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1 主要内容
该程序复现《IHAOAVOA: An improved hybrid aquila optimizer and African vultures optimization algorithm for global optimization problems》,天鹰优化算法(AO)和非洲秃鹫算法(AVOA)各有优势:AO具有强大的全局勘探能力,但其局部开发阶段还不够稳定。另一方面,AVOA具有良好的开发能力,但勘探机制不足。基于这两种算法的特点,提出了一种改进的AO和AVOA混合优化算法,以克服单一算法的不足,为解决全局优化问题提供了更高质量的解决方案。
- 增加复合学习算法(COBL)
2 部分代码
% The IHAOAVOA Optimization Algorithm function [ihaoavoa_score,ihaoavoa_pos,ihaoavoa_curve]=IHAOAVOA(N,max_iter,lb,ub,dim,fobj) tic % initialize Best_vulture1, Best_vulture2 ihaoavoa_pos=zeros(1,dim); ihaoavoa_score=inf; Best_vulture2_X=zeros(1,dim); Best_vulture2_F=inf; %Initialize the first random population of vultures X=initialization(N,dim,ub,lb); %% Controlling parameter %/********AVOA**********/ p2=0.4; p3=0.6; alpha=0.8; betha=0.2; gamma=2.5; %/********AO**********/ avto = 1:dim; u = .0265; r0 = 10; rao = r0 +u*avto; omega = .005; phi0 = 3*pi/2; phi = -omega*avto+phi0; x = rao .* sin(phi); y = rao .* cos(phi); %/********LOBL**********/ k=12000; % Scale Coefficient t=1; % Loop counter %%Main loop while t <= max_iter %% Evaluate the fitness for i=1:size(X,1) % Calculate the fitness of the population current_vulture_X = X(i,:); current_vulture_F=fobj(current_vulture_X); % Update the first best two vultures if needed if current_vulture_Fif current_vulture_F>ihaoavoa_score && current_vulture_F2,2,1,1)*((sin((pi/2)*(t/max_iter))^gamma)+cos((pi/2)*(t/max_iter))-1); P1=(2*rand+1)*(1-(t/max_iter))+a; %% FDB index = fitnessDistanceBalance(X,ihaoavoa_score); %% Update the location for i=1:size(X,1) current_vulture_X = X(i,:); % pick the current vulture back to the population F=P1*(2*rand()-1); random_vulture_X=random_select(ihaoavoa_pos,Best_vulture2_X,alpha,betha); %% Composite opposition-based learning strategy (COBL) if rand<0.5 opposite_X=lb+ub-rand*current_vulture_X; else opposite_X=(ub + lb)/2 + (ub + lb)/(2*k) - current_vulture_X/k; end Flag_UB=opposite_X>ub; % check if they exceed (up) the boundaries Flag_LB=opposite_Xif they exceed (down) the boundaries opposite_X=(opposite_X.*(~(Flag_UB+Flag_LB)))+ub.*Flag_UB+lb.*Flag_LB; Fnew=fobj(opposite_X); if Fnewif Fnewif abs(F) >= 1 if rand <0.5 current_vulture_X=ihaoavoa_pos*(1-t/max_iter)+(mean(X(i,:))-ihaoavoa_pos)*rand(); else current_vulture_X=ihaoavoa_pos.*Levy(dim)+X(index,:)+(y-x)*rand; end %% Exploitation stage:AVOA elseif abs(F) < 1 current_vulture_X = exploitation(current_vulture_X, ihaoavoa_pos, Best_vulture2_X, random_vulture_X, F, p2, p3, dim, ub, lb); % Modified the position-weighted equation end X(i,:) = current_vulture_X; % place the current vulture back into the population end