C++ 计算凸包点的最小旋转矩形


#include <vector>

* @brief 计算点集最小旋转外接矩形
class RotateRect {
	struct Point {
		float x, y;
	using Points = std::vector<Point>;
	struct Sizef {
		float width, height;
	struct Rect {
		float left, top, right, bottom;
	explicit RotateRect(const Points& pts);

	const Point& center() const;
	const Sizef& size() const;
	float angle() const;
	void update();
	Points toPoints() const;
	Rect getOutLine() const;

	double crossProduct(const Point& A, const Point& B, const Point& C) const;
	double calculateDistance(const Point& A, const Point& B) const;
	Points convexHull() const;
	/* we will use usual cartesian coordinates */
	void rotatingCalipers(const Point* pts, int n, int mode, float* out) const;

	const Points& m_inputs;
	Point m_center;
	//! returns width and height of the rectangle
	Sizef m_size;
	//! returns the rotation angle. When the angle is 0, 90, 180, 270 etc., the rectangle becomes an up-right rectangle.
	float m_angle;


#include "RotateRect.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <assert.h>

#ifndef CV_PI
#define CV_PI   3.1415926535897932384626433832795

RotateRect::RotateRect(const RotateRect::Points& pts) : m_inputs(pts), m_angle(0), m_size{ 0, 0 }, m_center{ 0, 0 } {}

 * @brief 计算BA与CA之间面积
 * @param [in] A 点
 * @param [in] B 点
 * @param [in] C 点
 * @return
	BA x CA > 0, C在B的逆时针方向,B在C右边
	BA x CA < 0, C在B的顺时针方向,B在C左边
	BA x CA = 0, C和B共线,可能正方向,也可能反方向
double RotateRect::crossProduct(const RotateRect::Point& A, const RotateRect::Point& B, const RotateRect::Point& C) const {
	return (B.x - A.x) * (C.y - A.y) - (C.x - A.x) * (B.y - A.y);

 * @brief 找到x方向最小点为起始点,查找所有点最右边点,到起始点结束
 * @return 所有凸包点,逆时针方向
RotateRect::Points RotateRect::convexHull() const {
	const auto& points = m_inputs;
	int n = points.size();
	if (n <= 3) {
		return points;

	std::vector<Point> hull;
	int l = 0;
	for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
		if (points[i].x < points[l].x) {
			l = i;

	int p = l, q;
	do {
		q = (p + 1) % n;
		for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			if (crossProduct(points[p], points[i], points[q]) > 0) {
				q = i;
		p = q;
	} while (p != l);

	return hull;

double RotateRect::calculateDistance(const RotateRect::Point& A, const RotateRect::Point& B) const {
	return std::sqrt(std::pow(B.x - A.x, 2) + std::pow(B.y - A.y, 2));

void rotate90CCW(const RotateRect::Point& in, RotateRect::Point& out)
	out.x = -in.y;
	out.y = in.x;

void rotate90CW(const RotateRect::Point& in, RotateRect::Point& out)
	out.x = in.y;
	out.y = -in.x;

void rotate180(const RotateRect::Point& in, RotateRect::Point& out)
	out.x = -in.x;
	out.y = -in.y;

/* return true if first vector is to the right (clockwise) of the second */
bool firstVecIsRight(const RotateRect::Point& vec1, const RotateRect::Point& vec2)
	RotateRect::Point tmp;
	rotate90CW(vec1, tmp);
	return tmp.x * vec2.x + tmp.y * vec2.y < 0;

 * @brief 计算凸包点的最小旋转矩形
 /* we will use usual cartesian coordinates */
void RotateRect::rotatingCalipers(const RotateRect::Point* points, int n, int mode, float* out) const
	using Point = RotateRect::Point;
	float minarea = FLT_MAX;
	float max_dist = 0;
	char buffer[32] = {};
	int i, k;
	std::vector<float> abuf(n * 3);
	float* inv_vect_length = abuf.data();
	Point* vect = (Point*)(inv_vect_length + n);
	int left = 0, bottom = 0, right = 0, top = 0;
	int seq[4] = { -1, -1, -1, -1 };
	Point rot_vect[4];

