1. 返回结果:
return back_trans

  • 返回经过批量归一化的张量 back_trans,它的形状与输入相同,并且每个特征维度已经经过标准化。
    def forward(self, input1, input2):
        # input.shape: (batch, problem, embedding)

        added = input1 + input2
        # shape: (batch, problem, embedding)

        transposed = added.transpose(1, 2)
        # shape: (batch, embedding, problem)

        normalized = self.norm(transposed)
        # shape: (batch, embedding, problem)

        back_trans = normalized.transpose(1, 2)
        # shape: (batch, problem, embedding)

        return back_trans

十二、class FeedForward(nn.Module):init(self, **model_params)


FeedForward 的类,它是一个典型的前馈神经网络(Feedforward Neural Network)模块,实现了一个简单的两层神经网络。

  • __init__ 方法是类的构造函数,用来初始化网络的层和超参数。
  • embedding_dim ff_hidden_dim 是通过 model_params 传递的超参数,分别表示嵌入维度和前馈神经网络隐藏层的维度。
    • embedding_dim 是输入和输出的维度。
    • ff_hidden_dim 是隐藏层的维度,即在网络的中间层。
  • self.W1 self.W2是两个全连接层nn.Linear):
    • self.W1 将输入的 embedding_dim 维度的向量转换为 ff_hidden_dim 维度的向量。
    • self.W2 ff_hidden_dim 维度的向量转换回 embedding_dim 维度的向量。


    def __init__(self, **model_params):
        embedding_dim = model_params['embedding_dim']
        ff_hidden_dim = model_params['ff_hidden_dim']

        self.W1 = nn.Linear(embedding_dim, ff_hidden_dim)
        self.W2 = nn.Linear(ff_hidden_dim, embedding_dim)

十三、class FeedForward(nn.Module):forward(self, input1)


  • forward 方法定义了数据流通过网络的方式,也就是前向传播过程。
  • 输入 input1 的形状为 (batch, problem, embedding),即批次大小 batch、问题数量 problem和每个问题的嵌入维度embedding
  • 执行的步骤如下:
    • 1.第一层线性变换(self.W1:输入通过 self.W1 进行线性变换,将输入的嵌入维度转换为隐藏层的维度(ff_hidden_dim)。变换公式为:
      其中 x 是输入,W1 是权重矩阵,b1 是偏置。

    • 2.激活函数(ReLU):对 self.W1 的输出应用 ReLU 激活函数,ReLU 将负值归零,保留正值。公式为:

    • 3.第二层线性变换(self.W2:通过 self.W2 进行线性变换,将隐藏层的输出转换回原始的嵌入维度(embedding_dim)。变换公式为:

  • 最终输出是经过两层线性变换和 ReLU 激活函数处理的结果,形状仍然是 (batch, problem, embedding)。


    def forward(self, input1):
        # input.shape: (batch, problem, embedding)

        return self.W2(F.relu(self.W1(input1)))



import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

class CVRPModel(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, **model_params):
        self.model_params = model_params

        self.encoder = CVRP_Encoder(**model_params)
        self.decoder = CVRP_Decoder(**model_params)
        self.encoded_nodes = None
        # shape: (batch, problem+1, EMBEDDING_DIM)

    def pre_forward(self, reset_state):
        depot_xy = reset_state.depot_xy
        # shape: (batch, 1, 2)
        node_xy = reset_state.node_xy
        # shape: (batch, problem, 2)
        node_demand = reset_state.node_demand
        # shape: (batch, problem)
        node_xy_demand = torch.cat((node_xy, node_demand[:, :, None]), dim=2)
        # shape: (batch, problem, 3)

        encoded_nodes = self.encoder(depot_xy, node_xy_demand)
        # shape: (batch, problem+1, embedding)
        _ = self.decoder.regret_embedding[None, None, :].expand(encoded_nodes.size(0), 1,self.decoder.regret_embedding.size(-1))
        # _ 的shape:(batch,1,embedding)
        self.encoded_nodes = torch.cat((encoded_nodes, _), dim=1)
        # self.encoded_nodes的shape:(batch,problem+2,embedding)

    def forward(self, state):
        batch_size = state.BATCH_IDX.size(0)
        pomo_size = state.BATCH_IDX.size(1)

        if state.selected_count == 0:  # First Move, depot
            selected = torch.zeros(size=(batch_size, pomo_size), dtype=torch.long)
            prob = torch.ones(size=(batch_size, pomo_size))

