







from openpyxl import Workbook
from openpyxl.styles import PatternFill, Border, Side, Alignment, Font
import datetime
import time
from openpyxl.utils import get_column_letter

path = r'C:\Users\jg2yXRZ\OneDrive\桌面\20250217校历'
title = '2024学年第二学期校历'
# 起始日期前空几天

# 创建一个新的Excel工作簿
workbook = Workbook()
sheet = workbook.active

# 设置标题行
# title_row = ["周次",  "星期一", "星期二", "星期三", "星期四", "星期五", "星期六","星期日",]
title_row = ["周次",  "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六","日",]

# 设置日期范围
start_date = datetime.date(2025, 2, 17)
end_date = datetime.date(2025, 6, 30)

# 生成日期列表并包含标题行和空格行
date_list = [title_row]
for i in range(m):
    date_list.append([])  # 添加一个空格行

current_day = start_date

while current_day <= end_date:
    current_day += datetime.timedelta(days=1)

# 计算周数和将日期列表写入Excel
current_week = 1
for i in range(1, len(date_list), 7):
    # 获取当前周的日期列表
    week_dates = date_list[i:i+7]
    # 在A列中添加周次
    sheet.cell(row=current_week + 1, column=1).value = f"{current_week}"
    cell = sheet.cell(row=current_week + 1, column=1)
    cell.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center', vertical='center')
    # 设置A列单元格边框样式为黑色实线
    thin_border = Border(left=Side(style='thin', color='000000'), 
                         right=Side(style='thin', color='000000'), 
                         top=Side(style='thin', color='000000'), 
                         bottom=Side(style='thin', color='000000'))
    cell.border = thin_border
    cell.font = Font(size=18)
    # 在正确的单元格中添加日期
    for j in range(len(week_dates)):
        cell = sheet.cell(row=current_week + 1, column=j + 2)
        # 检查日期是否为当月的第一天,如果是则显示“月/1”,否则显示“月/日”
        if week_dates[j]:  # Check if the list is not empty
            if week_dates[j][0].year == 2025 and week_dates[j][0].month == 2 and week_dates[j][0].day == 17:
                cell.value = f"{week_dates[j][0].year}/{week_dates[j][0].month}/{week_dates[j][0].day}"
            elif week_dates[j][0].day == 1:
                cell.value = f"{week_dates[j][0].month}/{week_dates[j][0].day}"
                cell.value = f"{week_dates[j][0].day}"
        cell.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center', vertical='center')
        # 根据月份设置单元格底纹颜色
        month = week_dates[j][0].month
        if month == 2:
            cell.fill = PatternFill(start_color="FFFFCC", end_color="FFFFCC", fill_type="solid")  # 浅黄色
        elif month == 3:
            cell.fill = PatternFill(start_color="FFCCCC", end_color="FFCCCC", fill_type="solid")  # 浅红色
        elif month == 4:
            cell.fill = PatternFill(start_color="CCFFCC", end_color="CCFFCC", fill_type="solid")  # 浅绿色
        elif month == 5:
            cell.fill = PatternFill(start_color="CCCCCC", end_color="CCCCCC", fill_type="solid")  # 浅灰色
        elif month == 6:
            cell.fill = PatternFill(start_color="FFCC99", end_color="FFCC99", fill_type="solid")  # 浅橘色
        # 设置单元格边框样式为黑色实线
        thin_border = Border(left=Side(style='thin', color='000000'), 
                             right=Side(style='thin', color='000000'), 
                             top=Side(style='thin', color='000000'), 
                             bottom=Side(style='thin', color='000000'))
        cell.border = thin_border
        # 设置字体大小为18磅
        if week_dates[j][0].year == 2025 and week_dates[j][0].month == 2 and week_dates[j][0].day == 17:
            cell.font = Font(size=13)
            cell.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center', vertical='center')
            cell.font = Font(size=18)
            cell.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center', vertical='center')
    # 更新周数并移动到下一周
    current_week += 1

# 确保标题行的所有单元格也居中且有框线,并将第一行标题单元格底色设置为浅蓝色
for col in range(1, len(title_row) + 1):
    cell = sheet.cell(row=1, column=col)
    cell.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center', vertical='center')
    thin_border = Border(left=Side(style='thin', color='000000'), 
                         right=Side(style='thin', color='000000'), 
                         top=Side(style='thin', color='000000'), 
                         bottom=Side(style='thin', color='000000'))
    cell.border = thin_border
    if col >= 1 and col <= 8:  # Apply blue fill to A1-H1
        cell.fill = PatternFill(start_color="ADD8E6", end_color="ADD8E6", fill_type="solid")  # 浅蓝色
        cell.font = Font(size=18)

