- RK提供了两个模型,mobilenet和YOLO5。
- mobilenet模型相对小,使用起来不是很明显
- yolo5模型大一些,可以对88种目标进行检测,提供检测的结果包括类别、包围框坐标、可信度等信息。基于rknn_yolov5_demo进行分析。
- rknn_yolov5_demo基本信息
- 代码位置:hardware/rockchip/rknpu2/examples/rknn_yolov5_demo
- 编译脚本
- build-android_RK3588.sh
- 使用cmake编译
- CMakeLists.txt
- 编译源文件
头文件在include目录,源代码有两.cc文件92 # rknn_yolov5_demo 93 include_directories( ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include) 94 95 add_executable(rknn_yolov5_demo 96 src/main.cc 97 src/postprocess.cc 98 ) 99 100 target_link_libraries(rknn_yolov5_demo 101 ${RKNN_RT_LIB} 102 ${RGA_LIB} 103 ${OpenCV_LIBS} 104 )
- 依赖库有rknn_rt、rga、opencv
26 # rknn api 27 if(TARGET_SOC STREQUAL "rk356x") 28 set(RKNN_API_PATH ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../../runtime/RK356X/${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}/librknn_api) 29 elseif(TARGET_SOC STREQUAL "rk3588") 30 set(RKNN_API_PATH ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../../runtime/RK3588/${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}/librknn_api) 31 else() 32 message(FATAL_ERROR "TARGET_SOC is not set, ref value: rk356x or rk3588 or rv110x") 33 endif() 34 35 if (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Android") 36 set(RKNN_RT_LIB ${RKNN_API_PATH}/${CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH_ABI}/librknnrt.so) 37 else() 38 set(RKNN_RT_LIB ${RKNN_API_PATH}/${LIB_ARCH}/librknnrt.so) 39 endif() 40 include_directories(${RKNN_API_PATH}/include) 41 include_directories(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../3rdparty) 42 43 # opencv 44 if (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Android") 45 set(OpenCV_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../3rdparty/opencv/OpenCV-android-sdk/sdk/native/jni/abi-${CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH_ABI}) 46 else() 47 if(LIB_ARCH STREQUAL "armhf") 48 set(OpenCV_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../3rdparty/opencv/opencv-linux-armhf/share/OpenCV) 49 else() 50 set(OpenCV_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../3rdparty/opencv/opencv-linux-aarch64/share/OpenCV) 51 endif() 52 endif() 53 find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED) 54 55 #rga 56 if(TARGET_SOC STREQUAL "rk356x") 57 set(RGA_PATH ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../3rdparty/rga/RK356X) 58 elseif(TARGET_SOC STREQUAL "rk3588") 59 set(RGA_PATH ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../3rdparty/rga/RK3588) 60 else() 61 message(FATAL_ERROR "TARGET_SOC is not set, ref value: rk356x or rk3588") 62 endif() 63 if (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Android") 64 set(RGA_LIB ${RGA_PATH}/lib/Android/${CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH_ABI}/librga.so) 65 else() 66 set(RGA_LIB ${RGA_PATH}/lib/Linux//${LIB_ARCH}/librga.so) 67 endif() 68 include_directories( ${RGA_PATH}/include)
- rknn_rt:rknn的runtime环境,有这个库yolo5就能运行起来
- rga:图像缩放和颜色空间转换,例如YUV到RGB
- opencv:支持图像压缩算法,比如jpg、png等等,支持图像文件载入比如bmp等等
- rga和opencv提供的是对yolo5输入和输出图像的支持,并非必须
- 编译源文件
- build-android_RK3588.sh
- yolo5应用移植
移植yolo5应用,从camera采集图像,用yolo5对图像进行检测,得到图像中"人"类别的信息 -
前面分析过,只有两个.cc文件,头文件在include中寻找,根据需要添加- main.cc
需要规整为一个C++的类 - postprocess.cc
- main.cc
创建class AiAlgoYolo5
class AiAlgoYolo5 : public webrtc::test::VideoFrameSubscriber { public: AiAlgoYolo5(int source_id); virtual ~AiAlgoYolo5(); int start(int source_id); void stop(); void dump_tensor_attr(rknn_tensor_attr *attr); uint8_t *load_data(FILE *fp, size_t ofst, size_t sz); uint8_t *load_model(const char *filename, int *model_size); int saveFloat(const char *file_name, float *output, int element_size); virtual void OnFrame(const webrtc::VideoFrame &) override; virtual void OnFrame(BOOAT::SharedBufferPtr &videoFrame) override; virtual void CleanFrame() override; int DealOneFrame(); private: std::shared_ptr<std::thread> _th{nullptr}; ThreadQueue<webrtc::VideoFrame> _qu; ThreadQueue<BOOAT::SharedBufferPtr> _bufferQ; bool _is_stop{ true }; int _source_id; int _width; int _height; unsigned char *model_data; rknn_context ctx; rknn_input_output_num io_num; int yolo_input_channel; int yolo_input_width; int yolo_input_height; rknn_input inputs[YOLO5_INPUT_NUMBER]; rknn_output outputs[YOLO5_OUTPUT_NUMBER]; rknn_tensor_attr input_attrs[YOLO5_INPUT_NUMBER]; rknn_tensor_attr output_attrs[YOLO5_OUTPUT_NUMBER]; void *resize_buf; private: uint64_t _frame_num; };
