用ChatGPT 4o画漂亮的燃尽图代码



# Given data for Sprint 5 Progress
data_sprint_5 = {
    'User Story': [
        'BEAN-40', 'BEAN-42', 'BEAN-41', 'BEAN-22', 
        'BEAN-33', 'BEAN-44', 'BEAN-10', 'BEAN-26', 
        'BEAN-37', 'BEAN-36', 'BEAN-14', 'BEAN-39', 
        'BEAN-17', 'BEAN-38', 'BEAN-29', 'BEAN-9'
    'Task': [
        'Build Test Framework Base on Python',
        'Final Report',
        'Summary Reports',
        'As a staff member, I want to be able to send and receive messages so that I can communicate effectively with the customers and the managers',
        'As a manager, I want to be able to send and receive messages so that I can communicate effectively with the customers and the managers',
        'Design Test Cases',
        'As a customer, I want to provide feedback on menu items so that I can contribute to improving the menu and share my experiences with the business',
        'As a manager, I want to manage a points-based rewards system so that I can engage customers and drive sales',
        'Should display the estimated preparation time, When selecting the option for immediate pickup',
        'Add multiple quantities of the same item from the product page!',
        'As a customer, I want to be able to send and receive messages so that I can communicate effectively with the staff members',
        'Design Test Framework and Strategy',
        'As a customer, I want to view and manage my points-based rewards section so that I can manage my points',
        'Error info when click booking button',
        'As a manager, I want to view management reports to gain insights into customer behaviour and preferences so that I can take informed business decisions',
        'As a customer, I want to view my past orders so that I can easily reorder favourite items and track my purchase history'
    'Developer': [
        'Cedar', 'Cedar', 'Cedar', 'Luke, Arjun', 
        'Luke, Arjun', 'Luke, Arjun', 'Luke, Arjun', 
        'Luke, Arjun', 'Luke, Arjun', 'Luke, Arjun', 
        'Luke, Arjun', 'Luke, Arjun', 'Luke, Arjun', 
        'Luke, Arjun', 'Luke, Arjun', 'Luke, Arjun'
    'Estimated Hours': [
        10, 10, 10, 11, 
        9, 9, 12, 9, 
        12, 10, 5, 5, 
        5, 5, 5, 5

# Create a DataFrame from the given data
sprint_5_df = pd.DataFrame(data_sprint_5)

# Dates for the sprint
dates_sprint_5 = pd.date_range(start="2024-06-05", end="2024-06-10")

# Initialize remaining hours with total estimated hours at the start of the sprint
total_hours_sprint_5 = sprint_5_df['Estimated Hours'].sum()
remaining_hours_sprint_5 = total_hours_sprint_5
actual_burndown_sprint_5 = [remaining_hours_sprint_5]

# Update remaining hours only when a task is completed
for i, row in sprint_5_df.iterrows():
    # For this example, assume all tasks are completed
    remaining_hours_sprint_5 -= row['Estimated Hours']

# Extend the actual burndown to match the length of the dates if needed
while len(actual_burndown_sprint_5) < len(dates_sprint_5) + 1:

# Ideal burndown calculation
ideal_burndown_sprint_5 = [total_hours_sprint_5 - (total_hours_sprint_5 / len(dates_sprint_5)) * i for i in range(len(dates_sprint_5))]

# Ensure the lengths are the same for plotting
if len(actual_burndown_sprint_5) > len(dates_sprint_5) + 1:
    actual_burndown_sprint_5 = actual_burndown_sprint_5[:len(dates_sprint_5) + 1]

# Plotting the Burndown Chart
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(dates_sprint_5, ideal_burndown_sprint_5, label='Ideal Burn Down', linestyle='--')
plt.plot(dates_sprint_5.insert(0, dates_sprint_5[0] - pd.Timedelta(days=1)), actual_burndown_sprint_5, label='Remaining Effort', marker='o')
plt.ylabel('Hours Remaining')
plt.title('Sprint 5 Burndown Chart')
plt.xticks(dates_sprint_5, rotation=45)
plt.yticks(range(0, total_hours_sprint_5 + 1, 5))







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