

  • 一、类概述
  • 二、类属性
  • 三、主要方法
  • 四、功能架构
    • 4.1、Initialize()接口
    • 4.2、VirtualToPhysical()函数
    • 4.3、FlushPageCache(void)函数
    • 4.4、FastFlush()函数
    • 4.5、FindDimm(uint64, char *, int)函数
    • 4.6、FindHugePages()函数
    • 4.7、FindFreeMemSize()函数
    • 4.8、AllocateTestMem(int64, uint64)函数
    • 4.9、PciOpen/Read/Write()
    • 4.10、Open/Read/WriteMSR()
    • 4.11、CpuStressWorkload()函数
  • 五、总结





  1. testmem_:表示分配的测试内存块地址 。

  2. testmemsize_:表示分配内存块的大小。

  3. totalmemsize_:系统可用内存总量。

  4. min_hugepages_bytes_:最小hugepages大小要求。

  5. error_diagnoser_:指向错误诊断器对象。



  1. Initialize():类初始化,检测CPU功能等。

  2. VirtualToPhysical():虚拟到物理地址转换 。

  3. AllocateTestMem():分配测试内存 。

  4. FreeTestMem():释放测试内存。

  5. PrepareTestMem():预处理测试内存。

  6. ReleaseTestMem():释放预处理资源。

  7. ErrorReport():错误报告 。

  8. PciRead/Write():读写PCI设备空间。

  9. ReadMSR/WriteMSR():读写模型特定寄存器MSR。

  10. CpuStressWorkload():CPU压力测试样例代码。





// OsLayer initialization.
bool OsLayer::Initialize() {
 if (!clock_) {
   clock_ = new Clock();

 time_initialized_ = clock_->Now();
 // Detect asm support.

 if (num_cpus_ == 0) {
   num_nodes_ = 1;
   num_cpus_ = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);
   num_cpus_per_node_ = num_cpus_ / num_nodes_;
 logprintf(5, "Log: %d nodes, %d cpus.\n", num_nodes_, num_cpus_);
 // Create error diagnoser.
 error_diagnoser_ = new ErrorDiag();
 if (!error_diagnoser_->set_os(this))
   return false;
 return true;


  1. 如果没有设置时钟对象clock_,会新建一个Clock对象。

  2. 获取CPU信息,如核数目num_cpus_等,调用GetFeatures()检测硬件支持特性。

  3. 如果num_cpus_为空,则通过系统调用_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN获取在线CPU个数。

  4. 初始化cpu_sets_,CPU集合。

  5. 创建ErrorDiag对象用于错误诊断。

  6. 调用ErrorDiag的set_os()方法设置OsLayer对象,完成OsLayer和ErrorDiag对象之间的关联。



// Get HW core features from cpuid instruction.
void OsLayer::GetFeatures() {
#if defined(STRESSAPPTEST_CPU_X86_64) || defined(STRESSAPPTEST_CPU_I686)
 unsigned int eax = 1, ebx, ecx, edx;
 cpuid(&eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx);
 has_clflush_ = (edx >> 19) & 1;
 has_vector_ = (edx >> 26) & 1;  // SSE2 caps bit.

 logprintf(9, "Log: has clflush: %s, has sse2: %s\n",
           has_clflush_ ? "true" : "false",
           has_vector_ ? "true" : "false");
 // All PPC implementations have cache flush instructions.
 has_clflush_ = true;
 // All MIPS implementations have cache flush instructions.
 has_clflush_ = true;
 // TODO(nsanders): add detect from /proc/cpuinfo or /proc/self/auxv.
 // For now assume neon and don't run -W if you don't have it.
 has_vector_ = true; // NEON.
 has_clflush_ = true;
#warning "Unsupported CPU type: unable to determine feature set."


