Cesium 从1.102.0 开始,Cesium 默认使用 WebGL2 上下文。一些webgl特效代码在webgl1中支持,但是在版本升级后,运行会报各种glsl代码错误。现在有两种解决方案。详细办法描述如下所示。
地球初始化配置如下:requestWebgl1: true
var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer("cesiumContainer", {
geocoder: false, // 是否显示geocoder小器件,右上角查询按钮
homeButton: false, // 是否显示Home按钮
infoBox: false, // 点击要素之后显示的信息,默认true
selectionIndicator: false, // 是否显示 entity 选中标识
sceneModePicker: false, // 是否显示3D/2D选择器
navigationHelpButton: false, // 是否显示右上角的帮助按钮
animation: false, // 是否创建动画小器件,左下角仪表
timeline: false, // 是否显示时间轴
vrButton: false, // 是否显示虚拟按钮
fullscreenButton: true, // 是否显示全屏按钮
contextOptions: {
// cesium状态下允许canvas转图片convertToImage
webgl: {
alpha: true,
depth: false,
stencil: true,
antialias: true,
premultipliedAlpha: true,
preserveDrawingBuffer: true,//通过canvas.toDataURL()实现截图需要将该项设置为true
failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat: false,
allowTextureFilterAnisotropic: true,
requestWebgl1: true, //设置使用Webgl1
需要修改的关键字为: varying attribute texture2D gl_FragColor
其中 texture2D 修改为 texture
gl_FragColor 修改为 out_FragColor
而 varying attribute 修改为 out in 需要看glsl代码上下文。例如下文中varying声明参数v_st使用时在=右边,意味着需要参数输入,所以修改为in。
ERROR: 0:11: 'assign' : l-value required (can't modify an input "v_position")
说明 in vec4 v_position; v_position = vec3(position) 应该为out vec4 v_position; v_position = vec3(position) ; 因为后面代码v_position在=号左边。
ERROR: 0:124: 'ql_FragColor' : undeclared identifier
将 gl_FragColor 修改为 out_FragColor。
接下来放个new-CesiumGraph 适配cesium1.102后版本的代码。
(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) {
if (typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')
module.exports = factory();
else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
define([], factory);
else if (typeof exports === 'object')
exports["CesiumGeometry"] = factory();
root["CesiumGeometry"] = factory();
})(typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : this, function() {
return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // The module cache
var installedModules = {};
/******/ // The require function
function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
/******/ // Check if module is in cache
if (installedModules[moduleId]) {
return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
i: moduleId,
l: false,
exports: {}
/******/ // Execute the module function
modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
/******/ // Flag the module as loaded
module.l = true;
/******/ // Return the exports of the module
return module.exports;
/******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
__webpack_require__.m = modules;
/******/ // expose the module cache
__webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
/******/ // define getter function for harmony exports
__webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {
if (!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {
Object.defineProperty(exports, name, {
configurable: false,
enumerable: true,
get: getter
/******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules
__webpack_require__.n = function(module) {
var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
function getDefault() { return module['default']; } :
function getModuleExports() { return module; };
__webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);
return getter;
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__webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); };
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
__webpack_require__.p = "";
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 4);
/* 0 */
(function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.RectangularSensorPrimitive = undefined;
var _RectangularSensorVS = __webpack_require__(6);
var _RectangularSensorVS2 = _interopRequireDefault(_RectangularSensorVS);
var _RectangularSensorFS = __webpack_require__(7);
var _RectangularSensorFS2 = _interopRequireDefault(_RectangularSensorFS);
var _RectangularSensor = __webpack_require__(8);
var _RectangularSensor2 = _interopRequireDefault(_RectangularSensor);
var _RectangularSensorScanPlaneFS = __webpack_require__(9);
var _RectangularSensorScanPlaneFS2 = _interopRequireDefault(_RectangularSensorScanPlaneFS);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
var BoundingSphere = Cesium.BoundingSphere;
var Cartesian3 = Cesium.Cartesian3;
var Color = Cesium.Color;
var combine = Cesium.combine;
var ComponentDatatype = Cesium.ComponentDatatype;
var defaultValue = Cesium.defaultValue;
var defined = Cesium.defined;
var defineProperties = Object.defineProperties;
var destroyObject = Cesium.destroyObject;
var DeveloperError = Cesium.DeveloperError;
var Matrix4 = Cesium.Matrix4;
var PrimitiveType = Cesium.PrimitiveType;
var Buffer = Cesium.Buffer;
var BufferUsage = Cesium.BufferUsage;
var DrawCommand = Cesium.DrawCommand;
var Pass = Cesium.Pass;
var RenderState = Cesium.RenderState;
var ShaderProgram = Cesium.ShaderProgram;
var ShaderSource = Cesium.ShaderSource;
var VertexArray = Cesium.VertexArray;
var BlendingState = Cesium.BlendingState;
var CullFace = Cesium.CullFace;
var Material = Cesium.Material;
var SceneMode = Cesium.SceneMode;
var VertexFormat = Cesium.VertexFormat;
var CesiumMath = Cesium.Math;
var Matrix3 = Cesium.Matrix3;
var Matrix4 = Cesium.Matrix4;
var JulianDate = Cesium.JulianDate;
var BoxGeometry = Cesium.BoxGeometry;
var EllipsoidGeometry = Cesium.EllipsoidGeometry;
var sin = Math.sin;
var cos = Math.cos;
var tan = Math.tan;
var atan = Math.atan;
var asin = Math.asin;
var attributeLocations = {
position: 0,
normal: 1
function RectangularSensorPrimitive(options) {
var self = this;
options = defaultValue(options, defaultValue.EMPTY_OBJECT);
* 是否显示
this.show = defaultValue(options.show, true);
* 切分程度
this.slice = defaultValue(options.slice, 32);
* 传感器的模型矩阵
this.modelMatrix = Matrix4.clone(options.modelMatrix, new Matrix4());
this._modelMatrix = new Matrix4();
this._computedModelMatrix = new Matrix4();
this._computedScanPlaneModelMatrix = new Matrix4();
* 传感器的半径
this.radius = defaultValue(options.radius, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
this._radius = undefined;
* 传感器水平半角
this.xHalfAngle = defaultValue(options.xHalfAngle, 0);
this._xHalfAngle = undefined;
* 传感器垂直半角
this.yHalfAngle = defaultValue(options.yHalfAngle, 0);
this._yHalfAngle = undefined;
* 线的颜色
this.lineColor = defaultValue(options.lineColor, Color.WHITE);
* 是否显示扇面的线
this.showSectorLines = defaultValue(options.showSectorLines, true);
* 是否显示扇面和圆顶面连接的线
this.showSectorSegmentLines = defaultValue(options.showSectorSegmentLines, true);
* 是否显示侧面
this.showLateralSurfaces = defaultValue(options.showLateralSurfaces, true);
* 目前用的统一材质
* @type {Material}
this.material = defined(options.material) ? options.material : Material.fromType(Material.ColorType);
this._material = undefined;
this._translucent = undefined;
* 侧面材质
* @type {Material}
this.lateralSurfaceMaterial = defined(options.lateralSurfaceMaterial) ? options.lateralSurfaceMaterial : Material.fromType(Material.ColorType);
this._lateralSurfaceMaterial = undefined;
this._lateralSurfaceTranslucent = undefined;
* 是否显示圆顶表面
this.showDomeSurfaces = defaultValue(options.showDomeSurfaces, true);
* 圆顶表面材质
* @type {Material}
this.domeSurfaceMaterial = defined(options.domeSurfaceMaterial) ? options.domeSurfaceMaterial : Material.fromType(Material.ColorType);
this._domeSurfaceMaterial = undefined;
* 是否显示圆顶面线
this.showDomeLines = defaultValue(options.showDomeLines, true);
* 是否显示与地球相交的线
this.showIntersection = defaultValue(options.showIntersection, true);
* 与地球相交的线的颜色
this.intersectionColor = defaultValue(options.intersectionColor, Color.WHITE);
* 与地球相交的线的宽度(像素)
this.intersectionWidth = defaultValue(options.intersectionWidth, 5.0);
* 是否穿过地球
this.showThroughEllipsoid = defaultValue(options.showThroughEllipsoid, false);
this._showThroughEllipsoid = undefined;
* 是否显示扫描面
this.showScanPlane = defaultValue(options.showScanPlane, true);
* 扫描面颜色
this.scanPlaneColor = defaultValue(options.scanPlaneColor, Color.WHITE);
* 扫描面模式 垂直vertical/水平horizontal
this.scanPlaneMode = defaultValue(options.scanPlaneMode, 'horizontal');
* 扫描速率
this.scanPlaneRate = defaultValue(options.scanPlaneRate, 10);
this._scanePlaneXHalfAngle = 0;
this._scanePlaneYHalfAngle = 0;
this._time = JulianDate.now();
this._boundingSphere = new BoundingSphere();
this._boundingSphereWC = new BoundingSphere();
//扇面 sector
this._sectorFrontCommand = new DrawCommand({
owner: this,
primitiveType: PrimitiveType.TRIANGLES,
boundingVolume: this._boundingSphereWC
this._sectorBackCommand = new DrawCommand({
owner: this,
primitiveType: PrimitiveType.TRIANGLES,
boundingVolume: this._boundingSphereWC
this._sectorVA = undefined;
//扇面边线 sectorLine
this._sectorLineCommand = new DrawCommand({
owner: this,
primitiveType: PrimitiveType.LINES,
boundingVolume: this._boundingSphereWC
this._sectorLineVA = undefined;
//扇面分割线 sectorSegmentLine
this._sectorSegmentLineCommand = new DrawCommand({
owner: this,
primitiveType: PrimitiveType.LINES,
boundingVolume: this._boundingSphereWC
this._sectorSegmentLineVA = undefined;
//弧面 dome
this._domeFrontCommand = new DrawCommand({
owner: this,
primitiveType: PrimitiveType.TRIANGLES,
boundingVolume: this._boundingSphereWC
this._domeBackCommand = new DrawCommand({
owner: this,
primitiveType: PrimitiveType.TRIANGLES,
boundingVolume: this._boundingSphereWC
this._domeVA = undefined;
//弧面线 domeLine
this._domeLineCommand = new DrawCommand({
owner: this,
primitiveType: PrimitiveType.LINES,
boundingVolume: this._boundingSphereWC
this._domeLineVA = undefined;
//扫描面 scanPlane/scanRadial
this._scanPlaneFrontCommand = new DrawCommand({
owner: this,
primitiveType: PrimitiveType.TRIANGLES,
boundingVolume: this._boundingSphereWC
this._scanPlaneBackCommand = new DrawCommand({
owner: this,
primitiveType: PrimitiveType.TRIANGLES,
boundingVolume: this._boundingSphereWC
this._scanRadialCommand = undefined;
this._colorCommands = [];
this._frontFaceRS = undefined;
this._backFaceRS = undefined;
this._sp = undefined;
this._uniforms = {
u_type: function u_type() {
return 0; //面
u_xHalfAngle: function u_xHalfAngle() {
return self.xHalfAngle;
u_yHalfAngle: function u_yHalfAngle() {
return self.yHalfAngle;
u_radius: function u_radius() {
return self.radius;
