
        本教程介绍了如何创建并管理一个基于GitHub Pages的个人网站。首先,需要在GitHub上创建一个遵循特定命名规则的新仓库,例如用户名,以便建立个人站点。接着,通过Fork一个开源模板代码仓库并添加index.html文件来构建主页,编写HTML代码以创建网页内容。此外,还可以选择使用Markdown文件作为主页,GitHub Pages将自动将其渲染为HTML。在修改个人内容时,可以在about.md文件中编辑个人描述,并提供了原始代码示例。完成文件编辑后,需要提交更改并推送到GitHub仓库。随后,通过访问https://用户名,可以查看构建完成的个人网页。为了进一步个性化网站,可以修改_config.yml文件中的网站设置,包括基本设置、作者信息、评论系统、搜索引擎优化、阅读文件等。这些设置将影响整个网站的布局和功能,包括语言、标题、描述、作者信息和仓库地址等。通过这些步骤,用户可以创建并定制一个简单的个人网页,并根据需要添加更多的HTML和CSS来增强网页的美观性和功能。

1. 创建仓库





2. 添加文件



  • 创建文件:在GitHub仓库页面,点击“Add file”按钮,然后选择“Create new file”。
  • 命名文件:在文件名输入框中输入index.html
  • 编写HTML代码:在打开的编辑器中,你可以开始编写HTML代码。一个基本的HTML页面结构如下:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <!-- 这里可以添加更多的HTML内容,比如图片、链接、列表等 -->

2. 提交和推送index.html

  • 提交更改:编写完HTML代码后,你需要提交这个文件。在页面底部,输入提交信息,比如“Add index.html”,然后点击“Commit changes”按钮。
  • 推送到GitHub:如果你使用的是命令行,你可以使用以下Git命令将本地更改推送到GitHub仓库:
git add index.html
git commit -m "Add index.html"
git push origin main

3. 使用Markdown作为主页

如果你更喜欢使用Markdown来编写内容,GitHub Pages也支持将Markdown文件自动渲染为HTML。以下是使用Markdown作为主页的步骤:

  • 创建Markdown文件:在仓库中创建一个名为index.md的文件。
  • 编写Markdown内容:在index.md文件中,使用Markdown语法编写内容。例如:
# 我的个人网页



- 列表项1
- 列表项2

  • 配置Markdown渲染:GitHub Pages默认会自动渲染.md文件为HTML,但你需要确保仓库的设置中启用了Jekyll(GitHub Pages的静态站点生成器),因为默认情况下,只有以.md结尾的文件才会被渲染。

  • 提交和推送和index.html一样,提交并推送index.md文件到你的GitHub仓库。

4. 访问你的网页

提交并推送文件后,GitHub Pages会构建你的网站。构建完成后,你可以通过https://你的用户名.github.io来访问你的个人网页。


3. 修改个人内容


permalink: /
title: "Chenbin ZHANG"
author_profile: true
  - /about/
  - /about.html

Chenbin Zhang, male, is an undergraduate student in the class of 2021, majoring in Intelligent Science and Technology at College of Automation & College of Artificial Intelligence, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications. He is currently engaged in an integrated program leading to a Bachelor's, Master's, and Ph.D. in Control Science and Engineering. Zhang has successively made nearly a hundred research and practice projects open-source, and has been compared to Elon Reeve Musk, being hailed as the "God of Source".

More details
The URL for Baidu Baike entries is:

Educational Background
September 2021 - Present            Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications            Intelligent Science and Technology | Bachelor's Degree          Major Ranking: 11/62
Skills Certificates: English Certificates (CET-4, CET-6), proficient in languages such as Python, C, and have relevant experience with development platforms like ISE Design, Jieliuchuang EDA.
Work Positions: Served as the publicity committee member of Class B210414, proficient in PPT creation and have extensive experience in article writing.

Hands-on experience
March 2024       School-level Programming Project             Design and Implementation of Intelligent Face Recognition Access Control System           Project Leader
Utilized the OpenCV image processing library to capture images and construct face data. Based on the MindSpore platform developed by Huawei, designed relevant face recognition algorithms using the dlib algorithm. Achieved real-time image capture and face recognition, created a simple UI interface, and controlled components such as MLX90614, servos, and passive buzzers using Raspberry Pi 4B and Arduino UNO development boards to implement the face recognition access control system.

