「每日跟读」英语常用句型公式 第15篇


「每日跟读」英语常用句型公式 第15篇

1. It’s only logical that __


It’s only logical that we should take a break (合理的做法是我们应该休息一下)

It’s only logical that we work hard to make money(合理的做法是我们努力工作去赚钱)

It’s only logical that we save half of our salary (合理的做法是我们存下一半的工资)

It’s only logical that if you want to improve your English, you should practice speaking every day.(合理的做法是如果你想提高英语,你应该每天练习说英语)

It’s only logical that if you’re planning a trip, you should check the weather forecast.(合理的做法是如果你计划旅行,你应该查看天气预报)

It’s only logical that we should invest in our education to have better job opportunities in the future.(合理的做法是我们应该在教育上投资,以便将来有更好的工作机会)

2. Bear in mind that __

要注意/请记住 __

Bear in mind that the deadline is approaching.(要注意截止日期快到了)

Bear in mind that prices may vary(要注意价格可能会有变化

Bear in mind that practice makes perfect (请记住熟能生巧

Bear in mind that the rules apply to everyone.(请记住规则对每个人都适用)

Bear in mind that first impressions are important.(要注意第一印象很重要)

Bear in mind that your safety is paramount.(要记住你的安全是最重要的)

3. In the grand scheme of things, __


In the grand scheme of things, this is not a big deal (总体来看的话,这没什么大不了的)

In the grand scheme of things, one day is just a blink of an eye. (总体来看的话,一天只是一眨眼的时间。)

In the grand scheme of things, we are all just tiny specks of dust in the universe. (总体来看的话,在宇宙中我们都只是微不足道的尘埃。)

In the grand scheme of things, our differences are minor compared to our similarities. (总体来看的话,我们之间的差异与我们的相似之处相比微不足道。)

In the grand scheme of things, a single failure does not define a person’s worth. (总体来看的话,一次失败并不能定义一个人的价值。)

In the grand scheme of things, a small act of kindness can have a big impact. (总体来看的话,一个小的善举可能会产生巨大的影响。)

4. In the eyes of many, __.

在很多人看来, __

In the eyes of many, she’s very successful(在很多人看来,她非常的成功)

In the eyes of many, this is a historical moment. (在很多人看来,这是历史性的时刻。)

In the eyes of many, this decision is unfair. (在很多人看来,这个决定不公平。)

In the eyes of many, he’s a genius when it comes to music. (在很多人看来,他在音乐方面是个天才。)

In the eyes of many, this book is a must-read for students. (在很多人看来,这本书是学生必读的。)

In the eyes of many, Shanghai is too fast paced (在很多人看来,上海太快节奏了

5. I’ve been deliberating on whether to __


I’ve been deliberating on whether to go on this road trip(我一直在纠结该不该去这个自驾游)

I’ve been deliberating on whether to start a business(我一直在纠结该不该创业)

I’ve been deliberating on whether to switch career (我一直在纠结该不该转行)

I’ve been deliberating on whether to change my major. (我一直在纠结该不该换专业。)

I’ve been deliberating on whether to go vegetarian. (我一直在纠结该不该吃素。)

I’ve been deliberating on whether to buy a house or rent an apartment. (我一直在纠结该不该买房还是租房。)

6. I prefer __ over __

我更喜欢 __ 而不是__

I prefer hiking over sitting at home (我更喜欢徒步旅行 而不是待在家里)

I prefer cooking at home over eating out (我更喜欢在家做饭 而不是在外面吃)

I prefer classical music over pop music (我更喜欢古典音乐 而不是流行音乐)

I prefer books over electronic readers (我更喜欢纸质书 而不是电子书阅读器)

I prefer the countryside over the city (我更喜欢乡村 而不是城市)

I prefer sunset over sunrise (我更喜欢日落 而不是日出)

7. I’m a big fan of __

我超级喜欢__ / 我是__的忠实粉丝

I’m a big fan of science fiction novels. (我超级喜欢科幻小说)

I’m a big fan of traveling to new places. (我超级喜欢去新地方旅行)

I’m a big fan of painting and art. (我超级喜欢绘画和艺术)

I’m a big fan of nature photography. (我超级喜欢自然摄影)

I’m a big fan of the outdoors and hiking. (我超级喜欢户外活动和徒步)

I’m a big fan of sports cars (我超级喜欢跑车)

8. I’m not a fan of __


I’m not a fan of animals (我不太喜欢动物)

I’m not a fan of horror movies. (我不太喜欢恐怖片)

I’m not a fan of the cold weather. (我不太喜欢寒冷的天气)

I’m not a fan of early morning workouts. (我不太喜欢清晨锻炼)

I’m not a fan of crowds and noisy places. (我不太喜欢人群和嘈杂的地方)

I’m not a fan of reading (我不太喜欢阅读)

9. If it were up to me,I would/I wouldn’t __


If it were up to me, I would/wouldn’t accept that job offer. (如果是我的话,我会/我不会接受那个工作邀请。)

If it were up to me, I would/wouldn’t start the project tomorrow. (如果是我的话,我会/我不会明天开始这个项目。)

If it were up to me, I would/wouldn’t stay up late tonight. (如果是我的话,我会/我不会今晚熬夜。)

If it were up to me, I would/wouldn’t spend more time with family(如果是我的话,我会/我不会多陪家人) spend time with ___ = 陪 _____

If it were up to me, I would/wouldn’t sleep in(如果是我的话,我会/我不会睡懒觉/赖床

If it were up to me, I would/wouldn’t pull an all-nighter(如果是我的话,我会/我不会通宵

10. I find it relaxing to __


I find it relaxing to read a good book in a quiet corner.(在安静的角落读一本好书让我很放松)

I find it relaxing to go for a swim in the ocean.(在大海里游泳让我很放松)

I find it relaxing to paint or draw.(画画或素描让我很放松)

I find it relaxing to meditate in the morning.(早上冥想让我很放松)

I find it relaxing to watch documentaries (看纪录片让我很放松)

I find it relaxing to take a bath(泡澡让我很放松) 区分:take a shower 冲澡





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