自动化测试框架Robot Framework入门


RF是一个基于 Python 的、可扩展的关键字驱动的自动化 验收测试框架、验收测试驱动开发 (ATDD)、 行为驱动开发 (BDD) 和机器人流程自动化 (RPA)。它 可用于分布式、异构环境,其中自动化 需要使用不同的技术和接口。

该框架周围有一个丰富的生态系统,由各种通用 作为单独项目开发的库和工具。查看更多 有关机器人框架和生态系统的信息,请参阅 http://robotframework.org。


  • 支持易于使用的表格语法,以便在统一的环境中创建测试用例 道路。
  • 提供从 现有关键字。
  • 以 HTML 格式提供易于阅读的结果报告和日志。
  • 独立于平台和应用程序。
  • 提供用于创建自定义测试库的简单库 API 可以使用 Python 本地实现。
  • 提供命令行界面和基于 XML 的输出文件 集成到现有的构建基础架构中(持续集成 系统)。
  • 为测试 Web 应用程序、rest API、移动应用程序提供支持 运行进程,通过 Telnet 或 SSH 连接到远程系统等。
  • 支持创建数据驱动的测试用例。
  • 内置对变量的支持,特别适用于测试 不同的环境。
  • 提供标记以对要执行的测试用例进行分类和选择。
  • 实现与源代码管理的轻松集成:测试套件只是文件 以及可以使用生产代码进行版本控制的目录。
  • 提供测试用例和测试套件级别的设置和拆卸。
  • 模块化架构支持创建测试,甚至对于具有 几种不同的接口。


  1. 安装python
  2. 虚拟环境中安装robotframework
cd C:\projects
mkdir MyProject
cd MyProject
python -m venv .venv
pip install robotframework
robot --version


Robot Framework Language Server

 为 Robot Framework 添加调试配置以运行当前测试套件

添加 Robot Framework 的调试配置以运行当前测试用例(通过选定的文本)


pip install --upgrade robotframework-seleniumlibrary



关于射频指南 |机器人框架 (robotframework.org)



  • Selenium Library 在内部使用流行的 Selenium 工具的 Web 测试库
  • Browser Library 由 Playwright 提供支持。以速度、可靠性和可见性为目标。

web service和restful API可以用的库是

  • Requests Library 一个机器人框架库,旨在通过包装众所周知的 Python 请求库来提供 HTTP API 测试功能
Appium Library Android and iOS UI测试,内部使用appium. 
Database Library 基于python的数据库测试
标准库 Logging, File Handling, Operating System, Process, String, and XML and much more


RF标准库是Robot Framework(RF)在安装完成后自带的库。这些库无需额外安装,可以直接在RF中使用。其中,Builtin库是一个常用关键字库,它包含经常需要使用的关键字,无需导入即可直接使用。除Builtin库外,其他标准库如Dialogs、Collections、OperatingSystem、Remote、Screenshot和Process等,都需要通过import导入才能使用。这些库提供了丰富的功能,例如暂停测试执行和从用户获取输入、处理Python列表和字典、执行各种操作系统相关的任务、远程库接口的支持、捕获和存储桌面截图以及管理系统中运行的过程等。

标准库 |机器人框架 (robotframework.org)

selenium Library


selenium Library是RF的一个web测试库,内部使用selenium。

pip install --upgrade robotframework-seleniumlibrary


 首先在Settings导入SeleniumLibrary,然后在TestCase里写测试用例,如下例的Open Browser都是SeleniumLibrary提供的关键字,如下用例打开edge浏览器,输入框中输入关键字,并点击百度一下按钮,最后关闭浏览器。

*** Settings ***
Library     SeleniumLibrary

*** Test Cases ***
Search keywords in baidu

    Open Browser    url=https://www.baidu.com    browser=edge
    Input Text    //input[@id="kw"]    周杰伦
    Click Element    //input[@id="su"]
    Sleep    5
    Close Browser



输入关键字,会有提示如图Input password,会提示让输入定位和密码。

Browser Library


Browser Library | ROBOT FRAMEWORK

pip install robotframework-browser

rfbrowser init 

Installing playwright...
Installing playwright-chromium...
Installing playwright-firefox...
Installing playwright-webkit...

