$Title = _('内部员工首页');
$ViewTopic = '内部员工首页';
$BookMark = '内部员工首页';
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function review(type) {
if (type == "11") {
// 账号注册审核
window.open('RegReview.php', '_blank');
if (type == "22") {
// 员工注册审核
window.open('HremployeeRegReview.php', '_blank');
if (type == "33") {
// 出差信息审核
window.open('BusinessTripReview.php', '_blank');
if (type == "44") {
// 出差信息审核
window.open('LeaveReview.php', '_blank');
if (type == "55") {
// 出差信息审核
window.open('SearchSoForApprove.php', '_blank');
if (type == "66") {
// 出差信息审核
window.open('PRApproved.php', '_blank');
if (type == "77") {
// 出差信息审核
window.open('POApproved.php', '_blank');
if (type == "88") {
// 出差信息审核
window.open('DisciplinaryRecordReview.php', '_blank');
<div class="all">
<div class="all_position">
<!-- 第一个模块 -->
<div class="module1">
<!-- 第一行 -->
<div class="line1">
<div class="line1_position">
<div class="line1_1">
<div class="line11_item" onclick="review(11)">
<div class="line11_item_icon">
<image src="img/file.png" class="img" />
<div class="line11_item_text">
<div class="text_count">
$sql11 = "select count(userid) count from regist_user where user_type = '" . $_SESSION['user_type'] . "' and status = '待审核'";
$result11 = DB_query($sql11, $db);
// 检查查询结果是否为空
if (DB_num_rows($result11) > 0) {
$rown11 = DB_fetch_array($result11);
$count11 = $rown11['count'];
} else {
$count11 = 0;
<div class="span1"><?php echo $count11 ?></div>
<div class="span2">件</div>
<div class="text_title">
<div class="span1">账号注册待审核</div>
<div class="line11_item" onclick="review(22)">
<div class="line11_item_icon">
<image src="img/file.png" class="img" />
<div class="line11_item_text">
<div class="text_count">
$sql22 = "select count(id) count from hr_employees_reg where status = '待审核'";
$result22 = DB_query($sql22, $db);
// 检查查询结果是否为空
if (DB_num_rows($result22) > 0) {
$rown22 = DB_fetch_array($result22);
$count22 = $rown22['count'];
} else {
$count22 = 0;
<div class="span1"><?php echo $count22 ?></div>
<div class="span2">件</div>
<div class="text_title">
<div class="span1">员工注册待审核</div>
<div class="line11_item" onclick="review(33)">
<div class="line11_item_icon">
<image src="img/file.png" class="img" />
<div class="line11_item_text">
<div class="text_count">
$sql33 = "select count(id) count from businesstrip where status = '待审核'";
$result33 = DB_query($sql33, $db);
// 检查查询结果是否为空
if (DB_num_rows($result33) > 0) {
$rown33 = DB_fetch_array($result33);
$count33 = $rown33['count'];
} else {
$count33 = 0;
<div class="span1"><?php echo $count33 ?></div>
<div class="span2">件</div>
<div class="text_title">
<div class="span1">出差信息待审核</div>
<div class="line11_item" onclick="review(44)">
<div class="line11_item_icon">
<image src="img/file.png" class="img" />
<div class="line11_item_text">
<div class="text_count">
$sql44 = "select count(id) count from ask_for_leave where status = '待审核'";
$result44 = DB_query($sql44, $db);
// 检查查询结果是否为空
if (DB_num_rows($result44) > 0) {
$rown44 = DB_fetch_array($result44);
$count44 = $rown44['count'];
} else {
$count44 = 0;
<div class="span1"><?php echo $count44 ?></div>
<div class="span2">件</div>
<div class="text_title">
<div class="span1">请假单待审核</div>
<div class="line11_item" onclick="review(55)">
<div class="line11_item_icon">
<image src="img/file.png" class="img" />
<div class="line11_item_text">
<div class="text_count">
$sql55 = "SELECT count(p.order_id) count
FROM so_headers_all p,customers b
WHERE p.customer_code = b.customer_code
AND p.status
in ('待签核')
$result55 = DB_query($sql55, $db);
// 检查查询结果是否为空
if (DB_num_rows($result55) > 0) {
$rown55 = DB_fetch_array($result55);
$count55 = $rown55['count'];
} else {
$count55 = 0;
<div class="span1"><?php echo $count55 ?></div>
<div class="span2">件</div>
<div class="text_title">
<div class="span1">订单待签核</div>
<div class="line11_item" onclick="review(66)">
<div class="line11_item_icon">
<image src="img/file.png" class="img" />
<div class="line11_item_text">
<div class="text_count">
$sql66 = " select count(a.pr_num) count
from pr_headers_all a
where status = '待签核'
