论文概览 |《Journal of Urban Technology》2024 Vol.31 Issue.2

本次给大家整理的是《Journal of Urban Technology》杂志2024年第31卷第2期的论文的题目和摘要,一共包括6篇SCI论文!


Aerial Video Surveillance in a Megacity: A Case Study in Santiago, Chile


【摘要】The growth of gated communities and the omnipresence of video surveillance have changed urban life considerably in the last decades. Especially in cities governed by neoliberal public policies and widespread fear of crime, residents search for security, social status, and shared services in fortified enclaves where video cameras watch everybody who enters their premises. These developments are not restricted to private space, and affluent neighborhoods in megacities are eager to adopt a wide range of surveillance technology to protect their citizens. Eight years ago, the affluent municipality of Lo Barnechea in the metropolitan region of Santiago, Chile, installed a surveillance balloon in a residential area. The local security forces currently operate six balloons, and residents have become accustomed to the ever-present gaze of aerial video cameras. This article contrasts the presence of this technology in a megacity against different perspectives on surveillance and urbanism. A consideration of its panoptic features leaves an unsatisfactory explanation. Citizens actively participate in generating public policies and smart technology for public safety, as is characteristic of a maximum security society. The surveillance balloons have become a sustainable element in the urban landscape and an appreciated part of the social fabric of the residential neighborhoods.





Elwin van ‘t Wout,荷兰代尔夫特理工大学,智利天主教大学数学与计算工程学院

Ismael Aguirre Molina,社会人类学家,智利天主教大学


China’s Urban Waste Resource Management Systems: A Case of the Yangtze River Basin


【摘要】Urban waste management is vital for environmental protection and sustainable development. Understanding the characteristics and innovative paths of waste management systems in the Yangtze River Delta urban cluster is of significant importance. Analyzing 285 policies implemented from 2003 to 2022, the research employs methods like stage evolution text quantification and network structure analysis to reveal distinct characteristics of policy evolution in urban waste management. The study identifies a four-stage pattern of policy development: policy pilot stage, policy implementation stage, policy regulation stage, and policy dissemination stage. The findings highlight an increasing diversification of policy initiators and improvements in multisector collaboration. The central government plays a pivotal role in guiding urban waste management, while local governments follow suit through demonstration, indicating a preference for individual local autonomy over horizontal joint management.




Xinzhi Wang,中国天津科技大学管理学院

Yan Tang,中国天津科技大学管理学院Jiong Li,中国石油工程项目管理公司


The Neuro-Cognitive Approach to Urban Planning: Wayfinding Behavior Analysis and its Effect on Urban Planning


【摘要】This study analyzed the urban wayfinding of people. A virtual city was designed for the study. A total of 712 people (358 men and 354 women) participated in the project. The virtual reality (VR) system allowed participants to navigate the virtual city. An electroencephalography (EEG) device was employed to measure the brain waves of participants during their wayfinding action, while eye-tracking (ET) devices were used to determine where the participants were looking. In addition, software developed for this study was used to determine the amount of time participants spent in certain parts of the city. Much more data were obtained by using different analysis techniques. In the study, the narrow streets negatively affected people's wayfinding behavior, while it was also found that the participants had difficulty finding their way around high buildings. In addition, people found wayfinding easy in wide streets. It is thought that the study will bring a different dimension to both urban design and architectural design disciplines.




İlker Erkan,建筑学院,苏莱曼·德米雷尔大学,土耳其


Smart Cities Indicators: How Regional Context and Its Stakeholders Are Essential to Name “The” Smart City


【摘要】Despite various definitions of Smart Cities (SCs), it is challenging to characterize what “the best” Smart City would be. This is demonstrated by various frameworks of indicators and rankings, which present different cities as the smartest. This article aims to contribute to the understanding of concepts of SCs, focusing on 21 indicator frameworks, which were studied through text analysis and text mining techniques. The indicator frameworks were researched as units of analysis through an inductive interpretive approach. Frameworks of different regions (Europe, Asia, North and Latin America) were analyzed, and their results indicate that these frameworks are not immune to contextual factors affecting cities. They present categories and indicators that are, on the one hand, very similar, indicating an isomorphic trend, and, on the other, very different from each other due to the contextual influence of the environment and the stakeholders involved. The unprecedented contribution of this article is to show, using statistical analysis, that naming “the” SC would be an ineffectual task.