 Requests Library


pip install robotframework-requests

*** Settings ***
Library               RequestsLibrary

*** Test Cases ***

Quick Get Request Test
    ${response}=    GET  https://www.google.com

Quick Get Request With Parameters Test
    ${response}=    GET  https://www.google.com/search  params=query=ciao  expected_status=200

Quick Get A JSON Body Test
    ${response}=    GET  https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/1
    Should Be Equal As Strings    1  ${response.json()}[id]



方法一:使用配置的run testsuite按钮。







Test Suites 可以组织在一个或多个robot文件里,可以放在tests/文件夹下

resources 资源文件,里面存放的是可重复使用的keywords,可以是robot文件或py文件,可以放在resources文件夹下,如

common.resource -存放一般的关键字,如Login/Logout,导航


util.py python相关的关键字

libraries 常用的python关键字库,可以存放在libraries/文件夹下,某些项目会区分libraries和resources,有些不会。

├── tests
│   ├── suiteA.robot
│   ├── suiteB.robot
│   ├── ...
├── resources
│   ├── common.resource
│   ├── some_other.resource
│   ├── custom_library.py
│   ├── variables.py
│   ├── ...

├── .gitlab-ci.yml
├── .gitignore
├── README.md
├── requirements.txt


$ robot --pythonpath . tests 


├── tests
│   ├── authentication
│   │   ├── login.robot
│   │   ├── ...
│   │
│   ├── master-data
│   │   ├── customers.robot
│   │   ├── products.robot
│   │   ├── ...
│   │
│   ├── order
│   │   ├── order_creation.robot
│   │   ├── order_processing.robot
│   │   ├── ...
├── resources
│   ├── common.resource
│   ├── search.resource
│   ├── master-data
│   │   ├── customers.resource
│   │   ├── products.resource
│   │   ├── ...
│   │
│   ├── ...

├── data
│   ├── master-data
│   │   ├── customers.py
│   │   ├── products.py
│   │   ├── ...
│   │
│   ├── order
│   │   ├── order_creation.yaml
│   │   ├── order_processing.yaml
│   │   ├── ...

├── .gitlab-ci.yml
├── .gitignore
├── README.md
├── requirements.txt 

示例 项目


Examples Overview | ROBOT FRAMEWORK

Vehicle Insurance App


*** Settings ***-用来引入库和资源

*** Variables *** 用来指定变量,在测试用例中可使用${}来引用。

*** Test Cases *** 下面为用例,其中用例Create Quote for Car下包含的关键字,都是在*** Keywords ***中自定义的。

*** Keywords *** 定义关键字,关键字下调用Browser库文件中的关键字

  1. [Arguments] firstname=Max{lastname}=Mustermann

    • 这行定义了这个关键字需要的参数及其默认值。在这个例子中,Enter Insurant Data 关键字接受两个参数:firstname 和 lastname。如果调用这个关键字时没有提供这些参数的值,那么它们将分别默认为 Max 和 Mustermann
*** Settings ***
Library    Browser

*** Variables ***
${BROWSER}    chromium
${HEADLESS}    false

*** Test Cases ***
Create Quote for Car
    Open Insurance Application
    Enter Vehicle Data for Automobile
    Enter Insurant Data
    Enter Product Data
    Select Price Option
    Send Quote
    End Test

*** Keywords ***
Open Insurance Application
    New Browser    browser=${BROWSER}    headless=${HEADLESS}
    New Context    locale=en-GB
    New Page    http://sampleapp.tricentis.com/

Enter Vehicle Data for Automobile
    Click    div.main-navigation >> "Automobile"
    Select Options By    id=make    text    Audi
    Fill Text    id=engineperformance    110
    Fill Text    id=dateofmanufacture    06/12/1980
    Select Options By    id=numberofseats    text    5
    Select Options By    id=fuel    text    Petrol    
    Fill Text    id=listprice    30000
    Fill Text    id=licenseplatenumber    DMK1234
    Fill Text    id=annualmileage   10000 
    Click    section[style="display: block;"] >> text=Next »

