
    在我们搭建oracle 11g数据库过程中,当我们设置好安装参数后,最后一步进行数据库安装时,oracle安装进程实际上调用的是$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/sql.bsq脚本进行建库。今天我们将详细介绍下其中的核心脚本dbcore.bsq。







create tablespace SYSTEM datafile "D_DBFN" 
  "D_DSTG" online
create rollback segment SYSTEM tablespace SYSTEM
  storage (initial 50K next 50K)


create cluster c_obj# (obj# number)
  pctfree 5 size 800                           
  storage (initial 130K next 200k maxextents unlimited pctincrease 0) 
create index i_obj# on cluster c_obj#


create table tab$                                            
( obj#          number not null,                 /* 对象号 */
  dataobj#      number,                          /* 数据层对象号*/
  ts#           number not null,                 /* 表空间号 */
  file#         number not null,                 /* 段头文件号 */
  block#        number not null,                 /* 段头数据块号 */
  bobj#         number,                          /* 基础对象号 (cluster / iot) */
  tab#          number,                          /* 聚簇表号,为空代表不是聚簇表 */
  cols          number not null,                 /* 列数 */
  clucols       number,                          /* 聚簇列号 */
  pctfree$      number not null,                 /* 最小剩余空间百分比 */
  pctused$      number not null,                 /* 最小使用空间百分比 */
  initrans      number not null,                 /* 初始事务数 */
  maxtrans      number not null,                 /* 最大事务数 */
  flags         number not null, /* 0x00     = unmodified since last backup 
                                    0x01     = modified since then 
                                    0x02     = DML locks restricted to <= SX 
                                    0x04     = DML locks <= SX not acquired
                                    0x08     = CACHE  
                                    0x10     = table has been analyzed
                                    0x20     = table has no logging
                                    0x40     = 7.3 -> 8.0 data object
                                               migration required    
                                    0x0080   = current summary dependency
                                    0x0100   = user-specified stats
                                    0x0200   = global stats           
                                    0x0800   = table has security policy 
                                    0x020000 = Move Partitioned Rows 
                                   0x0400000 = table has sub tables
                                  0x00800000 = row dependencies enabled */
                /* 0x10000000 = this IOT has a  physical rowid mapping table */
                /* 0x20000000 = mapping table of an IOT(with physical rowid) */
  audit$        varchar2("S_OPFL") not null,             /* auditing options */
  rowcnt        number,                                    /* number of rows */
  blkcnt        number,                                  /* number of blocks */
  empcnt        number,                            /* number of empty blocks */
  avgspc        number,       /* average available free space/iot ovfl stats */
  chncnt        number,                            /* number of chained rows */
  avgrln        number,                                /* average row length */
  avgspc_flb    number,       /* avg avail free space of blocks on free list */
  flbcnt        number,                             /* free list block count */
  analyzetime   date,                        /* timestamp when last analyzed */
  samplesize    number,                 /* number of rows sampled by Analyze */
 * Legal values for degree, instances: 
 *     NULL (used to represent 1 on disk/dictionary and implies noparallel), or
 *     2 thru EB2MAXVAL-1 (user supplied values), or
 *     EB2MAXVAL (implies use default value) 
  degree        number,      /* number of parallel query slaves per instance */
  instances     number,        /* number of OPS instances for parallel query */
/* <intcols> => the number of dictionary columns => the number of columns 
 * that have dictionary meta-data associated with them. This is a superset of 
 * <usercols> and <kernelcols>. 
 *    <intcols> = <kernelcols> + <number_of_virtual_columns>
  intcols       number not null,               /* number of internal columns */
/* <kernelcols> => the number of REAL columns (ie) columns that actually
 * store data.
  kernelcols    number not null,          /* number of REAL (kernel) columns */
  property      number not null,            /* table properties (bit flags): */
                              /* 0x01 = typed table, 0x02 = has ADT columns, */
                 /* 0x04 = has nested-TABLE columns, 0x08 = has REF columns, */
                      /* 0x10 = has array columns, 0x20 = partitioned table, */
               /* 0x40 = index-only table (IOT), 0x80 = IOT w/ row OVerflow, */
             /* 0x100 = IOT w/ row CLustering, 0x200 = IOT OVeRflow segment, */
               /* 0x400 = clustered table, 0x800 = has internal LOB columns, */
        /* 0x1000 = has primary key-based OID$ column, 0x2000 = nested table */
                    /* 0x4000 = View is Read Only, 0x8000 = has FILE columns */
       /* 0x10000 = obj view's OID is system-gen, 0x20000 = used as AQ table */
                                   /* 0x40000 = has user-defined lob columns */
                               /* 0x00080000 = table contains unused columns */
                            /* 0x100000 = has an on-commit materialized view */
                             /* 0x200000 = has system-generated column names */
                                      /* 0x00400000 = global temporary table */
                            /* 0x00800000 = session-specific temporary table */
                                        /* 0x08000000 = table is a sub table */
                                        /*   0x20000000 = pdml itl invariant */
                                          /* 0x80000000 = table is external  */
                          /* PFLAGS2: 0x400000000 = delayed segment creation */
  /* PFLAGS2: 0x20000000000 = result cache mode FORCE enabled on this table  */
  /* PFLAGS2: 0x40000000000 = result cache mode MANUAL enabled on this table */
  /* PFLAGS2: 0x80000000000 = result cache mode AUTO enabled on this table   */
  trigflag      number,   /* first two bytes for trigger flags, the rest for */
                   /* general use, check tflags_kqldtvc in kqld.h for detail */
                                            /* 0x00000001 deferred RPC Queue */
                                                  /* 0x00000002 snapshot log */
                                        /* 0x00000004 updatable snapshot log */
                                             /* 0x00000008 = context trigger */
                                    /* 0x00000010 = synchronous change table */
                                             /* 0x00000020 = Streams trigger */
                                        /* 0x00000040 = Content Size Trigger */
                                         /* 0x00000080 = audit vault trigger */
                           /* 0x00000100 = Streams Auxiliary Logging trigger */
                     /* 0x00010000 = server-held key encrypted columns exist */
                       /* 0x00020000 = user-held key encrypted columns exist */
                                          /* 0x00200000 = table is read only */
                                     /* 0x00400000 = lobs use shared segment */
                                                 /* 0x00800000 = queue table */
                                   /* 0x10000000 = streams unsupported table */
                                            /* enabled at some point in past */
                            /* 0x80000000 = Versioning enabled on this table */
  spare1        number,                       /* used to store hakan_kqldtvc */
  spare2        number,         /* committed partition # used by drop column */
  spare3        number,                           /* summary sequence number */
  spare4        varchar2(1000),         /* committed RID used by drop column */
  spare5        varchar2(1000),      /* summary related information on table */
  spare6        date                                  /* flashback timestamp */
cluster c_obj#(obj#)


create table clu$                                           /* cluster table */
( obj#          number not null,                            /* object number */
  dataobj#      number,                          /* data layer object number */
  ts#           number not null,                        /* tablespace number */
  file#         number not null,               /* segment header file number */
  block#        number not null,              /* segment header block number */
  cols          number not null,                        /* number of columns */
  pctfree$      number not null, /* minimum free space percentage in a block */
  pctused$      number not null, /* minimum used space percentage in a block */
  initrans      number not null,            /* initial number of transaction */
  maxtrans      number not null,            /* maximum number of transaction */
  size$         number,
       /* if b-tree, estimated number of bytes for each cluster key and rows */
  hashfunc      varchar2("M_IDEN"),        /* if hashed, function identifier */