November 2023       School-level Electronic Circuit Project Design         Design of a Digital Pulse Width Modulation Pulse Signal Generator           Project Leader
Utilized ISE Design to develop and create a pulse signal generator with adjustable pulse width, controlled by buttons, which can increase or decrease the duty cycle by 1% each time, displaying the duty cycle of the output pulse signal on a digital tube, and also showing the pulse width situation.

May 2023       School-level Open Experimental Project             Design and Implementation of a Laser Harp                   Main Participant
Designed and created a laser harp, programmed the microcontroller to control the production of different musical notes with laser beams and the display of LED lights, and it can play various music and adjust the volume.

Honors and awards
Personal Honors: Huawei-Ministry of Education 2022-2023 Intelligent Infrastructure "Future Star", Outstanding Young Volunteer, Outstanding League Member, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications 2022-2023 Comprehensive Progress Scholarship, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Advanced Individual.
Competition Achievements: 2024 U.S. Collegiate Mathematical Modeling Competition S Award, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications 2024 "Challenge Cup" Competition Bronze Award, 2023 (15th) Mathematical Modeling Competition Third Prize, Second Smart City Technology Competition Third Prize, 2023 College Student Advertising Art Competition Third Prize, Third College Student Financial Literacy Competition First Prize, 2022 China Youth Giant Panda Guardian Plan Honorary Award.

Scientific research projects
Led a key school-level STITP project: Research on Meteorological Forecasting Based on Graph Neural Networks.
Designed and constructed a GCN (Graph Convolutional Network) model, utilizing graph convolutional layers to capture local and global features. By optimizing the model, effectively integrated spatiotemporal information to achieve predictions of meteorological indicators for a future period, enhancing the accuracy of meteorological forecasting.
  • permalink/ 表示这个页面是网站的主页。
  • title: "Chenbin ZHANG" 是网页的标题。
  • author_profile: true 表示显示作者的个人资料。
  • redirect_from: 表示从其他路径(如/about//about.html)访问时,会自动重定向到这个页面。


4. 访问你的网页

提交并推送文件后,通常需要等待1到5分钟,GitHub Pages服务会构建你的网站。之后,你可以通过https://用户名.github.io来访问你的个人网页。为此你需要修改该项目中的_config.yml

# Welcome to Jekyll!
# This config file is meant for settings that affect your entire site, values
# which you are expected to set up once and rarely need to edit after that.
# For technical reasons, this file is *NOT* reloaded automatically when you use
# `jekyll serve -l -H localhost`. If you change this file, please restart the 
# server process.

# Basic Site Settings
locale                   : "en-US"
title                    : "HOME PAGE"
title_separator          : "-"
name                     : &name "Your Name"
description              : &description "personal description"
url                      : # the base hostname & protocol for your site e.g. "https://[your GitHub username]"
baseurl                  : "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. "/blog"
repository               : ""

# Site Author - The following control what appear as part of the author content on the side bar.
#               If a field is blank the icon and link will not appear, otherwise it will be shown.
#               Additional customization can be done by editing /_includes/author-profile.html
  # Biographic information
  avatar           : "picture1.png"
  name             : "Chenbin ZHANG"
  pronouns         : # example: "she/her"  
  bio              : "an undergraduate student in the class of 2021, majoring in Intelligent Science and Technology at College of Automation & College of Artificial Intelligence, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications."
  location         : "Nanjing China"
  #employer         : "Red Brick University"
  uri              : # URL
  email            : "" 

  # Academic websites
  arxiv            : # URL - Update with the correct link to your profile
  googlescholar    : ""
  impactstory      : # URL
  orcid            : ""
  semantic         : # URL
  pubmed           : ""
  researchgate     : # URL
  scopus           : # URL

  # Repositories and software development
  bitbucket        : # Username - Update with your username on the site
  codepen          : # Username
  dribbble         : # Username
  github           : "academicpages"
  kaggle           : # Username  
  stackoverflow    : # User number or user number and name (i.e., use "1" or "1/jeff-atwood")    