Enter Insurant Data
    [Arguments]    ${firstname}=Max    ${lastname}=Mustermann
    Fill Text    id=firstname    Max
    Fill Text    id=lastname    Mustermann
    Fill Text    id=birthdate    01/31/1980
    Check Checkbox    *css=label >> id=gendermale
    Fill Text    id=streetaddress    Test Street
    Select Options By    id=country    text    Germany
    Fill Text    id=zipcode    40123
    Fill Text    id=city    Essen
    Select Options By    id=occupation    text    Employee
    Click    text=Cliff Diving
    Click    section[style="display: block;"] >> text=Next »

Enter Product Data
    Fill Text    id=startdate    06/01/2023
    Select Options By    id=insurancesum    text    7.000.000,00
    Select Options By    id=meritrating    text    Bonus 1
    Select Options By    id=damageinsurance    text    No Coverage
    Check Checkbox    *css=label >> id=EuroProtection
    Select Options By    id=courtesycar    text    Yes
    Click    section[style="display: block;"] >> text=Next »

Select Price Option
    [Arguments]    ${price_option}=Silver
    Click    *css=label >> css=[value=${price_option}]
    Click    section[style="display: block;"] >> text=Next »

Send Quote
    Fill Text    "E-Mail" >> .. >> input    max.mustermann@example.com
    Fill Text    "Phone" >> .. >> input    0049201123456
    Fill Text    "Username" >> .. >> input    max.mustermann
    Fill Text    "Password" >> .. >> input    SecretPassword123!
    Fill Text    "Confirm Password" >> .. >> input    SecretPassword123!
    Fill Text    "Comments" >> .. >> textarea    Some comments
    ${promise}=     Promise To    Wait For Response     matcher=http://sampleapp.tricentis.com/101/tcpdf/pdfs/quote.php     timeout=10
    Click    "« Send »"
    ${body}=    Wait For    ${promise}
    Log    ${body}[status]
    Log    ${body}[body]
    Wait For Elements State    "Sending e-mail success!"
    Click    "OK"

End Test
    Close Context
    Close Browser

WFA login


另外在Settings里可以使用Suite Setup和Suite Teardown进行test suite级别的测试数据准备和清理

Test Setup和Suite Teardown进行test级别前置和后置准备。

*** Settings ***
Library    Browser
Library    totp.py
Suite Setup    New Browser    browser=${BROWSER}    headless=${HEADLESS}
Test Setup    New Context
Test Teardown    Close Context
Suite Teardown    Close Browser

*** Variables ***
${BROWSER}    chromium
${HEADLESS}    False

*** Test Cases ***
Login with MFA
    New Page    https://seleniumbase.io/realworld/login
    Fill Text    id=username    demo_user
    Fill Text    id=password    secret_pass
    ${totp}    Get Totp    GAXG2MTEOR3DMMDG
    Fill Text    id=totpcode     ${totp}
    Click    "Sign in"
    Get Text  h1  ==  Welcome!


import pyotp

def get_totp(secret):
    totp = pyotp.TOTP(secret)
    return totp.now()

Restful Booker

*** Settings ***
Library    RequestsLibrary
Library    Collections
Suite Setup    Authenticate as Admin

*** Test Cases ***
Get Bookings from Restful Booker
    ${body}    Create Dictionary    firstname=John
    ${response}    GET    https://restful-booker.herokuapp.com/booking    ${body}
    Status Should Be    200
    Log List    ${response.json()}
    FOR  ${booking}  IN  @{response.json()}
        ${response}    GET    https://restful-booker.herokuapp.com/booking/${booking}[bookingid]
            Log    ${response.json()}
            Log    Cannot retrieve JSON due to invalid data

Create a Booking at Restful Booker
    ${booking_dates}    Create Dictionary    checkin=2022-12-31    checkout=2023-01-01
    ${body}    Create Dictionary    firstname=Hans    lastname=Gruber    totalprice=200    depositpaid=false    bookingdates=${booking_dates}
    ${response}    POST    url=https://restful-booker.herokuapp.com/booking    json=${body}
    ${id}    Set Variable    ${response.json()}[bookingid]
    Set Suite Variable    ${id}
    ${response}    GET    https://restful-booker.herokuapp.com/booking/${id}
    Log    ${response.json()}
    Should Be Equal    ${response.json()}[lastname]    Gruber
    Should Be Equal    ${response.json()}[firstname]    Hans
    Should Be Equal As Numbers    ${response.json()}[totalprice]    200
    Dictionary Should Contain Value     ${response.json()}    Gruber