  1. 根据编译选项,判断运行的CPU类型,如X86,ARM等。

  2. 对X86体系结构,通过CPUID指令获取CPU特征BIT,检测是否支持CLFLUSH和SSE2指令。

  3. 对其他体系结构,通过宏定义或者警告信息预定义是否支持Cache Flush指令。

  4. 将检测结果保存到类成员变量has_clflush_和has_vector_中。



// Translates user virtual to physical address.
uint64 OsLayer::VirtualToPhysical(void *vaddr) {
 uint64 frame, paddr, pfnmask, pagemask;
 int pagesize = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
 off_t off = ((uintptr_t)vaddr) / pagesize * 8;
 int fd = open(kPagemapPath, O_RDONLY);

 if (fd < 0)
   return 0;

 if (lseek(fd, off, SEEK_SET) != off || read(fd, &frame, 8) != 8) {
   int err = errno;
   string errtxt = ErrorString(err);
   logprintf(0, "Process Error: failed to access %s with errno %d (%s)\n",
             kPagemapPath, err, errtxt.c_str());
   if (fd >= 0)
   return 0;

 /* Check if page is present and not swapped. */
 if (!(frame & (1ULL << 63)) || (frame & (1ULL << 62)))
   return 0;

 /* pfn is bits 0-54. */
 pfnmask = ((1ULL << 55) - 1);
 /* Pagesize had better be a power of 2. */
 pagemask = pagesize - 1;

 paddr = ((frame & pfnmask) * pagesize) | ((uintptr_t)vaddr & pagemask);
 return paddr;



  1. 检查vaddr参数是否在有效地址范围内。

  2. 通过系统调用lseek和read访问/proc/pid/pagemap文件,读取对应页表项获得物理页框号frame。

  3. 按位与获得页内地址,页框号左移页大小并相加获得最终物理地址。

  4. 返回转换成功获得的物理地址,失败返回0。



// Flush the page cache to ensure reads come from the disk.
bool OsLayer::FlushPageCache(void) {
  if (!use_flush_page_cache_)
    return true;

  // First, ask the kernel to write the cache to the disk.

  // Second, ask the kernel to empty the cache by writing "1" to
  // "/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches".
  static const char *drop_caches_file = "/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches";
  int dcfile = open(drop_caches_file, O_WRONLY);
  if (dcfile < 0) {
    int err = errno;
    string errtxt = ErrorString(err);
    logprintf(3, "Log: failed to open %s - err %d (%s)\n",
              drop_caches_file, err, errtxt.c_str());
    return false;

  ssize_t bytes_written = write(dcfile, "1", 1);

  if (bytes_written != 1) {
    int err = errno;
    string errtxt = ErrorString(err);
    logprintf(3, "Log: failed to write %s - err %d (%s)\n",
              drop_caches_file, err, errtxt.c_str());
    return false;
  return true;




在AARCH64架构中,使用了asm volatile指令来执行多条指令序列,包括dc、dsb、ic、isb等指令来清空缓存。


  // Fast flush, for use in performance critical code.
  // This is bound at compile time, and will not pick up
  // any runtime machine configuration info.
  inline static void FastFlush(void *vaddr) {
    asm volatile("dcbf 0,%0; sync" : : "r" (vaddr));
#elif defined(STRESSAPPTEST_CPU_X86_64) || defined(STRESSAPPTEST_CPU_I686)
    // Put mfence before and after clflush to make sure:
    // 1. The write before the clflush is committed to memory bus;
    // 2. The read after the clflush is hitting the memory bus.
    // From Intel manual:
    // CLFLUSH is only ordered by the MFENCE instruction. It is not guaranteed
    // to be ordered by any other fencing, serializing or other CLFLUSH
    // instruction. For example, software can use an MFENCE instruction to
    // insure that previous stores are included in the write-back.
    syscall(__NR_cacheflush, vaddr, 32, 0);
    // ARMv7a cachelines are 8 words (32 bytes).
    syscall(__ARM_NR_cacheflush, vaddr, reinterpret_cast<char*>(vaddr) + 32, 0);
    asm volatile("dc cvau, %0" : : "r" (vaddr));
    asm volatile("dsb ish");
    asm volatile("ic ivau, %0" : : "r" (vaddr));
    asm volatile("dsb ish");
    asm volatile("isb");
    // Reference linux kernel: arch/loongarch/mm/cache.c
    asm volatile("ibar 0");
  #warning "Unsupported CPU type: Unable to force cache flushes."