  # Social media
  bluesky          : "" # Replace this with you Bluesky username
  facebook         : # Username
  flickr           : # Username
  foursquare       : # Username
  goodreads        : # Username
  google_plus      : # Username
  keybase          : # Username
  instagram        : # Username
  lastfm           : # Username
  linkedin         : # Username
  mastodon         : # URL
  medium           : # URL
  pinterest        : # Username
  soundcloud       : # Username
  steam            : # Username
  telegram         : # URL
  tumblr           : # Username
  twitter          : # Username for X / Twitter
  vine             : # Username
  weibo            : # Username
  wikipedia        : # Username
  xing             : # Username
  youtube          : # Username
  zhihu            : # Username

# Publication Category - The following the list of publication categories and their headings
    title: 'Books'
 # manuscripts:
  #  title: 'Journal Articles'    
    title: 'Conference Papers'

# Site Settings
teaser                   :  # filename of teaser fallback teaser image placed in /images/, .e.g. "500x300.png"
breadcrumbs              : false # true, false (default)
words_per_minute         : 160
future                   : true
read_more                : "disabled" # if enabled, adds "Read more" links to excerpts
talkmap_link             : false #change to true to add link to talkmap on talks page
  provider               : # false (default), "disqus", "discourse", "facebook", "google-plus", "staticman", "custom"
    shortname            :
    server               : # , e.g.:
    appid                :
    num_posts            : # 5 (default)
    colorscheme          : # "light" (default), "dark"
  allowedFields          : ['name', 'email', 'url', 'message']
  branch                 : "gh-pages" # "master", "gh-pages"
  commitMessage          : "New comment."
  filename               : comment-{@timestamp}
  format                 : "yml"
  moderation             : true
  path                   : "_data/comments/{options.slug}"
  requiredFields         : ['name', 'email', 'message']
    email                : "md5"
      type               : "date"
        format           : "iso8601" # "iso8601" (default), "timestamp-seconds", "timestamp-milliseconds"
  hide                   : false     # change to true to hide the RSS feed in the footer
  path                   : # blank (default) uses feed.xml

# SEO Related
google_site_verification :
bing_site_verification   :
alexa_site_verification  :
yandex_site_verification :

# Social Sharing
  username               : &twitter
  username               :
  app_id                 :
  publisher              :
og_image                 :  # Open Graph/Twitter default site image
# For specifying social profiles
# -
  type                   : # Person or Organization (defaults to Person)
  name                   : # If the user or organization name differs from the site's name
  links: # An array of links to social media profiles

# Analytics
  provider               :  "false" # false (default), "google", "google-universal", "google-analytics-4", "custom"
    tracking_id          :

# Reading Files
  - .htaccess
  - _pages
  - files
  - "*.sublime-project"
  - "*.sublime-workspace"
  - .asset-cache
  - .bundle
  - .github
  - .jekyll-assets-cache
  - .sass-cache
  - assets/js/_main.js
  - assets/js/plugins
  - assets/js/vendor
  - Capfile
  - config
  - Dockerfile
  - Gemfile
  - Gruntfile.js
  - gulpfile.js
  - local
  - log
  - node_modules
  - package.json*
  - Rakefile
  - tmp
  - vendor
  - .git
  - .svn
encoding: "utf-8"
markdown_ext: "markdown,mkdown,mkdn,mkd,md"

# Conversion
markdown: kramdown
highlighter: rouge
lsi: false
excerpt_separator: "\n\n"
incremental: false

# Markdown Processing
  input: GFM
  hard_wrap: false
  auto_ids: true
  footnote_nr: 1
  entity_output: as_char
  toc_levels: 1..6
  smart_quotes: lsquo,rsquo,ldquo,rdquo
  enable_coderay: false

# These settings control the types of collections used by the template
    output: true
    permalink: /:collection/:path/
    output: true
    permalink: /:collection/:path/
    output: true
    permalink: /:collection/:path/
    output: true
    permalink: /:collection/:path/

# These settings control how pages and collections are included in the site
  # _posts
  - scope:
      path: ""
      type: posts
      layout: single
      author_profile: true
      read_time: true
      comments: true
      share: true
      related: true
  # _pages
  - scope:
      path: ""
      type: pages
      layout: single
      author_profile: true
  # _teaching
  - scope:
      path: ""
      type: teaching
      layout: single
      author_profile: true
      share: true
      comments: true
  # _publications
  - scope:
      path: ""
      type: publications
      layout: single
      author_profile: true
      share: true
      comments: true
  # _portfolio
  - scope:
      path: ""
      type: portfolio
      layout: single
      author_profile: true
      share: true
      comment: true
  # _talks
  - scope:
      path: ""
      type: talks
      layout: talk
      author_profile: true
      share: true