Delete Booking
    ${header}    Create Dictionary    Cookie=token\=${token}
    ${response}    DELETE    url=https://restful-booker.herokuapp.com/booking/${id}    headers=${header}
    Status Should Be    201    ${response}

*** Keywords ***
Authenticate as Admin
    ${body}    Create Dictionary    username=admin    password=password123
    ${response}    POST    url=https://restful-booker.herokuapp.com/auth    json=${body}
    Log    ${response.json()}
    ${token}    Set Variable    ${response.json()}[token]
    Log    ${token}
    Set Suite Variable    ${token}

todo MVC


*** Settings ***
Library    Browser
Library    String
Suite Setup    New Browser    browser=${BROWSER}    headless=${HEADLESS}
Test Setup    New Context    viewport={'width': 1920, 'height': 1080}
Test Teardown    Close Context
Suite Teardown    Close Browser

*** Variables ***
${BROWSER}    chromium
${HEADLESS}    False

*** Test Cases ***
Add Two ToDos And Check Items
    [Documentation]    Checks if ToDos can be added and ToDo count increases
    [Tags]    Add ToDo
    Given ToDo App is open
    When I Add A New ToDo "Learn Robot Framework"
    And I Add A New ToDo "Write Test Cases"
    Then Open ToDos should show "2 items left"

Add Two ToDos And Check Wrong Number Of Items
    [Documentation]    Checks if ToDos can be added and ToDo count increases
    [Tags]    Add ToDo
    Given ToDo App is open
    When I Add A New ToDo "Learn Robot Framework"
    And I Add A New ToDo "Write Test Cases"
    Then Open ToDos should show "1 items left"

Add ToDo And Mark Same ToDo
    [Tags]    Mark ToDo
    Given ToDo App is open
    When I Add A New ToDo "Learn Robot Framework"
    And I Mark ToDo "Learn Robot Framework"
    Then Open ToDos should show "0 items left"

Check If Marked ToDos are removed
    Given ToDo App is open
    And I Added Two ToDos
    When I Mark One ToDo
    Then Open ToDos should show "1 item left"

Split ToDos
    Given ToDo App is open
    When I Add New ToDos "Learn Robot Framework&Write Test Cases&Sleep"
    Then Open ToDos should show "3 items left"

Add A Lot Of Todos
    Given ToDo App is open
    When I Add "100" ToDos
    Then Open ToDos should show "100 items left"

Add A Lot Of Todos With WHILE
    Given ToDo App is open
    When I Add "100" ToDos With WHILE Loop
    Then Open ToDos should show "100 items left"

*** Keywords ***
ToDo App is open
    New Page    https://todomvc.com/examples/react/

I Add A New ToDo "${todo}"   
    Fill Text  .new-todo  ${todo}
    Press Keys  .new-todo  Enter

I Add New ToDos "${todo}"
    IF  "&" in $todo
        @{todos}    Split String    ${todo}    separator=&
        FOR  ${item}  IN  @{todos}
            Fill Text  .new-todo  ${item}
            Press Keys  .new-todo  Enter 
        Fill Text  .new-todo  ${todo}
        Press Keys  .new-todo  Enter
Open ToDos should show "${text}"
    Get Text    span.todo-count    ==    ${text}

I Mark ToDo "${todo}"
    Click    "${todo}" >> .. >> input.toggle

I Added Two ToDos
    I Add A New ToDo "Learn Robot Framework"
    I Add A New ToDo "Write Test Cases"

I Mark One ToDo
    Click    li:first-child >> input.toggle

I Add "${count}" ToDos
    FOR    ${index}    IN RANGE    ${count}
        I Add A New ToDo "My ToDo Number ${index}"    

I Add "${count}" ToDos With WHILE Loop
    ${x}=    Set Variable    ${0}
    WHILE  ${x} < ${count}
        ${x}=    Evaluate    ${x} + 1
        I Add A New ToDo "My ToDo Number ${x}"


风格指南 |机器人框架 (robotframework.org)


