




PMapper基于Python 3.5+开发,并使用了botocore库构建项目功能。除此之外,PMapper还需要pydot和graphviz这两个依赖组件,其中pydot可以通过pip安装,graphviz可以访问下列地址获取Windows、macOS和Linux版本:



由于该工具基于Python 3.5开发,因此我们首先需要在本地设备上安装并配置好Python 3.5+环境。接下来,广大研究人员可以使用下列方法完成工具的下载和安装。


pip install principalmapper



git clone


cd PMapper

pip install .



cd PMapper

docker build -t $TAG .

docker run -it $TAG

我们可以在调用docker run ...命令时,使用-e|--env或--env-file传递AWS_*环境变量,或使用-v加载你的~/.aws/目录,并使用AWS_CONFIG_FILE和AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE环境变量。


为目标账号创建一个有向图,并通过AWS CLI配置访问:

$ pmapper --profile skywalker graph create

# [... graph-creation output goes here ...]


$ pmapper --profile skywalker query 'who can do iam:CreateUser'

# [... query output goes here ...]


$ pmapper --account 000000000000 argquery -s --action 'ec2:RunInstances' --condition 'ec2:InstanceType=c6gd.16xlarge'

# [... query output goes here ...]


$ pmapper --account 000000000000 query -s 'preset privesc *'

# [... privesc report goes here ...]


$ pmapper --account 000000000000 visualize --filetype svg

# [... information output goes here, file created ...]





esteringer@ubuntu:~/Documents/projects/Skywalker$ python graph
Using profile: skywalker
Pulling data for account [REDACTED]
Using principal with ARN arn:aws:iam::[REDACTED]:user/TestingSkywalker
[+] Starting EC2 checks.
[+] Starting IAM checks.
[+] Starting Lambda checks.
[+] Starting CloudFormation checks.
[+] Completed CloudFormation checks.
[+] Completed EC2 checks.
[+] Completed Lambda checks.
[+] Completed IAM checks.
Created an AWS Graph with 16 nodes and 53 edges
AWSNode("arn:aws:iam::[REDACTED]:user/AdminUser", properties={u'is_admin': True, u'type': u'user'})
AWSNode("arn:aws:iam::[REDACTED]:user/EC2Manager", properties={u'is_admin': False, u'type': u'user'})
AWSNode("arn:aws:iam::[REDACTED]:user/LambdaDeveloper", properties={u'is_admin': False, u'type': u'user'})
AWSNode("arn:aws:iam::[REDACTED]:user/LambdaFullAccess", properties={u'is_admin': False, u'type': u'user'})
AWSNode("arn:aws:iam::[REDACTED]:user/PowerUser", properties={u'is_admin': False, u'rootstr': u'arn:aws:iam::[REDACTED]:root', u'type': u'user'})
AWSNode("arn:aws:iam::[REDACTED]:user/S3ManagementUser", properties={u'is_admin': False, u'type': u'user'})
AWSNode("arn:aws:iam::[REDACTED]:user/S3ReadOnly", properties={u'is_admin': False, u'type': u'user'})
AWSNode("arn:aws:iam::[REDACTED]:user/TestingSkywalker", properties={u'is_admin': False, u'type': u'user'})
AWSNode("arn:aws:iam::[REDACTED]:role/AssumableRole", properties={u'is_admin': False, u'type': u'role', u'name': u'AssumableRole'})
AWSNode("arn:aws:iam::[REDACTED]:role/EC2-Fleet-Manager", properties={u'is_admin': False, u'type': u'role', u'name': u'EC2-Fleet-Manager'})
AWSNode("arn:aws:iam::[REDACTED]:role/EC2Role-Admin", properties={u'is_admin': True, u'type': u'role', u'name': u'EC2Role-Admin'})
AWSNode("arn:aws:iam::[REDACTED]:role/EC2WithS3ReadOnly", properties={u'is_admin': False, u'type': u'role', u'name': u'EC2WithS3ReadOnly'})
AWSNode("arn:aws:iam::[REDACTED]:role/EMR-Service-Role", properties={u'is_admin': False, u'type': u'role', u'name': u'EMR-Service-Role'})
AWSNode("arn:aws:iam::[REDACTED]:role/LambdaRole-S3ReadOnly", properties={u'is_admin': False, u'type': u'role', u'name': u'LambdaRole-S3ReadOnly'})
AWSNode("arn:aws:iam::[REDACTED]:role/ReadOnlyWithLambda", properties={u'is_admin': False, u'type': u'role', u'name': u'ReadOnlyWithLambda'})
AWSNode("arn:aws:iam::[REDACTED]:role/UpdateCredentials", properties={u'is_admin': False, u'type': u'role', u'name': u'UpdateCredentials'})
(0,1,'ADMIN','can use existing administrative privileges to access')
(0,2,'ADMIN','can use existing administrative privileges to access')
(0,3,'ADMIN','can use existing administrative privileges to access')
(0,4,'ADMIN','can use existing administrative privileges to access')
(0,5,'ADMIN','can use existing administrative privileges to access')
(0,6,'ADMIN','can use existing administrative privileges to access')
(0,7,'ADMIN','can use existing administrative privileges to access')
(0,8,'ADMIN','can use existing administrative privileges to access')
(0,9,'ADMIN','can use existing administrative privileges to access')
(0,10,'ADMIN','can use existing administrative privileges to access')
(0,11,'ADMIN','can use existing administrative privileges to access')
(0,12,'ADMIN','can use existing administrative privileges to access')
(0,13,'ADMIN','can use existing administrative privileges to access')
(0,14,'ADMIN','can use existing administrative privileges to access')
(0,15,'ADMIN','can use existing administrative privileges to access')
(10,0,'ADMIN','can use existing administrative privileges to access')
(10,1,'ADMIN','can use existing administrative privileges to access')
(10,2,'ADMIN','can use existing administrative privileges to access')
(10,3,'ADMIN','can use existing administrative privileges to access')
(10,4,'ADMIN','can use existing administrative privileges to access')
(10,5,'ADMIN','can use existing administrative privileges to access')
(10,6,'ADMIN','can use existing administrative privileges to access')
(10,7,'ADMIN','can use existing administrative privileges to access')
(10,8,'ADMIN','can use existing administrative privileges to access')
(10,9,'ADMIN','can use existing administrative privileges to access')
(10,11,'ADMIN','can use existing administrative privileges to access')
(10,12,'ADMIN','can use existing administrative privileges to access')
(10,13,'ADMIN','can use existing administrative privileges to access')
(10,14,'ADMIN','can use existing administrative privileges to access')
(10,15,'ADMIN','can use existing administrative privileges to access')
(1,9,'EC2_USEPROFILE','can create an EC2 instance and use an existing instance profile to access')
(1,10,'EC2_USEPROFILE','can create an EC2 instance and use an existing instance profile to access')
(1,11,'EC2_USEPROFILE','can create an EC2 instance and use an existing instance profile to access')
(4,9,'EC2_USEPROFILE','can create an EC2 instance and use an existing instance profile to access')
(4,10,'EC2_USEPROFILE','can create an EC2 instance and use an existing instance profile to access')
(4,11,'EC2_USEPROFILE','can create an EC2 instance and use an existing instance profile to access')
(3,13,'LAMBDA_CREATEFUNCTION','can create a Lambda function and pass an execution role to access')
(3,14,'LAMBDA_CREATEFUNCTION','can create a Lambda function and pass an execution role to access')
(3,15,'LAMBDA_CREATEFUNCTION','can create a Lambda function and pass an execution role to access')
(9,10,'EC2_USEPROFILE','can create an EC2 instance and use an existing instance profile to access')
(4,13,'LAMBDA_CREATEFUNCTION','can create a Lambda function and pass an execution role to access')
(9,11,'EC2_USEPROFILE','can create an EC2 instance and use an existing instance profile to access')
(4,8,'STS_ASSUMEROLE','can use STS to assume the role')
(4,14,'LAMBDA_CREATEFUNCTION','can create a Lambda function and pass an execution role to access')
(4,15,'LAMBDA_CREATEFUNCTION','can create a Lambda function and pass an execution role to access')
(15,0,'IAM_CREATEKEY','can create access keys with IAM to access')
(15,1,'IAM_CREATEKEY','can create access keys with IAM to access')
(15,2,'IAM_CREATEKEY','can create access keys with IAM to access')
(15,3,'IAM_CREATEKEY','can create access keys with IAM to access')
(15,4,'IAM_CREATEKEY','can create access keys with IAM to access')
(15,5,'IAM_CREATEKEY','can create access keys with IAM to access')
(15,6,'IAM_CREATEKEY','can create access keys with IAM to access')
(15,7,'IAM_CREATEKEY','can create access keys with IAM to access')