u_showThroughEllipsoid: function u_showThroughEllipsoid() {
return self.showThroughEllipsoid;
u_showIntersection: function u_showIntersection() {
return self.showIntersection;
u_intersectionColor: function u_intersectionColor() {
return self.intersectionColor;
u_intersectionWidth: function u_intersectionWidth() {
return self.intersectionWidth;
u_normalDirection: function u_normalDirection() {
return 1.0;
u_lineColor: function u_lineColor() {
return self.lineColor;
this._scanUniforms = {
u_xHalfAngle: function u_xHalfAngle() {
return self._scanePlaneXHalfAngle;
u_yHalfAngle: function u_yHalfAngle() {
return self._scanePlaneYHalfAngle;
u_radius: function u_radius() {
return self.radius;
u_color: function u_color() {
return self.scanPlaneColor;
u_showThroughEllipsoid: function u_showThroughEllipsoid() {
return self.showThroughEllipsoid;
u_showIntersection: function u_showIntersection() {
return self.showIntersection;
u_intersectionColor: function u_intersectionColor() {
return self.intersectionColor;
u_intersectionWidth: function u_intersectionWidth() {
return self.intersectionWidth;
u_normalDirection: function u_normalDirection() {
return 1.0;
u_lineColor: function u_lineColor() {
return self.lineColor;
RectangularSensorPrimitive.prototype.isDestroyed = function() { return false }
RectangularSensorPrimitive.prototype.destroy = function() {}
RectangularSensorPrimitive.prototype.update = function(frameState) {
var mode = frameState.mode;
if (!this.show || mode !== SceneMode.SCENE3D) {
var createVS = false;
var createRS = false;
var createSP = false;
var xHalfAngle = this.xHalfAngle;
var yHalfAngle = this.yHalfAngle;
if (xHalfAngle < 0.0 || yHalfAngle < 0.0) {
throw new DeveloperError('halfAngle must be greater than or equal to zero.');
if (xHalfAngle == 0.0 || yHalfAngle == 0.0) {
if (this._xHalfAngle !== xHalfAngle || this._yHalfAngle !== yHalfAngle) {
this._xHalfAngle = xHalfAngle;
this._yHalfAngle = yHalfAngle;
createVS = true;
var radius = this.radius;
if (radius < 0.0) {
throw new DeveloperError('this.radius must be greater than or equal to zero.');
var radiusChanged = false;
if (this._radius !== radius) {
radiusChanged = true;
this._radius = radius;
this._boundingSphere = new BoundingSphere(Cartesian3.ZERO, this.radius);
var modelMatrixChanged = !Matrix4.equals(this.modelMatrix, this._modelMatrix);
if (modelMatrixChanged || radiusChanged) {
Matrix4.clone(this.modelMatrix, this._modelMatrix);
Matrix4.multiplyByUniformScale(this.modelMatrix, this.radius, this._computedModelMatrix);
BoundingSphere.transform(this._boundingSphere, this.modelMatrix, this._boundingSphereWC);
var showThroughEllipsoid = this.showThroughEllipsoid;
if (this._showThroughEllipsoid !== this.showThroughEllipsoid) {
this._showThroughEllipsoid = showThroughEllipsoid;
createRS = true;
var material = this.material;
if (this._material !== material) {
this._material = material;
createRS = true;
createSP = true;
var translucent = material.isTranslucent();
if (this._translucent !== translucent) {
this._translucent = translucent;
createRS = true;
if (this.showScanPlane) {
var time = frameState.time;
var timeDiff = JulianDate.secondsDifference(time, this._time);
if (timeDiff < 0) {
this._time = JulianDate.clone(time, this._time);
var percentage = Math.max(timeDiff % this.scanPlaneRate / this.scanPlaneRate, 0);
var angle;
if (this.scanPlaneMode == 'horizontal') {
angle = 2 * yHalfAngle * percentage - yHalfAngle;
var cosYHalfAngle = cos(angle);
var tanXHalfAngle = tan(xHalfAngle);
var maxX = atan(cosYHalfAngle * tanXHalfAngle);
this._scanePlaneXHalfAngle = maxX;
this._scanePlaneYHalfAngle = angle;
Cesium.Matrix3.fromRotationX(this._scanePlaneYHalfAngle, matrix3Scratch);
} else {
angle = 2 * xHalfAngle * percentage - xHalfAngle;
var tanYHalfAngle = tan(yHalfAngle);
var cosXHalfAngle = cos(angle);
var maxY = atan(cosXHalfAngle * tanYHalfAngle);
this._scanePlaneXHalfAngle = angle;
this._scanePlaneYHalfAngle = maxY;
Cesium.Matrix3.fromRotationY(this._scanePlaneXHalfAngle, matrix3Scratch);
Cesium.Matrix4.multiplyByMatrix3(this.modelMatrix, matrix3Scratch, this._computedScanPlaneModelMatrix);
Matrix4.multiplyByUniformScale(this._computedScanPlaneModelMatrix, this.radius, this._computedScanPlaneModelMatrix);
if (createVS) {
createVertexArray(this, frameState);
if (createRS) {
createRenderState(this, showThroughEllipsoid, translucent);
if (createSP) {
createShaderProgram(this, frameState, material);
if (createRS || createSP) {
createCommands(this, translucent);
var commandList = frameState.commandList;
var passes = frameState.passes;
var colorCommands = this._colorCommands;
if (passes.render) {
for (var i = 0, len = colorCommands.length; i < len; i++) {
var colorCommand = colorCommands[i];
var matrix3Scratch = new Matrix3();
var nScratch = new Cartesian3();
//region -- VertexArray --
* 计算zoy面和zoy面单位扇形位置
* @param primitive
* @returns {{zoy: Array, zox: Array}}
function computeUnitPosiiton(primitive, xHalfAngle, yHalfAngle) {
var slice = primitive.slice;
var cosYHalfAngle = cos(yHalfAngle);
var tanYHalfAngle = tan(yHalfAngle);
var cosXHalfAngle = cos(xHalfAngle);
var tanXHalfAngle = tan(xHalfAngle);
var maxY = atan(cosXHalfAngle * tanYHalfAngle);
var maxX = atan(cosYHalfAngle * tanXHalfAngle);
var zoy = [];
for (var i = 0; i < slice; i++) {
var phi = 2 * maxY * i / (slice - 1) - maxY;
zoy.push(new Cartesian3(0, sin(phi), cos(phi)));
var zox = [];
for (var i = 0; i < slice; i++) {
var phi = 2 * maxX * i / (slice - 1) - maxX;
zox.push(new Cartesian3(sin(phi), 0, cos(phi)));
return {
zoy: zoy,
zox: zox
* 计算扇面的位置
* @param unitPosition
* @returns {Array}
function computeSectorPositions(primitive, unitPosition) {
var xHalfAngle = primitive.xHalfAngle,
yHalfAngle = primitive.yHalfAngle,
zoy = unitPosition.zoy,
zox = unitPosition.zox;
var positions = [];
var matrix3 = Matrix3.fromRotationY(xHalfAngle, matrix3Scratch);
positions.push(zoy.map(function(p) {
return Matrix3.multiplyByVector(matrix3, p, new Cesium.Cartesian3());
var matrix3 = Matrix3.fromRotationX(-yHalfAngle, matrix3Scratch);
positions.push(zox.map(function(p) {
return Matrix3.multiplyByVector(matrix3, p, new Cesium.Cartesian3());
var matrix3 = Matrix3.fromRotationY(-xHalfAngle, matrix3Scratch);
positions.push(zoy.map(function(p) {
return Matrix3.multiplyByVector(matrix3, p, new Cesium.Cartesian3());
var matrix3 = Matrix3.fromRotationX(yHalfAngle, matrix3Scratch);
positions.push(zox.map(function(p) {
return Matrix3.multiplyByVector(matrix3, p, new Cesium.Cartesian3());
return positions;
* 创建扇面顶点
* @param context
* @param positions
* @returns {*}
function createSectorVertexArray(context, positions) {
var planeLength = Array.prototype.concat.apply([], positions).length - positions.length;
var vertices = new Float32Array(2 * 3 * 3 * planeLength);
var k = 0;
for (var i = 0, len = positions.length; i < len; i++) {
var planePositions = positions[i];
var n = Cartesian3.normalize(Cartesian3.cross(planePositions[0], planePositions[planePositions.length - 1], nScratch), nScratch);
for (var j = 0, planeLength = planePositions.length - 1; j < planeLength; j++) {
vertices[k++] = 0.0;
vertices[k++] = 0.0;
vertices[k++] = 0.0;
vertices[k++] = -n.x;
vertices[k++] = -n.y;
vertices[k++] = -n.z;
vertices[k++] = planePositions[j].x;
vertices[k++] = planePositions[j].y;
vertices[k++] = planePositions[j].z;
vertices[k++] = -n.x;
vertices[k++] = -n.y;
vertices[k++] = -n.z;
vertices[k++] = planePositions[j + 1].x;
vertices[k++] = planePositions[j + 1].y;
vertices[k++] = planePositions[j + 1].z;
vertices[k++] = -n.x;
vertices[k++] = -n.y;
vertices[k++] = -n.z;
var vertexBuffer = Buffer.createVertexBuffer({
context: context,
typedArray: vertices,
usage: BufferUsage.STATIC_DRAW
var stride = 2 * 3 * Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
var attributes = [{
index: attributeLocations.position,
vertexBuffer: vertexBuffer,
componentsPerAttribute: 3,
componentDatatype: ComponentDatatype.FLOAT,
offsetInBytes: 0,
strideInBytes: stride
}, {
index: attributeLocations.normal,
vertexBuffer: vertexBuffer,
componentsPerAttribute: 3,
componentDatatype: ComponentDatatype.FLOAT,
offsetInBytes: 3 * Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT,
strideInBytes: stride
return new VertexArray({
context: context,
attributes: attributes
* 创建扇面边线顶点
* @param context
* @param positions
* @returns {*}
function createSectorLineVertexArray(context, positions) {
var planeLength = positions.length;
var vertices = new Float32Array(3 * 3 * planeLength);
var k = 0;
for (var i = 0, len = positions.length; i < len; i++) {
var planePositions = positions[i];
vertices[k++] = 0.0;
vertices[k++] = 0.0;
vertices[k++] = 0.0;
vertices[k++] = planePositions[0].x;
vertices[k++] = planePositions[0].y;
vertices[k++] = planePositions[0].z;
var vertexBuffer = Buffer.createVertexBuffer({
context: context,
typedArray: vertices,
usage: BufferUsage.STATIC_DRAW
var stride = 3 * Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
var attributes = [{
index: attributeLocations.position,
vertexBuffer: vertexBuffer,
componentsPerAttribute: 3,
componentDatatype: ComponentDatatype.FLOAT,
offsetInBytes: 0,
strideInBytes: stride
return new VertexArray({
context: context,
attributes: attributes
* 创建扇面圆顶面连接线顶点
* @param context
* @param positions
* @returns {*}
function createSectorSegmentLineVertexArray(context, positions) {
var planeLength = Array.prototype.concat.apply([], positions).length - positions.length;
var vertices = new Float32Array(3 * 3 * planeLength);
var k = 0;
for (var i = 0, len = positions.length; i < len; i++) {
var planePositions = positions[i];
for (var j = 0, planeLength = planePositions.length - 1; j < planeLength; j++) {
vertices[k++] = planePositions[j].x;
vertices[k++] = planePositions[j].y;
vertices[k++] = planePositions[j].z;
vertices[k++] = planePositions[j + 1].x;
vertices[k++] = planePositions[j + 1].y;
vertices[k++] = planePositions[j + 1].z;
var vertexBuffer = Buffer.createVertexBuffer({
context: context,
typedArray: vertices,
usage: BufferUsage.STATIC_DRAW
var stride = 3 * Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
var attributes = [{
index: attributeLocations.position,
vertexBuffer: vertexBuffer,
componentsPerAttribute: 3,