# A列第二行开始,单元格的填充底色与B列单元格颜色相同
for row in range(2, sheet.max_row + 1):
    for col in range(1, 2):  # Apply fill from B column to A-H columns
        b_cell = sheet.cell(row=row, column=col + 1)
        a_cell = sheet.cell(row=row, column=col)
        a_cell.fill = b_cell.fill.copy()  # Use copy() to avoid unhashable type error

# 设置所有行的行高和列宽
for row in range(1, sheet.max_row + 1):
    sheet.row_dimensions[row].height = 30

for col in range(1, sheet.max_column + 1):
    column_letter = get_column_letter(col)
    sheet.column_dimensions[column_letter].width = 10  # Set width to a reasonable value for better readability

#  在第一行上方插入一个空行,然后合并A1-H1,写入“第二学期”20磅,居中
sheet.cell(row=1, column=1).value = "上海市中小学2024学年度第二学期校历(阿夏20250209)"
sheet.cell(row=1, column=1).alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center', vertical='center')
sheet.cell(row=1, column=1).font = Font(size=18)
sheet.cell(row=1, column=1).border = thin_border
sheet.cell(row=1, column=1).fill = PatternFill(start_color="ADD8E6", end_color="ADD8E6", fill_type="solid")  # 浅蓝色

# 保存工作簿
workbook.save(path + fr"\{title}.xlsx")





from openpyxl import Workbook
from openpyxl.styles import PatternFill, Border, Side, Alignment, Font
import datetime
import time
from openpyxl.utils import get_column_letter
from openpyxl.worksheet.page import PageMargins

path = r'C:\Users\jg2yXRZ\OneDrive\桌面\20250217校历'
title = '2024学年第二学期校历(阿夏20250209)'
# 起始日期前空几天

# 创建一个新的Excel工作簿
workbook = Workbook()
sheet = workbook.active

# 设置页边距(单位为英寸)

# 设置页边距(单位为厘米)
left_margin_cm = 1.3
right_margin_cm = 1.3
top_margin_cm = 2
bottom_margin_cm = 2

# 将厘米转换为英寸
left_margin_inch = left_margin_cm * 0.393701
right_margin_inch = right_margin_cm * 0.393701
top_margin_inch = top_margin_cm * 0.393701
bottom_margin_inch = bottom_margin_cm * 0.393701

# 设置页边距(单位为英寸)
margins = PageMargins(left=left_margin_inch, right=right_margin_inch, top=top_margin_inch, bottom=bottom_margin_inch)

# margins = PageMargins(left=3.322, right=3.322, top=5.08, bottom=5.08)
sheet.page_margins = margins

# 设置标题行
# title_row = ["周次",  "星期一", "星期二", "星期三", "星期四", "星期五", "星期六","星期日",]
title_row = ["周次",  "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六","日",]

# 设置日期范围
start_date = datetime.date(2025, 2, 17)
end_date = datetime.date(2025, 6, 30)

# 生成日期列表并包含标题行和空格行
date_list = [title_row]
for i in range(m):
    date_list.append([])  # 添加一个空格行

current_day = start_date

while current_day <= end_date:
    current_day += datetime.timedelta(days=1)