  /* Some of the spare columns may give the initial # bytes in the hash table
   * and the # hash keys per block.  These are user-specified parameters.
   * For extendible hash tables, two columns might include the # bits
   * currently be used in the hash function and the number of the next
   * bucket to split.
   * Some spare columns may be used for hash table statistics
   * such as # distinct keys, # distinct values of first key column, and
   * average # blocks per key.  Some spare columns  may give the number of
   * the cluster table for which the cluster key is unique or indicate
   * whether the cluster is normal or referential.
   * We can encode multiple pieces of info in a single column.
  hashkeys      number,                                    /* hash key count */
  func          number, /* function: 0 (key is function), 1 (system default) */
  extind        number,             /* extent index value of fixed hash area */
  flags         number,                                      /* 0x08 = CACHE */
                                          /* 0x010000 = Single Table Cluster */
                                                /* 0x00800000 = DEPENDENCIES */
 * Legal values for degree, instances: 
 *     NULL (used to represent 1 on disk/dictionary and implies noparallel), or
 *     2 thru EB2MAXVAL-1 (user supplied values), or
 *     EB2MAXVAL (implies use default value) 
  degree        number,      /* number of parallel query slaves per instance */
  instances     number,       /*  number of OPS instances for parallel query */
  avgchn        number,          /* average chain length - previously spare4 */
  spare1        number,                /* used for trigger non-trigger flags */
                                                          /* 0x1 replication */
                                                         /* 0x2 snapshot log */
                                                             /* 0x4 snapshot */
                                             /* 0x8 context internal trigger */
                                            /* 0x10 synchronous change table */
                             /* 0x00010000 One or more columns are encrypted */
                                   /*    0x00020000 All columns are encrypted*/
                                           /* 0x00040000 needs to do logging */
                                                   /* 0x00080000 MV Dataless */
                                   /* 0x00100000 IOT transient table for PMO */
                                                            /* 0x00200000 MPR*/
                                        /* 0x00400000  QUEue organized table */
  spare2        number,
  spare3        number,
  spare4        number,
  spare5        varchar2(1000),
  spare6        varchar2(1000),
  spare7        date
cluster c_obj#(obj#)


create cluster c_ts#(ts# number)           /* use entire block for each ts# */
create index i_ts# on cluster c_ts#
create cluster c_file#_block#(ts# number, segfile# number, segblock# number) 
  size 225    /* cluster key ~ 25, sizeof(seg$) ~ 50, 5 * sizeof(uet$) ~ 150 */
  storage (initial 20K)               /* avoid space management during IOR I */
create index i_file#_block# on cluster c_file#_block#
create cluster c_user#(user# number) 
  size  372 /* cluster key ~ 20, sizeof(user$) ~ 227, 5 * sizeof(tsq$) ~ 125 */
create index i_user# on cluster c_user#


create table fet$                                       /* free extent table */
( ts#           number not null,        /* tablespace containing free extent */
  file#         number not null,              /* file containing free extent */
  block#        number not null,              /* starting dba of free extent */
  length        number not null           /* length in blocks of free extent */
cluster c_ts#(ts#)


create table uet$                                       /* used extent table */
( segfile#      number not null,               /* segment header file number */
  segblock#     number not null,              /* segment header block number */
  ext#          number not null,         /* extent number within the segment */
  ts#           number not null,        /* tablespace containing this extent */
  file#         number not null,              /* file containing this extent */
  block#        number not null,              /* starting dba of this extent */
  length        number not null           /* length in blocks of this extent */
cluster c_file#_block#(ts#, segfile#, segblock#)


create table seg$                                           /* segment table */
( file#         number not null,               /* segment header file number */
  block#        number not null,              /* segment header block number */
  type#         number not null,                /* segment type (see KTS.H): */
   /* 1 = UNDO, 2 = SAVE UNDO, 3 = TEMPORARY, 4 = CACHE, 5 = DATA, 6 = INDEX */
   /* 7 = SORT  8 = LOB   9 = Space Header 10 = System Managed Undo          */
  ts#           number not null,       /* tablespace containing this segment */
  blocks        number not null,       /* blocks allocated to segment so far */
                                           /* zero for bitmapped tablespaces */
  extents       number not null,      /* extents allocated to segment so far */
                                           /* zero for bitmapped tablespaces */
  iniexts       number not null,                      /* initial extent size */
  minexts       number not null,                /* minimum number of extents */
  maxexts       number not null,                /* maximum number of extents */
  extsize       number not null,                 /* current next extent size */
                                           /* zero for bitmapped tablespaces */
  extpct        number not null,                    /* percent size increase */
  user#         number not null,               /* user who owns this segment */
  lists         number,                        /* freelists for this segment */
  /* For SECUREFILE LOBs, reuse as RETENTION attribute                       */
  /* one of 1) AUTO - 1 2) NONE - 2 3) MIN - 3 4) MAX - 4                    */
  groups        number,                  /* freelist groups for this segment */
  /* For next gen lobs, reuse as MIN RETENTION */
  bitmapranges  number not null,                 /* ranges per bit map entry */
                             /* reuse as MAXSIZE for 11g compatible segments */
  cachehint     number not null,                        /* hints for caching */
  scanhint      number not null,                       /* hints for scanning */
                                       /* Reuse it as inc# for ASSM segments */
  hwmincr       number not null,             /* Amount by which HWM is moved */
                                          /* Reuse it as object number/class */
                                     /* for objects in bitmapped tablespaces */
  spare1        number,                        /* Segment flags - NULL = 0x0 */
                    /* 0x1 - bitmapped tablespace: KTSSEGM_FLAG_BITMAPPED_TS */
                                 /* 0x2 - undo segment: KTSSEGM_FLAG_UNDOSEG */
                           /* 0x4 - saveundo segment: KTSSEGM_FLAG_SVUNDOSEG */
                       /* 0x8 - segment marked corrupt: KTSSEGM_FLAG_CORRUPT */
                                     /* 0x0010 - KTSSEGM_FLAG_BEING_MIGRATED */
                                     /* 0x0020 - KTSSEGM_FLAG_BMAPHDR_SEG    */
                                     /* 0x0040 - KTSSEGM_FLAG_BLKSFILLED     */
                                     /* 0x0080 - KTSSEGM_FLAG_NOQUOTA        */
                                     /* 0x0100 - KTSSEGM_FLAG_PAGETABLE      */
                                     /* 0x0200 - KTSSEGM_FLAG_TEMPOBJ        */
                                     /* 0x0400 - KTSSEGM_FLAG_OBJDEFINED     */
                                     /* 0x0800 - KTSSEGM_FLAG_COMPRESSED     */
                                     /* 0x1000 - KTSSEGM_FLAG_HASCPRSSED     */
                                     /* 0x2000 - KTSSEGM_FLAG_ROWMOVEMNT     */
                                     /* 0x4000 - KTSSEGM_FLAG_HASMOVEMNT     */
             /*0x10000 - segment flushed from cache: KTSSEGM_FLAG_RECYCLEBIN */
            /* 0x40000 - 11gR1 HSC Compressed Segment:  KTSSEGM_FLAG_NEW_HSC */
               /* 0x080000 - 11gR1 LZO Compressed Segment:  KTSSEGM_FLAG_LZO */
               /* 0x100000 - 11gR1 ZLIB Compressed Segmnt: KTSSEGM_FLAG_ZLIB */
               /* 0x200000 - Next generation LOB segment: KTSSEGM_FLAG_NGLOB */
               /* 0x400000 - Segment has MAXSIZE set:  KTSSEGM_FLAG_MAXSZSET */
               /* 0x800000 - Encrypted segment:             KTSSEGM_FLAG_ENC */
              /* 0x1000000 - OLTP Compressed:             KTSSEGM_FLAG_OLTP  */
              /* 0x2000000 - Columnar Compressed low:     KTSSEGM_FLAG_ARCH1 */
              /* 0x4000000 - Columnar Compressed high:    KTSSEGM_FLAG_ARCH2 */
              /* 0x8000000 - Columnar Compressed archive: KTSSEGM_FLAG_ARCH3 */
             /* 0x10000000 - Read mostly segment:    KTSSEGM_FLAG_READMOSTLY */
  spare2        number
cluster c_file#_block#(ts#, file#, block#)


create table undo$                                     /* undo segment table */
( us#           number not null,                      /* undo segment number */
  name          varchar2("M_IDEN") not null,    /* name of this undo segment */
  user#         number not null,      /* owner: 0 = SYS(PRIVATE), 1 = PUBLIC */
  file#         number not null,               /* segment header file number */
  block#        number not null,              /* segment header block number */
  scnbas        number,           /* highest commit time in rollback segment */
  scnwrp        number,              /* scnbas - scn base, scnwrp - scn wrap */
  xactsqn       number,               /* highest transaction sequence number */
  undosqn       number,                /* highest undo block sequence number */
  inst#         number,    /* parallel server instance that owns the segment */
  status$       number not null,              /* segment status (see KTS.H): */
   * 6 = PARTLY AVAILABLE (contains in-doubt txs) 
  ts#           number,                                 /* tablespace number */
  ugrp#         number,                      /* The undo group it belongs to */
  keep          number,
  optimal       number,
  flags         number,
  spare1        number,
  spare2        number,
  spare3        number,
  spare4        varchar2(1000),
  spare5        varchar2(1000),
  spare6        date