componentDatatype: ComponentDatatype.FLOAT,
offsetInBytes: 0,
strideInBytes: stride
return new VertexArray({
context: context,
attributes: attributes
* 创建圆顶面顶点
* @param context
function createDomeVertexArray(context) {
var geometry = Cesium.EllipsoidGeometry.createGeometry(new Cesium.EllipsoidGeometry({
vertexFormat: VertexFormat.POSITION_ONLY,
stackPartitions: 32,
slicePartitions: 32
var vertexArray = VertexArray.fromGeometry({
context: context,
geometry: geometry,
attributeLocations: attributeLocations,
bufferUsage: BufferUsage.STATIC_DRAW,
interleave: false
return vertexArray;
* 创建圆顶面连线顶点
* @param context
function createDomeLineVertexArray(context) {
var geometry = Cesium.EllipsoidOutlineGeometry.createGeometry(new Cesium.EllipsoidOutlineGeometry({
vertexFormat: VertexFormat.POSITION_ONLY,
stackPartitions: 32,
slicePartitions: 32
var vertexArray = VertexArray.fromGeometry({
context: context,
geometry: geometry,
attributeLocations: attributeLocations,
bufferUsage: BufferUsage.STATIC_DRAW,
interleave: false
return vertexArray;
* 创建扫描面顶点
* @param context
* @param positions
* @returns {*}
function createScanPlaneVertexArray(context, positions) {
var planeLength = positions.length - 1;
var vertices = new Float32Array(3 * 3 * planeLength);
var k = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < planeLength; i++) {
vertices[k++] = 0.0;
vertices[k++] = 0.0;
vertices[k++] = 0.0;
vertices[k++] = positions[i].x;
vertices[k++] = positions[i].y;
vertices[k++] = positions[i].z;
vertices[k++] = positions[i + 1].x;
vertices[k++] = positions[i + 1].y;
vertices[k++] = positions[i + 1].z;
var vertexBuffer = Buffer.createVertexBuffer({
context: context,
typedArray: vertices,
usage: BufferUsage.STATIC_DRAW
var stride = 3 * Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
var attributes = [{
index: attributeLocations.position,
vertexBuffer: vertexBuffer,
componentsPerAttribute: 3,
componentDatatype: ComponentDatatype.FLOAT,
offsetInBytes: 0,
strideInBytes: stride
return new VertexArray({
context: context,
attributes: attributes
function createVertexArray(primitive, frameState) {
var context = frameState.context;
var unitSectorPositions = computeUnitPosiiton(primitive, primitive.xHalfAngle, primitive.yHalfAngle);
var positions = computeSectorPositions(primitive, unitSectorPositions);
if (primitive.showLateralSurfaces) {
primitive._sectorVA = createSectorVertexArray(context, positions);
if (primitive.showSectorLines) {
primitive._sectorLineVA = createSectorLineVertexArray(context, positions);
if (primitive.showSectorSegmentLines) {
primitive._sectorSegmentLineVA = createSectorSegmentLineVertexArray(context, positions);
if (primitive.showDomeSurfaces) {
primitive._domeVA = createDomeVertexArray(context);
if (primitive.showDomeLines) {
primitive._domeLineVA = createDomeLineVertexArray(context);
if (primitive.showScanPlane) {
if (primitive.scanPlaneMode == 'horizontal') {
var unitScanPlanePositions = computeUnitPosiiton(primitive, CesiumMath.PI_OVER_TWO, 0);
primitive._scanPlaneVA = createScanPlaneVertexArray(context, unitScanPlanePositions.zox);
} else {
var unitScanPlanePositions = computeUnitPosiiton(primitive, 0, CesiumMath.PI_OVER_TWO);
primitive._scanPlaneVA = createScanPlaneVertexArray(context, unitScanPlanePositions.zoy);
//region -- ShaderProgram --
function createCommonShaderProgram(primitive, frameState, material) {
var context = frameState.context;
var vs = _RectangularSensorVS2.default;
var fs = new ShaderSource({
sources: [_RectangularSensor2.default, material.shaderSource, _RectangularSensorFS2.default]
primitive._sp = ShaderProgram.replaceCache({
context: context,
shaderProgram: primitive._sp,
vertexShaderSource: vs,
fragmentShaderSource: fs,
attributeLocations: attributeLocations
var pickFS = new ShaderSource({
sources: [_RectangularSensor2.default, material.shaderSource, _RectangularSensorFS2.default],
pickColorQualifier: 'uniform'
primitive._pickSP = ShaderProgram.replaceCache({
context: context,
shaderProgram: primitive._pickSP,
vertexShaderSource: vs,
fragmentShaderSource: pickFS,
attributeLocations: attributeLocations
function createScanPlaneShaderProgram(primitive, frameState, material) {
var context = frameState.context;
var vs = _RectangularSensorVS2.default;
var fs = new ShaderSource({
sources: [_RectangularSensor2.default, material.shaderSource, _RectangularSensorScanPlaneFS2.default]
primitive._scanePlaneSP = ShaderProgram.replaceCache({
context: context,
shaderProgram: primitive._scanePlaneSP,
vertexShaderSource: vs,
fragmentShaderSource: fs,
attributeLocations: attributeLocations
function createShaderProgram(primitive, frameState, material) {
createCommonShaderProgram(primitive, frameState, material);
if (primitive.showScanPlane) {
createScanPlaneShaderProgram(primitive, frameState, material);
//region -- RenderState --
function createRenderState(primitive, showThroughEllipsoid, translucent) {
if (translucent) {
primitive._frontFaceRS = RenderState.fromCache({
depthTest: {
enabled: !showThroughEllipsoid
depthMask: false,
blending: BlendingState.ALPHA_BLEND,
cull: {
enabled: true,
face: CullFace.BACK
primitive._backFaceRS = RenderState.fromCache({
depthTest: {
enabled: !showThroughEllipsoid
depthMask: false,
blending: BlendingState.ALPHA_BLEND,
cull: {
enabled: true,
face: CullFace.FRONT
primitive._pickRS = RenderState.fromCache({
depthTest: {
enabled: !showThroughEllipsoid
depthMask: false,
blending: BlendingState.ALPHA_BLEND
} else {
primitive._frontFaceRS = RenderState.fromCache({
depthTest: {
enabled: !showThroughEllipsoid
depthMask: true
primitive._pickRS = RenderState.fromCache({
depthTest: {
enabled: true
depthMask: true
//region -- Command --
function createCommand(primitive, frontCommand, backCommand, frontFaceRS, backFaceRS, sp, va, uniforms, modelMatrix, translucent, pass, isLine) {
if (translucent && backCommand) {
backCommand.vertexArray = va;
backCommand.renderState = backFaceRS;
backCommand.shaderProgram = sp;
backCommand.uniformMap = combine(uniforms, primitive._material._uniforms);
backCommand.uniformMap.u_normalDirection = function() {
return -1.0;
backCommand.pass = pass;
backCommand.modelMatrix = modelMatrix;
frontCommand.vertexArray = va;
frontCommand.renderState = frontFaceRS;
frontCommand.shaderProgram = sp;
frontCommand.uniformMap = combine(uniforms, primitive._material._uniforms);
if (isLine) {
frontCommand.uniformMap.u_type = function() {
return 1;
frontCommand.pass = pass;
frontCommand.modelMatrix = modelMatrix;
function createCommands(primitive, translucent) {
primitive._colorCommands.length = 0;
var pass = translucent ? Pass.TRANSLUCENT : Pass.OPAQUE;
if (primitive.showLateralSurfaces) {
createCommand(primitive, primitive._sectorFrontCommand, primitive._sectorBackCommand, primitive._frontFaceRS, primitive._backFaceRS, primitive._sp, primitive._sectorVA, primitive._uniforms, primitive._computedModelMatrix, translucent, pass);
if (primitive.showSectorLines) {
createCommand(primitive, primitive._sectorLineCommand, undefined, primitive._frontFaceRS, primitive._backFaceRS, primitive._sp, primitive._sectorLineVA, primitive._uniforms, primitive._computedModelMatrix, translucent, pass, true);
if (primitive.showSectorSegmentLines) {
createCommand(primitive, primitive._sectorSegmentLineCommand, undefined, primitive._frontFaceRS, primitive._backFaceRS, primitive._sp, primitive._sectorSegmentLineVA, primitive._uniforms, primitive._computedModelMatrix, translucent, pass, true);
if (primitive.showDomeSurfaces) {
createCommand(primitive, primitive._domeFrontCommand, primitive._domeBackCommand, primitive._frontFaceRS, primitive._backFaceRS, primitive._sp, primitive._domeVA, primitive._uniforms, primitive._computedModelMatrix, translucent, pass);
if (primitive.showDomeLines) {
createCommand(primitive, primitive._domeLineCommand, undefined, primitive._frontFaceRS, primitive._backFaceRS, primitive._sp, primitive._domeLineVA, primitive._uniforms, primitive._computedModelMatrix, translucent, pass, true);
if (primitive.showScanPlane) {
createCommand(primitive, primitive._scanPlaneFrontCommand, primitive._scanPlaneBackCommand, primitive._frontFaceRS, primitive._backFaceRS, primitive._scanePlaneSP, primitive._scanPlaneVA, primitive._scanUniforms, primitive._computedScanPlaneModelMatrix, translucent, pass);
exports.RectangularSensorPrimitive = RectangularSensorPrimitive;
/* 1 */
(function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var BoundingSphere = Cesium.BoundingSphere,
Cartesian3 = Cesium.Cartesian3,
Check = Cesium.Check,
ComponentDatatype = Cesium.ComponentDatatype,
defaultValue = Cesium.defaultValue,
defined = Cesium.defined,
Geometry = Cesium.Geometry,
GeometryAttribute = Cesium.GeometryAttribute,
GeometryAttributes = Cesium.GeometryAttributes,
PrimitiveType = Cesium.PrimitiveType,
VertexFormat = Cesium.VertexFormat,
CesiumMath = Cesium.Math,
GeometryPipeline = Cesium.GeometryPipeline,
IndexDatatype = Cesium.IndexDatatype,
Ellipsoid = Cesium.Ellipsoid;
var cos = Math.cos;
var sin = Math.sin;
function ConicArcSensorGeometry(options) {
options = defaultValue(options, defaultValue.EMPTY_OBJECT);
var angle = options.angle;
var radius = options.radius;
var stackPartitions = Math.round(defaultValue(options.stackPartitions, 12));
var slicePartitions = Math.round(defaultValue(options.slicePartitions, 64));
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
Check.typeOf.number('angle', angle);
Check.typeOf.number('radius', radius);
var vertexFormat = defaultValue(options.vertexFormat, VertexFormat.DEFAULT);
this._angle = angle;
this._radius = radius;
this._stackPartitions = stackPartitions;
this._slicePartitions = slicePartitions;
this._vertexFormat = vertexFormat;
ConicArcSensorGeometry.fromDimensions = function(options) {
options = defaultValue(options, defaultValue.EMPTY_OBJECT);
var angle = options.angle;
var radius = options.radius;
var stackPartitions = options.stackPartitions;
var slicePartitions = options.slicePartitions;
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
Check.typeOf.number('angle', angle);
Check.typeOf.number('radius', radius);
Check.typeOf.number.greaterThanOrEquals('angle', angle, 0);
Check.typeOf.number.greaterThanOrEquals('height', height, 0);
