Jenkins (三) - 拉取编译
通过Jenkins平台 git 拉取github
Jenkins 安装 git 插件
Manager Jenkins
-> Plugins
-> Available plugins
-> Git
FressStyle 风格编译
- New Item
- 输入 item name
- 选择
Freestyle project
Source Code Management
- Git:
- Repository URL: Spring-Cloud-17
如果遇到如下错误,则需设置github 访问token -
github access token
, 文末有如何设置
Failed to connect to repository : Command "git ls-remote -h -- HEAD" returned status code 128:
stderr: remote: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021.
remote: Please see for information on currently recommended modes of authentication.
fatal: Authentication failed for ''
Credentials - add
Username: ${github 登录账号}
Password: ${github access token}
- 设置 branch
- 启动
Build Now
Pipeline 风格编译
New Item
- 输入 item name:
- 选择 Pipeline
- 编写 pipeline 脚本
Jenkins Pipeline 配置脚本生成工具地址${JENKINSIP:PORT}/job/mockito-demo/pipeline-syntax/
node {
def mvnHome
stage('Preparation') { // for display purposes
checkout scmGit(branches: [[name: '*/main']], extensions: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: 'fernado', url: '']])
mvnHome = tool 'maven396'
stage('Build') {
// Run the maven build
withEnv(["MVN_HOME=$mvnHome"]) {
if (isUnix()) {
sh '"$MVN_HOME/bin/mvn" -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore clean package'
} else {
bat(/"%MVN_HOME%\bin\mvn" -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore clean package/)
stage('Results') {
echo 'no archiving'
junit '**/target/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml'
//archiveArtifacts 'target/*.jar'
- 验证
Build Now
设置 github access token
-><> Developer settings
->GitHub Apps
->Personal access tokens
Personal access tokens (classic)
->Generate new token
Generate new token (classic)
- Note: 给一个标签说明这个
access token
用于什么地方 - Expiration:
No expiration
- Select scopes: 看情况选择
Generate token
生成access token
(记得copy /保存 生成的结果)