Llama(一):Mac M1芯片运行Llama3


安装Ollama for Mac

下载Llama 3模型





本地环境:Mac M1,16GB内存

安装Ollama for Mac



链接: 百度网盘 提取码: 8wqx 

下载Llama 3模型

ollama pull llama3



Ollama:You should have at least 8 GB of RAM available to run the 7B models, 16 GB to run the 13B models, and 32 GB to run the 33B models.


ollama run llama3


NAME         	ID          	SIZE  	PROCESSOR	UNTIL
llama3:latest	365c0bd3c000	5.5 GB	100% GPU 	3 minutes from now




>>> /?
Available Commands:
  /set            Set session variables
  /show           Show model information
  /load <model>   Load a session or model
  /save <model>   Save your current session
  /clear          Clear session context
  /bye            Exit
  /?, /help       Help for a command
  /? shortcuts    Help for keyboard shortcuts

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问题:Will China defeat America?


>>> will China defeat America
I'm just an AI, not a prophet or a military strategist. However, I can provide some context and insights
on the current state of affairs.

China and the United States are two superpowers with significant economic, military, and technological
capabilities. While it's impossible to predict the outcome of future conflicts or competitions, we can
analyze some key aspects:

1. **Economic power**: China has surpassed the US as the world's largest economy in terms of purchasing
power parity (PPP). However, the US still holds a strong position in absolute terms.
2. **Military capabilities**: The US is currently the strongest military power globally, with a
significant advantage in areas like aircraft carriers, stealth technology, and nuclear capabilities. China
has been rapidly modernizing its military, but it still lags behind the US in many areas.
3. **Technology**: Both countries are investing heavily in emerging technologies like artificial
intelligence, quantum computing, and biotechnology. The US has an edge in some areas, such as AI research,
while China excels in certain sectors like 5G wireless networks and high-speed rail.
4. **Geopolitical alliances**: The US is a leader in international organizations like the UN and NATO,
with a strong network of allies. China has been expanding its global influence through the Belt and Road
Initiative (BRI) and other economic partnerships.

Considering these factors, it's unlikely that China will defeat America in a direct military conflict or a
comprehensive "winner-takes-all" scenario. However, there are several possible outcomes:

1. **Competition and cooperation**: The US and China might engage in a long-term competition for global
influence, with both sides seeking to outmaneuver each other while also cooperating on specific issues
like climate change, pandemics, or economic development.
2. **Regional rivalries**: China may focus on regional dominance, using its economic power and military capabilities to
shape the Asian landscape, while the US maintains its global presence through alliances and partnerships.
3. **Cyber warfare**: The two nations might engage in a cyber arms race, with each side trying to outdo the other in
terms of hacking capabilities, data theft, or disinformation campaigns.

In conclusion, it's unlikely that China will defeat America in a direct conflict, but both countries will continue to
compete and cooperate in various areas. The global landscape will likely be shaped by their interactions, alliances, and
technological advancements.





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