esteringer@ubuntu:~/Documents/projects/Skywalker$ ./ --profile skywalker query "who can do s3:GetObject with *"
user/AdminUser can do s3:GetObject with *
user/EC2Manager can do s3:GetObject with * through role/EC2Role-Admin
   user/EC2Manager can create an EC2 instance and use an existing instance profile to access role/EC2Role-Admin
role/EC2Role-Admin can do s3:GetObject with *
user/LambdaFullAccess can do s3:GetObject with *
user/PowerUser can do s3:GetObject with *
user/S3ManagementUser can do s3:GetObject with *
user/S3ReadOnly can do s3:GetObject with *
user/TestingSkywalker can do s3:GetObject with *
role/EC2-Fleet-Manager can do s3:GetObject with * through role/EC2Role-Admin
 role/EC2-Fleet-Manager can create an EC2 instance and use an existing instance profile to access role/EC2Role-Admin
role/EC2Role-Admin can do s3:GetObject with *
role/EC2Role-Admin can do s3:GetObject with *
role/EC2WithS3ReadOnly can do s3:GetObject with *
role/EMR-Service-Role can do s3:GetObject with *
role/LambdaRole-S3ReadOnly can do s3:GetObject with *
role/UpdateCredentials can do s3:GetObject with * through user/AdminUser
 role/UpdateCredentials can create access keys with IAM to access user/AdminUser
user/AdminUser can do s3:GetObject with *


esteringer@ubuntu:~/Documents/projects/Skywalker$ ./ --profile skywalker query "preset priv_esc user/PowerUser"
Discovered a potential path to change privileges:
user/PowerUser can change privileges because:
 user/PowerUser can access role/EC2Role-Admin because: 
  user/PowerUser can create an EC2 instance and use an existing instance profile to access role/EC2Role-Admin
 and role/EC2Role-Admin can change its own privileges.









目录 1.什么是C 2.C的标准库 3.命名空间 3.1为什么要存在命名空间 3.2命名空间的定义 3.3命名空间的使用 3.3.1域作用限定符 3.3.2using关键字引入某个成员 3.3.3using关键字引入命名空间名称 3.4命名空间的嵌套 3.5命名空间的合并 4.C中的输入与输出 1.什么是C C&am…


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一.ffmpeg 将内存中的H264跟PCM 数据流合成多媒体文件

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