- start()准备运行环境 - DealOneFrame()采集一张camera图像,完成一帧检测工作,可以多次检测 - stop()退出运行环境
- start()实现
int AiAlgoYolo5::start(int source_id) { int ret = 0; LOGD("===>>>IN \t[%s] \r\n", __FUNCTION__); LOGD("AiAlgoYolo5::start(): _source_id = [ %d ].\r\n", _source_id); /* Create the neural network */ LOGD("Loading mode...\n"); char model_name[80] = "/vendor/bin/yolo5/yolov5s-640-640.rknn"; int model_data_size = 0; model_data = load_model(model_name, &model_data_size); ret = rknn_init(&ctx, model_data, model_data_size, 0, NULL); if (ret < 0) { LOGE("AiAlgoYolo5 start rknn_init error ret=%d\n", ret); return -1; } rknn_sdk_version version; ret = rknn_query(ctx, RKNN_QUERY_SDK_VERSION, &version, sizeof(rknn_sdk_version)); if (ret < 0) { LOGE("AiAlgoYolo5 start rknn_init error ret=%d\n", ret); return -1; } LOGD("AiAlgoYolo5 start sdk version: %s driver version: %s\n", version.api_version, version.drv_version); ret = rknn_query(ctx, RKNN_QUERY_IN_OUT_NUM, &io_num, sizeof(io_num)); if (ret < 0) { LOGE("AiAlgoYolo5 start rknn_init error ret=%d\n", ret); return -1; } if ((io_num.n_input != YOLO5_INPUT_NUMBER) || (io_num.n_output != YOLO5_OUTPUT_NUMBER)) { LOGE("AiAlgoYolo5 start model error input num: %d, output num: %d\n", io_num.n_input, io_num.n_output); } else { LOGD("AiAlgoYolo5 start model input num: %d, output num: %d\n", io_num.n_input, io_num.n_output); } memset(input_attrs, 0, sizeof(input_attrs)); for (int i = 0; i < io_num.n_input; i++) { input_attrs[i].index = i; ret = rknn_query(ctx, RKNN_QUERY_INPUT_ATTR, &(input_attrs[i]), sizeof(rknn_tensor_attr)); if (ret < 0) { LOGE("AiAlgoYolo5 start rknn_init error ret=%d\n", ret); return -1; } dump_tensor_attr(&(input_attrs[i])); } memset(output_attrs, 0, sizeof(output_attrs)); for (int i = 0; i < io_num.n_output; i++) { output_attrs[i].index = i; ret = rknn_query(ctx, RKNN_QUERY_OUTPUT_ATTR, &(output_attrs[i]), sizeof(rknn_tensor_attr)); dump_tensor_attr(&(output_attrs[i])); } if (input_attrs[0].fmt == RKNN_TENSOR_NCHW) { LOGD("AiAlgoYolo5 start model is NCHW input fmt\n"); yolo_input_channel = input_attrs[0].dims[1]; yolo_input_height = input_attrs[0].dims[2]; yolo_input_width = input_attrs[0].dims[3]; } else { LOGD("AiAlgoYolo5 start model is NHWC input fmt\n"); yolo_input_height = input_attrs[0].dims[1]; yolo_input_width = input_attrs[0].dims[2]; yolo_input_channel = input_attrs[0].dims[3]; } LOGD("AiAlgoYolo5 start model input height=%d, width=%d, channel=%d\n", yolo_input_height, yolo_input_width, yolo_input_channel); memset(inputs, 0, sizeof(inputs)); inputs[0].index = 0; inputs[0].type = RKNN_TENSOR_UINT8; inputs[0].size = yolo_input_width * yolo_input_height * yolo_input_channel; inputs[0].fmt = RKNN_TENSOR_NHWC; inputs[0].pass_through = 0; resize_buf = malloc(640 * 640 * 3); LOGD("===<<<OUT \t[%s] \r\n", __FUNCTION__); return ret; } ``` rknn_init,加载模型yolov5s-640-640.rknn rknn_query,获取模型中参数信息,进行相应的准备工作,比如input,output。 - stop()实现 ``` void AiAlgoYolo5::stop() { LOGD("===>>>IN \t[%s] \r\n", __FUNCTION__); deinitPostProcess(); // release rknn_destroy(ctx); if (model_data) { free(model_data); model_data = nullptr; } if (resize_buf) { free(resize_buf); resize_buf = nullptr; } LOGD("===<<<OUT \t[%s] \r\n", __FUNCTION__); } ``` rknn_destroy,环境退出,资源释放 - DealOneFrame()实现
int AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame()
uint64_t start_time, stop_time, scal_start_time, scal_stop_time;
char text[256];
bool flag = false;
int ret = 0;const float nms_threshold = NMS_THRESH; const float box_conf_threshold = BOX_THRESH; rga_buffer_t src; rga_buffer_t dst; im_rect src_rect; im_rect dst_rect; memset(&src_rect, 0, sizeof(src_rect)); memset(&dst_rect, 0, sizeof(dst_rect)); memset(&src, 0, sizeof(src)); memset(&dst, 0, sizeof(dst)); // 这一段是从camera获取nv12实时图像的代码,依赖图像获取class,开始 _bufferQ.clear(); BOOAT::SharedBufferPtr frame = _bufferQ.pop(flag, std::chrono::milliseconds(1000));//ms //LOGD("AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame _source_id %d flag %d", _source_id, flag); if (flag) { MP::VideoBufferParam *pBufInfo = static_cast<MP::VideoBufferParam *>(frame->getParam()); uint8_t *nv12Data = pBufInfo->yuvPtr; //LOGD("AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame _source_id %d [%d %d] data %p", _source_id, pBufInfo->width, pBufInfo->height, nv12Data); _width = pBufInfo->width; _height = pBufInfo->height; // 这一段是从camera获取nv12实时图像的代码,依赖图像获取class,结束 // 这一段是从camera获取到的nv12图像缩放到640x640的RGB图像,用到了rga,结束 scal_start_time = AiGetTimeMs(); //LOGD("AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame scal_start_time %ld", scal_start_time); if (_width != yolo_input_width || _height != yolo_input_height) { //LOGD("AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame resize with RGA!