MySQL之表内容的增删改查(含oracel 9i经典测试雇佣表下载)







4. 筛选分页结果 




2. 截断表



七:group by子句的使用 

表内容的CRUD操作 : Create(创建), Retrieve(读取),Update(更新),Delete(删除)


(1)语法: insert into 表名 (列名) values (对应的列属性值)


mysql> system clear;
mysql> create table student(
    -> id int unsigned primary key auto_increment,
    -> sn int unsigned not null unique key,
    -> name varchar(20) not null,
    -> qq varchar(20) unique key
    -> );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)

mysql> insert into student (id,sn,name,qq) values (10,201,'刘备','230211');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> insert into student values (20,202,'关羽','230212');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into student (sn,name,qq) values (203,'张飞','230213');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> insert into student (sn,name,qq) values (204,'赵云','230214'),(205,'黄忠','230215');
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 2  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> select* from student;
| id | sn  | name   | qq     |
| 10 | 201 | 刘备   | 230211 |
| 20 | 202 | 关羽   | 230212 |
| 21 | 203 | 张飞   | 230213 |
| 22 | 204 | 赵云   | 230214 |
| 23 | 205 | 黄忠   | 230215 |

(3) 插入否则更新


mysql> insert into student (id,sn,name,qq) values (10,206,'马超','230216');
ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry '10' for key 'PRIMARY'
mysql> insert into student (id,sn,name,qq) values (24,205,'马超','230216');
ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry '205' for key 'sn'


mysql> select* from student;
| id | sn  | name   | qq     |
| 10 | 201 | 刘备   | 230211 |
| 20 | 202 | 关羽   | 230212 |
| 21 | 203 | 张飞   | 230213 |
| 22 | 204 | 赵云   | 230214 |
| 23 | 205 | 黄忠   | 230215 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into student values (23,205,'huangzhong','230216') on duplicate key update name='huanghzong',qq='230216';
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select* from student;
| id | sn  | name       | qq     |
| 10 | 201 | 刘备       | 230211 |
| 20 | 202 | 关羽       | 230212 |
| 21 | 203 | 张飞       | 230213 |
| 22 | 204 | 赵云       | 230214 |
| 23 | 205 | huanghzong | 230216 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into student values (24,207,'马超','230217') on duplicate key update name='马超';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> select* from student;
| id | sn  | name       | qq     |
| 10 | 201 | 刘备       | 230211 |
| 20 | 202 | 关羽       | 230212 |
| 21 | 203 | 张飞       | 230213 |
| 22 | 204 | 赵云       | 230214 |
| 23 | 205 | huanghzong | 230216 |
| 24 | 207 | 马超       | 230217 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into student values (10,201,'刘备','230211') on duplicate key update name='刘备',qq='230211';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

-- 0 row affected: 表中有冲突数据,但冲突数据的值和 update 的值相等
-- 1 row affected: 表中没有冲突数据,数据被插入
-- 2 row affected: 表中有冲突数据,并且数据已经被更新
-- 通过 MySQL 函数获取受到影响的数据行数
|      2 |



replace into 表名 (列名) values (对应列名属性值)

-- 主键 或者 唯一键 没有冲突,则直接插入;
-- 主键 或者 唯一键 如果冲突,则删除后再插入

mysql> replace into student values (24,207,'machao','230217');
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select* from student;
| id | sn  | name       | qq     |
| 10 | 201 | 刘备       | 230211 |
| 20 | 202 | 关羽       | 230212 |
| 21 | 203 | 张飞       | 230213 |
| 22 | 204 | 赵云       | 230214 |
| 23 | 205 | huanghzong | 230216 |
| 24 | 207 | machao     | 230217 |

-- 1 row affected: 表中没有冲突数据,数据被插入
-- 2 row affected: 表中有冲突数据,删除后重新插入



(1) 全列查询 select* from 表名

通常情况下不建议使用 * 进行全列查询
-- 1. 查询的列越多,意味着需要传输的数据量越大;
-- 2. 可能会影响到索引的使用


mysql> select id,name from student;
| id | name       |
| 10 | 刘备       |
| 20 | 关羽       |
| 21 | 张飞       |
| 22 | 赵云       |
| 23 | huanghzong |
| 24 | machao     |