$result66 = DB_query($sql66, $db);
// 检查查询结果是否为空
if (DB_num_rows($result66) > 0) {
$rown66 = DB_fetch_array($result66);
$count66 = $rown66['count'];
} else {
$count66 = 0;
<div class="span1"><?php echo $count66 ?></div>
<div class="span2">件</div>
<div class="text_title">
<div class="span1">请购单待签核</div>
<div class="line11_item" onclick="review(77)">
<div class="line11_item_icon">
<image src="img/file.png" class="img" />
<div class="line11_item_text">
<div class="text_count">
$sql77 = " SELECT count(po_num) count
FROM po_headers_all a, vendors b
WHERE status in( '待签核' )
AND a.vendor_code = b.vendor_code
$result77 = DB_query($sql77, $db);
// 检查查询结果是否为空
if (DB_num_rows($result77) > 0) {
$rown77 = DB_fetch_array($result77);
$count77 = $rown77['count'];
} else {
$count77 = 0;
<div class="span1"><?php echo $count77 ?></div>
<div class="span2">件</div>
<div class="text_title">
<div class="span1">采购单待签核</div>
<div class="line11_item" onclick="review(88)">
<div class="line11_item_icon">
<image src="img/file.png" class="img" />
<div class="line11_item_text">
<div class="text_count">
$sql88 = " select count(a.id) count
from hr_disciplinary_record a,hr_employees b
where a.employee_num = b.employee_num
and a.status = '待审核'
$result88 = DB_query($sql88, $db);
// 检查查询结果是否为空
if (DB_num_rows($result88) > 0) {
$rown88 = DB_fetch_array($result88);
$count88 = $rown88['count'];
} else {
$count88 = 0;
<div class="span1"><?php echo $count88 ?></div>
<div class="span2">件</div>
<div class="text_title">
<div class="span1">奖惩信息待签核</div>
<div class="line1_2">
<div class="line12_item">
<div class="calendar">
<div class="header">
<a data-action="prev-month" href="javascript:void(0)" title="Previous Month"><i></i></a>
<div class="text" data-render="month-year"></div>
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<script src="javascript/indexpage/inemployee_index.js"></script>
<!-- 第二行 -->
<div class="line2">
<div class="line2_position">
<div class="line2_1">
<div class="line21_item">
<div class="kanban_item">
<div class="kanban_line">
<div class="kanban_title">
<div class="kanban_content">
<div id="poruku" class="chart-container"></div>
<div style="width: 100%; height:100%;"></div>
<div class="line2_2">
<div class="line22_item">
<div class="kanban_item">
<div class="kanban_line">
<div class="kanban_title">
<div class="kanban_content">
<div id="poruku2" class="chart-container"></div>
<div style="width: 100%; height:100%;"></div>
<!-- 第三行 -->
<div class="line3">
<div class="line3_position">
<div class="line3_1">
<div class="line31_item">
<div class="kanban_item">
<div class="kanban_line">
<div class="kanban_title">
<div class="kanban_content">
<div id="poruku1" style="height:95%;" class="chart-container"></div>
<div style="width: 100%; height:100%;"></div>
<div class="line3_2">
<div class="line32_item">
<div class="kanban_item">
<div class="kanban_line">
<div class="kanban_title">
<div class="kanban_content">
<div id="poruku3" style="height:95%;" class="chart-container"></div>
<div style="width: 100%; height:100%;"></div>
<div class="line3_3">
<div class="line33_item">
<div class="kanban_item">
<div class="kanban_line">
<div class="kanban_title">
<div class="kanban_content">
<div class="line3_4">
<div class="line34_item">
<div class="kanban_item">
<div class="kanban_line">
<div class="kanban_title">
<div class="kanban_content">
<div class="module2">
<div class="kanban_item">
<div class="kanban_line">
<div class="kanban_title1">
<div class="kanban_content1">
$sql_msg = "SELECT *
FROM message_board
where enable_flag = 'Y'
ORDER BY created_date desc
$result_msg = DB_query($sql_msg, $db);
// 检查查询是否成功
if ($result_msg) {
// 检查查询结果是否为空
if (mysqli_num_rows($result_msg) > 0) {
<ul class="message_item">
while ($row_msg = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_msg)) {
<div class="message_link">
<a target="_blank" href="<?php echo $RootPath ?>/message_details.php?Msgid=<?php echo $row_msg['id'] ?>"><?php echo $row_msg['title'] ?></a>
} else {
echo "No results found.";
} else {
echo "Query failed.";
// 近一月客户新增订单金额前五榜单
