canva 画图 UI 设计

起因, 目的:

来源: 客户需求。
目的: 用数据讲故事。 数据可以瞎编,图表一定要漂亮。





我还是喜欢 canva.
figma, 我用的时候,每每都想把自己的电脑砸了。各种不爽,不顺手,用起来很痛苦。

附带一个简短的报告 (说明文件, report, readme )

Coffee Shop Sales Data Analysis

This visualization tells the story of a coffee shop's sales patterns and customer preferences, aiming to reveal seasonal and weekly trends that can guide business decisions. By examining hot and iced coffee sales across different months, identifying popular coffee flavors, and comparing weekday versus weekend sales, the visualization provides actionable insights that help the coffee shop optimize its operations and respond to customer demand.

1. Story Behind the Visualization
The primary story conveyed here is an exploration of sales trends that can inform better inventory planning, menu choices, and staffing schedules. Specifically, the data visualizes the impact of seasonality on hot versus iced coffee sales, reveals customer preferences for specific coffee types, and highlights differences in sales between weekdays and weekends. Together, these elements provide a complete picture of the coffee shop's business patterns, helping stakeholders make data-driven decisions to increase efficiency and meet customer demand.

2. How Each Element Contributes
Each component of the visualization plays a crucial role in communicating this story:
- Daily Sales Summary (Left Panel): This section provides a high-level overview of the coffee shop's daily performance, including total cups sold, daily customer count, and daily revenue. These statistics serve as a quick reference, setting the context for the more detailed analyses on the right.

- Monthly Hot and Iced Coffee Sales (Top Right Panel): The bar chart compares monthly sales of hot and iced coffee, illustrating seasonal demand shifts. For instance, as expected, hot coffee sales increase in colder months, while iced coffee is more popular during summer. This segment clarifies how customer preferences change with the weather, allowing the shop to adjust its menu and promotions accordingly.

- Popular Coffee Types (Middle Right Panel): The pie chart, creatively styled to resemble a coffee cup, highlights the popularity of different coffee types. This representation quickly conveys which flavors are most favored by customers, making it easy for stakeholders to identify popular menu items. Understanding these preferences allows the coffee shop to emphasize popular flavors in marketing efforts and adjust its offerings based on customer demand.

- Weekly Sales Trends (Bottom Right Panel): The line chart demonstrates weekly sales trends, with an emphasis on the difference between weekday and weekend sales. This comparison helps in understanding whether the coffee shop’s customer base is influenced by location, such as an office area where weekday sales are typically higher. This insight can guide the shop in planning promotions and adjusting staffing based on expected foot traffic.

3. Why This Design Was Chosen
This design was chosen over other alternatives for its clarity, relevance, and ability to tell a cohesive story. Unlike more complex or abstract visuals, this design uses familiar chart types and intuitive icons (such as coffee cups and simple line and pie charts), making the data accessible and easy to interpret. Additionally, the choice to style the pie chart as a coffee cup adds a creative touch that reinforces the theme. Other alternatives, such as complex dashboards or intricate 3D charts, were considered but ultimately deemed less effective due to their potential to overwhelm viewers with unnecessary details.

My conclusion
By structuring this visualization with a clear narrative and purposeful design, the coffee shop gains a powerful tool to understand customer behavior, adapt to seasonal trends, and make strategic decisions. Each element contributes directly to telling a meaningful story, enhancing the coffee shop's ability to connect data with business strategy.

结论 + todo + 个人感受

  1. GPT 太强了,考察代码,意义不大。
  2. 考察画图,考察项目设计,考察看法(甚至是审美),这些方面增多了, 也是未来接单的一个趋势。






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