# Sass/SCSS
  sass_dir: _sass
  style: compressed #

# Outputting
permalink: /:categories/:title/
# paginate: 5 # amount of posts to show
# paginate_path: /page:num/
timezone: Etc/UTC #

# Plugins
  - jekyll-feed
  - jekyll-gist
  - jekyll-paginate
  - jekyll-sitemap
  - jekyll-redirect-from
  - jemoji

# Mimic GitHub Pages with --safe
  - jekyll-feed
  - jekyll-gist
  - jekyll-paginate
  - jekyll-sitemap
  - jekyll-redirect-from
  - jemoji

# Archives
#  Type
#  - GitHub Pages compatible archive pages built with Liquid ~> type: liquid (default)
#  - Jekyll Archives plugin archive pages ~> type: jekyll-archives
#  Path (examples)
#  - Archive page should exist at path when using Liquid method or you can
#    expect broken links (especially with breadcrumbs enabled)
#  - <base_path>/tags/my-awesome-tag/index.html ~> path: /tags/
#  - <base_path/categories/my-awesome-category/index.html ~> path: /categories/
#  - <base_path/my-awesome-category/index.html ~> path: /
  type: liquid
  path: /categories/
  type: liquid
  path: /tags/
# jekyll-archives:
#   enabled:
#     - categories
#     - tags
#   layouts:
#     category: archive-taxonomy
#     tag: archive-taxonomy
#   permalinks:
#     category: /categories/:name/
#     tag: /tags/:name/

# HTML Compression
# -
  clippings: all
    envs: development


  • locale: 网站的语言设置,这里是“en-US”。
  • title: 网站的标题,这里是“HOME PAGE”。
  • title_separator: 标题分隔符,这里是“-”。
  • name: 网站作者的名字,这里使用了一个YAML锚点(&name)。
  • description: 网站的描述,这里也使用了YAML锚点(&description)。
  • url: 网站的基地址,这里是GitHub Pages的地址。
  • baseurl: 网站的子路径,这里没有子路径。
  • repository: GitHub仓库的地址。

5. 自定义主题(可选)

        GitHub Pages 默认提供了一些静态的主题供用户选择,但如果你想要更丰富的自定义功能,你可能需要使用第三方主题或者自己编写样式。以下是一些代码示例,帮助你自定义 GitHub Pages 网站的外观。


        选择主题 在仓库的 Settings 页面中找到 Pages 选项,点击 Change Theme 来选择一个你喜欢的主题。

        添加主题到你的仓库 如果你找到了一个第三方的主题,通常你需要下载该主题的压缩包,并将其解压到你的仓库中。例如,假设你下载了一个名为 theme-name 的主题,你需要将该主题文件夹上传到你的仓库中。


        创建或修改 CSS 文件 你可以创建一个 main.css 文件在你的仓库的 assets/css/ 目录下(如果没有这个目录,你需要创建它)。以下是一些基本的样式代码:

/* assets/css/main.css */
body {
    font-family: 'Arial', sans-serif;
    background-color: #f4f4f4;
    color: #333;

.container {
    width: 80%;
    margin: auto;
    overflow: hidden;

header {
    background: #50b3a2;
    color: white;
    padding: 20px;
    text-align: center;

header h1 {
    margin: 0;

footer {
    background: #333;
    color: white;
    text-align: center;
    padding: 10px;
    position: absolute;
    bottom: 0;
    width: 100%;

        更新 _config.yml 文件 你需要在 _config.yml 文件中指定自定义样式文件的路径:

# _config.yml
  style: compressed

        在布局文件中链接 CSS 在你的布局文件(例如 default.html)中,链接到你的 CSS 文件:

<!-- _layouts/default.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>{{ site.title }}</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ '/assets/css/main.css' | relative_url }}">
    {{ content }}

        通过这些步骤,你可以自定义你的 GitHub Pages 网站的外观。请注意,自定义样式可能会覆盖主题的一些默认样式,因此你可能需要根据主题的具体结构进行调整。

6. 添加项目演示(可选)