return new ConicArcSensorGeometry({
angle: angle,
radius: radius,
stackPartitions: stackPartitions,
slicePartitions: slicePartitions,
vertexFormat: options.vertexFormat
ConicArcSensorGeometry.createGeometry = function(conicSensorGeometry) {
var angle = conicSensorGeometry._angle;
var radius = conicSensorGeometry._radius;
var stackPartitions = conicSensorGeometry._stackPartitions + 1;
var slicePartitions = conicSensorGeometry._slicePartitions + 1;
var vertexFormat = conicSensorGeometry._vertexFormat;
var attributes = new GeometryAttributes();
var bottomIndex;
var numIndices = 3 * (slicePartitions - 1) + 6 * (slicePartitions - 1) * (stackPartitions - 2) + (slicePartitions - 1) * 1 * 3;
var vertexCount = stackPartitions * slicePartitions;
var indices = IndexDatatype.createTypedArray(vertexCount, numIndices);
var positions = new Float64Array(vertexCount * 3 + (slicePartitions - 1) * 3 * 3);
if (vertexFormat.position) {
var positionIndex = 0;
//bottom plat
var cosTheta = new Array(slicePartitions);
var sinTheta = new Array(slicePartitions);
for (var i = 0; i < slicePartitions; i++) {
var theta = CesiumMath.TWO_PI * i / (slicePartitions - 1);
cosTheta[i] = cos(theta);
sinTheta[i] = sin(theta);
positions[positionIndex++] = 0.0;
positions[positionIndex++] = 0.0;
positions[positionIndex++] = -radius;
for (i = 1; i < stackPartitions; i++) {
var phi = angle * i / (stackPartitions - 1);
var sinPhi = sin(phi);
var xSinPhi = radius * sinPhi;
var ySinPhi = radius * sinPhi;
var zCosPhi = radius * cos(phi);
for (var j = 0; j < slicePartitions; j++) {
positions[positionIndex++] = cosTheta[j] * xSinPhi;
positions[positionIndex++] = sinTheta[j] * ySinPhi;
positions[positionIndex++] = -zCosPhi;
//side plat
bottomIndex = positionIndex;
for (var i = 0; i < slicePartitions - 1; i++) {
positions[positionIndex++] = 0;
positions[positionIndex++] = 0;
positions[positionIndex++] = 0;
positions[positionIndex++] = positions[bottomIndex - (slicePartitions - i - 1) * 3];
positions[positionIndex++] = positions[bottomIndex - (slicePartitions - i - 1) * 3 + 1];
positions[positionIndex++] = positions[bottomIndex - (slicePartitions - i - 1) * 3 + 2];
positions[positionIndex++] = positions[bottomIndex - (slicePartitions - i) * 3];
positions[positionIndex++] = positions[bottomIndex - (slicePartitions - i) * 3 + 1];
positions[positionIndex++] = positions[bottomIndex - (slicePartitions - i) * 3 + 2];
attributes.position = new GeometryAttribute({
componentDatatype: ComponentDatatype.DOUBLE,
componentsPerAttribute: 3,
values: positions
var indicesIndex = 0;
//bottom plat
for (var j = 0; j < slicePartitions - 1; j++) {
indices[indicesIndex++] = slicePartitions + j;
indices[indicesIndex++] = slicePartitions + j + 1;
indices[indicesIndex++] = j + 1;
var topOffset;
var bottomOffset;
for (var i = 1; i < stackPartitions - 1; i++) {
topOffset = i * slicePartitions;
bottomOffset = (i + 1) * slicePartitions;
for (j = 0; j < slicePartitions - 1; j++) {
indices[indicesIndex++] = bottomOffset + j;
indices[indicesIndex++] = bottomOffset + j + 1;
indices[indicesIndex++] = topOffset + j + 1;
indices[indicesIndex++] = bottomOffset + j;
indices[indicesIndex++] = topOffset + j + 1;
indices[indicesIndex++] = topOffset + j;
//side plat
for (var i = 0, len = (slicePartitions - 1) * 3; i < len; i++) {
indices[indicesIndex++] = i + bottomIndex / 3;
var geometry = new Geometry({
attributes: attributes,
indices: indices,
primitiveType: PrimitiveType.TRIANGLES,
boundingSphere: new BoundingSphere(Cartesian3.ZERO, radius)
geometry = GeometryPipeline.computeNormal(geometry);
return geometry;
exports.ConicArcSensorGeometry = ConicArcSensorGeometry;
/* 2 */
(function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var BoundingSphere = Cesium.BoundingSphere,
Cartesian3 = Cesium.Cartesian3,
ComponentDatatype = Cesium.ComponentDatatype,
defaultValue = Cesium.defaultValue,
defined = Cesium.defined,
DeveloperError = Cesium.DeveloperError,
Ellipsoid = Cesium.Ellipsoid,
Geometry = Cesium.Geometry,
GeometryAttribute = Cesium.GeometryAttribute,
GeometryAttributes = Cesium.GeometryAttributes,
IndexDatatype = Cesium.IndexDatatype,
CesiumMath = Cesium.Math,
PrimitiveType = Cesium.PrimitiveType;
var defaultRadii = new Cartesian3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
var cos = Math.cos;
var sin = Math.sin;
function ConicArcSensorOutlineGeometry(options) {
options = defaultValue(options, defaultValue.EMPTY_OBJECT);
var angle = options.angle;
var radius = options.radius;
var stackPartitions = Math.round(defaultValue(options.stackPartitions, 10));
var slicePartitions = Math.round(defaultValue(options.slicePartitions, 8));
var subdivisions = Math.round(defaultValue(options.subdivisions, 128));
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (stackPartitions < 1) {
throw new DeveloperError('options.stackPartitions cannot be less than 1');
if (slicePartitions < 0) {
throw new DeveloperError('options.slicePartitions cannot be less than 0');
if (subdivisions < 0) {
throw new DeveloperError('options.subdivisions must be greater than or equal to zero.');
this._angle = angle;
this._radius = radius;
this._stackPartitions = stackPartitions;
this._slicePartitions = slicePartitions;
this._subdivisions = subdivisions;
ConicArcSensorOutlineGeometry.createGeometry = function(conicSensorGeometry) {
var angle = conicSensorGeometry._angle;
var radius = conicSensorGeometry._radius;
if (radius <= 0 || angle <= 0) {
var stackPartitions = conicSensorGeometry._stackPartitions;
var slicePartitions = conicSensorGeometry._slicePartitions;
var subdivisions = conicSensorGeometry._subdivisions;
var indicesSize = subdivisions * (stackPartitions + slicePartitions - 1);
var positionSize = indicesSize - slicePartitions + 2;
var positions = new Float64Array(positionSize * 3);
var indices = IndexDatatype.createTypedArray(positionSize, indicesSize * 2);
var i;
var j;
var theta;
var phi;
var cosPhi;
var sinPhi;
var index = 0;
var cosTheta = new Array(subdivisions);
var sinTheta = new Array(subdivisions);
for (i = 0; i < subdivisions; i++) {
theta = CesiumMath.TWO_PI * i / subdivisions;
cosTheta[i] = cos(theta);
sinTheta[i] = sin(theta);
for (i = 1; i < stackPartitions; i++) {
phi = angle * i / (stackPartitions - 1);
cosPhi = cos(phi);
sinPhi = sin(phi);
for (j = 0; j < subdivisions; j++) {
positions[index++] = radius * cosTheta[j] * sinPhi;
positions[index++] = radius * sinTheta[j] * sinPhi;
positions[index++] = -radius * cosPhi;
cosTheta.length = slicePartitions;
sinTheta.length = slicePartitions;
for (i = 0; i < slicePartitions; i++) {
theta = CesiumMath.TWO_PI * i / slicePartitions;
cosTheta[i] = cos(theta);
sinTheta[i] = sin(theta);
positions[index++] = 0;
positions[index++] = 0;
positions[index++] = -radius;
for (i = 1; i < subdivisions; i++) {
phi = angle * i / subdivisions;
cosPhi = cos(phi);
sinPhi = sin(phi);
for (j = 0; j < slicePartitions; j++) {
positions[index++] = radius * cosTheta[j] * sinPhi;
positions[index++] = radius * sinTheta[j] * sinPhi;
positions[index++] = -radius * cosPhi;
/*positions[index++] = 0;
positions[index++] = 0;
positions[index++] = -radii.z;*/
index = 0;
for (i = 0; i < stackPartitions - 1; ++i) {
var topRowOffset = i * subdivisions;
for (j = 0; j < subdivisions - 1; ++j) {
indices[index++] = topRowOffset + j;
indices[index++] = topRowOffset + j + 1;
indices[index++] = topRowOffset + subdivisions - 1;
indices[index++] = topRowOffset;
var sliceOffset = subdivisions * (stackPartitions - 1);
for (j = 1; j < slicePartitions + 1; ++j) {
indices[index++] = sliceOffset;
indices[index++] = sliceOffset + j;
for (i = 0; i < subdivisions - 2; ++i) {
var topOffset = i * slicePartitions + 1 + sliceOffset;
var bottomOffset = (i + 1) * slicePartitions + 1 + sliceOffset;
for (j = 0; j < slicePartitions - 1; ++j) {
indices[index++] = bottomOffset + j;
indices[index++] = topOffset + j;
indices[index++] = bottomOffset + slicePartitions - 1;
indices[index++] = topOffset + slicePartitions - 1;
/*var lastPosition = positions.length / 3 - 1;
for (j = lastPosition - 1; j > lastPosition - slicePartitions - 1; --j) {
indices[index++] = lastPosition;
indices[index++] = j;
var attributes = new GeometryAttributes({
position: new GeometryAttribute({
componentDatatype: ComponentDatatype.DOUBLE,
componentsPerAttribute: 3,
values: positions
return new Geometry({
attributes: attributes,
indices: indices,
primitiveType: PrimitiveType.LINES,
boundingSphere: new BoundingSphere(Cartesian3.ZERO, radius)
exports.ConicArcSensorOutlineGeometry = ConicArcSensorOutlineGeometry;
/* 3 */
(function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var defaultValue = Cesium.defaultValue,
defined = Cesium.defined,
defineProperties = Object.defineProperties,
DeveloperError = Cesium.DeveloperError,
Event = Cesium.Event,
createMaterialPropertyDescriptor = Cesium.createMaterialPropertyDescriptor,
createPropertyDescriptor = Cesium.createPropertyDescriptor;
function ConicArcSensorGraphics(options) {
this._angle = undefined;
this._angleSubscription = undefined;
this._radius = undefined;
this._radiusSubscription = undefined;
this._stack = undefined;
this._stackSubscription = undefined;
this._slice = undefined;
this._sliceSubscription = undefined;
this._color = undefined;
this._colorSubscription = undefined;
this._show = undefined;
this._showSubscription = undefined;
this._fill = undefined;
this._fillSubscription = undefined;
this._color = undefined;
this._colorSubscription = undefined;
this._material = undefined;
this._materialSubscription = undefined;
this._outline = undefined;
this._outlineSubscription = undefined;
this._outlineColor = undefined;
this._outlineColorSubscription = undefined;
this._outlineWidth = undefined;
this._outlineWidthSubscription = undefined;
this._shadows = undefined;
this._shadowsSubscription = undefined;
this._distanceDisplayCondition = undefined;
this._distanceDisplayConditionSubscription = undefined;
this._definitionChanged = new Event();
this._gaze = undefined;
this._gazeSubscription = undefined;
this.merge(defaultValue(options, defaultValue.EMPTY_OBJECT));
defineProperties(ConicArcSensorGraphics.prototype, {
* Gets the event that is raised whenever a property or sub-property is changed or modified.
