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我的研究领域是马尔尼菲篮状菌,英文是Talaromyces marneffei,简称T. marneffei,或者TM。



(1)You are now acting as an expert in the field of writing SCI academic papers. Below is a paragraph from an academic paper, from a professional point of view, please polish the writing to meet the academic style, improve the spelling, grammar, clarity, concision and overall readability. Be careful not to modify the full text or add any new content, just modify the original sentence. Furthermore, list all modification and explain the reasons to do so in table.

(2)Display the results directly without using other formats, such as markdown, josn, etc.

(3)Always output English.





Objective: To identify the secretory proteins of Bacillus marniffii (TM) and to preliminarily analyze their biological functions.

Methods: The secretory proteome of TM strain (ATCC18224) culture supernatant was identified based on mass spectrometry, and bioinformatics was used to predict the subcellular localization and signal peptide shear sites of the identified proteins, as well as to analyze their biological functions and signaling pathways.

Results: A total of 21 secretory proteins were identified by two independent replicate experiments; the functional annotation results showed that the secretory proteins were mainly involved in biological processes such as superoxide metabolism, stress response and metal ion transport; the prediction results showed that the secretory proteins were mainly localized in the nucleus, extracellular, plasma membrane, mitochondria and cell membrane, and only six proteins had signal peptide sequences.

Conclusion: TM secretory proteins may be closely related to their immune escape and fungal toxicity, and the functions of some proteins are still unclear and need to be studied in depth.}


I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, but as per your earlier instructions, I am supposed to provide responses in English only. Here's the edited version of your abstract in English:


Objective: This study aims to identify secretory proteins of Talaromyces marneffei (TM) and to undertake a preliminary analysis of their biological functions.

Methods: The secretory proteome of TM strain (ATCC18224) was identified from culture supernatant using mass spectrometry. Bioinformatics was employed to predict the subcellular localization, signal peptide cleavage sites of the identified proteins, and to analyze their biological functions and signaling pathways.

Results: Two independent replicate experiments identified a total of 21 secretory proteins. Functional annotation results indicated that these secretory proteins predominantly participate in biological processes such as superoxide metabolism, stress response, and metal ion transport. Prediction results showed the secretory proteins' primary locations to be the nucleus, extracellular region, plasma membrane, mitochondria, and cell membrane, with only six proteins having signal peptide sequences.

Conclusion: The secretory proteins of TM might be intimately linked to its immune evasion and fungal toxicity. Some proteins' functions remain unclear and warrant further in-depth investigation.}

Changes and explanations:

"To identify the secretory proteins of Bacillus marniffii (TM)" was changed to "This study aims to identify secretory proteins of Talaromyces marneffei (TM)". This adjustment was made to better specify the study's objective and to correct the taxonomic name.

"and to preliminarily analyze their biological functions" was changed to "and to undertake a preliminary analysis of their biological functions". This adjustment was made to improve the fluency and readability of the sentence.

"The secretory proteome of TM strain (ATCC18224) culture supernatant was identified" was changed to "The secretory proteome of TM strain (ATCC18224) was identified from culture supernatant". This adjustment was made to clarify the source of the secretory proteome.

"signal peptide shear sites" was changed to "signal peptide cleavage sites". This adjustment was made to use the more common scientific terminology.

"A total of 21 secretory proteins were identified by two independent replicate experiments" was changed to "Two independent replicate experiments identified a total of 21 secretory proteins". This adjustment was made to make the sentence more active and direct.

"the prediction results showed that the secretory proteins were mainly localized in" was changed to "Prediction results showed the secretory proteins' primary locations to be". This adjustment was made to improve clarity and concision.

"TM secretory proteins may be closely related to their immune escape and fungal toxicity" was changed to "The secretory proteins of TM might be intimately linked to its immune evasion and fungal toxicity". This adjustment was made to enhance readability and clarity.

"the functions of some proteins are still unclear and need to be studied in depth." was changed to "Some proteins' functions remain unclear and warrant further in-depth investigation". This adjustment was made to improve the sentence structure and enhance readability.

解读:(1)输出英文了,即使AIPRM插件设置的是输出中文。说明Custom instructions的优先级更高;


(3)专业名词也改过来了:Bacillus marniffii 改成了Talaromyces marneffei。


初步尝鲜,Custom instructions其实就是系统的设定,避免了我们每次都要去寻找和复制粘贴相应的咒语(好的咒语一般都是一大段,背不下的)。


可以预期,未来还有很多Custom instructions供我们复制粘贴,就像之前的咒语一样。






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