Generic functions and application process reference model for the Payment Metering System 付费电表系统的通用功能和应用过程参考模型
1. 参考模型 Reference model
1.1 在参考模型中的符号的说明 Legend of symbols used in the reference model
功能框 (function box )
A function box is an object-oriented representation (see 11.18) of a generic functional
aspect of a payment metering system.
一个功能框是付费电表系统的一般功能方面的面向对象的描述(见 11.18)。
For example: the Contract function represents all those aspects of the system that participate in providing the system with the capability to capture and enforce the business rules in accordance.with the terms and conditions of the supply and purchase agreement between the Supplier and the Customer.
· 例如:合同功能描述了系统的各个方面,这个系统有能力参与提供和实施