* @memberof BoxGraphics.prototype
* @type {Event}
* @readonly
definitionChanged: {
get: function get() {
return this._definitionChanged;
* Gets or sets the boolean Property specifying the visibility of the box.
* @memberof BoxGraphics.prototype
* @type {Property}
* @default true
show: createPropertyDescriptor('show'),
angle: createPropertyDescriptor('angle'),
radius: createPropertyDescriptor('radius'),
stack: createPropertyDescriptor('stack'),
slice: createPropertyDescriptor('slice'),
color: createPropertyDescriptor('color'),
* Gets or sets the material used to fill the box.
* @memberof BoxGraphics.prototype
* @type {MaterialProperty}
* @default Color.WHITE
material: createMaterialPropertyDescriptor('material'),
* Gets or sets the boolean Property specifying whether the box is filled with the provided material.
* @memberof BoxGraphics.prototype
* @type {Property}
* @default true
fill: createPropertyDescriptor('fill'),
* Gets or sets the Property specifying whether the box is outlined.
* @memberof BoxGraphics.prototype
* @type {Property}
* @default false
outline: createPropertyDescriptor('outline'),
* Gets or sets the Property specifying the {@link Color} of the outline.
* @memberof BoxGraphics.prototype
* @type {Property}
* @default Color.BLACK
outlineColor: createPropertyDescriptor('outlineColor'),
* Gets or sets the numeric Property specifying the width of the outline.
* @memberof BoxGraphics.prototype
* @type {Property}
* @default 1.0
outlineWidth: createPropertyDescriptor('outlineWidth'),
* Get or sets the enum Property specifying whether the box
* casts or receives shadows from each light source.
* @memberof BoxGraphics.prototype
* @type {Property}
* @default ShadowMode.DISABLED
shadows: createPropertyDescriptor('shadows'),
* Gets or sets the {@link DistanceDisplayCondition} Property specifying at what distance from the camera that this box will be displayed.
* @memberof BoxGraphics.prototype
* @type {Property}
distanceDisplayCondition: createPropertyDescriptor('distanceDisplayCondition')
ConicArcSensorGraphics.prototype.clone = function(result) {
if (!defined(result)) {
return new ConicArcSensorGraphics(this);
result.angle = this.angle;
result.radius = this.radius;
result.stack = this.stack;
result.slice = this.slice;
result.show = this.show;
result.material = this.material;
result.color = this.color;
result.fill = this.fill;
result.outline = this.outline;
result.outlineColor = this.outlineColor;
result.outlineWidth = this.outlineWidth;
result.shadows = this.shadows;
result.distanceDisplayCondition = this.distanceDisplayCondition;
result.gaze = this.gaze;
return result;
ConicArcSensorGraphics.prototype.merge = function(source) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!defined(source)) {
throw new DeveloperError('source is required.');
this.angle = defaultValue(this.angle, source.angle);
this.radius = defaultValue(this.radius, source.radius);
this.stack = defaultValue(this.stack, source.stack);
this.slice = defaultValue(this.slice, source.slice);
this.show = defaultValue(this.show, source.show);
this.color = defaultValue(this.color, source.color);
this.material = defaultValue(this.material, source.material);
this.fill = defaultValue(this.fill, source.fill);
this.outline = defaultValue(this.outline, source.outline);
this.outlineColor = defaultValue(this.outlineColor, source.outlineColor);
this.outlineWidth = defaultValue(this.outlineWidth, source.outlineWidth);
this.shadows = defaultValue(this.shadows, source.shadows);
this.distanceDisplayCondition = defaultValue(this.distanceDisplayCondition, source.distanceDisplayCondition);
this.gaze = defaultValue(this.gaze, source.gaze);
exports.ConicArcSensorGraphics = ConicArcSensorGraphics;
/* 4 */
(function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _index = __webpack_require__(5);
Object.keys(_index).forEach(function(key) {
if (key === "default" || key === "__esModule") return;
Object.defineProperty(exports, key, {
enumerable: true,
get: function get() {
return _index[key];
/* 5 */
(function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
var _RectangularSensorPrimitive = __webpack_require__(0);
var _RectangularSensorGraphics = __webpack_require__(10);
var _RectangularSensorVisualizer = __webpack_require__(11);
var _ConicArcSensorGeometry = __webpack_require__(1);
var _ConicArcSensorOutlineGeometry = __webpack_require__(2);
var _ConicArcSensorGraphics = __webpack_require__(3);
var _ConicArcSensorCollection = __webpack_require__(12);
Cesium.RectangularSensorPrimitive = _RectangularSensorPrimitive.RectangularSensorPrimitive;
Cesium.RectangularSensorGraphics = _RectangularSensorGraphics.RectangularSensorGraphics;
Cesium.RectangularSensorVisualizer = _RectangularSensorVisualizer.RectangularSensorVisualizer;
Cesium.ConicArcSensorGeometry = _ConicArcSensorGeometry.ConicArcSensorGeometry;
Cesium.ConicArcSensorOutlineGeometry = _ConicArcSensorOutlineGeometry.ConicArcSensorOutlineGeometry;
Cesium.ConicArcSensorGraphics = _ConicArcSensorGraphics.ConicArcSensorGraphics;
Cesium.ConicArcSensorCollection = _ConicArcSensorCollection.ConicArcSensorCollection;
var DataSourceDisplay = Cesium.DataSourceDisplay;
var originalDefaultVisualizersCallback = DataSourceDisplay.defaultVisualizersCallback;
DataSourceDisplay.defaultVisualizersCallback = function(scene, entityCluster, dataSource) {
var entities = dataSource.entities;
var array = originalDefaultVisualizersCallback(scene, entityCluster, dataSource);
return array.concat([new _RectangularSensorVisualizer.RectangularSensorVisualizer(scene, entities)]);
/* 6 */
(function(module, exports) {
module.exports = "in vec4 position;\r\nin vec3 normal;\r\n\r\nout vec3 v_position;\r\nout vec3 v_positionWC;\r\nout vec3 v_positionEC;\r\nout vec3 v_normalEC;\r\n\r\nvoid main()\r\n{\r\n gl_Position = czm_modelViewProjection * position;\r\n v_position = vec3(position);\r\n v_positionWC = (czm_model * position).xyz;\r\n v_positionEC = (czm_modelView * position).xyz;\r\n v_normalEC = czm_normal * normal;\r\n}"
/* 7 */
(function(module, exports) {
module.exports = "#ifdef GL_OES_standard_derivatives\r\n#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable\r\n#endif\r\n\r\nuniform bool u_showIntersection;\r\nuniform bool u_showThroughEllipsoid;\r\n\r\nuniform float u_radius;\r\nuniform float u_xHalfAngle;\r\nuniform float u_yHalfAngle;\r\nuniform float u_normalDirection;\r\nuniform float u_type;\r\n\r\nin vec3 v_position;\r\nin vec3 v_positionWC;\r\nin vec3 v_positionEC;\r\nin vec3 v_normalEC;\r\n\r\nvec4 getColor(float sensorRadius, vec3 pointEC)\r\n{\r\n czm_materialInput materialInput;\r\n\r\n vec3 pointMC = (czm_inverseModelView * vec4(pointEC, 1.0)).xyz;\r\n materialInput.st = sensor2dTextureCoordinates(sensorRadius, pointMC);\r\n materialInput.str = pointMC / sensorRadius;\r\n\r\n vec3 positionToEyeEC = -v_positionEC;\r\n materialInput.positionToEyeEC = positionToEyeEC;\r\n\r\n vec3 normalEC = normalize(v_normalEC);\r\n materialInput.normalEC = u_normalDirection * normalEC;\r\n\r\n czm_material material = czm_getMaterial(materialInput);\r\n\r\n return mix(czm_phong(normalize(positionToEyeEC), material,czm_lightDirectionEC), vec4(material.diffuse, material.alpha), 0.4);\r\n\r\n}\r\n\r\nbool isOnBoundary(float value, float epsilon)\r\n{\r\n float width = getIntersectionWidth();\r\n float tolerance = width * epsilon;\r\n\r\n#ifdef GL_OES_standard_derivatives\r\n float delta = max(abs(dFdx(value)), abs(dFdy(value)));\r\n float pixels = width * delta;\r\n float temp = abs(value);\r\n // There are a couple things going on here.\r\n // First we test the value at the current fragment to see if it is within the tolerance.\r\n // We also want to check if the value of an adjacent pixel is within the tolerance,\r\n // but we don't want to admit points that are obviously not on the surface.\r\n // For example, if we are looking for \"value\" to be close to 0, but value is 1 and the adjacent value is 2,\r\n // then the delta would be 1 and \"temp - delta\" would be \"1 - 1\" which is zero even though neither of\r\n // the points is close to zero.\r\n return temp < tolerance && temp < pixels || (delta < 10.0 * tolerance && temp - delta < tolerance && temp < pixels);\r\n#else\r\n return abs(value) < tolerance;\r\n#endif\r\n}\r\n\r\nvec4 shade(bool isOnBoundary)\r\n{\r\n if (u_showIntersection && isOnBoundary)\r\n {\r\n return getIntersectionColor();\r\n }\r\n if(u_type == 1.0){\r\n return getLineColor();\r\n }\r\n return getColor(u_radius, v_positionEC);\r\n}\r\n\r\nfloat ellipsoidSurfaceFunction(vec3 point)\r\n{\r\n vec3 scaled = czm_ellipsoidInverseRadii * point;\r\n return dot(scaled, scaled) - 1.0;\r\n}\r\n\r\nvoid main()\r\n{\r\n vec3 sensorVertexWC = czm_model[3].xyz; // (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) in model coordinates\r\n vec3 sensorVertexEC = czm_modelView[3].xyz; // (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) in model coordinates\r\n\r\n //vec3 pixDir = normalize(v_position);\r\n float positionX = v_position.x;\r\n float positionY = v_position.y;\r\n float positionZ = v_position.z;\r\n\r\n vec3 zDir = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\r\n vec3 lineX = vec3(positionX, 0 ,positionZ);\r\n vec3 lineY = vec3(0, positionY, positionZ);\r\n float resX = dot(normalize(lineX), zDir);\r\n if(resX < cos(u_xHalfAngle)-0.00001){\r\n discard;\r\n }\r\n float resY = dot(normalize(lineY), zDir);\r\n if(resY < cos(u_yHalfAngle)-0.00001){\r\n discard;\r\n }\r\n\r\n float ellipsoidValue = ellipsoidSurfaceFunction(v_positionWC);\r\n\r\n // Occluded by the ellipsoid?\r\n\tif (!u_showThroughEllipsoid)\r\n\t{\r\n\t // Discard if in the ellipsoid\r\n\t // PERFORMANCE_IDEA: A coarse check for ellipsoid intersection could be done on the CPU first.\r\n\t if (ellipsoidValue < 0.0)\r\n\t {\r\n discard;\r\n\t }\r\n\r\n\t // Discard if in the sensor's shadow\r\n\t if (inSensorShadow(sensorVertexWC, v_positionWC))\r\n\t {\r\n\t discard;\r\n\t }\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Notes: Each surface functions should have an associated tolerance based on the floating point error.\r\n bool isOnEllipsoid = isOnBoundary(ellipsoidValue, czm_epsilon3);\r\n //isOnEllipsoid = false;\r\n //if((resX >= 0.8 && resX <= 0.81)||(resY >= 0.8 && resY <= 0.81)){\r\n \r\n out_FragColor = shade(false);\r\n\r\n}"