            # # Use Averaged encoded nodes for decoder input_1
            # encoded_nodes_mean = self.encoded_nodes.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True)
            # # shape: (batch, 1, embedding)
            # self.decoder.set_q1(encoded_nodes_mean)

            # Use encoded_depot for decoder input_2
            encoded_first_node = self.encoded_nodes[:, [0], :]
            # shape: (batch, 1, embedding)

        elif state.selected_count == 1:  # Second Move, POMO
            selected = torch.arange(start=1, end=pomo_size+1)[None, :].expand(batch_size, pomo_size)
            prob = torch.ones(size=(batch_size, pomo_size))

            encoded_last_node = _get_encoding(self.encoded_nodes, state.current_node)
            # shape: (batch, pomo, embedding)
            probs = self.decoder(encoded_last_node, state.load, ninf_mask=state.ninf_mask)
            # shape: (batch, pomo, problem+1)

            if self.training or self.model_params['eval_type'] == 'softmax':
                while True:  # to fix pytorch.multinomial bug on selecting 0 probability elements
                    with torch.no_grad():
                        selected = probs.reshape(batch_size * pomo_size, -1).multinomial(1) \
                            .squeeze(dim=1).reshape(batch_size, pomo_size)
                    # shape: (batch, pomo)
                    prob = probs[state.BATCH_IDX, state.POMO_IDX, selected].reshape(batch_size, pomo_size)
                    # shape: (batch, pomo)
                    if (prob != 0).all():

                selected = probs.argmax(dim=2)
                # shape: (batch, pomo)
                prob = None  # value not needed. Can be anything.

        return selected, prob

def _get_encoding(encoded_nodes, node_index_to_pick):
    # encoded_nodes.shape: (batch, problem, embedding)
    # node_index_to_pick.shape: (batch, pomo)

    batch_size = node_index_to_pick.size(0)
    pomo_size = node_index_to_pick.size(1)
    embedding_dim = encoded_nodes.size(2)

    gathering_index = node_index_to_pick[:, :, None].expand(batch_size, pomo_size, embedding_dim)
    # shape: (batch, pomo, embedding)

    picked_nodes = encoded_nodes.gather(dim=1, index=gathering_index)
    # shape: (batch, pomo, embedding)

    return picked_nodes


class CVRP_Encoder(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, **model_params):
        self.model_params = model_params
        embedding_dim = self.model_params['embedding_dim']
        encoder_layer_num = self.model_params['encoder_layer_num']

        self.embedding_depot = nn.Linear(2, embedding_dim)
        self.embedding_node = nn.Linear(3, embedding_dim)
        self.layers = nn.ModuleList([EncoderLayer(**model_params) for _ in range(encoder_layer_num)])

    def forward(self, depot_xy, node_xy_demand):
        # depot_xy.shape: (batch, 1, 2)
        # node_xy_demand.shape: (batch, problem, 3)

        embedded_depot = self.embedding_depot(depot_xy)
        # shape: (batch, 1, embedding)
        embedded_node = self.embedding_node(node_xy_demand)
        # shape: (batch, problem, embedding)

        out = torch.cat((embedded_depot, embedded_node), dim=1)
        # shape: (batch, problem+1, embedding)

        for layer in self.layers:
            out = layer(out)

        return out
        # shape: (batch, problem+1, embedding)

class EncoderLayer(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, **model_params):
        self.model_params = model_params
        embedding_dim = self.model_params['embedding_dim']
        head_num = self.model_params['head_num']
        qkv_dim = self.model_params['qkv_dim']

        self.Wq = nn.Linear(embedding_dim, head_num * qkv_dim, bias=False)
        self.Wk = nn.Linear(embedding_dim, head_num * qkv_dim, bias=False)
        self.Wv = nn.Linear(embedding_dim, head_num * qkv_dim, bias=False)
        self.multi_head_combine = nn.Linear(head_num * qkv_dim, embedding_dim)

        self.add_n_normalization_1 = AddAndInstanceNormalization(**model_params)
        self.feed_forward = FeedForward(**model_params)
        self.add_n_normalization_2 = AddAndInstanceNormalization(**model_params)

    def forward(self, input1):
        # input1.shape: (batch, problem+1, embedding)
        head_num = self.model_params['head_num']