	/* rotating calipers sides will always have coordinates
	 (a,b) (-b,a) (-a,-b) (b, -a)
	 /* this is a first base vector (a,b) initialized by (1,0) */
	float orientation = 0;
	float base_a;
	float base_b = 0;

	float left_x, right_x, top_y, bottom_y;
	Point pt0 = points[0];

	left_x = right_x = pt0.x;
	top_y = bottom_y = pt0.y;

	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
		double dx, dy;

		if (pt0.x < left_x)
			left_x = pt0.x, left = i;

		if (pt0.x > right_x)
			right_x = pt0.x, right = i;

		if (pt0.y > top_y)
			top_y = pt0.y, top = i;

		if (pt0.y < bottom_y)
			bottom_y = pt0.y, bottom = i;

		Point pt = points[(i + 1) & (i + 1 < n ? -1 : 0)];

		dx = pt.x - pt0.x;
		dy = pt.y - pt0.y;

		vect[i].x = (float)dx;
		vect[i].y = (float)dy;
		inv_vect_length[i] = (float)(1. / std::sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy));

		pt0 = pt;

	// find convex hull orientation
		double ax = vect[n - 1].x;
		double ay = vect[n - 1].y;

		for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
			double bx = vect[i].x;
			double by = vect[i].y;

			double convexity = ax * by - ay * bx;

			if (convexity != 0)
				orientation = (convexity > 0) ? 1.f : (-1.f);
			ax = bx;
			ay = by;
		assert(orientation != 0);
	base_a = orientation;

	/*                         init calipers position                                        */
	seq[0] = bottom;
	seq[1] = right;
	seq[2] = top;
	seq[3] = left;
	/*                         Main loop - evaluate angles and rotate calipers               */

	/* all of edges will be checked while rotating calipers by 90 degrees */
	for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
		/* number of calipers edges, that has minimal angle with edge */
		int main_element = 0;

		/* choose minimum angle between calipers side and polygon edge by dot product sign */
		rot_vect[0] = vect[seq[0]];
		rotate90CW(vect[seq[1]], rot_vect[1]);
		rotate180(vect[seq[2]], rot_vect[2]);
		rotate90CCW(vect[seq[3]], rot_vect[3]);
		for (i = 1; i < 4; i++)
			if (firstVecIsRight(rot_vect[i], rot_vect[main_element]))
				main_element = i;

		/*rotate calipers*/
			//get next base
			int pindex = seq[main_element];
			float lead_x = vect[pindex].x * inv_vect_length[pindex];
			float lead_y = vect[pindex].y * inv_vect_length[pindex];
			switch (main_element)
			case 0:
				base_a = lead_x;
				base_b = lead_y;
			case 1:
				base_a = lead_y;
				base_b = -lead_x;
			case 2:
				base_a = -lead_x;
				base_b = -lead_y;
			case 3:
				base_a = -lead_y;
				base_b = lead_x;
				assert("main_element should be 0, 1, 2 or 3" && false);
		/* change base point of main edge */
		seq[main_element] += 1;
		seq[main_element] = (seq[main_element] == n) ? 0 : seq[main_element];

		switch (mode)
		case RotateRect::CALIPERS_MAXHEIGHT:
			/* now main element lies on edge aligned to calipers side */

			/* find opposite element i.e. transform  */
			/* 0->2, 1->3, 2->0, 3->1                */
			int opposite_el = main_element ^ 2;

			float dx = points[seq[opposite_el]].x - points[seq[main_element]].x;
			float dy = points[seq[opposite_el]].y - points[seq[main_element]].y;
			float dist;

			if (main_element & 1)
				dist = (float)fabs(dx * base_a + dy * base_b);
				dist = (float)fabs(dx * (-base_b) + dy * base_a);

			if (dist > max_dist)
				max_dist = dist;
			/* find area of rectangle */
			float height;
			float area;

			/* find vector left-right */
			float dx = points[seq[1]].x - points[seq[3]].x;
			float dy = points[seq[1]].y - points[seq[3]].y;

			/* dotproduct */
			float width = dx * base_a + dy * base_b;

			/* find vector left-right */
			dx = points[seq[2]].x - points[seq[0]].x;
			dy = points[seq[2]].y - points[seq[0]].y;