(3) 查询字段为表达式

mysql> select* from exam_result;
| id | name      | chinese | math | english |
|  1 | 唐三藏    |      67 |   98 |      56 |
|  2 | 孙悟空    |      87 |   78 |      77 |
|  3 | 猪悟能    |      88 |   98 |      90 |
|  4 | 曹孟德    |      82 |   84 |      67 |
|  5 | 刘玄德    |      55 |   85 |      45 |
|  6 | 孙权      |      70 |   73 |      78 |
|  7 | 宋公明    |      75 |   65 |      30 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select id,name,math+10 from exam_result;
| id | name      | math+10 |
|  1 | 唐三藏    |     108 |
|  2 | 孙悟空    |      88 |
|  3 | 猪悟能    |     108 |
|  4 | 曹孟德    |      94 |
|  5 | 刘玄德    |      95 |
|  6 | 孙权      |      83 |
|  7 | 宋公明    |      75 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select id,name,chinese+math+english as total from exam_result;
| id | name      | total |
|  1 | 唐三藏    |   221 |
|  2 | 孙悟空    |   242 |
|  3 | 猪悟能    |   276 |
|  4 | 曹孟德    |   233 |
|  5 | 刘玄德    |   185 |
|  6 | 孙权      |   221 |
|  7 | 宋公明    |   170 |

(4) 结果去重

mysql> select math from exam_result;
| math |
|   98 |
|   78 |
|   98 |
|   84 |
|   85 |
|   73 |
|   65 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select distinct math from exam_result;
| math |
|   98 |
|   78 |
|   84 |
|   85 |
|   73 |
|   65 |



逻辑运算符:and     or     not


mysql> select* from exam_result;
| id | name      | chinese | math | english |
|  1 | 唐三藏    |      67 |   98 |      56 |
|  2 | 孙悟空    |      87 |   78 |      77 |
|  3 | 猪悟能    |      88 |   98 |      90 |
|  4 | 曹孟德    |      82 |   84 |      67 |
|  5 | 刘玄德    |      55 |   85 |      45 |
|  6 | 孙权      |      70 |   73 |      78 |
|  7 | 宋公明    |      75 |   65 |      30 |

(1)英语不及格的同学及英语成绩 ( < 60 )

mysql> select id,name,english from exam_result where english<60;
| id | name      | english |
|  1 | 唐三藏    |      56 |
|  5 | 刘玄德    |      45 |
|  7 | 宋公明    |      30 |

(2)语文成绩在 [80, 90] 分的同学及语文成绩

mysql> select name,chinese from exam_result where chinese>=80 and chinese<=90;
| name      | chinese |
| 孙悟空    |      87 |
| 猪悟能    |      88 |
| 曹孟德    |      82 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select name,chinese from exam_result where chinese between 80 and 90;
| name      | chinese |
| 孙悟空    |      87 |
| 猪悟能    |      88 |
| 曹孟德    |      82 |

(3)数学成绩是 58 或者 59 或者 98 或者 99 分的同学及数学成绩

mysql> select name,math from exam_result where math=58 or math=59 or math=98 or math=99;
| name      | math |
| 唐三藏    |   98 |
| 猪悟能    |   98 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select name,math from exam_result where math in(58,59,98,99);
| name      | math |
| 唐三藏    |   98 |
| 猪悟能    |   98 |

(4)姓孙的同学 及 孙某同学

#-- % 匹配任意多个(包括 0 个)任意字符
mysql> select name from exam_result where name like '孙%';
| name      |
| 孙悟空    |
| 孙权      |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

#-- _ 匹配严格的一个任意字符
mysql> select name from exam_result where name like '孙_';
| name   |
| 孙权   |

(5) 语文成绩好于英语成绩的同学

mysql> select name,chinese,english from exam_result where chinese>english;
| name      | chinese | english |
| 唐三藏    |      67 |      56 |
| 孙悟空    |      87 |      77 |
| 曹孟德    |      82 |      67 |
| 刘玄德    |      55 |      45 |
| 宋公明    |      75 |      30 |

 (6)总分在 200 分以下的同学

mysql> select name,chinese+math+english total from exam_result where chinese+english+math<200;
| name      | total |
| 刘玄德    |   185 |
| 宋公明    |   170 |

#这里有执行顺序的:from语句 ->  where语句 ->select语句
mysql> select name,chinese+math+english total from exam_result where total<200;
ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'total' in 'where clause'