create table ts$                                         /* tablespace table */
( ts#           number not null,             /* tablespace identifier number */
  name          varchar2("M_IDEN") not null,           /* name of tablespace */
  owner#        number not null,                      /* owner of tablespace */
  online$       number not null,                      /* status (see KTT.H): */
                                     /* 1 = ONLINE, 2 = OFFLINE, 3 = INVALID */
  contents$     number not null,     /* TEMPORARY/PERMANENT                  */
  undofile#     number,  /* undo_off segment file number (status is OFFLINE) */
  undoblock#    number,               /* undo_off segment header file number */
  blocksize     number not null,                   /* size of block in bytes */
  inc#          number not null,             /* incarnation number of extent */
  scnwrp        number,     /* clean offline scn - zero if not offline clean */
  scnbas        number,              /* scnbas - scn base, scnwrp - scn wrap */
  dflminext     number not null,       /*  default minimum number of extents */
  dflmaxext     number not null,        /* default maximum number of extents */
  dflinit       number not null,              /* default initial extent size */
  dflincr       number not null,                 /* default next extent size */
  dflminlen     number not null,              /* default minimum extent size */
  dflextpct     number not null,     /* default percent extent size increase */
  dflogging     number not null,
      /* lowest bit: default logging attribute: clear=NOLOGGING, set=LOGGING */
                                    /* second lowest bit: force logging mode */
  affstrength   number not null,                        /* Affinity strength */
  bitmapped     number not null,       /* If not bitmapped, 0 else unit size */
                                                                /* in blocks */
  plugged       number not null,                               /* If plugged */
  directallowed number not null,   /* Operation which invalidate standby are */
                                                                  /* allowed */
  flags         number not null,                /* various flags: see ktt3.h */
                                         /* 0x01 = system managed allocation */
                                         /* 0x02 = uniform allocation        */
                                /* if above 2 bits not set then user managed */
                                         /* 0x04 = migrated tablespace       */
                                         /* 0x08 = tablespace being migrated */
                                         /* 0x10 = undo tablespace           */
                                     /* 0x20 = auto segment space management */
                       /* if above bit not set then freelist segment managed */
                                                          /* 0x40 = COMPRESS */
                                                      /* 0x80 = ROW MOVEMENT */
                                                              /* 0x100 = SFT */
                                         /* 0x200 = undo retention guarantee */
                                    /* 0x400 = tablespace belongs to a group */
                                  /* 0x800 = this actually describes a group */
                                      /* 0x10000 = OLTP Compression          */
                                      /* 0x20000 = Columnar Low Compression  */
                                      /* 0x40000 = Columnar High Compression */
                                      /* 0x80000 = Archive Compression       */
  pitrscnwrp    number,                      /* scn wrap when ts was created */
  pitrscnbas    number,                      /* scn base when ts was created */
  ownerinstance varchar("M_IDEN"),                    /* Owner instance name */
  backupowner   varchar("M_IDEN"),             /* Backup owner instance name */
  groupname     varchar("M_IDEN"),                             /* Group name */
  spare1        number,                                  /* plug-in SCN wrap */
  spare2        number,                                  /* plug-in SCN base */
  spare3        varchar2(1000),
  spare4        date
cluster c_ts#(ts#)


create table file$                                             /* file table */
( file#         number not null,                   /* file identifier number */
  status$       number not null,                      /* status (see KTS.H): */
                                               /* 1 = INVALID, 2 = AVAILABLE */
  blocks        number not null,                   /* size of file in blocks */
                                           /* zero for bitmapped tablespaces */
  ts#           number,                         /* tablespace that owns file */
  relfile#      number,                              /* relative file number */
  maxextend     number,                                 /* maximum file size */
  inc           number,                                  /* increment amount */
  crscnwrp      number,                                 /* creation SCN wrap */
  crscnbas      number,                                 /* creation SCN base */
  ownerinstance varchar("M_IDEN"),                    /* Owner instance name */
  spare1        number,      /* tablespace-relative DBA of space file header */
                                   /* NULL for dictionary-mapped tablespaces */
  spare2        number,
  spare3        varchar2(1000),
  spare4        date


create table obj$                                            /* object table */
( obj#          number not null,                            /* object number */
  dataobj#      number,                          /* data layer object number */
  owner#        number not null,                        /* owner user number */
  name          varchar2("M_IDEN") not null,                  /* object name */
  namespace     number not null,         /* namespace of object (see KQD.H): */
                                                  /* 8 = LOB, 9 = DIRECTORY, */
                                     /* 13 = JAVA SOURCE, 14 = JAVA RESOURCE */
                                                 /* 58 = (Data Mining) MODEL */
  subname       varchar2("M_IDEN"),               /* subordinate to the name */
  type#         number not null,                 /* object type (see KQD.H): */
  /* 1 = INDEX, 2 = TABLE, 3 = CLUSTER, 4 = VIEW, 5 = SYNONYM, 6 = SEQUENCE, */
             /* 7 = PROCEDURE, 8 = FUNCTION, 9 = PACKAGE, 10 = NON-EXISTENT, */
              /* 11 = PACKAGE BODY, 12 = TRIGGER, 13 = TYPE, 14 = TYPE BODY, */
      /* 19 = TABLE PARTITION, 20 = INDEX PARTITION, 21 = LOB, 22 = LIBRARY, */
                                             /* 23 = DIRECTORY , 24 = QUEUE, */
    /* 28 = JAVA SOURCE, 29 = JAVA CLASS, 30 = JAVA RESOURCE, 31 = JAVA JAR, */
                 /* 32 = INDEXTYPE, 33 = OPERATOR , 34 = TABLE SUBPARTITION, */
                                                  /* 35 = INDEX SUBPARTITION */
                                                 /* 82 = (Data Mining) MODEL */
                                /* 92 = OLAP CUBE DIMENSION,  93 = OLAP CUBE */
                   /* 94 = OLAP MEASURE FOLDER, 95 = OLAP CUBE BUILD PROCESS */
  ctime         date not null,                       /* object creation time */
  mtime         date not null,                      /* DDL modification time */
  stime         date not null,          /* specification timestamp (version) */
  status        number not null,            /* status of object (see KQD.H): */
                                     /* 1 = VALID/AUTHORIZED WITHOUT ERRORS, */
                          /* 2 = VALID/AUTHORIZED WITH AUTHORIZATION ERRORS, */
                            /* 3 = VALID/AUTHORIZED WITH COMPILATION ERRORS, */
                         /* 4 = VALID/UNAUTHORIZED, 5 = INVALID/UNAUTHORIZED */
  remoteowner   varchar2("M_IDEN"),     /* remote owner name (remote object) */
  linkname      varchar2("M_XDBI"),             /* link name (remote object) */
  flags         number,               /* 0x01 = extent map checking required */
                                      /* 0x02 = temporary object             */
                                      /* 0x04 = system generated object      */
                                      /* 0x08 = unbound (invoker's rights)   */
                                      /* 0x10 = secondary object             */
                                      /* 0x20 = in-memory temp table         */
                                      /* 0x80 = dropped table (RecycleBin)   */
                                      /* 0x100 = synonym VPD policies        */
                                      /* 0x200 = synonym VPD groups          */
                                      /* 0x400 = synonym VPD context         */
                                      /* 0x4000 = nested table partition     */
  oid$          raw(16),        /* OID for typed table, typed view, and type */
  spare1        number,                      /* sql version flag: see kpul.h */
  spare2        number,                             /* object version number */
  spare3        number,                                        /* base user# */
  spare4        varchar2(1000),
  spare5        varchar2(1000),
  spare6        date
  storage (initial 10k next 100k maxextents unlimited pctincrease 0)