			/* dotproduct */
			height = -dx * base_b + dy * base_a;

			area = width * height;
			if (area <= minarea)
				float* buf = (float*)buffer;

				minarea = area;
				/* leftist point */
				((int*)buf)[0] = seq[3];
				buf[1] = base_a;
				buf[2] = width;
				buf[3] = base_b;
				buf[4] = height;
				/* bottom point */
				((int*)buf)[5] = seq[0];
				buf[6] = area;
		}                       /*switch */
	}                           /* for */

	switch (mode)
		float* buf = (float*)buffer;

		float A1 = buf[1];
		float B1 = buf[3];

		float A2 = -buf[3];
		float B2 = buf[1];

		float C1 = A1 * points[((int*)buf)[0]].x + points[((int*)buf)[0]].y * B1;
		float C2 = A2 * points[((int*)buf)[5]].x + points[((int*)buf)[5]].y * B2;

		float idet = 1.f / (A1 * B2 - A2 * B1);

		float px = (C1 * B2 - C2 * B1) * idet;
		float py = (A1 * C2 - A2 * C1) * idet;

		out[0] = px;
		out[1] = py;

		out[2] = A1 * buf[2];
		out[3] = B1 * buf[2];

		out[4] = A2 * buf[4];
		out[5] = B2 * buf[4];
		out[0] = max_dist;

void RotateRect::update()
	using Point = RotateRect::Point;
	std::vector<Point> hull;
	Point out[3];
	hull = convexHull();

	int n = hull.size();
	const Point* hpoints = &hull[0];

	if (n > 2)
		rotatingCalipers(hpoints, n, RotateRect::CALIPERS_MINAREARECT, (float*)out);
		m_center.x = out[0].x + (out[1].x + out[2].x) * 0.5f;
		m_center.y = out[0].y + (out[1].y + out[2].y) * 0.5f;
		m_size.width = (float)std::sqrt((double)out[1].x * out[1].x + (double)out[1].y * out[1].y);
		m_size.height = (float)std::sqrt((double)out[2].x * out[2].x + (double)out[2].y * out[2].y);
		m_angle = (float)atan2((double)out[1].y, (double)out[1].x);
	else if (n == 2)
		m_center.x = (hpoints[0].x + hpoints[1].x) * 0.5f;
		m_center.y = (hpoints[0].y + hpoints[1].y) * 0.5f;
		double dx = hpoints[1].x - hpoints[0].x;
		double dy = hpoints[1].y - hpoints[0].y;
		m_size.width = (float)std::sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
		m_size.height = 0;
		m_angle = (float)atan2(dy, dx);
		if (n == 1)
			m_center = hpoints[0];

	m_angle = (float)(m_angle * 180 / CV_PI);

RotateRect::Points RotateRect::toPoints() const
	RotateRect::Points pt(4);

	double _angle = m_angle * CV_PI / 180.;
	float b = (float)cos(_angle) * 0.5f;
	float a = (float)sin(_angle) * 0.5f;

	pt[0].x = m_center.x - a * m_size.height - b * m_size.width;
	pt[0].y = m_center.y + b * m_size.height - a * m_size.width;
	pt[1].x = m_center.x + a * m_size.height - b * m_size.width;
	pt[1].y = m_center.y - b * m_size.height - a * m_size.width;
	pt[2].x = 2 * m_center.x - pt[0].x;
	pt[2].y = 2 * m_center.y - pt[0].y;
	pt[3].x = 2 * m_center.x - pt[1].x;
	pt[3].y = 2 * m_center.y - pt[1].y;
	return pt;

const RotateRect::Point& RotateRect::center() const {
	return m_center;

const RotateRect::Sizef& RotateRect::size() const {
	return m_size;

float RotateRect::angle() const {
	return m_angle;

RotateRect::Rect RotateRect::getOutLine() const {
	if (m_inputs.empty())
		return { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
	using Number = std::numeric_limits<float>;
	RotateRect::Rect rect{ Number::max(), Number::max(), Number::min(), Number::min() };
	for (const auto& point : m_inputs) {
		if (point.x < rect.left)
			rect.left = point.x;
		if (point.x > rect.right)
			rect.right = point.x;

		if (point.y < rect.top)
			rect.top = point.y;
		if (point.y > rect.bottom)
			rect.bottom = point.y;
	return rect;


RotateRect::Points myPoints = { {233, 86}, {322, 106}, {214, 154}, {307, 176}, {286, 209}, {331, 183}, {346, 319}, {392, 294}, {356, 346}, {419, 311}, {419, 311}, {778, 1031}, {840, 995} };
    RotateRect myRotateRect(myPoints);






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