
牛津大学(University of Oxford),简称“牛津”(Oxford),位于英国牛津,是一所公立研究型大学,采用传统学院制。是罗素大学集团成员,被誉为“金三角名校”、“G5超级精英大学”,全球大学校长论坛成员。牛津大学的具体建校时间已不可考,但有档案明确记载的最早的授课时间为1096年,亨利二世在1167年禁止英国学生就读巴黎大学,因得到了英国王室的大力支持而快速发展。



Postdoctoral Research Associate in Statistics

University of Oxford

United Kingdom

January 12, 2024


Offerd Salary:£38,205 to £44,263


Working address:N/A

Contract Type:Other

Working Time:Full time

Working type:N/A

Ref info:N/A

Postdoctoral Research Associate in Statistics

Department of Statistics, 24-29 St Giles', Oxford, OX1 3LB

We invite applications for a Postdoctoral Research Associate to work on the research project “Parameter estimation in Autoregressive network models'' as part of the project “Network Stochastic Processes and Time Series (NeST)” funded by EPSRC. The post holder will carry out research under the direction of Professor Gesine Reinert and provide guidance to junior members of the research group including project students and PhD students.

The position is full-time and will be held for 36 months, from 1 September 2024 .

Applicants will have, or be close to completing, a PhD, together with relevant experience, in the area of probability or statistical machine learning. They will have excellent communication skills, including the ability to write for publication, present research proposals and results, and represent the research group at meetings.

NeST is a collaborative six-year EPSRC Programme Grant led by a team of 9 investigators located in 6 UK universities. NeST enables cross-over and the sharing of ideas and techniques across the universities. The investigatory team is diverse in many ways, but in particular has technical diversity with expertise in statistics, applied probability, computational methods, mathematics and experience of extensive engagement with external partners. Each project/investigator will recruit postdoctoral researchers and a number of PhD students. NeST's configuration has advantages for postdoctoral researchers as you will not only have access to your project leaders and team, but ultimately all members of the team across the 6 institutions and the flow of ideas and problems across NeST. We envisage frequent virtual and sometimes in person meetings between all members of the team, but also annual gatherings and coordinated meets at events such as workshops and conferences as appropriate. Further information on NeST is available here.

In addition to this post at Oxford, the London School of Economics is also currently advertising a NeST postdoctoral position. The vacancy details can be found here.

You will have access to, and potential opportunities to work with a larger team consisting of academics (Ed Cohen, Nick Heard, Marina Knight, Guy Nason, Matthew Nunes, Patrick Rubin-Delanchy, Almut Veraart, and Qiwei Yao), which collectively covers a wide range of research in NeST areas, and a growing cohort of postdoctoral and PhD student colleagues spread over the constituent universities.

We proudly hold a Race Equality Charter Bronze Award and a departmental Athena SWAN Silver Award, which guide our progress towards advancing racial and gender equality. As part of our commitment to openness, inclusivity and transparency, we would particularly welcome applications from women and black and minority ethnic candidates, who are currently under-represented in positions of this type at Oxford.

Applicants will be selected for interview purely based on their ability to satisfy the selection criteria as outlined in full in the job description. You will be required to upload a statement setting out how you meet the selection criteria, a curriculum vitae including full list of publications, a statement of research interests, and the contact details of two referees as part of your online application. (NOTE: Applicants are responsible for contacting their referees and making sure that their letters are sent to the HR team DIRECTLY by the closing date).

Only applications received before 12.00 noon (GMT) on 12 January 2024 will be considered. Interviews are scheduled to take place on 24 January 2024.

Please direct any enquiries to our HR Administrator (contact details below) quoting vacancy reference 169451.

Contact Person : HR Administrator Vacancy ID : 169451 Contact Phone : Closing Date & Time : 12-Jan-2024 12:00 Pay Scale : STANDARD GRADE 7 Contact Email : HR@stats.ox.ac.uk Salary (£) : £38,205 to £44,263 per annum





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