create table ind$                                             /* index table */
( obj#          number not null,                            /* object number */
  dataobj#      number,                          /* data layer object number */
  ts#           number not null,                        /* tablespace number */
  file#         number not null,               /* segment header file number */
  block#        number not null,              /* segment header block number */
  bo#           number not null,              /* object number of base table */
  indmethod#    number not null,    /* object # for cooperative index method */
  cols          number not null,                        /* number of columns */
  pctfree$      number not null, /* minimum free space percentage in a block */
  initrans      number not null,            /* initial number of transaction */
  maxtrans      number not null,            /* maximum number of transaction */
  pctthres$     number,           /* iot overflow threshold, null if not iot */
  type#         number not null,              /* what kind of index is this? */
                                                               /* normal : 1 */
                                                               /* bitmap : 2 */
                                                              /* cluster : 3 */
                                                            /* iot - top : 4 */
                                                         /* iot - nested : 5 */
                                                            /* secondary : 6 */
                                                                 /* ansi : 7 */
                                                                  /* lob : 8 */
                                             /* cooperative index method : 9 */
  flags         number not null,      
                /* mutable flags: anything permanent should go into property */
                                                    /* unusable (dls) : 0x01 */
                                                    /* analyzed       : 0x02 */
                                                    /* no logging     : 0x04 */
                                    /* index is currently being built : 0x08 */
                                     /* index creation was incomplete : 0x10 */
                                           /* key compression enabled : 0x20 */
                                              /* user-specified stats : 0x40 */
                                            /* secondary index on IOT : 0x80 */
                                      /* index is being online built : 0x100 */
                                    /* index is being online rebuilt : 0x200 */
                                                /* index is disabled : 0x400 */
                                                     /* global stats : 0x800 */
                                            /* fake index(internal) : 0x1000 */
                                       /* index on UROWID column(s) : 0x2000 */
                                            /* index with large key : 0x4000 */
                             /* move partitioned rows in base table : 0x8000 */
                                 /* index usage monitoring enabled : 0x10000 */
                      /* 4 bits reserved for bitmap index version : 0x1E0000 */
                                      /* Delayed Segment Creation: 0x4000000 */
  property      number not null,    /* immutable flags for life of the index */
                                                            /* unique : 0x01 */
                                                       /* partitioned : 0x02 */
                                                           /* reverse : 0x04 */
                                                        /* compressed : 0x08 */
                                                        /* functional : 0x10 */
                                              /* temporary table index: 0x20 */
                             /* session-specific temporary table index: 0x40 */
                                              /* index on embedded adt: 0x80 */
                         /* user said to check max length at runtime: 0x0100 */
                                              /* domain index on IOT: 0x0200 */
                                                      /* join index : 0x0400 */
                                     /* system managed domain index : 0x0800 */
                           /* The index was created by a constraint : 0x1000 */
                              /* The index was created by create MV : 0x2000 */
                                          /* composite domain index : 0x8000 */
  /* The following columns are used for index statistics such
   * as # btree levels, # btree leaf blocks, # distinct keys, 
   * # distinct values of first key column, average # leaf blocks per key,
   * clustering info, and # blocks in index segment.
  blevel        number,                                       /* btree level */
  leafcnt       number,                                  /* # of leaf blocks */
  distkey       number,                                   /* # distinct keys */
  lblkkey       number,                          /* avg # of leaf blocks/key */
  dblkkey       number,                          /* avg # of data blocks/key */
  clufac        number,                                 /* clustering factor */
  analyzetime   date,                        /* timestamp when last analyzed */
  samplesize    number,                 /* number of rows sampled by Analyze */
  rowcnt        number,                       /* number of rows in the index */
  intcols       number not null,               /* number of internal columns */
         /* The following two columns are only valid for partitioned indexes */
 * Legal values for degree, instances: 
 *     NULL (used to represent 1 on disk/dictionary and implies noparallel), or
 *     2 thru EB2MAXVAL-1 (user supplied values), or
 *     EB2MAXVAL (implies use default value) 
  degree        number,      /* number of parallel query slaves per instance */
  instances     number,       /*  number of OPS instances for parallel query */

  trunccnt      number,                        /* re-used for iots 'inclcol' */
  spare1        number,         /* number of columns depended on, >= intcols */
  spare2        number,        /* number of key columns in compressed prefix */
  spare3        number,
  spare4        varchar2(1000),     /* used for parameter str for domain idx */
  spare5        varchar2(1000),
  spare6        date                                  /* flashback timestamp */
cluster c_obj#(bo#)
REM Logminer/Streams uses contents of this table. 
REM Please do not reuse any flags without verifying the impact of your 
REM changes on inter-op.  
create table icol$                                     /* index column table */
( obj#          number not null,                      /* index object number */
  bo#           number not null,                       /* base object number */
  col#          number not null,                            /* column number */
  pos#          number not null,        /* column position number as created */
  segcol#       number not null,                 /* column number in segment */
  segcollength  number not null,             /* length of the segment column */
  offset        number not null,                         /* offset of column */
  intcol#       number not null,                   /* internal column number */
  spare1        number,                                              /* flag */
                                              /* 0x01: this is an expression */
                                                  /* 0x02: desc index column */
                                          /* 0x04: filter by col for dom idx */
                                           /* 0x08: order by col for dom idx */
  spare2        number,            /* dimension table internal column number */
  spare3        number,           /* pos# of col in order by list of dom idx */
  spare4        varchar2(1000),
  spare5        varchar2(1000),
  spare6        date
cluster c_obj#(bo#)

create table col$                                            /* column table */
( obj#          number not null,             /* object number of base object */
  col#          number not null,                 /* column number as created */
  segcol#       number not null,                 /* column number in segment */
  segcollength  number not null,             /* length of the segment column */
  offset        number not null,                         /* offset of column */
  name          varchar2("M_IDEN") not null,               /* name of column */
  type#         number  not null,                     /* data type of column */
                                           /* for ADT column, type# = DTYADT */
  length        number  not null,               /* length of column in bytes */
  fixedstorage  number  not null,   /* flags: 0x01 = fixed, 0x02 = read-only */
  precision#    number,                                         /* precision */
  scale         number,                                             /* scale */
  null$         number not null,                     /* 0 = NULLs permitted, */
                                                /* > 0 = no NULLs permitted  */
  deflength     number,              /* default value expression text length */
  default$      long,                       /* default value expression text */

   * If a table T(c1, addr, c2) contains an ADT column addr which is stored 
   * exploded, the table will be internally stored as 
   *              T(c1, addr, C0003$, C0004$, C0005$, c2)
   * Of these, only c1, addr and c2 are user visible columns. Thus, the 
   * user visible column numbers for (c1, addr, C0003$, C0004$, C0005$, c2) 
   * will be 1,2,0,0,0,3. And the corresponding internal column numbers will 
   * be 1,2,3,4,5,6. 
   * Some dictionary tables like icol$, ccol$ need to contain intcol# so 
   * that we can have indexes and constraints on ADT attributes. Also, these
   * tables also need to contain col# to maintain backward compatibility.
   * Most of these tables will need to be accessed by col#, intcol# so 
   * indexes are created on them based on (obj#, col#) and (obj#, intcol#).
   * Indexes based on col# have to be non-unique if ADT attributes might
   * appear in the table. Indexes based on intcol# can be unique.
  intcol#       number not null,                   /* internal column number */
  property      number not null,           /* column properties (bit flags): */
                /* 0x0001 =       1 = ADT attribute column                   */
                /* 0x0002 =       2 = OID column                             */
                /* 0x0004 =       4 = nested table column                    */
                /* 0x0008 =       8 = virtual column                         */
                /* 0x0010 =      16 = nested table's SETID$ column           */
                /* 0x0020 =      32 = hidden column                          */
                /* 0x0040 =      64 = primary-key based OID column           */
                /* 0x0080 =     128 = column is stored in a lob              */
                /* 0x0100 =     256 = system-generated column                */
                /* 0x0200 =     512 = rowinfo column of typed table/view     */
                /* 0x0400 =    1024 = nested table columns setid             */
                /* 0x0800 =    2048 = column not insertable                  */
                /* 0x1000 =    4096 = column not updatable                   */
                /* 0x2000 =    8192 = column not deletable                   */
                /* 0x4000 =   16384 = dropped column                         */
                /* 0x8000 =   32768 = unused column - data still in row      */
            /* 0x00010000 =   65536 = virtual column                         */
            /* 0x00020000 =  131072 = place DESCEND operator on top          */
            /* 0x00040000 =  262144 = virtual column is NLS dependent        */
            /* 0x00080000 =  524288 = ref column (present as oid col)        */
            /* 0x00100000 = 1048576 = hidden snapshot base table column      */
            /* 0x00200000 = 2097152 = attribute column of a user-defined ref */
            /* 0x00400000 = 4194304 = export hidden column,RLS on hidden col */
            /* 0x00800000 = 8388608 = string column measured in characters   */
           /* 0x01000000 = 16777216 = virtual column expression specified    */
           /* 0x02000000 = 33554432 = typeid column                          */
           /* 0x04000000 = 67108864 = Column is encrypted                    */
          /* 0x20000000 = 536870912 = Column is encrypted without salt       */