4.5、FindDimm(uint64, char *, int)函数


// Translate physical address to memory module/chip name.
// Assumes interleaving between two memory channels based on the XOR of
// all address bits in the 'channel_hash' mask, with repeated 'channel_width_'
// blocks with bits distributed from each chip in that channel.
int OsLayer::FindDimm(uint64 addr, char *buf, int len) {
  if (!channels_) {
    snprintf(buf, len, "DIMM Unknown");
    return -1;

  // Find channel by XORing address bits in channel_hash mask.
  uint32 low = static_cast<uint32>(addr & channel_hash_);
  uint32 high = static_cast<uint32>((addr & channel_hash_) >> 32);
  vector<string>& channel = (*channels_)[
      __builtin_parity(high) ^ __builtin_parity(low)];

  // Find dram chip by finding which byte within the channel
  // by address mod channel width, then divide the channel
  // evenly among the listed dram chips. Note, this will not work
  // with x4 dram.
  int chip = (addr % (channel_width_ / 8)) /
             ((channel_width_ / 8) / channel.size());
  string name = channel[chip];
  snprintf(buf, len, "%s", name.c_str());
  return 1;

函数首先检查是否存在memory channels,如果不存在,则将buf中的内容设置为"DIMM Unknown"并返回-1。





// Read the number of hugepages out of the kernel interface in proc.
int64 OsLayer::FindHugePages() {
  char buf[65] = "0";

  // This is a kernel interface to query the numebr of hugepages
  // available in the system.
  static const char *hugepages_info_file = "/proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages";
  int hpfile = open(hugepages_info_file, O_RDONLY);

  ssize_t bytes_read = read(hpfile, buf, 64);

  if (bytes_read <= 0) {
    logprintf(12, "Log: /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages "
                  "read did not provide data\n");
    return 0;

  if (bytes_read == 64) {
    logprintf(0, "Process Error: /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages "
                 "is surprisingly large\n");
    return 0;

  // Add a null termintation to be string safe.
  buf[bytes_read] = '\0';
  // Read the page count.
  int64 pages = strtoull(buf, NULL, 10);  // NOLINT

  return pages;






int64 OsLayer::FindFreeMemSize() {
  int64 size = 0;
  int64 minsize = 0;
  if (totalmemsize_ > 0)
    return totalmemsize_;

  int64 pages = sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES);
  int64 avpages = sysconf(_SC_AVPHYS_PAGES);
  int64 pagesize = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
  int64 physsize = pages * pagesize;
  int64 avphyssize = avpages * pagesize;

  // Assume 2MB hugepages.
  int64 hugepagesize = FindHugePages() * 2 * kMegabyte;

  if ((pages == -1) || (pagesize == -1)) {
    logprintf(0, "Process Error: sysconf could not determine memory size.\n");
    return 0;

  // We want to leave enough stuff for things to run.
  // If the user specified a minimum amount of memory to expect, require that.
  // Otherwise, if more than 2GB is present, leave 192M + 5% for other stuff.
  // If less than 2GB is present use 85% of what's available.
  // These are fairly arbitrary numbers that seem to work OK.
  // TODO(nsanders): is there a more correct way to determine target
  // memory size?
  if (hugepagesize > 0) {
    if (min_hugepages_bytes_ > 0) {
      minsize = min_hugepages_bytes_;
    } else {
      minsize = hugepagesize;
  } else {
    if (physsize < 2048LL * kMegabyte) {
      minsize = ((pages * 85) / 100) * pagesize;
    } else {
      minsize = ((pages * 95) / 100) * pagesize - (192 * kMegabyte);
    // Make sure that at least reserve_mb_ is left for the system.
    if (reserve_mb_ > 0) {
      int64 totalsize = pages * pagesize;
      int64 reserve_kb = reserve_mb_ * kMegabyte;
      if (reserve_kb > totalsize) {
        logprintf(0, "Procedural Error: %lld is bigger than the total memory "
                  "available %lld\n", reserve_kb, totalsize);
      } else if (reserve_kb > totalsize - minsize) {
        logprintf(5, "Warning: Overriding memory to use: original %lld, "
                  "current %lld\n", minsize, totalsize - reserve_kb);
        minsize = totalsize - reserve_kb;