\n"); if (resize_buf) { memset(resize_buf, 0x00, yolo_input_height * yolo_input_width * yolo_input_channel); } else { LOGE("AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame %d, resize_buf check error!", __LINE__); return -1; } src = wrapbuffer_virtualaddr((void *)nv12Data, _width, _height, RK_FORMAT_YCbCr_420_SP); dst = wrapbuffer_virtualaddr((void *)resize_buf, yolo_input_width, yolo_input_height, RK_FORMAT_RGB_888); ret = imcheck(src, dst, src_rect, dst_rect); if (IM_STATUS_NOERROR != ret) { LOGE("AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame %d, check error! %s", __LINE__, imStrError((IM_STATUS)ret)); return -1; } IM_STATUS STATUS = imresize(src, dst); inputs[0].buf = resize_buf; } else { inputs[0].buf = (void *)nv12Data; } scal_stop_time = AiGetTimeMs(); //LOGD("AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame scal_stop_time %ld", scal_stop_time); LOGD("AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame scal once run use %ld ms", (scal_stop_time - scal_start_time)); // 这一段是从camera获取到的nv12图像缩放到640x640的RGB图像,用到了rga库,结束 // 这一段是yolo运行检测,开始 start_time = AiGetTimeMs(); //LOGD("AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame start_time %ld", start_time); rknn_inputs_set(ctx, io_num.n_input, inputs); memset(outputs, 0, sizeof(outputs)); for (int i = 0; i < io_num.n_output; i++) { outputs[i].want_float = 0; } ret = rknn_run(ctx, NULL); ret = rknn_outputs_get(ctx, io_num.n_output, outputs, NULL); stop_time = AiGetTimeMs(); //LOGD("AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame stop_time %ld", stop_time); LOGD("AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame once run use %ld ms", (stop_time - start_time)); // 这一段是yolo运行检测,结束 // 这一段对yolo检测结果分析,目前只关心person类别,开始 // post process float scale_w = (float)yolo_input_width / _width; float scale_h = (float)yolo_input_height / _height; detect_result_group_t detect_result_group; std::vector<float> out_scales; std::vector<int32_t> out_zps; for (int i = 0; i < io_num.n_output; ++i) { out_scales.push_back(output_attrs[i].scale); out_zps.push_back(output_attrs[i].zp); } post_process((int8_t *)outputs[0].buf, (int8_t *)outputs[1].buf, (int8_t *)outputs[2].buf, yolo_input_height, yolo_input_width, box_conf_threshold, nms_threshold, scale_w, scale_h, out_zps, out_scales, &detect_result_group); for (int i = 0; i < detect_result_group.count; i++) { detect_result_t *det_result = &(detect_result_group.results[i]); if (strcmp(det_result->name, "person") == 0) { sprintf(text, "%.1f%%", det_result->prop * 100); LOGD("AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame %s @ (%d %d %d %d) %f\n", det_result->name, det_result->box.left, det_result->box.top, det_result->box.right, det_result->box.bottom, det_result->prop); } } } // 这一段对yolo检测结果分析,目前只关心person类别,结束 return 0;
cc_library_static { name: "libAiAlgo", local_include_dirs: [ "api/", "base/", "base/media_base/", "base/log/include/", "modules/ai_algo/include/", ], include_dirs: [ "hardware/rockchip/librga/include/", "hardware/rockchip/librga/im2d_api/", ], srcs: [ "modules/ai_algo/src/ai_algo_yolo5.cpp", "modules/ai_algo/src/postprocess.cpp", ], shared_libs: [ "librga", "libyuv", "librknnrt", ], cflags: [ "-g", "-fexceptions", "-Wno-unused-variable", "-Wno-unused-function", "-Wno-unused-parameter", "-Wno-format", ], }