  /* The spares may be used as the column's NLS character set, 
   * the number of distinct column values, and the column's domain.
  /* the universal character set id maintained by NLS group */
  charsetid     number,                              /* NLS character set id */
   * charsetform
  charsetform   number,
  /* 1 = implicit: for CHAR, VARCHAR2, CLOB w/o a specified set */
  /* 2 = nchar: for NCHAR, NCHAR VARYING, NCLOB */
  /* 3 = explicit: for CHAR, etc. with "CHARACTER SET ..." clause */
  /* 4 = flexible: for PL/SQL "flexible" parameters */
  spare1        number,                      /* fractional seconds precision */
  spare2        number,                  /* interval leading field precision */
  spare3        number,            /* maximum number of characters in string */
  spare4        varchar2(1000),          /* NLS settings for this expression */
  spare5        varchar2(1000),
  spare6        date
cluster c_obj#(obj#)
REM Logminer/Streams uses contents of this table. 
REM Please do not reuse any flags without verifying the impact of your 
REM changes on inter-op.  
create table user$                                             /* user table */
( user#         number not null,                   /* user identifier number */
  name          varchar2("M_IDEN") not null,                 /* name of user */
               /* 0 = role, 1 = user, 2 = adjunct schema, 3 = schema synonym */
  type#         number not null,
  password      varchar2("M_IDEN"),                    /* encrypted password */
  datats#       number not null, /* default tablespace for permanent objects */
  tempts#       number not null,  /* default tablespace for temporary tables */
  ctime         date not null,                 /* user account creation time */
  ptime         date,                                /* password change time */
  exptime       date,                     /* actual password expiration time */
  ltime         date,                         /* time when account is locked */
  resource$     number not null,                        /* resource profile# */
  audit$        varchar2("S_OPFL"),                    /* user audit options */
  defrole       number not null,                  /* default role indicator: */
               /* 0 = no roles, 1 = all roles granted, 2 = roles in defrole$ */
  defgrp#       number,                                /* default undo group */
  defgrp_seq#   number,               /* global sequence number for  the grp *
  spare         varchar2("M_IDEN"),                   /* reserved for future */
  astatus       number default 0 not null,          /* status of the account */
                /* 0x00 =       0 = Open                                     */
                /* 0x01 =       1 = Locked                                   */
                /* 0x02 =       2 = Expired                                  */
                /* 0x03 =       3 = Locked and Expired                       */
                /* 0x10 =      16 = Password matches a default value         */
  lcount        number default 0 not null, /* count of failed login attempts */
  defschclass   varchar2("M_IDEN"),                /* initial consumer group */
  ext_username  varchar2("M_VCSZ"),                     /* external username */
                             /* also as base schema name for adjunct schemas */
  spare1        number, /* used for schema level supp. logging: see ktscts.h */
  spare2        number,      /* used to store edition id for adjunct schemas */
  spare3        number,
  spare4        varchar2(1000),
  spare5        varchar2(1000),
  spare6        date
cluster c_user#(user#)
create table proxy_data$
( client#            NUMBER NOT NULL,                      /* client user ID */
  proxy#             NUMBER NOT NULL,                       /* proxy user ID */
  credential_type#   NUMBER NOT NULL,  /* Type of credential passed by proxy */
                    * Values
                    * 0 = No credential
                    * 1 = Certificate
                    * 2 = Distinguished Name
                    * 4 = Oracle password
  credential_version# NUMBER NOT NULL,   /* Version number of the credential */
                    * Values
                    * 0 = no version
                    * If certificate:
                    * 1 = X.509 V3
  credential_minor# NUMBER NOT NULL,      /* Minor credential version number */
                    * Values
                    * 0 = no version
                    * If certificate:
                    * 1 = V3
  flags               NUMBER NOT NULL /* Mask flags of associated with entry */
             /* Flags values:
              * 1 = proxy can activate all client roles
              * 2 = proxy can activate no client roles
              * 4 = role can be activated by proxy,
              * 8 = role cannot be activated by proxy
create unique index i_proxy_data$ on proxy_data$(client#, proxy#)
create table proxy_role_data$
( client#       NUMBER NOT NULL,                           /* client user ID */
  proxy#        NUMBER NOT NULL,                            /* proxy user ID */
  role#         NUMBER NOT NULL                                   /* role ID */
create index i_proxy_role_data$_1 on 
  proxy_role_data$(client#, proxy#)
create unique index i_proxy_role_data$_2 on 
  proxy_role_data$(client#, proxy#, role#)
create table con$                                        /* constraint table */
( owner#        number not null,                        /* owner user number */
  name          varchar2("M_IDEN") not null,              /* constraint name */
  con#          number not null,                        /* constraint number */
  spare1        number,         /* used for online add constraint. see kqd.h */
  spare2        number,
  spare3        number,
  spare4        varchar2(1000),
  spare5        varchar2(1000),
  spare6        date
create cluster c_cobj# (obj# number)
  pctfree 0 pctused 50
  /* space for: update cdef$ set condition = 'col IS NOT NULL' at // */
  size 300
  storage (initial 50K)               /* avoid space management during IOR I */
create index i_cobj# on cluster c_cobj#
REM Logminer/Streams uses contents of this table. 
REM Please do not reuse any flags without verifying the impact of your 
REM changes on inter-op.  
create table cdef$                            /* constraint definition table */
( con#          number not null,                        /* constraint number */
  obj#          number not null,         /* object number of base table/view */
  cols          number,                   /* number of columns in constraint */
  type#         number not null,                         /* constraint type: */
                 /* Note: If new types are added then please ensure that the */
                 /* {....}_CONSTRAINTS family of views reflect the new type. */
                            /* 1 = table check, 2 = primary key, 3 = unique, */
                             /* 4 = referential, 5 = view with CHECK OPTION, */
                                                 /* 6 = view READ ONLY check */
               /* 7 - table check constraint associated with column NOT NULL */
                                   /* 8 - hash expressions for hash clusters */
                                         /* 9 - Scoped REF column constraint */
                                    /* 10 - REF column WITH ROWID constraint */
                                  /* 11 - REF/ADT column with NOT NULL const */
                                 /* 12 - Log Groups for supplemental logging */
                                 /* 13 - Allow PKref vals Storage in REF col */
                                    /* 14 - Primary key supplemental logging */
                                     /* 15 - Unique key supplemental logging */
                                    /* 16 - Foreign key supplemental logging */
                                     /* 17 - All column supplemental logging */
  robj#         number,                 /* object number of referenced table */
  rcon#         number,           /* constraint number of referenced columns */
  rrules        varchar2(3),         /* future: use this columns for pendant */
  match#        number,                /* referential constraint match type: */
                                                 /* null = FULL, 1 = PARTIAL */
        /* this column can also store information for other constraint types */
  refact        number,                               /* referential action: */
              /* null = RESTRICT, 1 = CASCADE, 2 = SET NULL, 3 = SET DEFAULT */
  enabled        number,          /* is constraint enabled? NULL if disabled */
  condlength    number,                 /* table check condition text length */
  condition     long,                          /* table check condition text */
  intcols       number,          /* number of internal columns in constraint */
  mtime         date,      /* date this constraint was last enabled-disabled */
  defer         number,                     /* 0x01 constraint is deferrable */
                                              /* 0x02 constraint is deferred */
                                /* 0x04 constraint has been system validated */
                                 /* 0x08 constraint name is system generated */
                       /* 0x10 constraint is BAD, depends on current century */
                           /* 0x20, optimizer should RELY on this constraint */
                                             /* 0x40 Log Group ALWAYS option */
                                /* 0x80 (view related) constraint is invalid */
                                       /* 0x100 constraint depends on a view */
                            /* 0x200 constraint is a partitioning constraint */
  spare1        number,                      /* sql version flag: see kpul.h */
  spare2        number,            /* create/last modify constraint SCN wrap */
  spare3        number,            /* create/last modify constraint SCN base */
  spare4        varchar2(1000),
  spare5        varchar2(1000),
  spare6        date
cluster c_cobj#(obj#)
REM Logminer/Streams uses contents of this table. 
REM Please do not reuse any flags without verifying the impact of your 
REM changes on inter-op.  
create table ccol$                                /* constraint column table */
( con#          number not null,                        /* constraint number */
  obj#          number not null,                       /* base object number */
  col#          number not null,                            /* column number */
  pos#          number,                 /* column position number as created */
  intcol#       number not null,                   /* internal column number */
  spare1        number,                 /* Constarint specific column flags  */
                                          /* 0x1  NO LOG Supplemental column */
  spare2        number,
  spare3        number,
  spare4        varchar2(1000),
  spare5        varchar2(1000),
  spare6        date
cluster c_cobj#(obj#)
create index i_tab1 on tab$(bobj#)
create unique index i_undo1 on undo$(us#)
create index i_undo2 on undo$(name)
create unique index i_obj1 on obj$(obj#, owner#, type#)
REM Partitioning uses this index critically. 
REM Please don't modify this index without verifying the impact of your 
REM changes on partitioning.
create unique index i_obj2 on obj$(owner#, name, namespace, remoteowner,
linkname, subname, type#, spare3, obj#)
  storage (initial 10k next 100k maxextents unlimited pctincrease 0)
create index i_obj3 on obj$(oid$)
create index i_obj4 on obj$(dataobj#, type#, owner#)
create unique index i_obj5 on obj$(spare3, name, namespace, type#, owner#,
remoteowner, linkname, subname, obj#)
create unique index i_ind1 on ind$(obj#)
create index i_icol1 on icol$(obj#)
create unique index i_file1 on file$(file#)
create unique index i_file2 on file$(ts#, relfile#)
create unique index i_ts1 on ts$(name)
create unique index i_user1 on user$(name)
create unique index i_user2 on user$(user#, type#, spare1, spare2)
create unique index i_col1 on col$(obj#, name)
  storage (initial 30k next 100k maxextents unlimited pctincrease 0)
create index i_col2 on col$(obj#, col#)
  storage (initial 30k next 100k maxextents unlimited pctincrease 0)
create unique index i_col3 on col$(obj#, intcol#)
  storage (initial 30k next 100k maxextents unlimited pctincrease 0)
create unique index i_con1 on con$(owner#, name)
create unique index i_con2 on con$(con#)
create unique index i_cdef1 on cdef$(con#)
create index i_cdef2 on cdef$(obj#)
create index i_cdef3 on cdef$(robj#)
create index i_cdef4 on cdef$(enabled)
create index i_ccol1 on ccol$(con#, col#)
create unique index i_ccol2 on ccol$(con#, intcol#)
create table bootstrap$
( line#         number not null,                       /* statement order id */
  obj#          number not null,                            /* object number */
  sql_text      varchar2("M_VCSZ") not null)                    /* statement */
  storage (initial 50K)            /* to avoid space management during IOR I */
//                                            /* "//" required for bootstrap */