  // Use hugepage sizing if available.
  if (hugepagesize > 0) {
    if (hugepagesize < minsize) {
      logprintf(0, "Procedural Error: Not enough hugepages. "
                   "%lldMB available < %lldMB required.\n",
                hugepagesize / kMegabyte,
                minsize / kMegabyte);
      // Require the calculated minimum amount of memory.
      size = minsize;
    } else {
      // Require that we get all hugepages.
      size = hugepagesize;
  } else {
    // Require the calculated minimum amount of memory.
    size = minsize;

  logprintf(5, "Log: Total %lld MB. Free %lld MB. Hugepages %lld MB. "
               "Targeting %lld MB (%lld%%)\n",
            physsize / kMegabyte,
            avphyssize / kMegabyte,
            hugepagesize / kMegabyte,
            size / kMegabyte,
            size * 100 / physsize);

  totalmemsize_ = size;
  return size;



  1. 如果系统支持大页面(hugepages),则根据不同的条件设置最小内存需求大小minsize。
  2. 如果不支持大页面,根据物理内存的大小进行不同的计算设置minsize,并通过reserve_mb_设置保留内存大小。
  3. 最终确定size的值,如果支持大页面并可用大页面内存满足要求,则size设为hugepagesize,否则设为minsize。

最后将最终的总内存大小存储在totalmemsize_ 中,然后返回可用内存大小。

4.8、AllocateTestMem(int64, uint64)函数



// Allocate the target memory. This may be from malloc, hugepage pool
// or other platform specific sources.
bool OsLayer::AllocateTestMem(int64 length, uint64 paddr_base) {
  // Try hugepages first.
  void *buf = 0;

  sat_assert(length >= 0);

  if (paddr_base)
    logprintf(0, "Process Error: non zero paddr_base %#llx is not supported,"
              " ignore.\n", paddr_base);

  // Determine optimal memory allocation path.
  bool prefer_hugepages = false;
  bool prefer_posix_shm = false;
  bool prefer_dynamic_mapping = false;

  // Are there enough hugepages?
  int64 hugepagesize = FindHugePages() * 2 * kMegabyte;
  // TODO(nsanders): Is there enough /dev/shm? Is there enough free memeory?
  if ((length >= 1400LL * kMegabyte) && (address_mode_ == 32)) {
    prefer_dynamic_mapping = true;
    prefer_posix_shm = true;
    logprintf(3, "Log: Prefer POSIX shared memory allocation.\n");
    logprintf(3, "Log: You may need to run "
                 "'sudo mount -o remount,size=100\% /dev/shm.'\n");
  } else if (hugepagesize >= length) {
    prefer_hugepages = true;
    logprintf(3, "Log: Prefer using hugepage allocation.\n");
  } else {
    logprintf(3, "Log: Prefer plain malloc memory allocation.\n");

