开源BLHELI-S 代码详细解读(五)

我们继续来看calc_next_comm_timing, 每次操作完换相之后,这里都会调用,同时会设置timer3去等advance timing.


;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Calculate next commutation timing routine
; No assumptions
; Called immediately after each commutation
; Also sets up timer 3 to wait advance timing
; Two entry points are used
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
calc_next_comm_timing:		; Entry point for run phase
	; Read commutation time
	clr	IE_EA
	clr	TMR2CN0_TR2		; Timer 2 disabled
	mov	Temp1, TMR2L		; Load timer value
	mov	Temp2, TMR2H	    ;  temp1, temp2取timer2当时的计数
	mov	Temp3, Timer2_X     
	jnb	TMR2CN0_TF2H, ($+4)	; Check if interrupt is pending, 检查timer2的中断溢出标志要是零的话跳走,temp3不加1
	inc	Temp3			; If it is pending, then timer has already wrapped, 已经超时了,Temp3+1
	setb	TMR2CN0_TR2		; Timer 2 enabled, 打开timer.
	setb	IE_EA ;打开全部中断
IF MCU_48MHZ >= 1
	clr	C 
	mov	A, Temp3
	rrc	A          
	mov	Temp3, A   ;Temp3 = Temp3/2
	mov	A, Temp2
	rrc	A
	mov	Temp2, A   ;Temp2 = Temp2/2
	mov	A, Temp1
	rrc	A
	mov	Temp1, A    ;Temp1 = Temp1/2
	; Calculate this commutation time
	mov	Temp4, Prev_Comm_L      ; temp4/5 赋为上次操作时间
	mov	Temp5, Prev_Comm_H
	mov	Prev_Comm_L, Temp1		; Store timestamp as previous commutation
	mov	Prev_Comm_H, Temp2      ; 保存当前时间到上次操作时间到Pre_Comm_L/H
	clr	C
	mov	A, Temp1
	subb	A, Temp4				; Calculate the new commutation time
	mov	Temp1, A
	mov	A, Temp2
	subb	A, Temp5             ;当前时间减去上次时间,结果在temp1,和A.
	jb	Flags1.STARTUP_PHASE, calc_next_comm_startup ;如果启动阶段,跳走。

IF MCU_48MHZ >= 1          
	anl	A, #7Fh         ;如果48Mhz, 高位 & 7Fh
	mov	Temp2, A         ;保存高位到Temp2
	jnb	Flags1.HIGH_RPM, ($+5)	; Branch if high rpm ,
	ajmp	calc_next_comm_timing_fast ; 是高rpm,跳到calc_next_comm_timing_fast

	ajmp	calc_next_comm_normal  ; 如果不是高rpm,跳到calc_next_comm_normal

	mov	Temp6, Prev_Comm_X
	mov	Prev_Comm_X, Temp3		; Store extended timestamp as previous commutation
	mov	Temp2, A
	mov	A, Temp3
	subb	A, Temp6				; Calculate the new extended commutation time
IF MCU_48MHZ >= 1
	anl	A, #7Fh    ;如果48Mhz, 高位 & 7Fh
	mov	Temp3, A
	jz	calc_next_comm_startup_no_X

	mov	Temp1, #0FFh
	mov	Temp2, #0FFh
	ajmp	calc_next_comm_startup_average

	mov	Temp7, Prev_Prev_Comm_L
	mov	Temp8, Prev_Prev_Comm_H
	mov	Prev_Prev_Comm_L, Temp4
	mov	Prev_Prev_Comm_H, Temp5
	mov	Temp1, Prev_Comm_L		; Reload this commutation time	
	mov	Temp2, Prev_Comm_H
	clr	C
	mov	A, Temp1
	subb	A, Temp7				; Calculate the new commutation time based upon the two last commutations (to reduce sensitivity to offset)
	mov	Temp1, A
	mov	A, Temp2
	subb	A, Temp8
	mov	Temp2, A

	clr	C
	mov	A, Comm_Period4x_H		; Average with previous and save
	rrc	A
	mov	Temp4, A
	mov	A, Comm_Period4x_L
	rrc	A
	mov	Temp3, A
	mov	A, Temp1			
	add	A, Temp3
	mov	Comm_Period4x_L, A
	mov	A, Temp2
	addc	A, Temp4
	mov	Comm_Period4x_H, A
	jnc	($+8)

	mov	Comm_Period4x_L, #0FFh
	mov	Comm_Period4x_H, #0FFh

	ajmp	calc_new_wait_times_setup

	; Calculate new commutation time 
	mov	Temp3, Comm_Period4x_L	; Comm_Period4x(-l-h) holds the time of 4 commutations
	mov	Temp4, Comm_Period4x_H
	mov	Temp5, Comm_Period4x_L	; Copy variables
	mov	Temp6, Comm_Period4x_H
	mov	Temp7, #4				; Divide Comm_Period4x 4 times as default
	mov	Temp8, #2				; Divide new commutation time 2 times as default
	clr	C
	mov	A, Temp4
	subb	A, #04h
	jc	calc_next_comm_avg_period_div