(7)语文成绩 > 80 并且不姓孙的同学

mysql> select name,chinese from exam_result where chinese>80 and (name not like '孙%');
| name      | chinese |
| 猪悟能    |      88 |
| 曹孟德    |      82 |

(8) 孙某同学,否则要求总成绩 > 200 并且 语文成绩 < 数学成绩 并且 英语成绩 > 80

mysql> select name,chinese+math+english total from exam_result where(chinese+english+math>200 and math>chinese and english>80) or name like '孙_';
| name      | total |
| 猪悟能    |   276 |
| 孙权      |   221 |


SELECT name, qq FROM students WHERE qq IS NOT NULL;
| name | qq |
| 孙悟空 | 11111 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

-- NULL 和 NULL 的比较,= 和 <=> 的区别
| NULL = NULL | NULL = 1 | NULL = 0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

SELECT NULL <=> NULL, NULL <=> 1, NULL <=> 0;
| NULL <=> NULL | NULL <=> 1 | NULL <=> 0 |
| 1 | 0 | 0 |



-- asc 为升序(从小到大)
-- desc 为降序(从大到小)
-- 默认为 asc

select ... from... order by 列名 (asc/desc),...


mysql> select name,math from exam_result order by math asc;
| name      | math |
| 宋公明    |   65 |
| 孙权      |   73 |
| 孙悟空    |   78 |
| 曹孟德    |   84 |
| 刘玄德    |   85 |
| 唐三藏    |   98 |
| 猪悟能    |   98 |

(2) 同学及 qq 号,按 qq 号排序显示

-- NULL 视为比任何值都小,升序出现在最上面

select name,qq from students order by qq;
| name | qq |
| 唐大师 | NULL |
| 孙仲谋 | NULL |
| 曹阿瞒 | NULL |
| 孙悟空 | 11111 |

(3) 查询同学各门成绩,依次按 数学降序,英语升序,语文升序的方式显示 

mysql> select name,math,chinese,english from exam_result order by math desc, english asc,chinese asc;
| name      | math | chinese | english |
| 唐三藏    |   98 |      67 |      56 |
| 猪悟能    |   98 |      88 |      90 |
| 刘玄德    |   85 |      55 |      45 |
| 曹孟德    |   84 |      82 |      67 |
| 孙悟空    |   78 |      87 |      77 |
| 孙权      |   73 |      70 |      78 |
| 宋公明    |   65 |      75 |      30 |


-- ORDER BY 子句中可以使用列别名
#语句的执行顺序为: form语句 -> where语句 -> select语句 -> order by语句
mysql> select name,chinese+english+math total from exam_result order by total desc;
| name      | total |
| 猪悟能    |   276 |
| 孙悟空    |   242 |
| 曹孟德    |   233 |
| 唐三藏    |   221 |
| 孙权      |   221 |
| 刘玄德    |   185 |
| 宋公明    |   170 |

(5) 查询姓孙的同学或者姓曹的同学数学成绩,结果按数学成绩由高到低显示 

mysql> select name,math from exam_result where name like '孙%' or name like '曹%' order by math desc;
| name      | math |
| 曹孟德    |   84 |
| 孙悟空    |   78 |
| 孙权      |   73 |

4. 筛选分页结果 


-- 起始下标为 0

-- 从 0 开始,筛选 n 条结果
select ... from table_name [where ...] [order by ...] limit n;

-- 从 s 开始,筛选 n 条结果
select ... from table_name [where ...] [order by ...] limit s, n;

-- 从 s 开始,筛选 n 条结果,比第二种用法更明确,建议使用
select ... from table_name [where ...] [order by ...] limit n offset s;
mysql> select id,name,chinese,math,english from exam_result limit 3 offset 0;
| id | name      | chinese | math | english |
|  1 | 唐三藏    |      67 |   98 |      56 |
|  2 | 孙悟空    |      87 |   78 |      77 |
|  3 | 猪悟能    |      88 |   98 |      90 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select id,name,chinese,math,english from exam_result limit 3 offset 3;
| id | name      | chinese | math | english |
|  4 | 曹孟德    |      82 |   84 |      67 |
|  5 | 刘玄德    |      55 |   85 |      45 |
|  6 | 孙权      |      70 |   73 |      78 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select id,name,chinese,math,english from exam_result limit 3 offset 6;
| id | name      | chinese | math | english |
|  7 | 宋公明    |      75 |   65 |      30 |

 建议:对未知表进行查询时,最好加一条 LIMIT 1,避免因为表中数据过大,查询全表数据导致数据库卡死
按 id 进行分页,每页 3 条记录,分别显示 第 1、2、3 页


语法: update 表名 set 列名=列属性值 where 匹配条件 (order by ..) (limit ...)