同事配合,每次都能检测到他,只漏出身体一小部分也能行,效只漏出身体一小部分也能行,可以的:DealOneFrame person @ (996 3 2136 1329) 0.71133904-03 15:45:50.027 13755 13760 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::OnFrame bufsid 1 sid 1, [3840 2160] 04-03 15:45:50.027 13755 13755 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame _source_id 1 [3840 2160] data 0x7367a42000 04-03 15:45:50.027 13755 13755 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame scal_start_time 1712130350027 04-03 15:45:50.035 13755 13755 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame scal_stop_time 1712130350035 04-03 15:45:50.035 13755 13755 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame scal once run use 8 ms 04-03 15:45:50.035 13755 13755 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame start_time 1712130350035 04-03 15:45:50.044 13755 13760 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::OnFrame bufsid 1 sid 1, [3840 2160] 04-03 15:45:50.061 13755 13755 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame stop_time 1712130350061 04-03 15:45:50.061 13755 13755 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame once run use 26 ms 04-03 15:45:50.061 13755 13760 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::OnFrame bufsid 1 sid 1, [3840 2160] 04-03 15:45:50.061 13755 13755 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame person @ (750 0 1650 1370) 0.356758 04-03 15:45:51.211 13755 13760 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::OnFrame bufsid 1 sid 1, [3840 2160] 04-03 15:45:51.211 13755 13755 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame _source_id 1 [3840 2160] data 0x73708a4000 04-03 15:45:51.211 13755 13755 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame scal_start_time 1712130351211 04-03 15:45:51.219 13755 13755 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame scal_stop_time 1712130351219 04-03 15:45:51.219 13755 13755 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame scal once run use 8 ms 04-03 15:45:51.219 13755 13755 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame start_time 1712130351219 04-03 15:45:51.228 13755 13760 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::OnFrame bufsid 1 sid 1, [3840 2160] 04-03 15:45:51.242 13755 13755 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame stop_time 1712130351242 04-03 15:45:51.242 13755 13755 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame once run use 23 ms 04-03 15:45:51.242 13755 13755 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame person @ (996 3 2136 1329) 0.711339 04-03 15:45:51.244 13755 13760 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::OnFrame bufsid 1 sid 1, [3840 2160] 04-03 15:45:52.244 13755 13755 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame _source_id 1 [3840 2160] data 0x7372848000 04-03 15:45:52.244 13755 13755 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame scal_start_time 1712130352244 04-03 15:45:52.253 13755 13755 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame scal_stop_time 1712130352253 04-03 15:45:52.253 13755 13755 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame scal once run use 9 ms 04-03 15:45:52.253 13755 13755 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame start_time 1712130352253 04-03 15:45:52.261 13755 13760 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::OnFrame bufsid 1 sid 1, [3840 2160] 04-03 15:45:52.277 13755 13755 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame stop_time 1712130352277 04-03 15:45:52.277 13755 13755 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame once run use 24 ms 04-03 15:45:52.277 13755 13755 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame person @ (2040 0 3012 1356) 0.641171 04-03 15:45:53.296 13755 13760 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::OnFrame bufsid 1 sid 1, [3840 2160] 04-03 15:45:53.296 13755 13755 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame _source_id 1 [3840 2160] data 0x7363afa000 04-03 15:45:53.296 13755 13755 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame scal_start_time 1712130353296 04-03 15:45:53.306 13755 13755 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame scal_stop_time 1712130353306 04-03 15:45:53.306 13755 13755 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame scal once run use 10 ms 04-03 15:45:53.306 13755 13755 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame start_time 1712130353306 04-03 15:45:53.314 13755 13760 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::OnFrame bufsid 1 sid 1, [3840 2160] 04-03 15:45:53.330 13755 13755 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame stop_time 1712130353330 04-03 15:45:53.330 13755 13755 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame once run use 24 ms 04-03 15:45:53.330 13755 13755 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame person @ (1524 13 2610 1373) 0.404886
