- 本文是 Kubernetes operator学习 系列第十篇,本节会在前篇开发的Cronjob基础上,进行 多版本Operator 开发的实战
- 本文的所有代码,都存储于github代码库:https://github.com/graham924/share-code-operator-study/tree/main/cronJob-operator
- 希望各位大佬们,点点star,大家的鼓励是我更新的动力
- Kubernetes operator学习系列 快捷链接
- Kubernetes operator(一)client-go篇
- Kubernetes operator(二)CRD篇
- Kubernetes operator(三)code-generator 篇
- Kubernetes operator(四)controller-tools 篇
- Kubernetes operator(五)api 和 apimachinery 篇
- Kubernetes operator(六)CRD控制器 开发实战篇
- Kubernetes operator(七) kubebuilder 的安装及简单使用 篇
- Kubernetes operator(八) kubebuilder 实战演练之deploy-image插件的使用
- Kubernetes operator(九) kubebuilder 实战演练 之 自定义CronJob
- Kubernetes operator(十) kubebuilder 实战演练 之 开发多版本CronJob
- Kubernetes operator 零散知识篇
1.本项目开发的 多版本CronJob 介绍
- 大多数项目都是从一个 alpha API 开始的,我们可以将其作为发布版本供用户使用。
- 但增加一些重要特性后,大多数项目还是需要发布一个更稳定的 API版本。一旦 API 版本稳定,就不能对其进行重大更改。
- 这就是 API 多版本发挥作用的地方。
1.2.本文基于前一篇开发的 CronJob:v1
- 在 前一篇文章 中,我们制作了一个cronjob,版本为v1。
- 建议先阅读这篇之后,再阅读本文
- Kubernetes operator(九) kubebuilder 实战演练 之 自定义CronJob
- 本文基于前一篇开发的 CronJob:v1,添加一个新的版本v2
- 本文基于前一篇开发的 CronJob:v1,添加一个新的版本v2,版本的差异如下:
- v1版本的CronJob,Spec中Schedule字段是string字符串,没有结构化
- v2版本的CronJob,我们对Schedule字段,进行结构化,更便于使用
- 本文仅仅是为了演示多版本的开发方法,所以v2中只对Spec进行结构化,其他的全部和v1一样
1.4.Kubernetes 版本 与 CRD 转换方法的关系
- 多版本API,需要包含增多个版本之间能够互相转换,所以需要CRD转换能力
- Kubernetes 1.13版本,将CRD 转换作为 alpha 特性引入,但默认未开启。
- 如果你使用的是 Kubernetes 1.13-1.14,一定要启用功能,请自行探索
- https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/command-line-tools-reference/feature-gates/
- Kubernetes 1.15版本,将CRD转换升级为 beta,意味着默认开启。
- 如果你使用更低版本的kubernetes,请参考官方文档。
- 本文的所有代码,都存储于github代码库:https://github.com/graham924/share-code-operator-study/tree/main/cronJob-operator
- 希望各位大佬们,点点star,大家的鼓励是我更新的动力
2.CronJob:v2 开发
- 接下来的操作,全部基于 Kubernetes operator(九) kubebuilder 实战演练 之 自定义CronJob 得到的项目
- 执行命令
kubebuilder create api --group batch --version v2 --kind CronJob # 询问中,创建Resource回答y,创建Controller回答n
- 执行命令实践,结果如下
# 执行创建API的命令 [root@localhost cronJob-operator]# kubebuilder create api --group batch --version v2 --kind CronJob INFO Create Resource [y/n] y INFO Create Controller [y/n] n INFO Writing kustomize manifests for you to edit... INFO Writing scaffold for you to edit... INFO api/v2/cronjob_types.go INFO api/v2/groupversion_info.go INFO Update dependencies: $ go mod tidy go: downloading github.com/stretchr/testify v1.8.4 go: downloading github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0 go: downloading go.uber.org/goleak v1.3.0 go: downloading github.com/evanphx/json-patch v4.12.0+incompatible go: downloading gopkg.in/check.v1 v1.0.0-20201130134442-10cb98267c6c go: downloading github.com/kr/pretty v0.3.1 go: downloading github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal v1.10.0 go: downloading github.com/kr/text v0.2.0 INFO Running make: $ make generate /root/zgy/project/share-code-operator-study/cronJob-operator/bin/controller-gen-v0.14.0 object:headerFile="hack/boilerplate.go.txt" paths="./..." Next: implement your new API and generate the manifests (e.g. CRDs,CRs) with: $ make manifests # 执行命令后,得到的项目目录如下 [root@localhost cronJob-operator]# tree . ├── api │ ├── v1 │ │ ├── cronjob_types.go │ │ ├── cronjob_webhook.go │ │ ├── cronjob_webhook_test.go │ │ ├── groupversion_info.go │ │ ├── webhook_suite_test.go │ │ └── zz_generated.deepcopy.go │ └── v2 │ ├── cronjob_types.go │ ├── groupversion_info.go │ └── zz_generated.deepcopy.go ├── bin │ ├── controller-gen-v0.14.0 │ └── kustomize-v5.3.0 ├── cmd │ └── main.go ├── config │ ├── certmanager │ │ ├── certificate.yaml │ │ ├── kustomization.yaml │ │ └── kustomizeconfig.yaml │ ├── crd │ │ ├── bases │ │ │ └── batch.graham924.com_cronjobs.yaml │ │ ├── kustomization.yaml │ │ ├── kustomizeconfig.yaml │ │ └── patches │ │ ├── cainjection_in_cronjobs.yaml │ │ └── webhook_in_cronjobs.yaml │ ├── default │ │ ├── kustomization.yaml │ │ ├── manager_auth_proxy_patch.yaml │ │ ├── manager_config_patch.yaml │ │ ├── manager_webhook_patch.yaml │ │ └── webhookcainjection_patch.yaml │ ├── manager │ │ ├── kustomization.yaml │ │ └── manager.yaml │ ├── prometheus │ │ ├── kustomization.yaml │ │ └── monitor.yaml │ ├── rbac │ │ ├── auth_proxy_client_clusterrole.yaml │ │ ├── auth_proxy_role_binding.yaml │ │ ├── auth_proxy_role.yaml │ │ ├── auth_proxy_service.yaml │ │ ├── cronjob_editor_role.yaml │ │ ├── cronjob_viewer_role.yaml │ │ ├── kustomization.yaml │ │ ├── leader_election_role_binding.yaml │ │ ├── leader_election_role.yaml │ │ ├── role_binding.yaml │ │ ├── role.yaml │ │ └── service_account.yaml │ ├── samples │ │ ├── batch_v1_cronjob.yaml │ │ ├── batch_v2_cronjob.yaml │ │ └── kustomization.yaml │ └── webhook │ ├── kustomization.yaml │ ├── kustomizeconfig.yaml │ ├── manifests.yaml │ └── service.yaml ├── Dockerfile ├── go.mod ├── go.sum ├── hack │ └── boilerplate.go.txt ├── internal │ └── controller │ ├── cronjob_controller.go │ ├── cronjob_controller_test.go │ └── suite_test.go ├── Makefile ├── PROJECT ├── README.md └── test ├── e2e │ ├── e2e_suite_test.go │ └── e2e_test.go └── utils └── utils.go 22 directories, 61 files
2.2.修改 api/v2/cronjob_types.go
- 从 2.1 输出的目录可以看到,创建完 v2 版本的 API,在api 目录下多出一个 v2 目录,v2 目录下是 新版本的CronJob实体类相关资源
- 我们修改
,CronJobSpec 的Schedule写成结构化,其他所有的内容都和 v1版本的CronJob 一样 - 和 v1 版本的差异处
// represents a Cron field specifier. type CronField string // describes a Cron schedule. type CronSchedule struct { // specifies the minute during which the job executes. // +optional Minute *CronField `json:"minute,omitempty"` // specifies the hour during which the job executes. // +optional Hour *CronField `json:"hour,omitempty"` // specifies the day of the month during which the job executes. // +optional DayOfMonth *CronField `json:"dayOfMonth,omitempty"` // specifies the month during which the job executes. // +optional Month *CronField `json:"month,omitempty"` // specifies the day of the week during which the job executes. // +optional DayOfWeek *CronField `json:"dayOfWeek,omitempty"` } // CronJobSpec defines the desired state of CronJob type CronJobSpec struct { // The schedule in Cron format, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron. Schedule CronSchedule `json:"schedule"` ...... }
- 完整的 api/v2/cronjob_types.go
package v2 import ( batchv1 "k8s.io/api/batch/v1" corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1" metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" ) // EDIT THIS FILE! THIS IS SCAFFOLDING FOR YOU TO OWN! // NOTE: json tags are required. Any new fields you add must have json tags for the fields to be serialized. // ConcurrencyPolicy describes how the job will be handled. // Only one of the following concurrent policies may be specified. // If none of the following policies is specified, the default one // is AllowConcurrent. // +kubebuilder:validation:Enum=Allow;Forbid;Replace type ConcurrencyPolicy string const ( // AllowConcurrent allows CronJobs to run concurrently. AllowConcurrent ConcurrencyPolicy = "Allow" // ForbidConcurrent forbids concurrent runs, skipping next run if previous ForbidConcurrent ConcurrencyPolicy = "Forbid" // ReplaceConcurrent cancels currently running job and replaces it with a new one. ReplaceConcurrent ConcurrencyPolicy = "Replace" ) // represents a Cron field specifier. type CronField string // describes a Cron schedule. type CronSchedule struct { // specifies the minute during which the job executes. // +optional