(1)将孙悟空同学的数学成绩变更为 80 分

mysql> select* from exam_result;
| id | name      | chinese | math | english |
|  1 | 唐三藏    |      67 |   98 |      56 |
|  2 | 孙悟空    |      87 |   78 |      77 |
|  3 | 猪悟能    |      88 |   98 |      90 |
|  4 | 曹孟德    |      82 |   84 |      67 |
|  5 | 刘玄德    |      55 |   85 |      45 |
|  6 | 孙权      |      70 |   73 |      78 |
|  7 | 宋公明    |      75 |   65 |      30 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> update exam_result set math=80 where name='孙悟空';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.03 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

mysql> select name,math from exam_result where name='孙悟空';
| name      | math |
| 孙悟空    |   80 |

(2)将曹孟德同学的数学成绩变更为 60 分,语文成绩变更为 70 分

mysql> select name,math,chinese from exam_result where name='曹孟德';
| name      | math | chinese |
| 曹孟德    |   84 |      82 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> update exam_result set math=60,chinese=70 where name='曹孟德';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

mysql> select name,math,chinese from exam_result where name='曹孟德';
| name      | math | chinese |
| 曹孟德    |   60 |      70 |

(3)将总成绩倒数前三的 3 位同学的数学成绩加上 30 分 

mysql> select name,chinese+math+english total from exam_result order by total asc limit 3;
| name      | total |
| 宋公明    |   170 |
| 刘玄德    |   185 |
| 曹孟德    |   197 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> update exam_result set math=math+30 order by math+chinese+english asc limit 3;
Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 3  Changed: 3  Warnings: 0

mysql> select name,chinese+math+english total from exam_result order by total asc limit 3;
| name      | total |
| 宋公明    |   200 |
| 刘玄德    |   215 |
| 唐三藏    |   221 |

(4)  将所有同学的语文成绩更新为原来的 2 倍

-- 没有 WHERE 子句,则更新全表

mysql> select name,chinese from exam_result;
| name      | chinese |
| 唐三藏    |      67 |
| 孙悟空    |      87 |
| 猪悟能    |      88 |
| 曹孟德    |      70 |
| 刘玄德    |      55 |
| 孙权      |      70 |
| 宋公明    |      75 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> update exam_result set chinese=chinese*2;
Query OK, 7 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 7  Changed: 7  Warnings: 0

mysql> select name,chinese from exam_result;
| name      | chinese |
| 唐三藏    |     134 |
| 孙悟空    |     174 |
| 猪悟能    |     176 |
| 曹孟德    |     140 |
| 刘玄德    |     110 |
| 孙权      |     140 |
| 宋公明    |     150 |



语法: delete from 表名 where 匹配条件 (order by...) (limit ...)

举例: (1) 删除孙悟空同学的考试成绩

mysql> select* from exam_result where name='孙悟空';
| id | name      | chinese | math | english |
|  2 | 孙悟空    |     174 |   80 |      77 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> delete from exam_result where name='孙悟空';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> select* from exam_result where name='孙悟空';
Empty set (0.00 sec)


mysql> CREATE TABLE for_delete (
    -> name VARCHAR(20)
    -> );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO for_delete (name) VALUES ('A'), ('B'), ('C');
Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 3  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> select* from for_delete;
| id | name |
|  1 | A    |
|  2 | B    |
|  3 | C    |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show create table for_delete\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
       Table: for_delete
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `for_delete` (
  `name` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> delete from for_delete;
Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.01 sec)

#再插入一条数据,自增 id 在原值上增长
mysql> insert into for_delete (name) values ('W');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select* from for_delete;
| id | name |
|  4 | W    |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show create table for_delete \G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
       Table: for_delete
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `for_delete` (
  `name` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


2. 截断表

语法:truncate (table)  表名

1. 只能对整表操作,不能像 DELETE 一样针对部分数据操作;
2. 实际上 MySQL 不对数据操作,所以比 DELETE 更快,但是TRUNCATE在删除数据的时候,并不经过真正的事物,所以无法回滚


mysql> CREATE TABLE for_truncate (
    -> name VARCHAR(20)
    -> );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO for_truncate (name) VALUES ('A'), ('B'), ('C');
Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 3  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> select* from for_truncate;
| id | name |
|  1 | A    |
|  2 | B    |
|  3 | C    |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