	dec	Temp7				; Reduce averaging time constant for low speeds
	dec	Temp8

	clr	C
	mov	A, Temp4
	subb	A, #08h
	jc	calc_next_comm_avg_period_div

	jb	Flags1.INITIAL_RUN_PHASE, calc_next_comm_avg_period_div	; Do not average very fast during initial run

	dec	Temp7				; Reduce averaging time constant more for even lower speeds
	dec	Temp8

	clr	C
	mov	A, Temp6					
	rrc	A					; Divide by 2
	mov	Temp6, A	
	mov	A, Temp5				
	rrc	A
	mov	Temp5, A
	djnz	Temp7, calc_next_comm_avg_period_div

	clr	C
	mov	A, Temp3
	subb	A, Temp5				; Subtract a fraction
	mov	Temp3, A
	mov	A, Temp4
	subb	A, Temp6
	mov	Temp4, A
	mov	A, Temp8				; Divide new time
	jz	calc_next_comm_new_period_div_done

	clr	C
	mov	A, Temp2					
	rrc	A					; Divide by 2
	mov	Temp2, A	
	mov	A, Temp1				
	rrc	A
	mov	Temp1, A
	djnz	Temp8, calc_next_comm_new_period_div

	mov	A, Temp3
	add	A, Temp1				; Add the divided new time
	mov	Temp3, A
	mov	A, Temp4
	addc	A, Temp2
	mov	Temp4, A
	mov	Comm_Period4x_L, Temp3	; Store Comm_Period4x_X
	mov	Comm_Period4x_H, Temp4
	jnc	calc_new_wait_times_setup; If period larger than 0xffff - go to slow case

	mov	Temp4, #0FFh
	mov	Comm_Period4x_L, Temp4	; Set commutation period registers to very slow timing (0xffff)
	mov	Comm_Period4x_H, Temp4

	; Set high rpm bit (if above 156k erpm)
	clr	C
	mov	A, Temp4
	subb	A, #2
	jnc	($+4)

	setb	Flags1.HIGH_RPM 		; Set high rpm bit
	; Load programmed commutation timing
	jnb	Flags1.STARTUP_PHASE, calc_new_wait_per_startup_done	; Set dedicated timing during startup

	mov	Temp8, #3
	ajmp	calc_new_wait_per_demag_done

	mov	Temp1, #Pgm_Comm_Timing	; Load timing setting
	mov	A, @Temp1				
	mov	Temp8, A				; Store in Temp8
	clr	C
	mov	A, Demag_Detected_Metric	; Check demag metric
	subb	A, #130
	jc	calc_new_wait_per_demag_done

	inc	Temp8				; Increase timing

	clr	C
	mov	A, Demag_Detected_Metric
	subb	A, #160
	jc	($+3)

	inc	Temp8				; Increase timing again

	clr	C
	mov	A, Temp8				; Limit timing to max
	subb	A, #6
	jc	($+4)

	mov	Temp8, #5				; Set timing to max

	; Set timing reduction
	mov	Temp7, #2
	; Load current commutation timing
	mov	A, Comm_Period4x_H		; Divide 4 times
	swap	A
	anl	A, #00Fh
	mov	Temp2, A
	mov	A, Comm_Period4x_H
	swap	A
	anl	A, #0F0h
	mov	Temp1, A
	mov	A, Comm_Period4x_L
	swap	A
	anl	A, #00Fh
	add	A, Temp1
	mov	Temp1, A

	clr	C
	mov	A, Temp1
	subb	A, Temp7
	mov	Temp3, A
	mov	A, Temp2				
	subb	A, #0
	mov	Temp4, A
	jc	load_min_time			; Check that result is still positive

	clr	C
	mov	A, Temp3
	subb	A, #1
	mov	A, Temp4			
	subb	A, #0
	jnc	calc_new_wait_times_exit	; Check that result is still above minumum

	mov	Temp3, #1
	clr	A
	mov	Temp4, A 

	ljmp	wait_advance_timing

; Fast calculation (Comm_Period4x_H less than 2)
	; Calculate new commutation time
	mov	Temp3, Comm_Period4x_L	; Comm_Period4x(-l-h) holds the time of 4 commutations
	mov	Temp4, Comm_Period4x_H
	mov	A, Temp4				; Divide by 2 4 times
	swap	A
	mov	Temp7, A
	mov	A, Temp3
	swap A
	anl	A, #0Fh
	orl	A, Temp7
	mov	Temp5, A
	clr	C
	mov	A, Temp3				; Subtract a fraction
	subb	A, Temp5
	mov	Temp3, A
	mov	A, Temp4				
	subb	A, #0
	mov	Temp4, A
	clr	C
	mov	A, Temp1
	rrc	A					; Divide by 2 2 times
	clr	C
	rrc	A
	mov	Temp1, A
	mov	A, Temp3				; Add the divided new time
	add	A, Temp1
	mov	Temp3, A
	mov	A, Temp4
	addc	A, #0
	mov	Temp4, A
	mov	Comm_Period4x_L, Temp3	; Store Comm_Period4x_X
	mov	Comm_Period4x_H, Temp4
	clr	C
	mov	A, Temp4				; If erpm below 156k - go to normal case
	subb	A, #2
	jc	($+4)