# 计算周数和将日期列表写入Excel
current_week = 1
for i in range(1, len(date_list), 7):
    # 获取当前周的日期列表
    week_dates = date_list[i:i+7]
    # 在A列中添加周次
    sheet.cell(row=current_week + 1, column=1).value = f"第{current_week}周"
    cell = sheet.cell(row=current_week + 1, column=1)
    cell.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center', vertical='center')
    # 设置A列单元格边框样式为黑色实线
    thin_border = Border(left=Side(style='thin', color='000000'), 
                         right=Side(style='thin', color='000000'), 
                         top=Side(style='thin', color='000000'), 
                         bottom=Side(style='thin', color='000000'))
    cell.border = thin_border
    cell.font = Font(size=16)
    # 在正确的单元格中添加日期
    for j in range(len(week_dates)):
        cell = sheet.cell(row=current_week + 1, column=j + 2)
        # 检查日期是否为当月的第一天,如果是则显示“月/1”,否则显示“月/日”
        if week_dates[j]:  # Check if the list is not empty
            if week_dates[j][0].year == 2025 and week_dates[j][0].month == 2 and week_dates[j][0].day == 17:
                cell.value = f"{week_dates[j][0].year}/{week_dates[j][0].month}/{week_dates[j][0].day}"
            elif week_dates[j][0].day == 1:
                cell.value = f"{week_dates[j][0].month}/{week_dates[j][0].day}"
                if week_dates[j][0].year == 2025 and week_dates[j][0].month == 5 and week_dates[j][0].day == 1:
                    cell.value = f"{week_dates[j][0].month}/{week_dates[j][0].day}劳动"      
                cell.value = f"{week_dates[j][0].day}"
                if week_dates[j][0].year == 2025 and week_dates[j][0].month == 4 and week_dates[j][0].day == 4:
                    cell.value = f"{week_dates[j][0].day}清明"
                elif week_dates[j][0].year == 2025 and week_dates[j][0].month == 5 and week_dates[j][0].day == 31:
                    cell.value = f"{week_dates[j][0].day}端午"
        cell.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center', vertical='center')

        # 根据月份设置单元格底纹颜色
        month = week_dates[j][0].month
        day = week_dates[j][0].day
        if month == 2:
            cell.fill = PatternFill(start_color="FFFFCC", end_color="FFFFCC", fill_type="solid")  # 浅黄色
        elif month == 3:
            cell.fill = PatternFill(start_color="FFCCCC", end_color="FFCCCC", fill_type="solid")  # 浅红色
        elif month == 4:
            if day !=4 :                # 4月4日清明
                cell.fill = PatternFill(start_color="CCFFCC", end_color="CCFFCC", fill_type="solid")  # 浅绿色
        elif month == 5:           
            if not (day == 1 or day == 2 or day == 3 or day == 4 or day == 5):      
                cell.fill = PatternFill(start_color="CCCCCC", end_color="CCCCCC", fill_type="solid")  # 浅灰色
        elif month == 6:
            if not (day == 1 or day == 2 ):    
                cell.fill = PatternFill(start_color="FFCC99", end_color="FFCC99", fill_type="solid")  # 浅橘色
        # 设置单元格边框样式为黑色实线
        thin_border = Border(left=Side(style='thin', color='000000'), 
                             right=Side(style='thin', color='000000'), 
                             top=Side(style='thin', color='000000'), 
                             bottom=Side(style='thin', color='000000'))
        cell.border = thin_border
        # 设置字体大小为18磅
        if week_dates[j][0].year == 2025 and week_dates[j][0].month == 2 and week_dates[j][0].day == 17:
            cell.font = Font(size=13)
            cell.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center', vertical='center')
            cell.font = Font(size=16)
            cell.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center', vertical='center')
        # 在G2-H2开始的列的单元格都填充为白色
        for row in range(2, sheet.max_row + 1):
            for col in range(7, 9):  # Apply white fill to G2-H2 columns
                cell = sheet.cell(row=row, column=col)
                cell.fill = PatternFill(start_color="FFFFFF", end_color="FFFFFF", fill_type="solid")  # White color

        # # 4月27日(周日)换班,4月浅绿色
        # if week_dates[j][0].year == 2025 and week_dates[j][0].month == 4 and week_dates[j][0].day == 27:
        #     print("4月27日已找到")
        #     # 重新填充一个特定单元格为浅绿色
        specific_cell = 'H11' 
        sheet[specific_cell].fill = PatternFill(start_color="CCFFCC", end_color="CCFFCC", fill_type="solid")
            # cell.fill = PatternFill(start_color="CCFFCC", end_color="CCFFCC", fill_type="solid")  # 浅绿色
    # 更新周数并移动到下一周
    current_week += 1

# 确保标题行的所有单元格也居中且有框线,并将第一行标题单元格底色设置为浅蓝色
for col in range(1, len(title_row) + 1):
    cell = sheet.cell(row=1, column=col)
    cell.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center', vertical='center')
    thin_border = Border(left=Side(style='thin', color='000000'), 
                         right=Side(style='thin', color='000000'), 
                         top=Side(style='thin', color='000000'), 
                         bottom=Side(style='thin', color='000000'))
    cell.border = thin_border
    if col >= 1 and col <= 8:  # Apply blue fill to A1-H1
        cell.fill = PatternFill(start_color="ADD8E6", end_color="ADD8E6", fill_type="solid")  # 浅蓝色
        cell.font = Font(size=16)