-- 截断整表数据,注意影响行数是 0,所以实际上没有对数据真正操作
mysql> truncate table for_truncate;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> select* from for_truncate;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

-- 再插入一条数据,自增 id 在重新增长
mysql> insert into for_truncate (name) values ('Q');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select* from for_truncate;
| id | name |
|  1 | Q    |


 语法: insert into table_name [(column [, column ...])]  select ...


mysql> CREATE TABLE duplicate_table (id int, name varchar(20));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO duplicate_table VALUES
    -> (100, 'aaa'),
    -> (100, 'aaa'),
    -> (200, 'bbb'),
    -> (200, 'bbb'),
    -> (200, 'bbb'),
    -> (300, 'ccc');
Query OK, 6 rows affected (0.01 sec)
Records: 6  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

# 创建一张空表 no_duplicate_table,结构和 duplicate_table 一样
mysql> create table no_duplicate_table like duplicate_table;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

# 将duplicate_table 的去重数据插入到 no_duplicate_table
mysql> INSERT INTO no_duplicate_table SELECT DISTINCT * FROM duplicate_table;
Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.01 sec)
Records: 3  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

# 通过重命名表,实现原子的去重操作
mysql> RENAME TABLE duplicate_table TO old_duplicate_table,
    -> no_duplicate_table TO duplicate_table;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

mysql> SELECT * FROM duplicate_table;
| id   | name |
|  100 | aaa  |
|  200 | bbb  |
|  300 | ccc  |




mysql> select* from exam_result;
| id | name      | chinese | math | english |
|  1 | 唐三藏    |     134 |   98 |      56 |
|  3 | 猪悟能    |     176 |   98 |      90 |
|  4 | 曹孟德    |     140 |   90 |      67 |
|  5 | 刘玄德    |     110 |  115 |      45 |
|  6 | 孙权      |     140 |   73 |      78 |
|  7 | 宋公明    |     150 |   95 |      30 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select count(*) from exam_result;
| count(*) |
|        6 |

(2)统计班级收集的id 号有多少 

mysql> select count(id) from exam_result;
| count(id) |
|         6 |


mysql> select count(math) from exam_result;
| count(math) |
|           6 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select count( distinct math) from exam_result;
| count( distinct math) |
|                     5 |


mysql> select sum(math) from exam_result;
| sum(math) |
|       569 |


mysql> select avg(chinese+math+english) total from exam_result;
| total |
| 297.5 |


mysql> select max(english) from exam_result;
| max(english) |
|           90 |

 (7)返回 > 70 分以上的数学最低分

mysql> select math from exam_result where math>70;
| math |
|   98 |
|   98 |
|   90 |
|  115 |
|   73 |
|   95 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select  min(math) from exam_result where math>70;
| min(math) |
|        73 |

七:group by子句的使用 

在select中使用group by 子句可以对指定列进行分组查询
语法:select column1, column2, .. from table group by column;




准备工作,创建一个雇员信息表(来自oracle 9i的经典测试表)





最后在mysql中soruce 文件目录导入表

[root@hcss-ecs-889f MySQL]# cd ~
[root@hcss-ecs-889f ~]# ll
total 39092
-rw-r--r--  1 root root        0 May 14 22:49 test1.c
[root@hcss-ecs-889f ~]# rz

[root@hcss-ecs-889f ~]# ll
total 39096
-rw-r--r--  1 root root     3878 Sep 17 11:03 scott_data.sql
-rw-r--r--  1 root root        0 May 14 22:49 test1.c
[root@hcss-ecs-889f ~]# pwd

[root@hcss-ecs-889f ~]# mysql -uroot -p;

mysql> use d2;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
mysql> source /root/scott_data.sql;
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_scott |
| dept            |
| emp             |
| salgrade        |


select deptno,avg(sal),max(sal) from EMP group by deptno;


select avg(sal),min(sal),job, deptno from EMP group by deptno, job;


select avg(sal) from EMP group by deptno;

#having和group by配合使用,对group by结果进行过滤,条件筛选
select avg(sal) as myavg from EMP group by deptno having myavg<2000;

#having经常和group by搭配使用,作用是对分组聚合之后的结果进行条件筛选,




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