安装依赖bash复制代码pip install nmap python-nmap paramikoPython
import nmapimport paramiko def scan_ports(host, port_range=‘1-1024’): nm = nmap.PortScanner() nm.scan(hosts=host, arguments=’-p ’ + port_range) open_ports = [(x, nm[host][‘tcp’][x][‘state’]) for x in nm[host][‘tcp’].keys() if nm[host][‘tcp’][x][‘state’] == ‘open’] return open_ports def ssh_login(host, port, username, password): ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) try: ssh.connect(hostname=host, port=port, username=username, password=password) print(f"Successfully logged into {host}:{port} with {username}") ssh.close() return True except paramiko.AuthenticationException: print(f"Authentication failed for {host}:{port} with {username}") return False except Exception as e: print(f"Could not connect to {host}:{port}. Error: {e}") return False def main(): target_ip_range = “” # 修改为你的目标IP范围 username = “admin” # 修改为你要尝试的用户名 password = “password” # 修改为你要尝试的密码 for ip in range(1, 255): # 简单示例,只扫描最后一个八位位组的变化 ip_address = f"192.168.1.{ip}" if ip_address.startswith(target_ip_range.split(’-’)[0].split(’.’)[:3][0]): print(f"Scanning {ip_address}…") open_ports = scan_ports(ip_address) for port, state in open_ports: if int(port) == 22: # 检查SSH端口 print(f"Found open SSH port on {ip_address}:{port}") if ssh_login(ip_address, port, username, password): print(f"CRITICAL: {ip_address}:{port} is vulnerable to SSH brute force!") if name == “main”: main()注意事项法律和道德:确保你在合法的授权和许可下执行渗透测试。错误处理:在实际应用中,添加更多的错误处理和日志记录。安全性:不要硬编码敏感信息(如密码),使用环境变量或配置文件。
学习如何编写自定义的漏洞利用代码(Exploit Development)。了解如何整合SIEM(Security Information and Event Management)系统。通过不断学习和实践,你可以逐步提升自己的渗透测试和安全工具开发能力。