*** Comments ***

*** Settings ***

*** Variables ***

*** Test Cases ***

*** Keywords ***


*** Settings ***

Library    BuiltIn
Library    3rd Party
Library    Custom

Suite Setup
Suite Teardown
Test Setup
Test Teardown
Test Template
Test Timeout

Test Tags


*** Variables ***
${VARIABLE}  This is a Variable
${COMPOSITE VARIABLES}  ${VARIABLE} with other variables.

Test Cases

Test Case
    Static Variable Assignments
    Keyword Calls
    Verification Keyword Call


    Static Variable Assignments
    Keyword Calls



Static Library


Static Library With a Class

class DemoLibrary:
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        print(f"Sample Library initialized with args: {args} and kwargs: {kwargs}")
    def my_keyword(self, *args, **kwargs):
        print(f"Keyword got args: {args} and kwargs: {kwargs}")
        return "Hello World"
*** Settings ***
Library    DemoLibrary.py

*** Test Cases ***
Use a Keyword with multiple arguments
    My Keyword    Argument 1    Argument 2    Named Argument=One Value

Static Library withouth a Class


import base64

def encode_as_base64(string):
    Encode string as base64.
    return base64.b64encode(string.encode())

def decode_from_base64(string):
    Decode string from base64.
    return base64.b64decode(string).decode()
*** Settings ***
Library    LibraryWithoutClass.py

*** Test Cases ***
Use Custom Keywords
    ${base64}    Encode As Base64    This is a Test String
    Log    ${base64}
    ${decoded}    Decode From Base64    ${base64}
    Log    ${decoded}



from robot.api.deco import keyword, not_keyword

@keyword('Login via user panel')
def login(username, password):
      # ...

def this_is_not_keyword():
from robot.api.deco import keyword

@keyword(tags=['tag1', 'tag2'])
def login(username, password):
    # ...

@keyword('Custom name', ['tags', 'here'])
def another_example():
    # ...

@keyword(types={'count': int, 'case_insensitive': bool})
def example_keyword(count, case_insensitive=True):
    if case_insensitive:
        # ...

@keyword(types=[int, bool])
def example_keyword(count, case_insensitive=True):
    if case_insensitive:
        # ...


BDD (Behavior Driven Development) | ROBOT FRAMEWORK


*** Variables *** Section

定义在这个部分的变量可以用于同一个文件中的所有的test cases和关键字中。


如果一个resource或者robot文件中有variables部分被导入到test suite中,则这些变量也成为suite变量。

*** Variables ***
${my_var}     my_value
@{my_list}    Apple    Banana    Orange
&{my_dict}    name=my_value1    password=my_value2

*** Test Cases ***
Test Case 1
    Log    ${my_var}
    Log    ${my_list}
    Log    ${my_dict}
    FOR    ${item}    IN    @{my_list}
        Log    ${item}
    Log    ${my_dict}[name]
    Log    ${my_dict}[password]
    FOR   ${key}    ${value}    IN    &{my_dict}
        Log Many    ${key}    ${value}
    My Keyword

*** Keywords ***
My Keyword
    Log Many    ${my_var}    ${my_list}    ${my_dict}    


除了 *** 变量 *** 部分,还可以在测试用例和关键字中动态设置变量。 变量由关键字的返回值设置。 有一些关键字显式设置变量值,例如

  • 设置变量
  • 设置测试变量
  • 设置套件变量
  • 设置全局变量



*** Test Cases ***

Test Case 1
    ${my_local_var}    Set Variable    Hello World      #用例级别的变量
    Log    ${my_local_var}    # Pass: Logs the value of the variable
    Set Suite Variable    ${my_suite_var}    I'm a suite variable  #套件级别变量
    Set Global Variable    ${my_global_var}    I'm a global variable  #全局变量

Test Case 2
    Log    ${my_local_var}    # Fails: 这个变量的范围仅存在Test Case1中
    Log    ${my_suite_var}    # Pass: Variable exists for the scope of the whole suite
    Log    ${my_global_var}   # Pass: Variable exists for the scope of the whole test run

Test Case 3
    My Keyword
    Log    ${my_keyword_var}    # Fails: 变量的范围为关键字My Keyword中
    Log    ${my_test_var}    # Pass: Variable  exists in the scope of the test case