        q = reshape_by_heads(self.Wq(input1), head_num=head_num)
        k = reshape_by_heads(self.Wk(input1), head_num=head_num)
        v = reshape_by_heads(self.Wv(input1), head_num=head_num)
        # qkv shape: (batch, head_num, problem, qkv_dim)

        out_concat = multi_head_attention(q, k, v)
        # shape: (batch, problem, head_num*qkv_dim)

        multi_head_out = self.multi_head_combine(out_concat)
        # shape: (batch, problem, embedding)

        out1 = self.add_n_normalization_1(input1, multi_head_out)
        out2 = self.feed_forward(out1)
        out3 = self.add_n_normalization_2(out1, out2)

        return out3
        # shape: (batch, problem, embedding)


class CVRP_Decoder(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, **model_params):
        self.model_params = model_params
        embedding_dim = self.model_params['embedding_dim']
        head_num = self.model_params['head_num']
        qkv_dim = self.model_params['qkv_dim']

        # self.Wq_1 = nn.Linear(embedding_dim, head_num * qkv_dim, bias=False)
        self.Wq_2 = nn.Linear(embedding_dim, head_num * qkv_dim, bias=False)
        self.Wq_last = nn.Linear(embedding_dim+1, head_num * qkv_dim, bias=False)
        self.Wk = nn.Linear(embedding_dim, head_num * qkv_dim, bias=False)
        self.Wv = nn.Linear(embedding_dim, head_num * qkv_dim, bias=False)

        self.regret_embedding = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(embedding_dim))
        self.regret_embedding.data.uniform_(-1, 1)

        self.multi_head_combine = nn.Linear(head_num * qkv_dim, embedding_dim)

        self.k = None  # saved key, for multi-head attention
        self.v = None  # saved value, for multi-head_attention
        self.single_head_key = None  # saved, for single-head attention
        # self.q1 = None  # saved q1, for multi-head attention
        self.q2 = None  # saved q2, for multi-head attention

    def set_kv(self, encoded_nodes):
        # encoded_nodes.shape: (batch, problem+1, embedding)
        head_num = self.model_params['head_num']

        self.k = reshape_by_heads(self.Wk(encoded_nodes), head_num=head_num)
        self.v = reshape_by_heads(self.Wv(encoded_nodes), head_num=head_num)
        # shape: (batch, head_num, problem+1, qkv_dim)
        self.single_head_key = encoded_nodes.transpose(1, 2)
        # shape: (batch, embedding, problem+1)

    def set_q1(self, encoded_q1):
        # encoded_q.shape: (batch, n, embedding)  # n can be 1 or pomo
        head_num = self.model_params['head_num']
        self.q1 = reshape_by_heads(self.Wq_1(encoded_q1), head_num=head_num)
        # shape: (batch, head_num, n, qkv_dim)

    def set_q2(self, encoded_q2):
        # encoded_q.shape: (batch, n, embedding)  # n can be 1 or pomo
        head_num = self.model_params['head_num']
        self.q2 = reshape_by_heads(self.Wq_2(encoded_q2), head_num=head_num)
        # shape: (batch, head_num, n, qkv_dim)

    def forward(self, encoded_last_node, load, ninf_mask):
        # encoded_last_node.shape: (batch, pomo, embedding)
        # load.shape: (batch, pomo)
        # ninf_mask.shape: (batch, pomo, problem)

        head_num = self.model_params['head_num']

        #  Multi-Head Attention
        input_cat = torch.cat((encoded_last_node, load[:, :, None]), dim=2)
        # shape = (batch, group, EMBEDDING_DIM+1)

        q_last = reshape_by_heads(self.Wq_last(input_cat), head_num=head_num)
        # shape: (batch, head_num, pomo, qkv_dim)

        # q = self.q1 + self.q2 + q_last
        # # shape: (batch, head_num, pomo, qkv_dim)
        # q = q_last
        # shape: (batch, head_num, pomo, qkv_dim)
        q = self.q2 + q_last
        # # shape: (batch, head_num, pomo, qkv_dim)

        out_concat = multi_head_attention(q, self.k, self.v, rank3_ninf_mask=ninf_mask)
        # shape: (batch, pomo, head_num*qkv_dim)

        mh_atten_out = self.multi_head_combine(out_concat)
        # shape: (batch, pomo, embedding)

