你是一家新市图书馆的经理。 图书馆拥有大量藏书和不断增长的会员。 为了使图书馆管理更加容易,现在创建一个图书馆管理系统。 图书馆管理系统应具备以下功能:
1.图书管理:系统应该能够向图书馆添加新图书。 每本书都有唯一的书名、作者和 ISBN 号。 系统还应该能够显示和更新有关特定书籍的信息。
2.会员管理:系统应该能够向图书馆添加新的会员。 每个会员都有唯一的姓名和会员号。 系统还应该能够显示和更新有关特定成员的信息。
3、图书借还:系统应该能够向会员借书。 图书借阅时,应标记为“已借”,并在借阅图书列表中列出借阅该图书的会员。 该系统还应该能够管理图书的归还。
注意:整个Bootstrapper.cs文件,是负责应用程序初始化(用Application Library构建)
- 注册视图模型 通过调用Container.RegisterTypeForNavigation方法,将视图模型与视图进行关联。这样在导航到特定视图时,相应的视图模型也会被自动创建。
- 注册服务 使用Unity容器(或其他依赖注入容器)注册应用程序所需的各种服务,如数据访问服务、日志服务、配置服务等。这些服务可以在整个应用程序中共享和重用。
- 配置区域(Regions) 为应用程序中的区域(如菜单、工具栏、主内容区等)注册相应的行为,例如注册导航服务、事件聚合等。
- 配置模块目录 设置模块目录的位置,用于查找和加载应用程序的模块。
- 配置设置 配置全局设置,如设置Shell窗口的启动位置、大小等。
- 注册事件聚合器 注册一个事件聚合器,用于发布和订阅跨模块的事件。
- 初始化Shell 配置应用程序的Shell,作为主窗口显示。
- 需要共享的所有数据逻辑(包含各个业务模块):
- 比如当我们建立一个图书馆系统,我们希望用户在自己用户界面能看到自己借书情况,在书籍页面可以看到书籍的在借状态,也就是说书籍信息和用户信息要实现共享,那如何实现呢?
- Bootstrapper.cs中的configure函数中引入,以保证实现数据信息的共享:
- 还包括其他页面的信息共享,主视图(ShellViewModel),header视图(HeaderViewModel)
protected override void Configure()
this.container.Singleton<IStatusBar, StatusBarViewModel>();
this.container.Singleton<IHeader, HeaderViewModel>();
this.container.Singleton<IShell, ShellViewModel>();
2. 分别创建Book和User的类(class)
Book类: 每本书都有唯一的书名、作者和 ISBN 号。 系统还应该能够显示和更新有关特定书籍的信息。注意,因为书名是唯一的,所以会定义在constructor里。
namespace LibraryManagementSystem.Basics
/// <summary>
/// Implements a class to
/// </summary>
public class Book
#region Fields
#region Constructor
/// <summary>
/// Initiates a class of the type <see cref="Book"/>
/// </summary>
public Book(string title)
this.Title = title;
#region Properties
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Author { get; set; }
public string ISBN { get; set; }
public Status BookStatus { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
#region Methods
public bool SetBookStatus(Status status)
this.BookStatus = status;
return true;
namespace LibraryManagementSystem.Basics
/// <summary>
/// Implements a class to
/// </summary>
public class User
#region Fields
#region Constructor
/// <summary>
/// Initiates a class of the type <see cref="User"/>
/// </summary>
public User(string name)
this.Name = name;
#region Properties
public string Name { get; set; }
public Book BorrowedBook { get; set; }
public int UserID { get; set; }
namespace LibraryManagementSystem.Basics
/// <summary>
/// Implements a class to
/// </summary>
public class Library
#region Constructor
public Library()
this.Books = new ObservableCollection<Book>();
this.Users = new ObservableCollection<User>();
#region Properties
public ObservableCollection<User> Users { get; set; }
public ObservableCollection<Book> Books { get; set; }
#region Methods
public bool AddOneBook(string title, string author, string isbn, Status status)
if (Books == null)
Books = new ObservableCollection<Book>();
var newBook = new Book(title)
Author = author,
ISBN = isbn,
BookStatus = status
return true;
public bool SetOneBook(Book book, string newTitle, string newISBN, string newAuthor, Status newStatus)
if (Books == null || Books.Count == 0)
return false;
book.ISBN = newISBN;
book.Author = newAuthor;
book.BookStatus = newStatus;
return true;
public bool DeleteSelectedBook(Book book)
if (book == null)
return false;
if(!Books.Contains(book)||Books == null)
return false;
book = null;
return true;
public bool AddOneUser(string name, int userID, Book borrowedBook)
if (Users == null)
Users = new ObservableCollection<User>();
var newUser = new User(name)
UserID = userID,
BorrowedBook = borrowedBook,
return true;
public bool DeleteSelectedUser(User user)
if (user == null)
return false;
if (!Users.Contains(user) || Users == null)
return false;
user = null;
return true;
public ObservableCollection<Book> GetAllBooks()
return Books;
3. 结合BookView和UserView的视图
public class BookViewModel: ViewAware
#region Fields
#region Constructor
public BookViewModel(Library library)
this.Library = library;
this.NewBook = new Book("");
StatusList = new ObservableCollection<Status>(Enum.GetValues(typeof(Status)).Cast<Status>());
#region Properties
public Book NewBook { get; set; }
public ObservableCollection<Status> StatusList { get; set; }
public Library Library { get; set; }
public Book SelectedBook { get; set; }
#region Methods
public bool AddOneBook()
return Library.AddOneBook(this.NewBook.Title,this.NewBook.Author,this.NewBook.ISBN,this.NewBook.BookStatus);
public string GetOneBook(string title)
return Library.GetOneBook(title);
//public bool SetOneBook(Book book, string newTitle, string newAuthor, string newISBN, Status newStatus)
// return Library.SetOneBook(book, newTitle, newAuthor, newISBN, newStatus);
public bool SetOneBook(Book book, string newTitle, string newAuthor, string newISBN, Status newStatus)
return Library.SetOneBook(book, newTitle, newAuthor, newISBN, newStatus);
public bool DeleteSelectedBook()
return Library.DeleteSelectedBook(SelectedBook);
public class UserViewModel : ViewAware
#region Fields
private Library library;
#region Constructor
/// <summary>
/// Initiates a class of the type <see cref="UserViewModel"/>
/// </summary>
public UserViewModel(Library library)
this.Library = library;
this.NewUser = new User("");
this.SelectedUser = this.NewUser;
this.AllBooks = new ObservableCollection<Book>(); // Initialize AllBooks
#region Properties
public User NewUser { get; set; }
public User SelectedUser { get; set; }
public Library Library { get { return library; } set { library = value; } }
public ObservableCollection<Book> AllBooks { get; set; }
public Book SelectedBook { get; set; }
#region Methods
public bool AddOneUser()
return Library.AddOneUser(this.NewUser.Name, this.NewUser.UserID, SelectedBook);
public bool DeleteSelectedUser()
return Library.DeleteSelectedUser(SelectedUser);
<ux:InplaceTabBar Grid.Row="1" >
<TabItem Header="{x:Static res:Resources.ViewBooks}" >
<Book:BookView x:Name="BookVM"/>
<TabItem Header="{x:Static res:Resources.ViewUsers}" >
<User:UserView x:Name="UserVM"/>
private Library library;
public Library Library { get { return library; } set { library = value; } }
和 public Library SelectedLibrary { get; set; } 是一致的