REM Create a table to track objects that compile with errors, i.e. status 2 or
REM 3. Since the -ve dependencies are removed (KGLTNEXS) we have to invalidate
REM all objects in status 2 or 3 because we don't why they are in that state.
REM We ended up doing a FTS on obj$ for every object creation, which is very 
REM expensive. To reduce this expense we are creating this table which will
REM contain all objects that are compiled with errors.
REM Name of the table - objerror$

create table objerror$
  obj#          number not null                            /* object number */

REM Create objauth$ and related tables early.  
REM If tables or indicies are aged out of the shared pool before objauth$
REM is created, then subsequent references to these objects result in ORA-942.
REM See bugs 4956995 and 3477195.
create table objauth$                           /* table authorization table */
( obj#          number not null,                            /* object number */
  grantor#      number not null,                      /* grantor user number */
  grantee#      number not null,                      /* grantee user number */
  privilege#    number not null,                   /* table privilege number */
  sequence#     number not null,                    /* unique grant sequence */
  parent        rowid,                                             /* parent */
  option$       number,                                 /* null = no options */
                                                      /* 0x01 = grant option */
                                                  /* 0x02 = hierarchy option */
  col#          number)     /* null = table level, column id if column grant */
create unique index i_objauth1 on 
  objauth$(obj#, grantor#, grantee#, privilege#, col#)
create index i_objauth2 on objauth$(grantee#, obj#, col#)
create table ugroup$                         /* rollback segment group table */
( ugrp#         number not null,                        /* undo group number */
  name          varchar2("M_IDEN") not null,              /* undo group name */
  seq#          number,
  spare1        number,
  spare2        varchar2("M_IDEN"),
  spare3        number
create index i_ugroup1 on ugroup$(name)
create index i_ugroup2 on ugroup$(ugrp#)
create table tsq$                                  /* tablespace quota table */
( ts#           number not null,                        /* tablespace number */
  user#         number not null,                              /* user number */
  grantor#      number not null,                               /* grantor id */
  blocks        number not null,         /* number of blocks charged to user */
  maxblocks     number,     /* user's maximum number of blocks, NULL if none */
  priv1         number not null,            /* reserved for future privilege */
  priv2         number not null,            /* reserved for future privilege */
  priv3         number not null)            /* reserved for future privilege */
cluster c_user# (user#)
create table syn$                                           /* synonym table */
( obj#          number not null,                            /* object number */
  node          varchar2("M_XDBI"),                        /* node of object */
  owner         varchar2("M_IDEN"),                          /* object owner */
  name          varchar2("M_IDEN") not null)                  /* object name */
create table view$                                             /* view table */
( obj#          number not null,                            /* object number */
  audit$        varchar2("S_OPFL") not null,             /* auditing options */
  cols          number not null,                        /* number of columns */
  intcols       number not null,               /* number of internal columns */
  property      number not null,             /* view properties (bit flags): */
                /* 0x0001 =       1 = this is typed view                     */
                /* 0x0002 =       2 = view has ADT column(s)                 */
                /* 0x0004 =       4 = view has nested table column(s)        */
                /* 0x0008 =       8 = view has REF column(s)                 */
                /* 0x0010 =      16 = view has array column(s)               */
                /* 0x0020 =      32 = Editioning View                        */
                /* 0x1000 =    4096 = view has primary key-based oid         */
                /* 0x4000 =   16384 = view is read-only                      */
               /* 0x10000 =   65536 = OID is sytem generated                 */
               /* 0x20000 =         = view is used by AQ                     */
            /* 0x08000000 =         = view is a sub view                     */
            /* 0x10000000 =         = view is packed object view             */
  flags         number not null,                  /* view flags (bit flags): */
                /* 0x0800 =    2048 = view/table has security policy         */
                /* 0x1000 =    4096 = view is insertable via trigger         */
                /* 0x2000 =    8192 = view is updatable via trigger          */
                /* 0x4000 =   16384 = view is deletable via trigger          */
             /* 0x0080000 =  524288 = view is referenced by MV (Summary)     */
             /* 0x0100000 = 1048576 = view is referenced by query rewrite MV */
             /* 0x0400000 = 4194304 = view has sub views defined under it    */
  textlength    number,                               /* length of view text */
  text          long)                                           /* view text */
  storage (initial 10k next 100k maxextents unlimited pctincrease 0)
create table typed_view$                   /* additional info for typed view */
( obj#            number not null,                          /* object number */
  typeowner       varchar2("M_IDEN"),                   /* owner of row type */
  typename        varchar2("M_IDEN"),                    /* name of row type */
  typetextlength  number,                         /* length of row type text */
  typetext        varchar2("M_VCSZ"),                           /* type text */
  oidtextlength   number,                              /* length of oid text */
  oidtext         varchar2("M_VCSZ"),                            /* oid text */
  transtextlength number,                 /* length of transformed view text */
  transtext       long,                             /* transformed view text */
  undertextlength number,       /* length of under clause text for sub-views */
  undertext       varchar2("M_VCSZ"))     /* under clause text for sub-views */
create table superobj$        /* stores info about table/view hierarchies */
( subobj#         number not null,            /* object number of sub object */
  superobj#       number not null)          /* object number of super object */
create unique index i_superobj1 on superobj$(subobj#)
create index i_superobj2 on superobj$(superobj#)
create table seq$
( obj#          number not null,                            /* object number */
  increment$    number not null,            /* the sequence number increment */
  minvalue      number,                         /* minimum value of sequence */
  maxvalue      number,                         /* maximum value of sequence */
  cycle#        number not null,                      /* 0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE */
  order$        number not null,                      /* 0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE */
  cache         number not null,                 /* how many to cache in sga */
  highwater     number not null,                     /* disk high water mark */
  audit$        varchar2("S_OPFL") not null,             /* auditing options */
  flags         number)                              /* 0x08 LOGICAL STANDBY */
create unique index i_view1 on view$(obj#)
create unique index i_typed_view1 on typed_view$(obj#)
create unique index i_syn1 on syn$(obj#)
create index i_syn2 on syn$(owner,name)
create unique index i_seq1 on seq$(obj#)