要在你的GitHub Pages网站上展示你的项目,你需要将项目的静态文件添加到仓库中,并确保它们可以通过网页访问。以下是一些步骤和示例代码,帮助你完成这个过程。

1. 创建项目目录

首先,在仓库的根目录下创建一个新的文件夹来存放你的项目文件。例如,你可以创建一个名为 projects 的文件夹。

mkdir projects

2. 添加项目文件

将你的项目文件(HTML、CSS、JavaScript等)添加到这个新创建的 projects 文件夹中。例如:

  • projects/project1/index.html
  • projects/project1/style.css
  • projects/project1/script.js

3. 创建项目索引页面

你可能希望在主页上有一个链接到你的项目页面的列表。在你的 index.html 或者其他主页布局文件中,添加以下代码:

<!-- index.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>{{ site.title }}</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ '/assets/css/main.css' | relative_url }}">
    <h1>My Projects</h1>
        <li><a href="/projects/project1/">Project 1</a></li>
        <!-- Add more projects here -->
    {{ content }}

4. 更新 _config.yml 文件

确保Jekyll会包含 projects 目录下的文件,并为它们生成网页。在 _config.yml 文件中添加:

# _config.yml
  - projects

5. 提交并推送更改


git add .
git commit -m "Add project directory"
git push origin main

6. 示例项目页面代码

以下是一个简单的项目页面 index.html 文件示例,它展示了如何组织项目内容。

<!-- projects/project1/index.html -->
layout: default
title: Project 1

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Project 1</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ '/projects/project1/style.css' | relative_url }}">
    <h1>Project 1</h1>
    <p>This is a description of Project 1.</p>
    <!-- You can include images, videos, or other media here -->
    <img src="{{ '/projects/project1/screenshot.png' | relative_url }}" alt="Project 1 Screenshot">
    <script src="{{ '/projects/project1/script.js' | relative_url }}"></script>

7. 自定义项目页面样式

style.css 文件中,你可以添加自定义样式来美化你的项目页面:

/* projects/project1/style.css */
body {
    font-family: 'Arial', sans-serif;
    background-color: #f4f4f4;
    color: #333;

.container {
    width: 80%;
    margin: auto;
    overflow: hidden;

h1 {
    color: #333;
    text-align: center;

img {
    max-width: 100%;
    height: auto;

通过这些步骤和代码示例,你可以在你的GitHub Pages网站上展示你的项目,并为每个项目创建一个专门的页面。这样,访问者可以更容易地了解和探索你的工作。




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&#x1f3ac; 个人主页&#xff1a;谁在夜里看海. &#x1f4d6; 个人专栏&#xff1a;《C系列》《Linux系列》《算法系列》 ⛰️ 一念既出&#xff0c;万山无阻 目录 &#x1f4d6;一、算法思想 细节问题 &#x1f4da;左右临界 &#x1f4da;中点选择 &#x1f4da;…


一、Canal官网文档 去到官方文档根据官网文档进行操作&#xff1a; QuickStart alibaba/canal Wiki GitHub 二、开启服务器中MySQL的binlog [mysqld] log-binmysql-bin # 开启 binlog binlog-formatROW # 选择 ROW 模式 server_id1 # 配置 MySQL replaction 需要定义&#x…


✨✨ 欢迎大家来访Srlua的博文&#xff08;づ&#xffe3;3&#xffe3;&#xff09;づ╭❤&#xff5e;✨✨ &#x1f31f;&#x1f31f; 欢迎各位亲爱的读者&#xff0c;感谢你们抽出宝贵的时间来阅读我的文章。 我是Srlua小谢&#xff0c;在这里我会分享我的知识和经验。&am…



【热门主题】000074 深度学习模型:探索与应用

前言&#xff1a;哈喽&#xff0c;大家好&#xff0c;今天给大家分享一篇文章&#xff01;并提供具体代码帮助大家深入理解&#xff0c;彻底掌握&#xff01;创作不易&#xff0c;如果能帮助到大家或者给大家一些灵感和启发&#xff0c;欢迎收藏关注哦 &#x1f495; 目录 【热…