Minute *CronField `json:"minute,omitempty"` // specifies the hour during which the job executes. // +optional Hour *CronField `json:"hour,omitempty"` // specifies the day of the month during which the job executes. // +optional DayOfMonth *CronField `json:"dayOfMonth,omitempty"` // specifies the month during which the job executes. // +optional Month *CronField `json:"month,omitempty"` // specifies the day of the week during which the job executes. // +optional DayOfWeek *CronField `json:"dayOfWeek,omitempty"` } // CronJobSpec defines the desired state of CronJob type CronJobSpec struct { // The schedule in Cron format, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron. Schedule CronSchedule `json:"schedule"` // +kubebuilder:validation:Minimum=0 // Optional deadline in seconds for starting the job if it misses scheduled // time for any reason. Missed jobs executions will be counted as failed ones. // +optional StartingDeadlineSeconds *int64 `json:"startingDeadlineSeconds,omitempty"` // Specifies how to treat concurrent executions of a Job. // Valid values are: // - "Allow" (default): allows CronJobs to run concurrently; // - "Forbid": forbids concurrent runs, skipping next run if previous run hasn't finished yet; // - "Replace": cancels currently running job and replaces it with a new one // +optional ConcurrencyPolicy ConcurrencyPolicy `json:"concurrencyPolicy,omitempty"` // This flag tells the controller to suspend subsequent executions, it does // not apply to already started executions. Defaults to false. // +optional Suspend *bool `json:"suspend,omitempty"` // Specifies the job that will be created when executing a CronJob. JobTemplate batchv1.JobTemplateSpec `json:"jobTemplate"` // +kubebuilder:validation:Minimum=0 // The number of successful finished jobs to retain. // This is a pointer to distinguish between explicit zero and not specified. // +optional SuccessfulJobsHistoryLimit *int32 `json:"successfulJobsHistoryLimit,omitempty"` // +kubebuilder:validation:Minimum=0 // The number of failed finished jobs to retain. // This is a pointer to distinguish between explicit zero and not specified. // +optional FailedJobsHistoryLimit *int32 `json:"failedJobsHistoryLimit,omitempty"` } // CronJobStatus defines the observed state of CronJob type CronJobStatus struct { // INSERT ADDITIONAL STATUS FIELD - define observed state of cluster // Important: Run "make" to regenerate code after modifying this file // A list of pointers to currently running jobs. // +optional Active []corev1.ObjectReference `json:"active,omitempty"` // Information when was the last time the job was successfully scheduled. // +optional LastScheduleTime *metav1.Time `json:"lastScheduleTime,omitempty"` } //+kubebuilder:object:root=true //+kubebuilder:subresource:status // CronJob is the Schema for the cronjobs API type CronJob struct { metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"` metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"` Spec CronJobSpec `json:"spec,omitempty"` Status CronJobStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` } //+kubebuilder:object:root=true // CronJobList contains a list of CronJob type CronJobList struct { metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"` metav1.ListMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"` Items []CronJob `json:"items"` } func init() { SchemeBuilder.Register(&CronJob{}, &CronJobList{}) }
- 当API有多个版本时,对于一个API资源,etcd不知道统一保存哪个版本的资源,需要我们指定一个 存储版本
- 这样etcd会将该API资源,统一转成存储版本,加以存储
- 我们决定将v1版本设置为存储版本,设置方法为:在v1版本的CronJob结构体上方,使用
标记 - api/v1/cronjob_types.go内容如下