create table lob$                                   /* LOB information table */
( obj#          number not null,          /* object number of the base table */
  col#          number not null,                            /* column number */
  intcol#       number not null,                   /* internal column number */
  lobj#         number not null,                /* object number for the LOB */
  part#         number not null,                  /* this column is not used */
  ind#          number not null,                  /* LOB index object number */
  ts#           number not null,         /* segment header tablespace number */
  file#         number not null,               /* segment header file number */
  block#        number not null,              /* segment header block number */
  chunk         number not null,           /* oracle blocks in one lob chunk */
  pctversion$   number not null,                             /* version pool */
  flags         number not null,                           /* 0x0000 = CACHE */
                                                 /* 0x0001 = NOCACHE LOGGING */
                                               /* 0x0002 = NOCACHE NOLOGGING */
                                             /* 0x0008 = CACHE READS LOGGING */
                                           /* 0x0010 = CACHE READS NOLOGGING */
                                          /* 0x0020 = retention is specified */
                                       /* 0x0040 = Index key holds timestamp */
                                      /* 0x0080 = need to drop the freelists */
                                                 /* 0x0100 = CACHE NOLOGGING */
                                                   /* 0x0200 = CACHE LOGGING */
                                                            /* 0x0400 = SYNC */
                                                           /* 0x0800 = ASYNC */
                                                      /* 0x1000 = Encryption */
                                               /* 0x2000 = Compression - Low */
                                            /* 0x4000 = Compression - Medium */
                                              /* 0x8000 = Compression - High */
                                             /* 0x10000 = Sharing: LOB level */
                                          /* 0x20000 = Sharing: Object level */
                                              /* 0x40000 = Sharing: Validate */
  property      number not null,           /* 0x00 = user defined lob column */
                                    /* 0x01 = kernel column(s) stored as lob */
                                     /* 0x02 = user lob column with row data */
                                            /* 0x04 = partitioned LOB column */
                                   /* 0x0008 = LOB In Global Temporary Table */
                                          /* 0x0010 = Session-specific table */
                                      /* 0x0020 = lob with compressed header */ 
                                        /* 0x0040 = lob using shared segment */
                                  /* 0x0080 = first lob using shared segment */
                                   /* 0x0100 = klob and inline image coexist */
                                /* 0x0200 = LOB data in little endian format */
                                                   /* 0x0800 = 11g LOCAL lob */
                                        /* 0x1000 = Delayed Segment Creation */
  retention     number not null,         /* retention value = UNDO_RETENTION */
  freepools     number not null,      /* number of freepools for LOB segment */
  spare1        number,
  spare2        number,
  spare3        varchar2(255)
cluster c_obj#(obj#)
create index i_lob1 on lob$(obj#, intcol#)
create unique index i_lob2 on lob$(lobj#)
rem NOTE 
rem Logminer/Streams uses contents of this table. 
rem Please do not reuse any flags without verifying the impact of your 
rem changes on inter-op.  
create table coltype$                        /* additional column info table */
( obj#          number not null,             /* object number of base object */
  col#          number not null,                            /* column number */
  intcol#       number not null,                   /* internal column number */
  toid          raw(16) not null,                   /* column's ADT type OID */
  version#      number not null,             /* internal type version number */
  packed        number not null,                 /* 0 = unpacked, 1 = packed */
  intcols       number,                        /* number of internal columns */
                                          /* storing the exploded ADT column */
  intcol#s      raw("M_CSIZ"),        /* list of intcol#s of columns storing */
                          /* the unpacked ADT column; stored in packed form; */
                                          /* each intcol# is stored as a ub2 */
  flags         number,
                     /* flags to indicate whether column type is ADT, Array, */
                                                      /* REF or Nested table */
                           /* 0x02 - adt column                              */
                           /* 0x04 - nested table column                     */
                           /* 0x08 - varray column                           */
                           /* 0x10 - ref column                              */
                           /* 0x20 - retrieve collection out-of-line         */
                           /* 0x20 - don't strip the null image              */
                           /* 0x40 - don't chop null image                   */
                           /* 0x40 - collection storage specified            */
                           /* 0x80 - column stores an old (8.0) format image */
                          /* 0x100 - data for this column not yet upgraded   */
                          /* 0x200 - ADT column is substitutable             */
                          /* 0x400 - NOT SUBSTITUTABLE specified explicitly  */
                          /* 0x800 - SUBSTITUTABLE specified explicitly      */
                         /* 0x1000 - implicitly not substitutable            */
                         /* 0x2000 - The typeid column stores the toid       */
                         /* 0x4000 - The column is an opaque type column     */ 
                         /* 0x8000 - nested table name is system generated   */
  typidcol#     number,           /* intcol# of the type discriminant column */
  synobj#       number)              /* obj# of type synonym of the col type */
cluster c_obj#(obj#)
create index i_coltype1 on coltype$(obj#, col#)
create unique index i_coltype2 on coltype$(obj#, intcol#)
create table subcoltype$
( obj#          number not null,             /* object number of base object */
  intcol#       number not null,                   /* internal column number */
  toid          raw(16) not null,                   /* column's ADT type OID */
  version#      number not null,             /* internal type version number */
  intcols       number,                        /* number of internal columns */
                                          /* storing the exploded ADT column */
  intcol#s      raw("M_CSIZ"),        /* list of intcol#s of columns storing */
                          /* the unpacked ADT column; stored in packed form; */
                                          /* each intcol# is stored as a ub2 */
  flags         number,
                          /* 0x01 - This type was stated in the IS OF clause */
                          /* 0x02 - This type has ONLY in the IS OF clause   */
  synobj#       number)  /* obj# of synonym specified for substitutable type */
cluster c_obj#(obj#)
create index i_subcoltype1 on subcoltype$(obj#, intcol#)
create table ntab$                         /* nested table information table */
( obj#          number not null,             /* object number of base object */
  col#          number not null,                            /* column number */
  intcol#       number not null,                   /* internal column number */
  ntab#         number not null,     /* object number of nested table object */
  name          varchar2("M_VCSZ") default 'NT$' not null 
                                    /* qualified name of the nested table col*/
cluster c_obj#(obj#)
create index i_ntab1 on ntab$(obj#, col#)
create unique index i_ntab2 on ntab$(obj#, intcol#)
create index i_ntab3 on ntab$(ntab#)
create table refcon$                                /* REF CONstraints table */
( obj#          number not null,             /* object number of base object */
  col#          number not null,                            /* column number */
  intcol#       number not null,                   /* internal column number */
  reftyp        number not null,                            /* REF type flag */
                                                     /* 0x01 = REF is scoped */
                                             /* 0x02 = REF stored with rowid */
                                             /* 0x04 = Primary key based ref */
           /* 0x08 = Primary key based ref allowed in an unscoped ref column */
  stabid        raw(16),                   /* OID of scope table (if scoped) */
  expctoid      raw(16) /* TOID of exploded columns when ref is user-defined */
cluster c_obj#(obj#)
create index i_refcon1 on refcon$(obj#, col#)
create unique index i_refcon2 on refcon$(obj#, intcol#)

rem Logminer/Streams uses contents of this table. 
rem Please do not reuse any flags without verifying the impact of your 
rem changes on inter-op.  
/* The opqtype$ stores extra information for the xmltype */
create table opqtype$                         /* extra info for opaque types */
  obj#        number not null,                /* object number of base table */
  intcol#     number not null,                     /* internal column number */
  type        number,                              /* The opaque type - type */
                                                       /* 0x01 - XMLType */
  flags       number,                          /* flags for the opaque type */
                              /* -------------- XMLType flags ---------
                               * 0x0001 (1) -- XMLType stored as object
                               * 0x0002 (2) -- XMLType schema is specified
                               * 0x0004 (4) -- XMLType stored as lob 
                               * 0x0008 (8) -- XMLType stores extra column
                               * 0x0020 (32)-- XMLType table is out-of-line 
                               * 0x0040 (64)-- XMLType stored as binary
                               * 0x0080 (128)- XMLType binary ANYSCHEMA
                               * 0x0100 (256)- XMLType binary NO non-schema
                               * 0x0800 (2048)- Varray stored as LOB
                               * 0x1000 (4096)- Varray stored as Table
  /* Flags for XMLType (type == 0x01). Override them when necessary  */
  lobcol      number,                                          /* lob column */
  objcol      number,                                      /* obj rel column */
  extracol    number,                                      /* extra info col */
  schemaoid   raw(16),                                     /* schema oid col */
  elemnum     number,                                      /* element number */
  schemaurl   varchar2(4000)                       /* The name of the schema */
cluster c_obj#(obj#)
create unique index i_opqtype1 on opqtype$(obj#, intcol#)

