Group FLUX - Beta Sprint Essay4


    • I. SCRUM
      • Achievements from yesterday’s stand-up meeting to the present
      • Key Features Demonstrated in Beta
    • PM Report
      • Burnup map
      • Running image of our current program


Achievements from yesterday’s stand-up meeting to the present

  • Zhong Haoyan:


    • Dashboard Visual Enhancements: Designed and implemented a data overview dashboard showcasing key real-time statistics like total user count (135 people) and per-camera breakdown.
    • Interactive Content Loading: Improved page responsiveness by dynamically loading charts and maps, reducing initial load times.
    • Frontend Component Optimization: Fine-tuned UI components for real-time updates and smooth integration of pie charts, graphs, and maps.
  • Lu Yang:


    • Theming System Finalization: Integrated dynamic color themes to enhance visual appeal, supporting light and dark modes for better accessibility.
    • Layout Improvements: Refactored the layout to accommodate real-time people flow graphs and map-based camera locations.
    • Map Component Integration: Successfully implemented an interactive map showing camera placements and monitored zones with location markers.
  • Guo Rongen:


    • Data Insights Widgets: Developed widgets for location-wise user distribution and daily flow trends visualized via pie and line charts.
    • Tooltip and Help Integration: Added tooltips to graphs and map components to clarify real-time metrics and their interpretation.
    • User Guidance Features: Expanded user help documentation to provide a step-by-step understanding of new dashboard functionalities.
  • Li Ruixuan and Huang Han:


    • API Integration for Real-Time Metrics: Integrated APIs for fetching updated user counts, people distributions, and camera data dynamically.
    • Backend Query Optimization: Optimized database queries to update real-time charts and ensure low-latency data synchronization.
    • Data Security Protocols: Strengthened data transmission channels with enhanced encryption for sensitive metrics like user counts.
  • Yue Wentao and Ruan Zihan:


    • Performance Load Balancing: Configured load balancers to efficiently handle increased backend requests from the dashboard.
    • Database Optimization: Improved the indexing and querying processes to enhance the response time of daily flow trends graphs.
    • Backup Mechanisms: Validated robust backup strategies to ensure no data loss during the real-time data processing pipeline.
  • Shang Tianyi and Hu Weijun:


    • Session Management for Admin: Enhanced session handling to ensure seamless, secure user authentication for dashboard access.
    • SSO Integration for Admin Portal: Enabled single sign-on (SSO) for quick and secure access to the admin panel across integrated systems.
  • Liao Honglin:


    • Performance Benchmarks: Measured and optimized dashboard performance, achieving low-latency visualization for real-time updates.
    • Security Audits: Conducted security assessments to prevent vulnerabilities within the frontend framework and interactive components.
    • User Experience Testing: Collected user feedback during the beta test to fine-tune chart interactions and dashboard usability.
  • Liu Siyuan, Ye Hanhao, and Yu Zhuoyi:


    • Machine Learning Integration: Leveraged machine learning pipelines to process and validate people detection results from camera inputs.
    • Predictive Trends Analysis: Integrated predictive flow models to forecast user counts based on historical data for each camera.
    • AI Monitoring Pipelines: Deployed AI model monitoring tools to ensure consistent performance in detecting real-time trends.

Key Features Demonstrated in Beta

  1. Real-Time Data Dashboard:
    • Provides real-time statistics on total user count, per-camera people detection, and daily flow analysis.
    • Displays interactive pie charts for camera-wise distribution and line graphs for user flow trends.
  2. Location-Based Visualization:
    • Integrated an interactive map showcasing camera placements and monitored areas, improving spatial awareness.
    • Users can visualize real-time camera data overlaid on location markers.
  3. Data Insights and Accessibility:
    • Dynamic content updates ensure users receive real-time updates without page reloads.
    • Tooltips and documentation enhance accessibility for administrators and system managers.
  4. System Performance and Security:
    • Optimized backend queries for minimal latency while fetching large datasets.
    • Implemented robust security protocols to protect real-time data and administrative sessions.

PM Report

Burnup map


Running image of our current program






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