


CREATE TABLE `citys` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `name` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
INSERT INTO `citys` VALUES ('1', '北京');
INSERT INTO `citys` VALUES ('2', '上海');

CREATE TABLE `areas` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `cityid` int(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `area` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
INSERT INTO `areas` VALUES ('1', '1', '海淀区');
INSERT INTO `areas` VALUES ('35', '1', '东城区');
INSERT INTO `areas` VALUES ('18', '1', '西城区');
INSERT INTO `areas` VALUES ('37', '1', '朝阳区');
INSERT INTO `areas` VALUES ('39', '2', '黄浦区');
INSERT INTO `areas` VALUES ('40', '2', '闵行区');
INSERT INTO `areas` VALUES ('41', '2', '徐汇区');

    接下来我们开始新建项目及module,相关的项目依赖及配置可参见文章: 我们建立两个pojo类及两个mapper类,此时的Area pojo类中的city不再是一个字符串,而是关联city的pojo类。代码如下:

//city pojo类
package com.kermit.pojo;

import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;

public class City {
    private int id;
    private String cityname;

//area pojo类
package com.kermit.pojo;

import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;

public class Area {

    private int id;
    private City city;
    private String areaname;

package com.kermit.dao;

import com.kermit.pojo.Area;
import java.util.List;

public interface AreaMapper {

    public List<Area> getArea();



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper
        PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN"

<mapper namespace="com.kermit.dao.AreaMapper">

    <select id="getArea" resultMap="AreaCity">
        select * from areas
    <resultMap id="AreaCity" type="com.kermit.pojo.Area">
        <association property="city" javaType="com.kermit.pojo.City" select="getCity" column="cityid"/>

    <select id="getCity" resultType="com.kermit.pojo.City">
        select * from citys where id = #{cid};

    <select id="getArea2" resultMap="AreaCity2">
        select areas.cityid,cityname,,areas.areaname from areas,citys where areas.cityid =
    <resultMap id="AreaCity2" type="com.kermit.pojo.Area">
        <result property="id" column="id" />
        <result property="areaname" column="areaname" />
        <association property="city" javaType="com.kermit.pojo.City" >
            <result property="id" column="cityid" />
            <result property="cityname" column="cityname" />



import com.kermit.dao.AreaMapper;
import com.kermit.pojo.Area;
import com.kermit.utils.MybatisConn;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSession;
import org.junit.Test;

import java.util.List;

public class TestMybatis {

    private static SqlSession sqlSession;
    private static AreaMapper mapper;

        try {
            sqlSession = MybatisConn.getSqlsession();
        } catch (IOException e) {
        mapper = sqlSession.getMapper(AreaMapper.class);

    public void areaToCity1() {

        List<Area> areaList = mapper.getArea();
        for (Area area : areaList) {


    public void areaToCity2(){
        List<Area> areaList = mapper.getArea2();
        for (Area area : areaList) {



Logging initialized using 'class org.apache.ibatis.logging.stdout.StdOutImpl' adapter.
PooledDataSource forcefully closed/removed all connections.
PooledDataSource forcefully closed/removed all connections.
PooledDataSource forcefully closed/removed all connections.
PooledDataSource forcefully closed/removed all connections.
Opening JDBC Connection
Created connection 1293241549.
Setting autocommit to false on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@4d154ccd]
==>  Preparing: select * from areas 
==> Parameters: 
<==    Columns: id, cityid, areaname
<==        Row: 1, 1, 海淀区
====>  Preparing: select * from citys where id = ?; 
====> Parameters: 1(Long)
<====    Columns: id, cityname
<====        Row: 1, 北京
<====      Total: 1
<==        Row: 35, 1, 东城区
<==        Row: 18, 1, 西城区
<==        Row: 37, 1, 朝阳区
<==        Row: 39, 2, 黄浦区
====>  Preparing: select * from citys where id = ?; 
====> Parameters: 2(Long)
<====    Columns: id, cityname
<====        Row: 2, 上海
<====      Total: 1
<==        Row: 40, 2, 闵行区
<==        Row: 41, 2, 徐汇区
<==      Total: 7
Area(id=1, city=City(id=1, cityname=北京), areaname=海淀区)
Area(id=35, city=City(id=1, cityname=北京), areaname=东城区)
Area(id=18, city=City(id=1, cityname=北京), areaname=西城区)
Area(id=37, city=City(id=1, cityname=北京), areaname=朝阳区)
Area(id=39, city=City(id=2, cityname=上海), areaname=黄浦区)
Area(id=40, city=City(id=2, cityname=上海), areaname=闵行区)
Area(id=41, city=City(id=2, cityname=上海), areaname=徐汇区)
Resetting autocommit to true on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@4d154ccd]
Closing JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@4d154ccd]
Returned connection 1293241549 to pool.
Process finished with exit code 0