*** Keywords ***
My Keyword
    ${my_keyword_var}    Set Variable    Hello Keyword
    Log    ${my_keyword_var}    # Pass: Logs the value of the variable
    Set Test Variable    ${my_test_var}    I'm a test case variable

何时使用 $ 和 @ 以及 & 和 %?​


  • 变量类型标识符(例如 、 、 、$@&%)
  • 大括号{}
  • 变量名称(例如 , , ,my_varmy_listmy_dictmy_var2)


  • $用于标量变量。
  • @用于列表变量。
  • &用于字典变量。
  • %用于环境变量。



${my_list}访问整个 List 对象。它是一个容器,包含列表中的所有项目。 您可以使用它来访问整个列表变量,或者使用语法 访问列表的特定项。my_listmy_list${my_list}[index]

@{my_list}访问 list 变量 的项。这就像列表变量被解压缩,所有项目都可以作为单独的变量使用。my_listmy_list

*** Settings ***
Library    Collections
*** Variables ***
@{my_list}    Apple    Banana    Orange

*** Test Cases ***
Test Case 1
    Log    ${my_list}   # Pass: 打印整个列表对象 ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Orange']
    Log Many    @{my_list}   # Pass: Logs the items of the list object 分别返回Apple Banana Orange
    Log Many    ${my_list}   # Pass: 打印整个列表对象
    Log List    ${my_list}   # Pass: 打印整个列表对象
    Log    ${my_list}[0]    # Pass: 打印列表对象的第一个元素
    Log    @{my_list}[0]    # Fail: @{my_list} 不是列表对象,不存在index
    Log    @{my_list}       # Fail: The second argument of the Log keyword `level` only allows the values `TRACE`, `DEBUG`, `INFO`, `WARN`, `ERROR`, `NONE`.
                            # The value `Banana` for the argument `level` is not allowed.
    Log    ${my_list}[0]    ${my_list}[1]   ${my_list}[2]   # Fail: Same as above
    FOR    ${item}    IN    @{my_list}  # Pass: Iterates over the items of the list object
        Log    ${item}                  # Pass: 返回列表对象的元素

当您要将列表变量分解为其项时,您必须使用语法@{my_list} .



可以从外部文件加载变量,如 Python的py或yaml文件。
对于 Yaml 文件,pyyaml是必需的。

pip install pyyaml



class TestEnv:
    ip = ''
    user = 'robot'
    roles = ['admin', 'user']

my_var = 'Hello World'
my_list = ["Apple", "Banana", "Cherry"]
my_dict = {'name': 'John', 'age': 36}


import os
import random
import time
import math

USER = os.getlogin()                # current login name
RANDOM_INT = random.randint(0, 10)  # random integer in range [0,10]
CURRENT_TIME = time.asctime()       # timestamp like 'Thu Apr  6 12:45:21 2006'
if time.localtime()[3] > 12:
    AFTERNOON = True
    AFTERNOON = False

def get_area(diameter):
    radius = diameter / 2
    area = math.pi * radius * radius
    return area

AREA1 = get_area(1)
AREA2 = get_area(2)



# These are scalars:
base_url: https://qaserver.mycompany.com:8080
admin_user: iAmAdMiN
admin_password: eieioscoobydoo1234
# Now, a list:
     - Item 1
     - Item two
     - 3
# Finally, a dictionary:
     key_1: A string
     key_2: 1 # an int


*** Settings ***
Variables    PythonVariables.py
Variables    YamlVariables.yaml
Variables    DynamicVariables.py

*** Test Cases ***
Access Python Variables
    Log   ${TestEnv.ip}
    Log    ${TestEnv.roles}
    Log Many   @{TestEnv.roles}
    Log    ${my_var}
    Log Many   @{my_list}
    Log Many   &{my_dict}
    FOR    ${item}    IN    @{my_list}
        Log    ${item}

Access Yaml Variables
    Log        ${base_url}
    Log Many   @{yaml_list}
    Log        ${yaml_dict}
    Log        ${yaml_dict}[key_1]

Access Dynamic Variables
    Log   ${USER}
    Log   ${RANDOM_INT}
    Log   ${CURRENT_TIME}
    Log   ${AFTERNOON}
    Log   ${AREA1}
    Log   ${AREA2}






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