  // Allocate hugepage mapped memory.
  if (prefer_hugepages) {
    do { // Allow break statement.
      int shmid;
      void *shmaddr;

      if ((shmid = shmget(2, length,
              SHM_HUGETLB | IPC_CREAT | SHM_R | SHM_W)) < 0) {
        int err = errno;
        string errtxt = ErrorString(err);
        logprintf(3, "Log: failed to allocate shared hugepage "
                      "object - err %d (%s)\n",
                  err, errtxt.c_str());
        logprintf(3, "Log: sysctl -w vm.nr_hugepages=XXX allows hugepages.\n");

      shmaddr = shmat(shmid, NULL, 0);
      if (shmaddr == reinterpret_cast<void*>(-1)) {
        int err = errno;
        string errtxt = ErrorString(err);
        logprintf(0, "Log: failed to attach shared "
                     "hugepage object - err %d (%s).\n",
                  err, errtxt.c_str());
        if (shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, NULL) < 0) {
          int err = errno;
          string errtxt = ErrorString(err);
          logprintf(0, "Log: failed to remove shared "
                       "hugepage object - err %d (%s).\n",
                    err, errtxt.c_str());
      use_hugepages_ = true;
      shmid_ = shmid;
      buf = shmaddr;
      logprintf(0, "Log: Using shared hugepage object 0x%x at %p.\n",
                shmid, shmaddr);
    } while (0);

  if ((!use_hugepages_) && prefer_posix_shm) {
    do {
      int shm_object;
      void *shmaddr = NULL;

      shm_object = shm_open("/stressapptest", O_CREAT | O_RDWR, S_IRWXU);
      if (shm_object < 0) {
        int err = errno;
        string errtxt = ErrorString(err);
        logprintf(3, "Log: failed to allocate shared "
                      "smallpage object - err %d (%s)\n",
                  err, errtxt.c_str());

      if (0 > ftruncate(shm_object, length)) {
        int err = errno;
        string errtxt = ErrorString(err);
        logprintf(3, "Log: failed to ftruncate shared "
                      "smallpage object - err %d (%s)\n",
                  err, errtxt.c_str());

      // 32 bit linux apps can only use ~1.4G of address space.
      // Use dynamic mapping for allocations larger than that.
      // Currently perf hit is ~10% for this.
      if (prefer_dynamic_mapping) {
        dynamic_mapped_shmem_ = true;
      } else {
        // Do a full mapping here otherwise.
        shmaddr = mmap(NULL, length, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
                       shm_object, 0);
        if (shmaddr == reinterpret_cast<void*>(-1)) {
          int err = errno;
          string errtxt = ErrorString(err);
          logprintf(0, "Log: failed to map shared "
                       "smallpage object - err %d (%s).\n",
                    err, errtxt.c_str());

      use_posix_shm_ = true;
      shmid_ = shm_object;
      buf = shmaddr;
      char location_message[256] = "";
      if (dynamic_mapped_shmem_) {
        sprintf(location_message, "mapped as needed");
      } else {
        sprintf(location_message, "at %p", shmaddr);
      logprintf(0, "Log: Using posix shared memory object 0x%x %s.\n",
                shm_object, location_message);
    } while (0);
#endif  // HAVE_SYS_SHM_H

  if (!use_hugepages_ && !use_posix_shm_) {
    // If the page size is what SAT is expecting explicitly perform mmap()
    // allocation.
    if (sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE) >= 4096) {
      void *map_buf = mmap(NULL, length, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
                           MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);
      if (map_buf != MAP_FAILED) {
        buf = map_buf;
        mmapped_allocation_ = true;
        logprintf(0, "Log: Using mmap() allocation at %p.\n", buf);
    if (!mmapped_allocation_) {
      // Use memalign to ensure that blocks are aligned enough for disk direct
      // IO.
      buf = static_cast<char*>(memalign(4096, length));
      if (buf) {
        logprintf(0, "Log: Using memaligned allocation at %p.\n", buf);
      } else {
        logprintf(0, "Process Error: memalign returned 0\n");
        if ((length >= 1499LL * kMegabyte) && (address_mode_ == 32)) {
          logprintf(0, "Log: You are trying to allocate > 1.4G on a 32 "
                       "bit process. Please setup shared memory.\n");

  testmem_ = buf;
  if (buf || dynamic_mapped_shmem_) {
    testmemsize_ = length;
  } else {
    testmemsize_ = 0;

  return (buf != 0) || dynamic_mapped_shmem_;