$sql = "SELECT customer_code,
SUM(order_all_amount) AS total_amount
FROM so_headers_all
GROUP BY customer_code
ORDER BY total_amount
$result = DB_query($sql, $db);
while ($array = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$arrays[] = $array;
if (is_array($arrays)) {
foreach ($arrays as $key => $value) {
$customer[] = $value['customer_code'];
$amount[] = $value['total_amount'];
} else {
$customer[] = 0;
$amount[] = 0;
echo "<script>";
echo "; var customer = ";
echo json_encode($customer);
echo "; var amount = ";
echo json_encode($amount);
echo ";
var myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('poruku'));
option = {
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trigger: 'axis',
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containLabel: true, //自动计算并包含坐标轴标签、刻度和标题等内容在内。
xAxis: {
name: '订单金额',
type: 'value', //数据类型为数值型。
axisLine: {
lineStyle: {
color: '#6691b5' // 设置 x 坐标轴线的颜色
axisLabel: {
fontSize: 12 // 设置横轴标签字体大小为12
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splitLine: {
show: false // 隐藏纵坐标轴的背景横线
yAxis: [
name: '客户',
type: 'category', //横坐标数据类型为类别型,适用于离散的数据
data: customer,
axisLine: {
lineStyle: {
color: '#6691b5' // 设置 x 坐标轴线的颜色
axisLabel: {
fontSize: 12 // 设置横轴标签字体大小为12
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fontSize: 12 // 设置横轴名称字体大小为12
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type: 'bar',
barWidth: '14',
data: amount, //设置横坐标的数据,使用变量中的数据。
itemStyle: {
normal: {
label: {
show: true,
position: 'right',
textStyle: {
color: '#6691b5',
fontSize: 12
let currentIndex = -1;
setInterval(function() {
var dataLen = option.series[0].data.length;
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type: 'downplay',
seriesIndex: 0,
dataIndex: currentIndex
currentIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % dataLen;
// 高亮当前图形
type: 'highlight',
seriesIndex: 0,
dataIndex: currentIndex
// 显示 tooltip
type: 'showTip',
seriesIndex: 0,
dataIndex: currentIndex
}, 1000);
$sql1 = "SELECT sl.yewu,em.employee_name,
SUM(sl.order_all_amount) AS total_amount
FROM so_headers_all sl,hr_employees em
AND sl.yewu = em.employee_num
GROUP BY sl.yewu
ORDER BY total_amount desc
$result1 = DB_query($sql1, $db);
$index = 1;
while ($array1 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result1)) {
$name = $array1['employee_name'];
$value = $array1['total_amount'];
$title = 'TOP' . $index;
if (!$value) {
$value = 0;
$array_data1[] = array(
'name' => $name,
'value' => $value,
'title' => $title
echo "<script>";
// echo "console.log(" . json_encode($array_data1) . ");";
echo "; var array1 = ";
echo json_encode($array_data1);
// 对数据项数量进行判断
$arrayLength = count($array_data1);
for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) {
echo "
if (array1[" . ($i - 1) . "]) {
document.getElementById('yewu_top" . $i . "').innerText = array1[" . ($i - 1) . "].name + ':' + array1[" . ($i - 1) . "].value;
} else {
document.getElementById('yewu_top" . $i . "').innerText = '--';
echo ";
var ydata = []
var myChart1 = echarts.init(document.getElementById('poruku1'));
option1 = {
tooltip: {
trigger: 'item',
formatter: function(params) {
var name = params.data.name;
var title = params.data.title;
var value = params.value;
var marker = params.marker; // 添加marker(小圆点)
return marker + ' ' + title + '<br/>' + name + ' : ' + value;
series: [
type: 'pie',
roseType: 'area',
itemStyle: {
normal: {
label: {
show: true,
textStyle: {
fontSize: 16
$sql2 = "SELECT
SUM(IFNULL(transaction_quantity, 0)) AS total_transaction_quantity,
SUM(IFNULL(bad_quantity, 0)) AS total_bad_quantity,
WHEN (SUM(IFNULL(transaction_quantity, 0)) + SUM(IFNULL(bad_quantity, 0))) = 0 THEN 0
ELSE ROUND((SUM(IFNULL(transaction_quantity, 0)) / (SUM(IFNULL(transaction_quantity, 0)) + SUM(IFNULL(bad_quantity, 0)))*100), 2)
END AS good_rate,
WHEN (SUM(IFNULL(transaction_quantity, 0)) + SUM(IFNULL(bad_quantity, 0))) = 0 THEN 0
ELSE ROUND((SUM(IFNULL(bad_quantity, 0)) / (SUM(IFNULL(transaction_quantity, 0)) + SUM(IFNULL(bad_quantity, 0)))*100), 2)
END AS bad_rate
FROM wip_transactions
GROUP BY operation_code