//+kubebuilder:object:root=true //+kubebuilder:subresource:status //+kubebuilder:storageversion // CronJob is the Schema for the cronjobs API type CronJob struct { metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"` metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"` Spec CronJobSpec `json:"spec,omitempty"` Status CronJobStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` }
版本转换 有两种解决方案
- 两两版本间转换:每两个版本之间,就写一套转换方法
- 中心轴条式转换(hub-spokes):定义一个中心版本,其他版本 只写 转成中心版本的方法,版本间相互转换通过中心版本做中转
- 中心版本,称为Hub
- 其他所有版本,称为Spokes
很明显,第二种 中心轴条式转换(hub-spokes) 更优异,不需要维护那么多转换方法,易扩展,controller-runtime 也是如此
2.5.2.controller-runtime 的 Hub 和 Convertible 接口
接口- 具有多版本的API,要从中选择一个版本作为 中心版本
- 中心版本需要实现
Hub 接口
,相当于完成了标记type Hub interface { runtime.Object Hub() }
接口- 具有多版本的API,每个Spokes版本,都需要 实现
Convertible 接口
方法,用于和Hub版本之间相互转换type Convertible interface { runtime.Object // 将 当前版本 转成 Hub中心版本 ConvertTo(dst Hub) error // 将 Hub版本 转成 当前版本 ConvertFrom(src Hub) error }
- 具有多版本的API,每个Spokes版本,都需要 实现
2.5.3.将 CronJob:v1 版本作为Hub中心版本
- 在
文件,用于让 v1 版本的 CronJob 实现 Hub 接口 - 实现 Hub 方法,空就行
内容package v1 // Hub marks this type as a conversion hub. func (*CronJob) Hub() {}
2.5.4.将 CronJob:v2 版本作为Spoke轴条版本
- 在
文件,用于让 v2 版本的 CronJob 实现 Convertible 接口 - 编写 ConvertTo 和 ConvertFrom 方法,用于和Hub版本之间相互转换
内容package v2 import ( "fmt" v1 "graham924.com/cronJob-operator/api/v1" "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/conversion" "strings" ) func (src *CronJob) ConvertTo(dstRaw conversion.Hub) error { dst := dstRaw.(*v1.CronJob) sched := src.Spec.Schedule scheduleParts := []string{"*", "*", "*", "*", "*"} if sched.Minute != nil { scheduleParts[0] = string(*sched.Minute) } if sched.Hour != nil { scheduleParts[1] = string(*sched.Hour) } if sched.DayOfMonth != nil { scheduleParts[2] = string(*sched.DayOfMonth) } if sched.Month != nil { scheduleParts[3] = string(*sched.Month) } if sched.DayOfWeek != nil { scheduleParts[4] = string(*sched.DayOfWeek) } dst.Spec.Schedule = strings.Join(scheduleParts, " ") /* The rest of the conversion is pretty rote. */ // ObjectMeta dst.ObjectMeta = src.ObjectMeta // Spec dst.Spec.StartingDeadlineSeconds = src.Spec.StartingDeadlineSeconds dst.Spec.ConcurrencyPolicy = v1.ConcurrencyPolicy(src.Spec.ConcurrencyPolicy) dst.Spec.Suspend = src.Spec.Suspend dst.Spec.JobTemplate = src.Spec.JobTemplate dst.Spec.SuccessfulJobsHistoryLimit = src.Spec.SuccessfulJobsHistoryLimit dst.Spec.FailedJobsHistoryLimit = src.Spec.FailedJobsHistoryLimit // Status dst.Status.Active = src.Status.Active dst.Status.LastScheduleTime = src.Status.LastScheduleTime return nil } func (dst *CronJob) ConvertFrom(srcRaw conversion.Hub) error { src := srcRaw.(*v1.CronJob) schedParts := strings.Split(src.Spec.Schedule, " ") if len(schedParts) != 5 { return fmt.Errorf("invalid schedule: not a standard 5-field schedule") } partIfNeeded := func(raw string) *CronField { if raw == "*" { return nil } part := CronField(raw) return &part } dst.Spec.Schedule = CronSchedule{ Minute: partIfNeeded(schedParts[0]), Hour: partIfNeeded(schedParts[1]), DayOfMonth: partIfNeeded(schedParts[2]), Month: partIfNeeded(schedParts[3]), DayOfWeek: partIfNeeded(schedParts[4]), } /* The rest of the conversion is pretty rote. */ // ObjectMeta dst.ObjectMeta = src.ObjectMeta // Spec dst.Spec.StartingDeadlineSeconds = src.Spec.StartingDeadlineSeconds dst.Spec.ConcurrencyPolicy = ConcurrencyPolicy(src.Spec.ConcurrencyPolicy) dst.Spec.Suspend = src.Spec.Suspend dst.Spec.JobTemplate = src.Spec.JobTemplate dst.Spec.SuccessfulJobsHistoryLimit = src.Spec.SuccessfulJobsHistoryLimit dst.Spec.FailedJobsHistoryLimit = src.Spec.FailedJobsHistoryLimit // Status dst.Status.Active = src.Status.Active dst.Status.LastScheduleTime = src.Status.LastScheduleTime return nil }