

1. 举例说明加锁的场景:



















取30, 50>30, 可以取,执行sql: amount=amount-30



取40, 刚才查询的余额为50,所以可以正常取,执行sql:amount=amount-40

这个例子中, 减余额是用sql减的(实际上是数据库服务器执行的减操作),数据库对某一条记录写操作的时候,都会加行锁,防止并发,所以执行sql update实际上是串行的,所以最终金额是-20,数据是对的, 就是不满足业务逻辑:账号余额小于取款金额不能取钱。

这个例子稍作调整,减金额,直接在自己的业务代码里先计算好,然后amount作为参数如传到sql里面直接update,那么最终金额就变成了 10 ,alice 的update会覆盖Bob的update,产生更严重的错误。


2. 加锁的两种方式:



When dealing with conflicts, you have two options:

  • You can try to avoid the conflict, and that's what Pessimistic Locking does.
  • Or, you could allow the conflict to occur, but you need to detect it upon committing your transactions, and that's what Optimistic Locking does.

Now, let's consider the following Lost Update anomaly:

The Lost Update anomaly can happen in the Read Committed isolation level.

In the diagram above we can see that Alice believes she can withdraw 40 from her account but does not realize that Bob has just changed the account balance, and now there are only 20 left in this account.

Pessimistic Locking

Pessimistic locking achieves this goal by taking a shared or read lock on the account so Bob is prevented from changing the account.

In the diagram above, both Alice and Bob will acquire a read lock on the account table row that both users have read. The database acquires these locks on SQL Server when using Repeatable Read or Serializable.

Because both Alice and Bob have read the account with the PK value of 1, neither of them can change it until one user releases the read lock. This is because a write operation requires a write/exclusive lock acquisition, and shared/read locks prevent write/exclusive locks.

Only after Alice has committed her transaction and the read lock was released on the account row, Bob UPDATE will resume and apply the change. Until Alice releases the read lock, Bob's UPDATE blocks.

Optimistic Locking

Optimistic Locking allows the conflict to occur but detects it upon applying Alice's UPDATE as the version has changed.

This time, we have an additional version column. The version column is incremented every time an UPDATE or DELETE is executed, and it is also used in the WHERE clause of the UPDATE and DELETE statements. For this to work, we need to issue the SELECT and read the current version prior to executing the UPDATE or DELETE, as otherwise, we would not know what version value to pass to the WHERE clause or to increment.

Application-level transactions

Relational database systems have emerged in the late 70's early 80's when a client would, typically, connect to a mainframe via a terminal. That's why we still see database systems define terms such as SESSION setting.

Nowadays, over the Internet, we no longer execute reads and writes in the context of the same database transaction, and ACID is no longer sufficient.

For instance, consider the following use case:

Without optimistic locking, there is no way this Lost Update would have been caught even if the database transactions used Serializable. This is because reads and writes are executed in separate HTTP requests, hence on different database transactions.

So, optimistic locking can help you prevent Lost Updates even when using application-level transactions that incorporate the user-think time as well.


Optimistic locking is a very useful technique, and it works just fine even when using less-strict isolation levels, like Read Committed, or when reads and writes are executed in subsequent database transactions.

The downside of optimistic locking is that a rollback will be triggered by the data access framework upon catching an OptimisticLockException, therefore losing all the work we've done previously by the currently executing transaction.

The more contention, the more conflicts, and the greater the chance of aborting transactions. Rollbacks can be costly for the database system as it needs to revert all current pending changes which might involve both table rows and index records.

For this reason, pessimistic locking might be more suitable when conflicts happen frequently, as it reduces the chance of rolling back transactions.





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