ORDER BY bad_rate desc
$result2 = DB_query($sql2, $db);
while ($array2 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result2)) {
$arrays2[] = $array2;
if (is_array($arrays2)) {
foreach ($arrays2 as $key => $value) {
$goodnum2[] = $value['total_transaction_quantity'];
$badnum2[] = $value['total_bad_quantity'];
$arr_good_quantity2[] = $value['good_rate'];
$arr_bad_quantity2[] = $value['bad_rate'];
$arrvendor2[] = $value['operation_code'];
} else {
$goodnum2[] = 0;
$badnum2[] = 0;
$arr_good_quantity2[] = 0;
$arr_bad_quantity2[] = 0;
$arrvendor2[] = 0;
echo "<script>";
echo "; var goodnum2 = ";
echo json_encode($goodnum2);
echo "; var badnum2 = ";
echo json_encode($badnum2);
echo "; var good_rate2 = ";
echo json_encode($arr_good_quantity2);
echo "; var bad_rate2 = ";
echo json_encode($arr_bad_quantity2);
echo "; var x2 = ";
echo json_encode($arrvendor2);
echo ";
var ydata = []
var myChart2 = echarts.init(document.getElementById('poruku2'));
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color: '#c48df3' // 设置文字颜色为白色
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color: '#c48df3' // 设置滚动条手柄的颜色为红色
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start: 0, // 默认数据窗口范围的起始位置为0
end: 60, // 默认数据窗口范围的结束位置为60
xAxisIndex: [0], // 设置dataZoom组件影响的x轴索引,默认为第一个x轴
filterMode: 'filter', // 数据窗口范围的定义模式为filter过滤模式
height: 12
color: ['#b381dd','#3aafe8'],
tooltip: {
trigger: 'axis',
axisPointer: { // 坐标轴指示器,坐标轴触发有效
type: 'line' // 默认为直线,可选为:'line' | 'shadow'
formatter: function(params) {
var index = params[0].dataIndex;
var goodnum = goodnum2[index];
var badnum = badnum2[index];
var goodrate = params[0].value;
var badrate = params[1].value;
return '良品数量:' + goodnum + '<br>' +
'不良数量:' + badnum ;
grid: {
top: '20%', // 增加top的值来创建间距
left: '3%',
right: '3%',
bottom: '15%', // 增加bottom的值来创建间距
containLabel: true, //自动计算并包含坐标轴标签、刻度和标题等内容在内。
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name: '时间',
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padding: [0, 0, -25, -25] // 横坐标名称与原位置的边距
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data: x2, //设置横坐标的数据,使用变量x2中的数据。
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color: '#6691b5' // 设置 x 坐标轴线的颜色
axisLabel: {
interval: 0, // 设置横坐标刻度的显示间隔,默认为0表示全部显示
// 如果刻度标签太长,可以使用rotate进行旋转
textStyle: {
fontSize: 12
yAxis: [
name: '比例',
type: 'value', //数据类型为数值型。
axisLabel: {
formatter: '{value}%'
splitLine: {
show: false // 隐藏纵坐标轴的背景横线
axisLine: {
lineStyle: {
color: '#6691b5' // 设置 x 坐标轴线的颜色为红色
series: [
type: 'bar',
data: good_rate2,
barWidth: '30%', // 设置柱状图的宽度为整个类目宽度的40%
barGap: '20%', // 设置柱状图之间的间距为整个类目宽度的20%
itemStyle: {
normal: {
label: {
show: true,
position: 'top',
formatter: '{c}%',
textStyle: {
color: '#b381dd',
fontSize: 10
type: 'bar',
data: bad_rate2,
barWidth: '30%', // 设置柱状图的宽度为整个类目宽度的40%
barGap: '20%', // 设置柱状图之间的间距为整个类目宽度的20%
itemStyle: {
normal: {
label: {
show: true,
position: 'top',
formatter: '{c}%',
textStyle: {
color: '#3aafe8',
fontSize: 10
$sql3 = "SELECT sl.stockid,sf.item_name,SUM(line_amount) AS total_amount
FROM so_lines_all sl,sf_item_no sf
WHERE sl.stockid = sf.item_no
GROUP BY stockid
ORDER BY total_amount desc
$result3 = DB_query($sql3, $db);
$index = 1;
while ($array3 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result3)) {
$name = $array3['stockid'];
$value = $array3['total_amount'];
$title = 'TOP' . $index;
if (!$value) {
$value = 0;
$array_data3[] = array(
'name' => $name,
'value' => $value,
'title' => $title
echo "<script>";
// echo "console.log(" . json_encode($array_data3) . ");";
echo "; var array3 = ";
echo json_encode($array_data3);
// 对数据项数量进行判断
$arrayLength = count($array_data3);
echo ";
var ydata = []
var myChart3 = echarts.init(document.getElementById('poruku3'));
option3 = {
tooltip: {
trigger: 'item',
formatter: function(params) {
var name = params.data.name;
var title = params.data.title;
var value = params.value;
var marker = params.marker; // 添加marker(小圆点)
return marker + ' ' + title + '<br/>' + name + ' : ' + value;
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type: 'pie',