        #  Single-Head Attention, for probability calculation
        score = torch.matmul(mh_atten_out, self.single_head_key)
        # shape: (batch, pomo, problem)

        sqrt_embedding_dim = self.model_params['sqrt_embedding_dim']
        logit_clipping = self.model_params['logit_clipping']

        score_scaled = score / sqrt_embedding_dim
        # shape: (batch, pomo, problem)

        score_clipped = logit_clipping * torch.tanh(score_scaled)

        score_masked = score_clipped + ninf_mask

        probs = F.softmax(score_masked, dim=2)
        # shape: (batch, pomo, problem)

        return probs


def reshape_by_heads(qkv, head_num):
    # q.shape: (batch, n, head_num*key_dim)   : n can be either 1 or PROBLEM_SIZE

    batch_s = qkv.size(0)
    n = qkv.size(1)

    q_reshaped = qkv.reshape(batch_s, n, head_num, -1)
    # shape: (batch, n, head_num, key_dim)

    q_transposed = q_reshaped.transpose(1, 2)
    # shape: (batch, head_num, n, key_dim)

    return q_transposed

def multi_head_attention(q, k, v, rank2_ninf_mask=None, rank3_ninf_mask=None):
    # q shape: (batch, head_num, n, key_dim)   : n can be either 1 or PROBLEM_SIZE
    # k,v shape: (batch, head_num, problem, key_dim)
    # rank2_ninf_mask.shape: (batch, problem)
    # rank3_ninf_mask.shape: (batch, group, problem)

    batch_s = q.size(0)
    head_num = q.size(1)
    n = q.size(2)
    key_dim = q.size(3)

    input_s = k.size(2)

    score = torch.matmul(q, k.transpose(2, 3))
    # shape: (batch, head_num, n, problem)

    score_scaled = score / torch.sqrt(torch.tensor(key_dim, dtype=torch.float))
    if rank2_ninf_mask is not None:
        score_scaled = score_scaled + rank2_ninf_mask[:, None, None, :].expand(batch_s, head_num, n, input_s)
    if rank3_ninf_mask is not None:
        score_scaled = score_scaled + rank3_ninf_mask[:, None, :, :].expand(batch_s, head_num, n, input_s)

    weights = nn.Softmax(dim=3)(score_scaled)
    # shape: (batch, head_num, n, problem)

    out = torch.matmul(weights, v)
    # shape: (batch, head_num, n, key_dim)

    out_transposed = out.transpose(1, 2)
    # shape: (batch, n, head_num, key_dim)

    out_concat = out_transposed.reshape(batch_s, n, head_num * key_dim)
    # shape: (batch, n, head_num*key_dim)

    return out_concat

class AddAndInstanceNormalization(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, **model_params):
        embedding_dim = model_params['embedding_dim']
        self.norm = nn.InstanceNorm1d(embedding_dim, affine=True, track_running_stats=False)

    def forward(self, input1, input2):
        # input.shape: (batch, problem, embedding)

        added = input1 + input2
        # shape: (batch, problem, embedding)

        transposed = added.transpose(1, 2)
        # shape: (batch, embedding, problem)

        normalized = self.norm(transposed)
        # shape: (batch, embedding, problem)

        back_trans = normalized.transpose(1, 2)
        # shape: (batch, problem, embedding)

        return back_trans

class AddAndBatchNormalization(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, **model_params):
        embedding_dim = model_params['embedding_dim']
        self.norm_by_EMB = nn.BatchNorm1d(embedding_dim, affine=True)
        # 'Funny' Batch_Norm, as it will normalized by EMB dim

    def forward(self, input1, input2):
        # input.shape: (batch, problem, embedding)

        batch_s = input1.size(0)
        problem_s = input1.size(1)
        embedding_dim = input1.size(2)

        added = input1 + input2
        normalized = self.norm_by_EMB(added.reshape(batch_s * problem_s, embedding_dim))
        back_trans = normalized.reshape(batch_s, problem_s, embedding_dim)

        return back_trans

class FeedForward(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, **model_params):
        embedding_dim = model_params['embedding_dim']
        ff_hidden_dim = model_params['ff_hidden_dim']

        self.W1 = nn.Linear(embedding_dim, ff_hidden_dim)
        self.W2 = nn.Linear(ff_hidden_dim, embedding_dim)

    def forward(self, input1):
        # input.shape: (batch, problem, embedding)

        return self.W2(F.relu(self.W1(input1)))





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