/* 8 */
(function(module, exports) {
module.exports = "uniform vec4 u_intersectionColor;\nuniform float u_intersectionWidth;\nuniform vec4 u_lineColor;\n\nbool inSensorShadow(vec3 coneVertexWC, vec3 pointWC)\n{\n // Diagonal matrix from the unscaled ellipsoid space to the scaled space. \n vec3 D = czm_ellipsoidInverseRadii;\n\n // Sensor vertex in the scaled ellipsoid space\n vec3 q = D * coneVertexWC;\n float qMagnitudeSquared = dot(q, q);\n float test = qMagnitudeSquared - 1.0;\n \n // Sensor vertex to fragment vector in the ellipsoid's scaled space\n vec3 temp = D * pointWC - q;\n float d = dot(temp, q);\n \n // Behind silhouette plane and inside silhouette cone\n return (d < -test) && (d / length(temp) < -sqrt(test));\n}\n\n///\n\nvec4 getLineColor()\n{\n return u_lineColor;\n}\n\nvec4 getIntersectionColor()\n{\n return u_intersectionColor;\n}\n\nfloat getIntersectionWidth()\n{\n return u_intersectionWidth;\n}\n\nvec2 sensor2dTextureCoordinates(float sensorRadius, vec3 pointMC)\n{\n // (s, t) both in the range [0, 1]\n float t = pointMC.z / sensorRadius;\n float s = 1.0 + (atan(pointMC.y, pointMC.x) / czm_twoPi);\n s = s - floor(s);\n \n return vec2(s, t);\n}\n"
/* 9 */
(function(module, exports) {
module.exports = "#ifdef GL_OES_standard_derivatives\r\n#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable\r\n#endif\r\n\r\nuniform bool u_showIntersection;\r\nuniform bool u_showThroughEllipsoid;\r\n\r\nuniform float u_radius;\r\nuniform float u_xHalfAngle;\r\nuniform float u_yHalfAngle;\r\nuniform float u_normalDirection;\r\nuniform vec4 u_color;\r\n\r\nin vec3 v_position;\r\nin vec3 v_positionWC;\r\nin vec3 v_positionEC;\r\nin vec3 v_normalEC;\r\n\r\nvec4 getColor(float sensorRadius, vec3 pointEC)\r\n{\r\n czm_materialInput materialInput;\r\n\r\n vec3 pointMC = (czm_inverseModelView * vec4(pointEC, 1.0)).xyz;\r\n materialInput.st = sensor2dTextureCoordinates(sensorRadius, pointMC);\r\n materialInput.str = pointMC / sensorRadius;\r\n\r\n vec3 positionToEyeEC = -v_positionEC;\r\n materialInput.positionToEyeEC = positionToEyeEC;\r\n\r\n vec3 normalEC = normalize(v_normalEC);\r\n materialInput.normalEC = u_normalDirection * normalEC;\r\n\r\n czm_material material = czm_getMaterial(materialInput);\r\n\r\n material.diffuse = u_color.rgb;\r\n material.alpha = u_color.a;\r\n\r\n return mix(czm_phong(normalize(positionToEyeEC), material,czm_lightDirectionEC), vec4(material.diffuse, material.alpha), 0.4);\r\n\r\n}\r\n\r\nbool isOnBoundary(float value, float epsilon)\r\n{\r\n float width = getIntersectionWidth();\r\n float tolerance = width * epsilon;\r\n\r\n#ifdef GL_OES_standard_derivatives\r\n float delta = max(abs(dFdx(value)), abs(dFdy(value)));\r\n float pixels = width * delta;\r\n float temp = abs(value);\r\n // There are a couple things going on here.\r\n // First we test the value at the current fragment to see if it is within the tolerance.\r\n // We also want to check if the value of an adjacent pixel is within the tolerance,\r\n // but we don't want to admit points that are obviously not on the surface.\r\n // For example, if we are looking for \"value\" to be close to 0, but value is 1 and the adjacent value is 2,\r\n // then the delta would be 1 and \"temp - delta\" would be \"1 - 1\" which is zero even though neither of\r\n // the points is close to zero.\r\n return temp < tolerance && temp < pixels || (delta < 10.0 * tolerance && temp - delta < tolerance && temp < pixels);\r\n#else\r\n return abs(value) < tolerance;\r\n#endif\r\n}\r\n\r\nvec4 shade(bool isOnBoundary)\r\n{\r\n if (u_showIntersection && isOnBoundary)\r\n {\r\n return getIntersectionColor();\r\n }\r\n return getColor(u_radius, v_positionEC);\r\n}\r\n\r\nfloat ellipsoidSurfaceFunction(vec3 point)\r\n{\r\n vec3 scaled = czm_ellipsoidInverseRadii * point;\r\n return dot(scaled, scaled) - 1.0;\r\n}\r\n\r\nvoid main()\r\n{\r\n vec3 sensorVertexWC = czm_model[3].xyz; // (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) in model coordinates\r\n vec3 sensorVertexEC = czm_modelView[3].xyz; // (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) in model coordinates\r\n\r\n //vec3 pixDir = normalize(v_position);\r\n float positionX = v_position.x;\r\n float positionY = v_position.y;\r\n float positionZ = v_position.z;\r\n\r\n vec3 zDir = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\r\n vec3 lineX = vec3(positionX, 0 ,positionZ);\r\n vec3 lineY = vec3(0, positionY, positionZ);\r\n float resX = dot(normalize(lineX), zDir);\r\n if(resX < cos(u_xHalfAngle) - 0.0001){\r\n discard;\r\n }\r\n float resY = dot(normalize(lineY), zDir);\r\n if(resY < cos(u_yHalfAngle)- 0.0001){\r\n discard;\r\n }\r\n\r\n float ellipsoidValue = ellipsoidSurfaceFunction(v_positionWC);\r\n\r\n // Occluded by the ellipsoid?\r\n\tif (!u_showThroughEllipsoid)\r\n\t{\r\n\t // Discard if in the ellipsoid\r\n\t // PERFORMANCE_IDEA: A coarse check for ellipsoid intersection could be done on the CPU first.\r\n\t if (ellipsoidValue < 0.0)\r\n\t {\r\n discard;\r\n\t }\r\n\r\n\t // Discard if in the sensor's shadow\r\n\t if (inSensorShadow(sensorVertexWC, v_positionWC))\r\n\t {\r\n\t discard;\r\n\t }\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Notes: Each surface functions should have an associated tolerance based on the floating point error.\r\n bool isOnEllipsoid = isOnBoundary(ellipsoidValue, czm_epsilon3);\r\n out_FragColor = shade(false);\r\n\r\n}"
/* 10 */
(function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var defaultValue = Cesium.defaultValue;
var defined = Cesium.defined;
var defineProperties = Object.defineProperties;
var DeveloperError = Cesium.DeveloperError;
var Event = Cesium.Event;
var createMaterialPropertyDescriptor = Cesium.createMaterialPropertyDescriptor;
var createPropertyDescriptor = Cesium.createPropertyDescriptor;
function RectangularSensorGraphics(options) {
this._show = undefined;
this._radius = undefined;
this._xHalfAngle = undefined;
this._yHalfAngle = undefined;
this._lineColor = undefined;
this._showSectorLines = undefined;
this._showSectorSegmentLines = undefined;
this._showLateralSurfaces = undefined;
this._material = undefined;
this._showDomeSurfaces = undefined;
this._showDomeLines = undefined;
this._showIntersection = undefined;
this._intersectionColor = undefined;
this._intersectionWidth = undefined;
this._showThroughEllipsoid = undefined;
this._gaze = undefined;
this._showScanPlane = undefined;
this._scanPlaneColor = undefined;
this._scanPlaneMode = undefined;
this._scanPlaneRate = undefined;
this._definitionChanged = new Event();
this.merge(defaultValue(options, defaultValue.EMPTY_OBJECT));
defineProperties(RectangularSensorGraphics.prototype, {
definitionChanged: {
get: function get() {
return this._definitionChanged;
show: createPropertyDescriptor('show'),
radius: createPropertyDescriptor('radius'),
xHalfAngle: createPropertyDescriptor('xHalfAngle'),
yHalfAngle: createPropertyDescriptor('yHalfAngle'),
lineColor: createPropertyDescriptor('lineColor'),
showSectorLines: createPropertyDescriptor('showSectorLines'),
showSectorSegmentLines: createPropertyDescriptor('showSectorSegmentLines'),
showLateralSurfaces: createPropertyDescriptor('showLateralSurfaces'),
material: createMaterialPropertyDescriptor('material'),
showDomeSurfaces: createPropertyDescriptor('showDomeSurfaces'),
showDomeLines: createPropertyDescriptor('showDomeLines '),
showIntersection: createPropertyDescriptor('showIntersection'),
intersectionColor: createPropertyDescriptor('intersectionColor'),
intersectionWidth: createPropertyDescriptor('intersectionWidth'),
showThroughEllipsoid: createPropertyDescriptor('showThroughEllipsoid'),
gaze: createPropertyDescriptor('gaze'),
showScanPlane: createPropertyDescriptor('showScanPlane'),
scanPlaneColor: createPropertyDescriptor('scanPlaneColor'),
scanPlaneMode: createPropertyDescriptor('scanPlaneMode'),
scanPlaneRate: createPropertyDescriptor('scanPlaneRate')
RectangularSensorGraphics.prototype.clone = function(result) {
if (!defined(result)) {
result = new RectangularSensorGraphics();
result.show = this.show;
result.radius = this.radius;
result.xHalfAngle = this.xHalfAngle;
result.yHalfAngle = this.yHalfAngle;
result.lineColor = this.lineColor;
result.showSectorLines = this.showSectorLines;
result.showSectorSegmentLines = this.showSectorSegmentLines;
result.showLateralSurfaces = this.showLateralSurfaces;
result.material = this.material;