Jairo Cardoso de Oliveira,商学院研究生项目,圣保罗九月大学,巴西

Marcos Rogerio Mazieri,商务管理研究生项目,圣保罗九月大学,巴西Claudia Terezinha Kniess,政治、经济与商业项目,圣保罗联邦大学,巴西


Informational Modeling of Cities: Method and Challenges for Institutional Implementation


【摘要】Although cities are increasingly permeated by information and communication technologies (ICTs), these urban centers still face theoretical and practical obstacles regarding the application of 3D technologies as a tool for urban planning and management. This study aims to ontologically structure an informational model as an urban management tool and assess the perceived challenges for implementing this model in the municipal public management of Curitiba, Brazil. The study was carried out through the collective subject discourse, the interviews’ thematic saturation, and Delphi techniques. The results indicate that the technical capacity, technological infrastructure, and financial resources for the development of a city information modeling (CIM) exist, although its activation for such development depends on a more significant political and managerial entrepreneurship in the decision-making in arrangements of multilevel governance, and, consequently, there is a need to develop public policies for staff training to stimulate and promote advanced technological innovations for urban management and planning. Implementing a CIM in large cities seems to face more management and planning problems due to the lack of institutional ontologies than technological, infrastructural, or knowledge limitations.




Augusto Pimentel Pereira,巴西,巴拉那州,库里提巴,FAE大学中心

Mario Prokopiuk,城市管理项目,巴西库里提巴,巴拉那州,圣保罗天主教大学(PUCPR)


Urban Resilience Through Cognitive Computing Systems


【摘要】Global urbanization and heat-related fatalities are rapidly increasing, while the full potential of advanced information technologies to mitigate urban heat has not yet been used by city planners and policymakers. Cognitive computing systems (CCSs), which mimic human information processing and reasoning abilities, can transform how cities strategize and operate. In this commentary, we develop a framework and outline future research directions to understand the disconnect between a strategic and operational CCS, which can facilitate an effective interplay between urban policy (e.g., framing alternative policies) and urban technology (e.g., engaging local communities with data generated by sensor networks).




Kenan Degirmenci,昆士兰科技大学,科学学院,信息系统学院,乔治街2号,布里斯班QLD4000,澳大利亚

Kevin C. Desouza,昆士兰科技大学,商学院与法学院,管理学院,乔治街2号,布里斯班QLD4000,澳大利亚Richard T. Watson,数字前沿伙伴,4/350 Collins Street,墨尔本VIC3000,澳大利亚




模型 I/O 与 LangChain 实践

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uni-app 认识条件编译,了解多端部署

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7.1.1. Restful 7.1.2. 统一响应结果 7.1.3. 开发流程 7.2. 部门管理 7.2.1. 查询部门-思路 7.2.2. 日志技巧 Slf4j可以替换private static Logger log LoggerFactory.getLogger(DeptController.class); 7.2.3. 删除部门-思路 7.2.4. 新增部门-思路 7.2.5. Controller优化 …


这里写目录标题 一.OSI含义二.OSI七层模型1.应用层2.表示层3.会话层4.传输层5.网络层6.数据链路层7.物理层 TCP/IP五层协议1.应用层2.运输层运行在TCP上的协议运行在UDP上的协议 3.网络层IP协议配套使用的协议 4.数据链路层 四.网络协议分层的好处 一.OSI含义 OSI即是开放式通…


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基于卡尔曼滤波器的 PID 控制

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Day 25

491.递增子序列 力扣题目链接(opens new window) 给定一个整型数组, 你的任务是找到所有该数组的递增子序列,递增子序列的长度至少是2。 示例: 输入: [4, 6, 7, 7]输出: [[4, 6], [4, 7], [4, 6, 7], [4, 6, 7, 7], [6, 7], [6, 7, 7], [7,7], [4,7,7]] 说明: …

机器学习: 阿里巴巴发布基于:蒙特卡洛的应用Marco-o1

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0.YonBuilder移动开发应用详情页访问路径 登录用友开发者中心,鼠标悬浮右上角昵称处,点击「工作台」进入「开发者中心工作台」 「开发者中心工作台」页面点击左侧竖直菜单面板中「移动应用开发」后,选择右侧页面内的目标应用,即可…


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