create sequence ugroup_sequence   /* sequence for undo group    cache (lab$) */
  increment by 1
  start with 1
  minvalue 0
  cache 10
create table props$
( name          varchar2("M_IDEN") not null,                /* property name */
  value$        varchar2("M_VCSZ"),                        /* property value */
  comment$      varchar2("M_VCSZ"))               /* description of property */
insert into props$ 
values('DICT.BASE', '2', 'dictionary base tables version #')
insert into props$
       'Name of default temporary tablespace')
insert into props$
       'Name of default permanent tablespace')
rem Application Edition
create table edition$
  obj#      number not null,                                 /* edition obj# */
  p_obj#    number,                                   /* parent edition obj# */
  flags     number,
  code      raw("M_CSIZ"),
  audit$    varchar2("S_OPFL") not null,                 /* auditing options */
  spare1    number,
  spare2    varchar2("M_IDEN")
create edition ora$base
insert into props$
       'Name of the database default edition')
rem fixed object (X$...) information
create table fixed_obj$            
( obj#          number not null,                            /* object number */
  timestamp     date not null,             /* object specification timestamp */
  flags         number,                    /* 0x00000001 = analyzed
                                              0x00000002 = locked            */
  spare1        number,
  spare2        number,
  spare3        number,
  spare4        varchar2(1000),
  spare5        varchar2(1000),
  spare6        date          
  storage (maxextents unlimited)
create unique index i_fixed_obj$_obj# on fixed_obj$(obj#)
  storage (maxextents unlimited)
create table migrate$
( version#   varchar2("M_IDEN"),                    /* version migrated from */
  migdate    date,              /* date the migration from v7->v8 took place */
  migrated   number not null     /* 0=not migrated, 1=migrated from v7 to v8 */
insert into migrate$ values (NULL, NULL, 0)
create table dependency$                                 /* dependency table */
( d_obj#        number not null,                  /* dependent object number */
  d_timestamp   date not null,   /* dependent object specification timestamp */
  order#        number not null,                             /* order number */
  p_obj#        number not null,                     /* parent object number */
  p_timestamp   date not null,      /* parent object specification timestamp */
  d_owner#      number,                           /*  dependent owner number */
  property      number not null,                   /* 0x01 = HARD dependency */
                                                   /* 0x02 = REF  dependency */
                                          /* 0x04 = FINER GRAINED dependency */
  d_attrs       raw("M_CSIZ"), /* Finer grain attr. numbers if finer grained */
  d_reason      raw("M_CSIZ"))  /* Reason mask of attrs causing invalidation */
storage (initial 10k next 100k maxextents unlimited pctincrease 0)
create table access$                                         /* access table */
( d_obj#        number not null,                  /* dependent object number */
  order#        number not null,                  /* dependency order number */
  columns       raw("M_BVCO"),                /* list of cols for this entry */
  types         number not null)                             /* access types */
  storage (initial 10k next 100k maxextents unlimited pctincrease 0)
create unique index i_dependency1 on
  dependency$(d_obj#, d_timestamp, order#) 
  storage (initial 10k next 100k maxextents unlimited pctincrease 0)
create index i_dependency2 on
  dependency$(p_obj#, p_timestamp)
  storage (initial 10k next 100k maxextents unlimited pctincrease 0)
create index i_access1 on
  access$(d_obj#, order#) 
  storage (initial 10k next 100k maxextents unlimited pctincrease 0)
REM viewcon$ stores the view constraint text: one row per constraint and 
REM   the text is stored for the revalidation of view constraints in future
REM   release (stored but never used in 8.2). 
create table viewcon$                            /* constraint text for view */
( obj#            number not null,                     /* view object number */
  con#            number,                               /* constraint number */
  conname         varchar2("M_IDEN"),                     /* constraint name */
  type#           number,                                 /* constraint type */
                              /* 2 = primary key, 3 = unique, 4= referential */
  con_text        clob,                                   /* constraint text */
  robj#           number,                        /* referenced object number */
  property        number                         /* view constraint property */
                                                   /* 0x00040000 set RELY on */
                                                 /* 0x00080000 /* Reset RELY */
create index i_viewcon1 on viewcon$(obj#)
create index i_viewcon2 on viewcon$(robj#)
/* if icoldep$ is empty for an index, the index depends on the cols in icol$ */
create table icoldep$                   /* which columns an index depends on */
( obj#          number not null,                                 /* index id */
  bo#           number not null,                                 /* table id */
  intcol#       number not null    /* intcol# in table that index depends on */
cluster c_obj#(bo#)
create index i_icoldep$_obj on icoldep$ (obj#)
create table dual                   /* pl/sql's standard pckg requires dual. */
  (dummy varchar2(1))    /* note, the optimizer knows sys.dual is single row */
  storage (initial 1)
insert into dual values('X')
create public synonym dual for dual
create table sysauth$                          /* system authorization table */
( grantee#      number not null,          /* grantee number (user# or role#) */
  privilege#    number not null,                      /* role or privilege # */
  sequence#     number not null,                    /* unique grant sequence */
  option$       number)                     /* null = none, 1 = admin option */
create table objpriv$                       /* privileges granted to objects */
( obj#          number not null,                            /* object number */
  privilege#    number not null)                         /* privilege number */
create table defrole$                                  /* default role table */
( user#         number not null,                                  /* user id */
  role#         number not null)                          /* default role id */
create unique index i_sysauth1 on sysauth$(grantee#, privilege#)
create unique index i_defrole1 on defrole$(user#, role#)

REM This table is an extension to col$ and is used (for now) to store the 
REM default value with which a column was added
create table ecol$
  tabobj#      number,
  colnum       number, 
  binaryDefVal blob)
tablespace system

REM index on ecol$
create index ecol_ix1 on ecol$(tabobj#, colnum);

REM Additional info pertaining to Editioning Views (EVs):
REM   mapping between EVs and their underlying base tables.
  ev_obj# NUMBER NOT NULL, /* id of an EV */
      /* id of the schema to which EV's base table belongs */
  base_tbl_owner# NUMBER NOT NULL, 
  base_tbl_name VARCHAR2("M_IDEN") NOT NULL, /* EV's base table name */
                     /* id of an Edition in which this EV was defined */
  edition_obj# NUMBER NOT NULL)
tablespace system

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX i_ev1 ON ev$(ev_obj#)

    ON ev$(base_tbl_owner#, base_tbl_name, edition_obj#)

REM Additional info for EV columns:
REM mapping between EV columns and their corresponding base table columns
  ev_obj# NUMBER NOT NULL, /* id of an EV */
  ev_col_id NUMBER NOT NULL, /* column id of an EV column */
  /* name of a corresponding base table column */
  base_tbl_col_name VARCHAR2("M_IDEN") NOT NULL)
tablespace system

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX i_evcol1 ON evcol$(ev_obj#, ev_col_id)
REM Create table deferred_stg$ for deferred segment creation.
REM For objects with deferred segment creation, a row will be inserted
REM into deferred_stg$ instead of seg$. This row will contain storage
REM attributes which will be used during the first insert.
create table deferred_stg$                           /* shadow segment table */
  obj#          number not null,                            /* object number */
  pctfree_stg   number,                                           /* PCTFREE */
  pctused_stg   number,                                           /* PCTUSED */
  size_stg      number,                                              /* SIZE */   
  initial_stg   number,                                           /* INITIAL */
  next_stg      number,                                              /* NEXT */
  minext_stg    number,                                        /* MINEXTENTS */
  maxext_stg    number,                                        /* MAXEXTENTS */
  maxsiz_stg    number,                                           /* MAXSIZE */
  lobret_stg    number,                                      /* LOBRETENTION */
  mintim_stg    number,                                           /* MIN tim */
  pctinc_stg    number,                                       /* PCTINCREASE */
  initra_stg    number,                                          /* INITRANS */
  maxtra_stg    number,                                          /* MAXTRANS */
  optimal_stg   number,                                           /* OPTIMAL */
  maxins_stg    number,                                      /* MAXINSTANCES */
  frlins_stg    number,                                    /* LISTS/instance */
  flags_stg     number,                                             /* flags */
  bfp_stg       number,                                       /* BUFFER_POOL */
  enc_stg       number,                                        /* encryption */
  cmpflag_stg   number,                                  /* compression type */
  cmplvl_stg    number)                                 /* compression level */
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX i_deferred_stg1 ON deferred_stg$(obj#)




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