Logging initialized using 'class org.apache.ibatis.logging.stdout.StdOutImpl' adapter.
PooledDataSource forcefully closed/removed all connections.
PooledDataSource forcefully closed/removed all connections.
PooledDataSource forcefully closed/removed all connections.
PooledDataSource forcefully closed/removed all connections.
Opening JDBC Connection
Created connection 1400856767.
Setting autocommit to false on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@537f60bf]
==>  Preparing: select areas.cityid,cityname,,areas.areaname from areas,citys where areas.cityid = 
==> Parameters: 
<==    Columns: cityid, cityname, id, areaname
<==        Row: 1, 北京, 1, 海淀区
<==        Row: 1, 北京, 35, 东城区
<==        Row: 1, 北京, 18, 西城区
<==        Row: 1, 北京, 37, 朝阳区
<==        Row: 2, 上海, 39, 黄浦区
<==        Row: 2, 上海, 40, 闵行区
<==        Row: 2, 上海, 41, 徐汇区
<==      Total: 7
Area(id=1, city=City(id=1, cityname=北京), areaname=海淀区)
Area(id=35, city=City(id=1, cityname=北京), areaname=东城区)
Area(id=18, city=City(id=1, cityname=北京), areaname=西城区)
Area(id=37, city=City(id=1, cityname=北京), areaname=朝阳区)
Area(id=39, city=City(id=2, cityname=上海), areaname=黄浦区)
Area(id=40, city=City(id=2, cityname=上海), areaname=闵行区)
Area(id=41, city=City(id=2, cityname=上海), areaname=徐汇区)
Resetting autocommit to true on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@537f60bf]
Closing JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@537f60bf]
Returned connection 1400856767 to pool.
Process finished with exit code 0




package com.kermit.pojo;

import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;

import java.util.List;

public class City {
    private int id;
    private String cityname;
    private List<Area> areaList;

package com.kermit.pojo;

        import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
        import lombok.Data;
        import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;

public class Area {

    private int id;
    private int cityid;
    private String areaname;

package com.kermit.dao;

import com.kermit.pojo.City;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Select;

import java.util.List;

public interface CityMapper {

    public List<City> getCity1();

    public List<City> getCity2();


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper
        PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN"

<mapper namespace="com.kermit.dao.CityMapper">

    <select id="getCity1" resultMap="cityAndArea1">
        select * from citys;
    <resultMap id="cityAndArea1" type="com.kermit.pojo.City">
        <collection property="areaList" column="id" select="getAreas" javaType="ArrayList" ofType="com.kermit.pojo.Area"/>

    <select id="getAreas" resultType="com.kermit.pojo.Area">
        select * from areas where cityid= #{id}

    <select id="getCity2" resultMap="cityAndArea2" >
        select areas.cityid,cityname,,areas.areaname from areas,citys where areas.cityid =;
    <resultMap id="cityAndArea2" type="com.kermit.pojo.City">
        <result property="id" column="cityid" />
        <result property="cityname" column="cityname" />
        <collection property="areaList" ofType="com.kermit.pojo.Area">
            <result property="id" column="id"/>
            <result property="areaname" column="areaname"/>



import com.kermit.dao.AreaMapper;
import com.kermit.dao.CityMapper;
import com.kermit.pojo.Area;
import com.kermit.pojo.City;
import com.kermit.utils.MybatisConn;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSession;
import org.junit.Test;

import java.util.List;

public class TestMybatis {

    private static SqlSession sqlSession;
    private static CityMapper mapper;

        try {
            sqlSession = MybatisConn.getSqlsession();
        } catch (IOException e) {
        mapper = sqlSession.getMapper(CityMapper.class);

    public void getCityIncludeArea1(){
        List<City> cityList = mapper.getCity1();
        for (City city : cityList) {


    public void getCityIncludeArea2(){
        List<City> cityList = mapper.getCity2();
        for (City city : cityList) {