  1. 判断条件优先使用大页面分配,否则考虑posix共享内存或普通malloc分配。

  2. 使用shmget分配大页面存储,或shm_open创建posix共享内存对象。

  3. 通过mmap或memalign为非大页面 scenarios分配内存。

  4. 返回是否成功分配内存结果。



  • PciOpen函数,用于以可读可写方式打开PCI总线上的设备文件,并返回文件描述符。如果文件打开失败,将记录错误日志并返回-1。
  • PciRead函数,用于从PCI设备的配置空间中读取数据。函数会根据给定的文件描述符、偏移量和数据宽度执行对应的读取操作。读取完成之后,会返回读取的数据。若在读取过程中发生错误,将会记录错误日志并返回0。
  • PciWrite函数,用于向PCI设备的配置空间中写入数据。函数会根据给定的文件描述符、偏移量和数据宽度将数据写入到配置空间中。如果写入发生错误(比如寻址错误或写入数据不完整),将会记录错误日志。
// Open a PCI bus-dev-func as a file and return its file descriptor.
// Error is indicated by return value less than zero.
int OsLayer::PciOpen(int bus, int device, int function) {
  char dev_file[256];

  snprintf(dev_file, sizeof(dev_file), "/proc/bus/pci/%02x/%02x.%x",
           bus, device, function);

  int fd = open(dev_file, O_RDWR);
  if (fd == -1) {
    logprintf(0, "Process Error: Unable to open PCI bus %d, device %d, "
                 "function %d (errno %d).\n",
              bus, device, function, errno);
    return -1;

  return fd;

// Read and write functions to access PCI config.
uint32 OsLayer::PciRead(int fd, uint32 offset, int width) {
  // Strict aliasing rules lawyers will cause data corruption
  // on cast pointers in some gccs.
  union {
    uint32 l32;
    uint16 l16;
    uint8 l8;
  } datacast;
  datacast.l32 = 0;
  uint32 size = width / 8;

  sat_assert((width == 32) || (width == 16) || (width == 8));
  sat_assert(offset <= (256 - size));

  if (lseek(fd, offset, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
    logprintf(0, "Process Error: Can't seek %x\n", offset);
    return 0;
  if (read(fd, &datacast, size) != static_cast<ssize_t>(size)) {
    logprintf(0, "Process Error: Can't read %x\n", offset);
    return 0;

  // Extract the data.
  switch (width) {
    case 8:
      sat_assert(&(datacast.l8) == reinterpret_cast<uint8*>(&datacast));
      return datacast.l8;
    case 16:
      sat_assert(&(datacast.l16) == reinterpret_cast<uint16*>(&datacast));
      return datacast.l16;
    case 32:
      return datacast.l32;
  return 0;

void OsLayer::PciWrite(int fd, uint32 offset, uint32 value, int width) {
  // Strict aliasing rules lawyers will cause data corruption
  // on cast pointers in some gccs.
  union {
    uint32 l32;
    uint16 l16;
    uint8 l8;
  } datacast;
  datacast.l32 = 0;
  uint32 size = width / 8;

  sat_assert((width == 32) || (width == 16) || (width == 8));
  sat_assert(offset <= (256 - size));

  // Cram the data into the right alignment.
  switch (width) {
    case 8:
      sat_assert(&(datacast.l8) == reinterpret_cast<uint8*>(&datacast));
      datacast.l8 = value;
    case 16:
      sat_assert(&(datacast.l16) == reinterpret_cast<uint16*>(&datacast));
      datacast.l16 = value;
    case 32:
      datacast.l32 = value;

  if (lseek(fd, offset, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
    logprintf(0, "Process Error: Can't seek %x\n", offset);
  if (write(fd, &datacast, size) != static_cast<ssize_t>(size)) {
    logprintf(0, "Process Error: Can't write %x to %x\n", datacast.l32, offset);