radius: '60%',
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emphasis: {
itemStyle: {
shadowBlur: 10,
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show: true
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show: false
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// label: {
// show: false
// },
// labelLine: {
// show: false
// }
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/* 第一行第一模块 */
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height: 100%;
/* 第二行 */
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height: 220px;
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height: 100%;
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/* 第三行 */
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height: 250px;
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width: 24%;
height: 250px;
background: #fff;
/* 日历样式 */
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height: 218px;
position: relative
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padding: 10px;
width: inherit;
height: inherit;
background: #fff;
position: absolute;
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transition: all .4s ease-in-out 0s;
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transform: rotateY(180deg)
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font-size: 10px;
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.months .month[data-active="true"] {
transform: rotateY(0)
/* 左右翻页按钮 */
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/* 每个月份不同的颜色 */
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background-color: #1E88E5
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color: #1E88E5
[data-theme="一月"] .header .text,
[data-theme="一月"] .month_table .row .cell.active span {
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[data-theme="二月"] .month_table .row .cell.active span {
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[data-theme="三月"] {
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color: #00897B
[data-theme="三月"] .header .text,
[data-theme="三月"] .month_table .row .cell.active span {
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[data-theme="四月"] {
background-color: #7CB342
[data-theme="四月"] .row.head {
color: #7CB342
[data-theme="四月"] .header .text,
[data-theme="四月"] .month_table .row .cell.active span {
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[data-theme="五月"] {
background-color: #efbf4f
[data-theme="五月"] .row.head {
color: #efbf4f
[data-theme="五月"] .header .text,
[data-theme="五月"] .month_table .row .cell.active span {
background-color: #FFB300
[data-theme="六月"] {
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[data-theme="六月"] .header .text,
[data-theme="六月"] .month_table .row .cell.active span {
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[data-theme="七月"] {
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[data-theme="七月"] .header .text,
[data-theme="七月"] .month_table .row .cell.active span {
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[data-theme="八月"] {
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[data-theme="九月"] {
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[data-theme="九月"] .header .text,
[data-theme="九月"] .month_table .row .cell.active span {
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[data-theme="十月"] {
background-color: #6d2081
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color: #8E24AA
[data-theme="十月"] .header .text,
[data-theme="十月"] .month_table .row .cell.active span {
background-color: #8E24AA
[data-theme="十一月"] {
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color: #ef4478
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[data-theme="十一月"] .month_table .row .cell.active span {
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[data-theme="十二月"] {
background-color: #546E7A
[data-theme="十二月"] .row.head {
color: #546E7A
[data-theme="十二月"] .header .text,
[data-theme="十二月"] .month_table .row .cell.active span {
background-color: #546E7A
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