# A列第二行开始,单元格的填充底色与B列单元格颜色相同
# for row in range(2, sheet.max_row + 1):
#     for col in range(1, 2):  # Apply fill from B column to A-H columns
#         b_cell = sheet.cell(row=row, column=col + 1)
#         a_cell = sheet.cell(row=row, column=col)
#         a_cell.fill = b_cell.fill.copy()  # Use copy() to avoid unhashable type error

# 设置所有行的行高和列宽
for row in range(1, sheet.max_row + 2):
    sheet.row_dimensions[row].height = 30

for col in range(1, sheet.max_column + 1):
    column_letter = get_column_letter(col)
    sheet.column_dimensions[column_letter].width = 11.5 # Set width to a reasonable value for better readability

#  在第一行上方插入一个空行,然后合并A1-H1,写入“第二学期”20磅,居中
sheet.cell(row=1, column=1).value = "上海市中小学2024学年度第二学期校历(阿夏20250209)"
sheet.cell(row=1, column=1).alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center', vertical='center')
# 字号,加粗
sheet.cell(row=1, column=1).font = Font(size=18, bold=True)
# 框线
# sheet.cell(row=1, column=1).border = thin_border
# 填充白色
sheet.cell(row=1, column=1).fill = PatternFill(start_color="FFFFFF", end_color="FFFFFF", fill_type="solid") 

# 保存工作簿
workbook.save(path + fr"\{title}.xlsx")

# import pandas as pd
# from fpdf import FPDF

# # 读取Excel文件
# excel_file = path + fr"\{title}.xlsx"
# df = pd.read_excel(excel_file)

# # 创建PDF对象
# pdf = FPDF()
# pdf.add_page()
# pdf.set_font("Arial", size=12)

# # 添加表格数据到PDF
# for i in range(len(df)):
#     line = df.iloc[i].tolist()
#     text = ' | '.join([str(x) for x in line])
#     pdf.cell(200, 10, txt=text, ln=True)

# # 保存PDF文件
# pdf_file = path + fr"\{title}.pdf"
# pdf.output(pdf_file)
# print(f"PDF file has been created: {pdf_file}")

在excel里另存为pdf(python  把excel转PDF有问题)






Adobe Acrobat DC









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项目总结: 应用程序的扩展bundle化,自定义classLoader

目录 描述事情实现的简单说明主应用业务1业务2 实现细节描述更多总结 描述事情 应用程序的主逻辑要做一件事&#xff0c;也提供了扩展。即如果想干预这个逻辑&#xff0c;业务可以自己扩展。 设计图如下&#xff1a; 应用&#xff1a;application, AppClassLoader加载&#…


&#x1f3ac; 秋野酱&#xff1a;《个人主页》 &#x1f525; 个人专栏:《Java专栏》《Python专栏》 ⛺️心若有所向往,何惧道阻且长 文章目录 运行环境开发工具适用功能说明项目介绍环境需要技术栈使用说明 运行环境 Java≥8、MySQL≥5.7 开发工具 eclipse/idea/myeclips…


Ollama 下载源码 curl -L https://ollama.com/download/ollama-linux-amd64.tgz -o ollama-linux-amd64.tgz sudo tar -C /usr -xzf ollama-linux-amd64.tgz启动 export OLLAMA_HOST0.0.0.0:11434 ollama serve访问ip:11434看到即成功 Ollama is running 手动安装deepseek…

1 推荐系统概述

推荐系统概述 1 推荐系统的意义平台方信息生产者&#xff08;物品&#xff09;信息消费者&#xff08;用户&#xff09;推荐和搜索的区别 2 推荐系统架构系统架构算法架构 3 推荐系统技术栈算法画像层召回/粗排精排重排序 工程 1 推荐系统的意义 信息生产者&#xff08;平台方…


文章目录 1. torch_bmm2. pytorch源码 1. torch_bmm torch.bmm的作用是基于batch_size的矩阵乘法,torch.bmm的作用是对应batch位置的矩阵相乘&#xff0c;比如&#xff0c; mat1的第1个位置和mat2的第1个位置进行矩阵相乘得到mat3的第1个位置mat1的第2个位置和mat2的第2个位置…

汽车与AI深度融合:CES Asia 2025前瞻