用于MSR(Model Specific Register,特定于处理器模型的寄存器)的打开、读取和写入的功能。

  • OpenMSR函数负责打开特定核心(core)的MSR设备,并设置偏移量为指定的地址。首先构建MSR文件路径,然后使用open函数打开文件。如果打开失败,则直接返回错误代码,否则将文件指针移动到指定地址,若偏移位置与指定地址不一致则关闭文件,并记录错误日志后返回 -1 。

  • ReadMSR函数调用OpenMSR打开MSR文件,然后读取数据,将结果存储在参数data所指向的内存区域。返回真值表示读取成功,为假表示读取失败,会记录错误日志。不管是否成功读取,函数都会关闭MSR文件。

  • WriteMSR函数与ReadMSR类似,也会调用OpenMSR打开MSR文件,然后将数据写入到MSR,返回真值表示写入成功,为假表示写入失败,会记录错误日志。无论写入结果如何,函数都会关闭MSR文件。


// Open dev msr.
int OsLayer::OpenMSR(uint32 core, uint32 address) {
  char buf[256];
  snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "/dev/cpu/%d/msr", core);
  int fd = open(buf, O_RDWR);
  if (fd < 0)
    return fd;

  uint32 pos = lseek(fd, address, SEEK_SET);
  if (pos != address) {
    logprintf(5, "Log: can't seek to msr %x, cpu %d\n", address, core);
    return -1;

  return fd;

bool OsLayer::ReadMSR(uint32 core, uint32 address, uint64 *data) {
  int fd = OpenMSR(core, address);
  if (fd < 0)
    return false;

  // Read from the msr.
  bool res = (sizeof(*data) == read(fd, data, sizeof(*data)));

  if (!res)
    logprintf(5, "Log: Failed to read msr %x core %d\n", address, core);


  return res;

bool OsLayer::WriteMSR(uint32 core, uint32 address, uint64 *data) {
  int fd = OpenMSR(core, address);
  if (fd < 0)
    return false;

  // Write to the msr
  bool res = (sizeof(*data) == write(fd, data, sizeof(*data)));

  if (!res)
    logprintf(5, "Log: Failed to write msr %x core %d\n", address, core);


  return res;





// Generic CPU stress workload that would work on any CPU/Platform.
// Float-point array moving average calculation.
bool OsLayer::CpuStressWorkload() {
  double float_arr[100];
  double sum = 0;
#ifdef HAVE_RAND_R
  unsigned int seed = 12345;

  // Initialize array with random numbers.
  for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
#ifdef HAVE_RAND_R
    float_arr[i] = rand_r(&seed);
    if (rand_r(&seed) % 2)
      float_arr[i] *= -1.0;
    float_arr[i] = rand();  // NOLINT
    if (rand() % 2)         // NOLINT
      float_arr[i] *= -1.0;

  // Calculate moving average.
  for (int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) {
    float_arr[i % 100] =
      (float_arr[i % 100] + float_arr[(i + 1) % 100] +
       float_arr[(i + 99) % 100]) / 3;
    sum += float_arr[i % 100];

  // Artificial printf so the loops do not get optimized away.
  if (sum == 0.0)
    logprintf(12, "Log: I'm Feeling Lucky!\n");
  return true;


stressapptest的OsLayer模块提供了对操作系统相关抽象接口的封装和实现,为stressapptest工具在不同操作系统平台上的性能测试和压力测试提供了统一的适配接口。该模块中的方法涉及了文件操作、内存管理、PCI总线访问、MSR(Model Specific Register,特定于处理器模型的寄存器)操作等操作系统底层资源的封装和调用,为stressapptest工具的跨平台性能提供了有力支持。通过对该模块进行深入分析可以更好地理解stressapptest工具在不同平台上的工作原理和性能测试逻辑,为在实际使用过程中进行性能测试和调优提供参考。






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