result.showDomeSurfaces = this.showDomeSurfaces;
result.showDomeLines = this.showDomeLines;
result.showIntersection = this.showIntersection;
result.intersectionColor = this.intersectionColor;
result.intersectionWidth = this.intersectionWidth;
result.showThroughEllipsoid = this.showThroughEllipsoid;
result.gaze = this.gaze;
result.showScanPlane = this.showScanPlane;
result.scanPlaneColor = this.scanPlaneColor;
result.scanPlaneMode = this.scanPlaneMode;
result.scanPlaneRate = this.scanPlaneRate;
return result;
RectangularSensorGraphics.prototype.merge = function(source) {
if (!defined(source)) {
throw new DeveloperError('source is required.');
this.show = defaultValue(this.show, source.show);
this.radius = defaultValue(this.radius, source.radius);
this.xHalfAngle = defaultValue(this.xHalfAngle, source.xHalfAngle);
this.yHalfAngle = defaultValue(this.yHalfAngle, source.yHalfAngle);
this.lineColor = defaultValue(this.lineColor, source.lineColor);
this.showSectorLines = defaultValue(this.showSectorLines, source.showSectorLines);
this.showSectorSegmentLines = defaultValue(this.showSectorSegmentLines, source.showSectorSegmentLines);
this.showLateralSurfaces = defaultValue(this.showLateralSurfaces, source.showLateralSurfaces);
this.material = defaultValue(this.material, source.material);
this.showDomeSurfaces = defaultValue(this.showDomeSurfaces, source.showDomeSurfaces);
this.showDomeLines = defaultValue(this.showDomeLines, source.showDomeLines);
this.showIntersection = defaultValue(this.showIntersection, source.showIntersection);
this.intersectionColor = defaultValue(this.intersectionColor, source.intersectionColor);
this.intersectionWidth = defaultValue(this.intersectionWidth, source.intersectionWidth);
this.showThroughEllipsoid = defaultValue(this.showThroughEllipsoid, source.showThroughEllipsoid);
this.gaze = defaultValue(this.gaze, source.gaze);
this.showScanPlane = defaultValue(this.showScanPlane, source.showScanPlane);
this.scanPlaneColor = defaultValue(this.scanPlaneColor, source.scanPlaneColor);
this.scanPlaneMode = defaultValue(this.scanPlaneMode, source.scanPlaneMode);
this.scanPlaneRate = defaultValue(this.scanPlaneRate, source.scanPlaneRate);
exports.RectangularSensorGraphics = RectangularSensorGraphics;
/* 11 */
(function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.RectangularSensorVisualizer = undefined;
var _RectangularSensorPrimitive = __webpack_require__(0);
var AssociativeArray = Cesium.AssociativeArray;
var Cartesian3 = Cesium.Cartesian3;
var Color = Cesium.Color;
var defined = Cesium.defined;
var destroyObject = Cesium.destroyObject;
var DeveloperError = Cesium.DeveloperError;
var Matrix3 = Cesium.Matrix3;
var Matrix4 = Cesium.Matrix4;
var Quaternion = Cesium.Quaternion;
var MaterialProperty = Cesium.MaterialProperty;
var Property = Cesium.Property;
var matrix3Scratch = new Matrix3();
var matrix4Scratch = new Matrix4();
var cachedPosition = new Cartesian3();
var cachedGazePosition = new Cartesian3();
var cachedOrientation = new Quaternion();
var diffVectorScratch = new Cartesian3();
var orientationScratch = new Quaternion();
function removePrimitive(entity, hash, primitives) {
var data = hash[entity.id];
if (defined(data)) {
var primitive = data.primitive;
if (!primitive.isDestroyed()) {
delete hash[entity.id];
var RectangularSensorVisualizer = function RectangularSensorVisualizer(scene, entityCollection) {
// >>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!defined(scene)) {
throw new DeveloperError('scene is required.');
if (!defined(entityCollection)) {
throw new DeveloperError('entityCollection is required.');
// >>includeEnd('debug');
entityCollection.collectionChanged.addEventListener(RectangularSensorVisualizer.prototype._onCollectionChanged, this);
this._scene = scene;
this._primitives = scene.primitives;
this._entityCollection = entityCollection;
this._hash = {};
this._entitiesToVisualize = new AssociativeArray();
this._onCollectionChanged(entityCollection, entityCollection.values, [], []);
* Updates the primitives created by this visualizer to match their
* Entity counterpart at the given time.
* @param {JulianDate} time The time to update to.
* @returns {Boolean} This function always returns true.
RectangularSensorVisualizer.prototype.update = function(time) {
// >>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!defined(time)) {
throw new DeveloperError('time is required.');
// >>includeEnd('debug');
var entities = this._entitiesToVisualize.values;
var hash = this._hash;
var primitives = this._primitives;
for (var i = 0, len = entities.length; i < len; i++) {
var entity = entities[i];
var rectangularSensorGraphics = entity._rectangularSensor;
var position;
var orientation;
var radius;
var xHalfAngle;
var yHalfAngle;
var data = hash[entity.id];
var show = entity.isShowing && entity.isAvailable(time) && Property.getValueOrDefault(rectangularSensorGraphics._show, time, true);
if (show) {
position = Property.getValueOrUndefined(entity._position, time, cachedPosition);
orientation = Property.getValueOrUndefined(entity._orientation, time, cachedOrientation);
radius = Property.getValueOrUndefined(rectangularSensorGraphics._radius, time);
xHalfAngle = Property.getValueOrUndefined(rectangularSensorGraphics._xHalfAngle, time);
yHalfAngle = Property.getValueOrUndefined(rectangularSensorGraphics._yHalfAngle, time);
show = defined(position) && defined(xHalfAngle) && defined(yHalfAngle);
if (!show) {
// don't bother creating or updating anything else
if (defined(data)) {
data.primitive.show = false;
var primitive = defined(data) ? data.primitive : undefined;
if (!defined(primitive)) {
primitive = new _RectangularSensorPrimitive.RectangularSensorPrimitive();
primitive.id = entity;
data = {
primitive: primitive,
position: undefined,
orientation: undefined
hash[entity.id] = data;
var gaze = Property.getValueOrUndefined(rectangularSensorGraphics._gaze, time);
if (defined(gaze)) {
var targetPosition = Property.getValueOrUndefined(gaze._position, time, cachedGazePosition);
if (!defined(position) || !defined(targetPosition)) {
var diffVector = Cartesian3.subtract(position, targetPosition, diffVectorScratch);
var rotate = Cartesian3.angleBetween(Cesium.Cartesian3.UNIT_Z, diffVector);
var cross = Cartesian3.cross(Cesium.Cartesian3.UNIT_Z, diffVector, diffVectorScratch);
var orientation = Quaternion.fromAxisAngle(cross, rotate - Math.PI, orientationScratch);
//replace original radius
radius = Cartesian3.distance(position, targetPosition);
primitive.modelMatrix = Matrix4.fromRotationTranslation(Matrix3.fromQuaternion(orientation, matrix3Scratch), position, primitive.modelMatrix);
} else {
if (!Cartesian3.equals(position, data.position) || !Quaternion.equals(orientation, data.orientation)) {
if (defined(orientation)) {
primitive.modelMatrix = Matrix4.fromRotationTranslation(Matrix3.fromQuaternion(orientation, matrix3Scratch), position, primitive.modelMatrix);
data.position = Cartesian3.clone(position, data.position);
data.orientation = Quaternion.clone(orientation, data.orientation);
} else {
primitive.modelMatrix = Cesium.Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame(position);
data.position = Cartesian3.clone(position, data.position);
primitive.show = true;
primitive.gaze = gaze;
primitive.radius = radius;
primitive.xHalfAngle = xHalfAngle;
primitive.yHalfAngle = yHalfAngle;
primitive.lineColor = Property.getValueOrDefault(rectangularSensorGraphics._lineColor, time, Color.WHITE);
primitive.showSectorLines = Property.getValueOrDefault(rectangularSensorGraphics._showSectorLines, time, true);
primitive.showSectorSegmentLines = Property.getValueOrDefault(rectangularSensorGraphics._showSectorSegmentLines, time, true);
primitive.showLateralSurfaces = Property.getValueOrDefault(rectangularSensorGraphics._showLateralSurfaces, time, true);
primitive.material = MaterialProperty.getValue(time, rectangularSensorGraphics._material, primitive.material);
primitive.showDomeSurfaces = Property.getValueOrDefault(rectangularSensorGraphics._showDomeSurfaces, time, true);
primitive.showDomeLines = Property.getValueOrDefault(rectangularSensorGraphics._showDomeLines, time, true);
primitive.showIntersection = Property.getValueOrDefault(rectangularSensorGraphics._showIntersection, time, true);
primitive.intersectionColor = Property.getValueOrDefault(rectangularSensorGraphics._intersectionColor, time, Color.WHITE);
primitive.intersectionWidth = Property.getValueOrDefault(rectangularSensorGraphics._intersectionWidth, time, 1);
primitive.showThroughEllipsoid = Property.getValueOrDefault(rectangularSensorGraphics._showThroughEllipsoid, time, true);
primitive.scanPlaneMode = Property.getValueOrDefault(rectangularSensorGraphics._scanPlaneMode, time);
primitive.scanPlaneColor = Property.getValueOrDefault(rectangularSensorGraphics._scanPlaneColor, time, Color.WHITE);
primitive.showScanPlane = Property.getValueOrDefault(rectangularSensorGraphics._showScanPlane, time, true);
primitive.scanPlaneRate = Property.getValueOrDefault(rectangularSensorGraphics._scanPlaneRate, time, 1);
return true;
* Returns true if this object was destroyed; otherwise, false.
* @returns {Boolean} True if this object was destroyed; otherwise, false.
RectangularSensorVisualizer.prototype.isDestroyed = function() {
return false;
* Removes and destroys all primitives created by this instance.