Logging initialized using 'class org.apache.ibatis.logging.stdout.StdOutImpl' adapter.
PooledDataSource forcefully closed/removed all connections.
PooledDataSource forcefully closed/removed all connections.
PooledDataSource forcefully closed/removed all connections.
PooledDataSource forcefully closed/removed all connections.
Opening JDBC Connection
Created connection 252277567.
Setting autocommit to false on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@f09733f]
==>  Preparing: select * from citys; 
==> Parameters: 
<==    Columns: id, cityname
<==        Row: 1, 北京
====>  Preparing: select * from areas where cityid= ? 
====> Parameters: 1(Long)
<====    Columns: id, cityid, areaname
<====        Row: 1, 1, 海淀区
<====        Row: 35, 1, 东城区
<====        Row: 18, 1, 西城区
<====        Row: 37, 1, 朝阳区
<====      Total: 4
<==        Row: 2, 上海
====>  Preparing: select * from areas where cityid= ? 
====> Parameters: 2(Long)
<====    Columns: id, cityid, areaname
<====        Row: 39, 2, 黄浦区
<====        Row: 40, 2, 闵行区
<====        Row: 41, 2, 徐汇区
<====      Total: 3
<==      Total: 2
City(id=0, cityname=北京, areaList=[Area(id=1, cityid=1, areaname=海淀区), Area(id=35, cityid=1, areaname=东城区), Area(id=18, cityid=1, areaname=西城区), Area(id=37, cityid=1, areaname=朝阳区)])
City(id=0, cityname=上海, areaList=[Area(id=39, cityid=2, areaname=黄浦区), Area(id=40, cityid=2, areaname=闵行区), Area(id=41, cityid=2, areaname=徐汇区)])
Resetting autocommit to true on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@f09733f]
Closing JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@f09733f]
Returned connection 252277567 to pool.
Process finished with exit code 0

Logging initialized using 'class org.apache.ibatis.logging.stdout.StdOutImpl' adapter.
PooledDataSource forcefully closed/removed all connections.
PooledDataSource forcefully closed/removed all connections.
PooledDataSource forcefully closed/removed all connections.
PooledDataSource forcefully closed/removed all connections.
Opening JDBC Connection
Created connection 580673921.
Setting autocommit to false on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@229c6181]
==>  Preparing: select areas.cityid,cityname,,areas.areaname from areas,citys where areas.cityid =; 
==> Parameters: 
<==    Columns: cityid, cityname, id, areaname
<==        Row: 1, 北京, 1, 海淀区
<==        Row: 1, 北京, 35, 东城区
<==        Row: 1, 北京, 18, 西城区
<==        Row: 1, 北京, 37, 朝阳区
<==        Row: 2, 上海, 39, 黄浦区
<==        Row: 2, 上海, 40, 闵行区
<==        Row: 2, 上海, 41, 徐汇区
<==      Total: 7
City(id=1, cityname=北京, areaList=[Area(id=1, cityid=0, areaname=海淀区), Area(id=35, cityid=0, areaname=东城区), Area(id=18, cityid=0, areaname=西城区), Area(id=37, cityid=0, areaname=朝阳区)])
City(id=2, cityname=上海, areaList=[Area(id=39, cityid=0, areaname=黄浦区), Area(id=40, cityid=0, areaname=闵行区), Area(id=41, cityid=0, areaname=徐汇区)])
Resetting autocommit to true on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@229c6181]
Closing JDBC Connection [com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@229c6181]
Returned connection 580673921 to pool.
Process finished with exit code 0

    同多对一的查询一样,mapper.xml配置中使用子查询嵌套的方法在SQL执行的时候会进行多次查询,最终查询次数和取得的行数成正比增加。而使用联表查询后将数据映射到属性中只执行一次SQL查询,所以一对多、多对一的查询推荐使用联表查询后映射数据的方式处理。还有一个需要注意的地方是xml配置文件中的 javaType和ofType配置,这两项比较重要,且相对难以把握,要多加练习了解掌握。 





概述 在refresh方法中的prepareBeanFactory方法中&#xff0c;有一个拓展点&#xff1a;addBeanPostProcessor。即通过注入Aware对象从而将容器中的某些值设置到某个bean中。 beanFactory.addBeanPostProcessor(new ApplicationContextAwareProcessor(this));aware接口调用 …

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1. 系统命令调用 所谓的命令调用&#xff0c;就是通过os&#xff0c;找到系统中编译好的可执行文件&#xff0c;然后加载到内存中&#xff0c;变成进程。 1.1 exec.LookPath&#xff08;寻找命令&#xff09; 作用&#xff1a; exec.LookPath 函数用于在系统的环境变量中搜索可…