- 性能
采集图像的缩放,从4k到640x640用rga实现,耗时11ms04-02 19:14:24.590 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame scal once run use 10 ms 04-02 19:14:24.613 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame once run use 23 ms 04-02 19:14:25.640 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame scal once run use 11 ms 04-02 19:14:25.661 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame once run use 21 ms 04-02 19:14:26.673 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame scal once run use 11 ms 04-02 19:14:26.697 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame once run use 24 ms 04-02 19:14:27.855 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame scal once run use 10 ms 04-02 19:14:27.876 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame once run use 21 ms 04-02 19:14:28.888 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame scal once run use 10 ms 04-02 19:14:28.909 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame once run use 21 ms 04-02 19:14:29.923 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame scal once run use 11 ms 04-02 19:14:29.944 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame once run use 21 ms 04-02 19:14:30.955 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame scal once run use 10 ms 04-02 19:14:30.985 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame once run use 30 ms 04-02 19:14:32.005 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame scal once run use 10 ms 04-02 19:14:32.028 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame once run use 23 ms 04-02 19:14:33.054 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame scal once run use 9 ms 04-02 19:14:33.076 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame once run use 22 ms 04-02 19:14:34.089 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame scal once run use 11 ms 04-02 19:14:34.111 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame once run use 22 ms 04-02 19:14:35.139 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame scal once run use 11 ms 04-02 19:14:35.163 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame once run use 24 ms 04-02 19:14:36.187 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame scal once run use 9 ms 04-02 19:14:36.210 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame once run use 22 ms 04-02 19:14:37.238 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame scal once run use 10 ms 04-02 19:14:37.262 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame once run use 23 ms 04-02 19:14:38.421 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame scal once run use 10 ms 04-02 19:14:38.443 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame once run use 22 ms 04-02 19:14:39.454 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame scal once run use 10 ms 04-02 19:14:39.476 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame once run use 22 ms 04-02 19:14:40.487 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame scal once run use 10 ms 04-02 19:14:40.511 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame once run use 24 ms 04-02 19:14:41.538 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame scal once run use 12 ms 04-02 19:14:41.562 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame once run use 24 ms 04-02 19:14:42.588 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame scal once run use 11 ms 04-02 19:14:42.610 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame once run use 22 ms 04-02 19:14:43.621 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame scal once run use 11 ms 04-02 19:14:43.643 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame once run use 22 ms 04-02 19:14:44.654 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame scal once run use 11 ms 04-02 19:14:44.676 24382 24382 D RKCodecEngine: AiAlgoYolo5::DealOneFrame once run use 22 ms
能够做到30fps -