前言 这段时间在练习写C和Python&#xff0c;用vscode这个开发工具&#xff0c;调试的时候遇到一些麻烦&#xff0c;浪费了很多时间&#xff0c;因此整理了这个文档。将详细的细节描述清楚&#xff0c;避免与我遇到同样问题的人踩坑。 1.开发环境的配置 vscode的开发环境配置…


score.txt中的数据&#xff1a; 姓名&#xff0c;语文&#xff0c;数学&#xff0c;英语 张伟&#xff0c;87&#xff0c;92&#xff0c;88 李娜&#xff0c;90&#xff0c;85&#xff0c;95 王强&#xff0c;78&#xff0c;90&#xff0c;82 赵敏&#xff0c;92&#xff0c;8…

【实战】在Koa.js中实现文件上传的接口 (本地存储)

目录 环境准备 使用 koa-body 中间件获取上传的文件 使用 Postman 测试 使用 koa-static 中间件生成图片链接 编写前端页面上传文件 文件上传是一个基本的功能&#xff0c;每个系统几乎都会有&#xff0c;比如上传图片、上传Excel等。那么在Node Koa应用中如何实现一个支持…


目录 前言 一、效果图 二、图标的使用 三、代码的编写 四、运行效果 五、文档编写 前言 1.本文所讲内容来自辽宁大连东软信息学院计算机与技术专业高级网页设计&#xff08;专升本&#xff09;课程期中四级项目课题之一&#xff0c;题目要求是自主选择相应的APP移动端&…

从语法、功能、社区和使用场景来比较 Sass 和 LESS

一&#xff1a;可以从语法、功能、社区和使用场景来比较 Sass 和 LESS&#xff1a; 1&#xff1a;语法 原始的 Sass 采用的是缩进而不是大括号&#xff0c;后续的 Sass 版本与 LESS 一样使用与 CSS 类似的语法&#xff1a; address {.fa.fa-mobile-phone {margin: 0 3px 0 2…

7. 现代卷积神经网络

文章目录 7.1. 深度卷积神经网络&#xff08;AlexNet&#xff09;7.2. 使用块的网络&#xff08;VGG&#xff09;7.3. 网络中的网络&#xff08;NiN&#xff09;7.4. 含并行连结的网络&#xff08;GoogLeNet&#xff09;7.5. 批量规范化7.5.1. 训练深层网络7.5.2. 批量规范化层…


SQLmap使用详解 SQLmap&#xff08;常规&#xff09;使用步骤 1、查询注入点 python -u、查询所有数据库 python -u --dbs3、查询当前数据库 python -u htt…

React+TS+css in js 练习

今天分享的内容是动态规划的经典问题--0-1 背包问题 0-1背包问题的描述如下:给定一组物品,每种物品都有自己的重量和价值,背包的总容量是固定的。我们需要从这些物品中挑选一部分,使得背包内物品的总价值最大,同时不超过背包的总容量。 举个例子&#xff1a;假设这组物品的质量…

刷题日常(找到字符串中所有字母异位词,​ 和为 K 的子数组​,​ 滑动窗口最大值​,全排列)

找到字符串中所有字母异位词 给定两个字符串 s 和 p&#xff0c;找到 s 中所有 p 的 异位词的子串&#xff0c;返回这些子串的起始索引。不考虑答案输出的顺序。 题目分析&#xff1a; 1.将p里面的字符先丢进一个hash1中&#xff0c;只需要在S字符里面找到多少个和他相同的has…

《C++ Primer Plus》学习笔记|第8章 函数探幽 (24-11-30更新)

文章目录 8.1 内联函数8.2 引用变量8.2.1 创建引用变量8.2.2 将引用用作函数参数8.2.3 引用的属性和特别之处特点1&#xff1a;在计算过程中&#xff0c;传入的形参的值也被改变了。特点2&#xff1a;使用引用的函数参数只接受变量&#xff0c;而不接受变量与数值的运算左值引用…


参考程序&#xff1a; #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> // 用于 std::sortusing namespace std;int main() {int a, b, c;cin >> a >> b >> c;// 将三个数放入一个数组中int arr[3] {a, b, c};// 对数组进行排序sort(arr, arr 3);…


这篇博文讲一讲hexo博客的搭建及文章管理&#xff0c;也算是我对于暑假的一个交代 &#xff01;&#xff01;&#xff01;注意&#xff1a;下面的操作是基于你已经安装了node.js和git的前提下进行的&#xff0c;并且拥有github账号 创建一个blog目录 在磁盘任意位置创建一个…