vscode 打开 setting.json

  1. 按下Ctrl + Shift + P(Windows/Linux)或Cmd + Shift + P(Mac)来打开命令面板。
  2. 输入open settings,然后选择 Open User Settings(JSON)。打开settings.json文件


1、  html代码的行长度, 避免格式化时换行

"editor.wordWrap": "on",
"editor.wordWrapColumn": 2000, // 设置为你想要的最大行长度

"html.format.wrapAttributes": "auto",  
"html.format.wrapLineLength": 2000, // 设置为你想要的最大行长度


To improve the formatting of your HTML source code, you can use the Format Document command ⇧⌥F to format the entire file or Format Selection ⌘K ⌘F to just format the selected text.

The HTML formatter is based on js-beautify. The formatting options offered by that library are surfaced in the VS Code settings:

  • html.format.wrapLineLength: Maximum amount of characters per line.
  • html.format.unformatted: List of tags that shouldn't be reformatted.
  • html.format.contentUnformatted: List of tags, comma separated, where the content shouldn't be reformatted.
  • html.format.extraLiners: List of tags that should have an extra newline before them.
  • html.format.preserveNewLines: Whether existing line breaks before elements should be preserved.
  • html.format.maxPreserveNewLines: Maximum number of line breaks to be preserved in one chunk.
  • html.format.indentInnerHtml: Indent <head> and <body> sections.
  • html.format.wrapAttributes: Wrapping strategy for attributes:
    • auto: Wrap when the line length is exceeded
    • force: Wrap all attributes, except first
    • force-aligned: Wrap all attributes, except first, and align attributes  强制所有属性对其
    • force-expand-multiline: Wrap all attributes
    • aligned-multiple: Wrap when line length is exceeded, align attributes vertically
    • preserve: Preserve wrapping of attributes
    • preserve-aligned: Preserve wrapping of attributes but align
  • html.format.wrapAttributesIndentSize: Alignment size when using force aligned and aligned multiple in html.format.wrapAttributes or null to use the default indent size.
  • html.format.templating: Honor django, erb, handlebars and php templating language tags.
  • html.format.unformattedContentDelimiter: Keep text content together between this string.

Tip: The formatter doesn't format the tags listed in the html.format.unformatted and html.format.contentUnformatted settings. Embedded JavaScript is formatted unless 'script' tags are excluded.

The Marketplace has several alternative formatters to choose from. If you want to use a different formatter, define "html.format.enable": false in your settings to turn off the built-in formatter.

想见  HTML Programming with Visual Studio Code




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