RectangularSensorVisualizer.prototype.destroy = function() {
var entities = this._entitiesToVisualize.values;
var hash = this._hash;
var primitives = this._primitives;
for (var i = entities.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {
removePrimitive(entities[i], hash, primitives);
return destroyObject(this);
* @private
RectangularSensorVisualizer.prototype._onCollectionChanged = function(entityCollection, added, removed, changed) {
var i;
var entity;
var entities = this._entitiesToVisualize;
var hash = this._hash;
var primitives = this._primitives;
for (i = added.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {
entity = added[i];
if (defined(entity._rectangularSensor) && defined(entity._position)) {
entities.set(entity.id, entity);
for (i = changed.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {
entity = changed[i];
if (defined(entity._rectangularSensor) && defined(entity._position)) {
entities.set(entity.id, entity);
} else {
removePrimitive(entity, hash, primitives);
for (i = removed.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {
entity = removed[i];
removePrimitive(entity, hash, primitives);
exports.RectangularSensorVisualizer = RectangularSensorVisualizer;
/* 12 */
(function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.ConicArcSensorCollection = undefined;
var _ConicArcSensorGeometry = __webpack_require__(1);
var _ConicArcSensorOutlineGeometry = __webpack_require__(2);
var _ConicArcSensor = __webpack_require__(13);
var defaultValue = Cesium.defaultValue;
var defined = Cesium.defined;
var Viewer = Cesium.Viewer;
var Transforms = Cesium.Transforms;
var DeveloperError = Cesium.DeveloperError;
var ColorGeometryInstanceAttribute = Cesium.ColorGeometryInstanceAttribute;
var Color = Cesium.Color;
var Primitive = Cesium.Primitive;
var PerInstanceColorAppearance = Cesium.PerInstanceColorAppearance;
var Cartesian3 = Cesium.Cartesian3;
var VertexFormat = Cesium.VertexFormat;
var Quaternion = Cesium.Quaternion;
var Matrix3 = Cesium.Matrix3;
var Matrix4 = Cesium.Matrix4;
var Property = Cesium.Property;
var Event = Cesium.Event;
var DistanceDisplayCondition = Cesium.DistanceDisplayCondition;
var DistanceDisplayConditionGeometryInstanceAttribute = Cesium.DistanceDisplayConditionGeometryInstanceAttribute;
function ConicArcSensorCollection(viewer) {
var self = this;
if (!defined(viewer)) {
throw new DeveloperError('viewer is required.');
this._viewer = viewer;
var scene = viewer.scene;
this._scene = scene;
var clock = viewer.clock;
this._clock = clock;
this._primitives = scene.primitives;
this._primitive = undefined;
this._outlinePrimitive = undefined;
this._conicArcSensorCollection = [];
clock.onTick.addEventListener(function() {
var matrix3Scratch = new Matrix3();
var matrix4Scratch = new Matrix4();
var positionScratch = new Cartesian3();
var targetPositionScratch = new Cartesian3();
var diffVectorScratch = new Cartesian3();
var orientationScratch = new Quaternion();
ConicArcSensorCollection.prototype.add = function(conicArcSensor) {
if (!(conicArcSensor instanceof _ConicArcSensor.ConicArcSensor)) {
conicArcSensor = new _ConicArcSensor.ConicArcSensor(conicArcSensor);
return conicArcSensor;
ConicArcSensorCollection.prototype.remove = function(conicArcSensor) {
var index = this._conicArcSensorCollection.indexOf(conicArcSensor);
if (index !== -1) {
this._conicArcSensorCollection.splice(index, 1);
ConicArcSensorCollection.prototype.removeAll = function() {
this._conicArcSensorCollection.length = 0;
ConicArcSensorCollection.prototype.update = function() {
var time = this._clock.currentTime;
var conicArcSensorCollection = this._conicArcSensorCollection;
var primitives = this._primitives;
var primitive = this._primitive;
var outlinePrimitive = this._outlinePrimitive;
var instances = [];
var outlineInstances = [];
if (defined(primitive)) {
if (defined(outlinePrimitive)) {
for (var i = 0, len = conicArcSensorCollection.length; i < len; i++) {
var entity = conicArcSensorCollection[i];
var conicArcSensor = entity._conicArcSensor;
if (!Property.getValueOrDefault(conicArcSensor.show, time, true)) {
var angle = conicArcSensor.angle;
var radius = conicArcSensor.radius;
var stack = conicArcSensor.stack;
var slice = conicArcSensor.slice;
if (!defined(angle)) {
var show = Property.getValueOrDefault(entity.show, time, true);
if (!show) {
var position = Property.getValueOrUndefined(entity.position, time, positionScratch);
if (!defined(position)) {
var modelMatrix;
var gaze = conicArcSensor.gaze;
if (defined(gaze)) {
//ignore original orientation
var targetPosition = Property.getValueOrUndefined(gaze.position, time, targetPositionScratch);
if (!defined(position) || !defined(targetPosition)) {
var diffVector = Cartesian3.subtract(position, targetPosition, diffVectorScratch);
var rotate = Cartesian3.angleBetween(Cesium.Cartesian3.UNIT_Z, diffVector);
var cross = Cartesian3.cross(Cesium.Cartesian3.UNIT_Z, diffVector, diffVectorScratch);
//var orientation = Quaternion.fromAxisAngle(cross, (rotate - Math.PI), orientationScratch);
var orientation = Quaternion.fromAxisAngle(cross, rotate, orientationScratch);
//replace original dimensions
var distance = Cartesian3.distance(position, targetPosition);
radius = 1;
modelMatrix = Matrix4.fromRotationTranslation(Cesium.Matrix3.multiplyByScalar(Matrix3.fromQuaternion(orientation, matrix3Scratch), distance, matrix3Scratch), position, matrix4Scratch);
} else {
var orientation = Property.getValueOrUndefined(entity.orientation, time, orientationScratch);
if (!defined(orientation)) {
modelMatrix = Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame(position, undefined, matrix4Scratch);
} else {
modelMatrix = Matrix4.fromRotationTranslation(Matrix3.fromQuaternion(orientation, matrix3Scratch), position, matrix4Scratch);
if (!defined(modelMatrix)) {
var geometry = entity._geometry;
if (!defined(geometry)) {
var conic;
conic = new _ConicArcSensorGeometry.ConicArcSensorGeometry({
vertexFormat: Cesium.VertexFormat.POSITION_AND_NORMAL,
angle: angle,
radius: radius,
stackPartitions: stack,
slicePartitions: slice
entity._geometry = _ConicArcSensorGeometry.ConicArcSensorGeometry.createGeometry(conic);
geometry = entity._geometry;
//var distanceDisplayCondition = Property.getValueOrDefault(conicArcSensor.distanceDisplayCondition, time, entity._distanceDisplayCondition);
//var distanceDisplayConditionAttribute = DistanceDisplayConditionGeometryInstanceAttribute.fromDistanceDisplayCondition(distanceDisplayCondition);
//var shadows = Property.getValueOrDefault(conicArcSensor.shadows, time, ShadowMode.DISABLED);
var color = conicArcSensor.color;
var outline = conicArcSensor.outline;
var outlineWidth = conicArcSensor.outlineWidth;
if (!defined(outlineWidth)) {
outlineWidth = 1;
var outlineColor = conicArcSensor.outlineColor;
if (!defined(outlineColor)) {
outlineColor = Color.WHITE;
var instance = new Cesium.GeometryInstance({
geometry: geometry,
modelMatrix: modelMatrix,
attributes: {
color: Cesium.ColorGeometryInstanceAttribute.fromColor(color)
//distanceDisplayCondition: distanceDisplayConditionAttribute
if (outline) {
var outlineGeometry = entity._outlineGeometry;
if (!defined(outlineGeometry)) {
var conicOutline;
conicOutline = new _ConicArcSensorOutlineGeometry.ConicArcSensorOutlineGeometry({
vertexFormat: Cesium.VertexFormat.POSITION_ONLY,
angle: angle,
radius: radius
entity._outlineGeometry = _ConicArcSensorOutlineGeometry.ConicArcSensorOutlineGeometry.createGeometry(conicOutline);
outlineGeometry = entity._outlineGeometry;
var instance = new Cesium.GeometryInstance({
geometry: outlineGeometry,
modelMatrix: modelMatrix,
attributes: {
color: Cesium.ColorGeometryInstanceAttribute.fromColor(outlineColor)
//distanceDisplayCondition: distanceDisplayConditionAttribute
if (instances.length > 0) {
this._primitive = this._primitives.add(new Primitive({
asynchronous: false,
geometryInstances: instances,
appearance: new PerInstanceColorAppearance({
flat: false,
translucent: true,
closed: true
if (outlineInstances.length > 0) {
this._outlinePrimitive = this._primitives.add(new Primitive({
asynchronous: false,
geometryInstances: outlineInstances,
appearance: new PerInstanceColorAppearance({
flat: true,
translucent: true,
renderState: {
lineWidth: this._scene.clampLineWidth(outlineWidth)
exports.ConicArcSensorCollection = ConicArcSensorCollection;
/* 13 */
(function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.ConicArcSensor = undefined;
var _ConicArcSensorGraphics = __webpack_require__(3);
var Entity = Cesium.Entity;
var Event = Cesium.Event;
var ConstantPositionProperty = Cesium.ConstantPositionProperty;
var createPropertyDescriptor = Cesium.createPropertyDescriptor;
var DistanceDisplayCondition = Cesium.DistanceDisplayCondition;
var DistanceDisplayConditionGeometryInstanceAttribute = Cesium.DistanceDisplayConditionGeometryInstanceAttribute;
function createConstantPositionProperty(value) {
return new ConstantPositionProperty(value);
function createPositionPropertyDescriptor(name) {
return createPropertyDescriptor(name, undefined, createConstantPositionProperty);
function ConicArcSensor(options) {
options = options || {};
this._position = undefined;
this._orientation = undefined;
this._show = undefined;
var conicArcSensor = options.conicArcSensor;
if (!(conicArcSensor instanceof _ConicArcSensorGraphics.ConicArcSensorGraphics)) {
conicArcSensor = new _ConicArcSensorGraphics.ConicArcSensorGraphics(conicArcSensor);
this._conicArcSensor = conicArcSensor;
this._distanceDisplayCondition = new DistanceDisplayCondition();
this._geometry = undefined;
this._outlineGeometry = undefined;
this._definitionChanged = new Event();
Object.defineProperties(ConicArcSensor.prototype, {
position: createPositionPropertyDescriptor('position'),
orientation: createPropertyDescriptor('orientation'),
show: createPropertyDescriptor('show')
ConicArcSensor.prototype.merge = function(options) {
this.position = options.position;
this.orientation = options.orientation;
this.show = options.show;
ConicArcSensor.prototype.gazeAt = function(entity) {
if (entity instanceof Entity) {
this._conicArcSensor.gaze = entity;
exports.ConicArcSensor = ConicArcSensor;
import "@/utils/cesiumPlugin/CesiumGeometry.js";
export default {
mounted() {
let r = new Cesium.HeadingPitchRoll(
let l = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(114.649289, 37.95202, 3000);
let sensorEntity = viewer.entities.add({
position: l,
orientation: Cesium.Transforms.headingPitchRollQuaternion(l, r),
rectangularSensor: new Cesium.RectangularSensorGraphics({
radius: 1000,
xHalfAngle: Cesium.Math.toRadians(45),
yHalfAngle: Cesium.Math.toRadians(45),
material: new Cesium.Color(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.4),
lineColor: new Cesium.Color(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0),
showScanPlane: false,
scanPlaneColor: new Cesium.Color(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0),
scanPlaneMode: "vertical",
scanPlaneRate: 3,
showThroughEllipsoid: !1,