	clr	Flags1.HIGH_RPM 		; Clear high rpm bit

	; Set timing reduction
	mov	Temp1, #2
	mov	A, Temp4				; Divide by 2 4 times
	swap	A
	mov	Temp7, A
	mov	Temp4, #0
	mov	A, Temp3
	swap A
	anl	A, #0Fh
	orl	A, Temp7
	mov	Temp3, A
	clr	C
	mov	A, Temp3
	subb	A, Temp1
	mov	Temp3, A
	jc	load_min_time_fast		; Check that result is still positive

	clr	C
	subb	A, #1
	jnc	calc_new_wait_times_fast_done	; Check that result is still above minumum

	mov	Temp3, #1

	mov	Temp1, #Pgm_Comm_Timing	; Load timing setting
	mov	A, @Temp1				
	mov	Temp8, A				; Store in Temp8

;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Wait advance timing routine
; No assumptions
; NOTE: Be VERY careful if using temp registers. They are passed over this routine
; Waits for the advance timing to elapse and sets up the next zero cross wait
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
	jnb	Flags0.T3_PENDING, ($+5)
	ajmp	wait_advance_timing

	; Setup next wait time
	mov	TMR3RLL, Wt_ZC_Tout_Start_L
	mov	TMR3RLH, Wt_ZC_Tout_Start_H
	setb	Flags0.T3_PENDING
	orl	EIE1, #80h	; Enable timer 3 interrupts

;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Calculate new wait times routine
; No assumptions
; Calculates new wait times
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
	clr	C
	clr	A
	subb	A, Temp3				; Negate
	mov	Temp1, A	
	clr	A
	subb	A, Temp4				
	mov	Temp2, A	
IF MCU_48MHZ >= 1
	clr	C
	mov	A, Temp1				; Multiply by 2
	rlc	A
	mov	Temp1, A
	mov	A, Temp2
	rlc	A
	mov	Temp2, A
	jnb	Flags1.HIGH_RPM, ($+6)	; Branch if high rpm
	ljmp	calc_new_wait_times_fast

	mov	A, Temp1				; Copy values
	mov	Temp3, A
	mov	A, Temp2
	mov	Temp4, A
	setb	C					; Negative numbers - set carry
	mov	A, Temp2				
	rrc	A					; Divide by 2
	mov	Temp6, A
	mov	A, Temp1
	rrc	A
	mov	Temp5, A
	mov	Wt_Zc_Tout_Start_L, Temp1; Set 15deg time for zero cross scan timeout
	mov	Wt_Zc_Tout_Start_H, Temp2
	clr	C
	mov	A, Temp8				; (Temp8 has Pgm_Comm_Timing)
	subb	A, #3				; Is timing normal?
	jz	store_times_decrease	; Yes - branch

	mov	A, Temp8				
	jb	ACC.0, adjust_timing_two_steps	; If an odd number - branch

	mov	A, Temp1				; Add 7.5deg and store in Temp1/2
	add	A, Temp5
	mov	Temp1, A
	mov	A, Temp2
	addc	A, Temp6
	mov	Temp2, A
	mov	A, Temp5				; Store 7.5deg in Temp3/4
	mov	Temp3, A
	mov	A, Temp6			
	mov	Temp4, A
	jmp	store_times_up_or_down

	mov	A, Temp1				; Add 15deg and store in Temp1/2
	add	A, Temp1
	mov	Temp1, A
	mov	A, Temp2
	addc	A, Temp2
	mov	Temp2, A
	clr	C
	mov	A, Temp1
	add	A, #1
	mov	Temp1, A
	mov	A, Temp2
	addc	A, #0
	mov	Temp2, A
	mov	Temp3, #-1				; Store minimum time in Temp3/4
	mov	Temp4, #0FFh

	clr	C
	mov	A, Temp8				
	subb	A, #3					; Is timing higher than normal?
	jc	store_times_decrease		; No - branch

	mov	Wt_Comm_Start_L, Temp3		; Now commutation time (~60deg) divided by 4 (~15deg nominal)
	mov	Wt_Comm_Start_H, Temp4
	mov	Wt_Adv_Start_L, Temp1		; New commutation advance time (~15deg nominal)
	mov	Wt_Adv_Start_H, Temp2
	mov	Wt_Zc_Scan_Start_L, Temp5	; Use this value for zero cross scan delay (7.5deg)
	mov	Wt_Zc_Scan_Start_H, Temp6
	ljmp	wait_before_zc_scan

	mov	Wt_Comm_Start_L, Temp1		; Now commutation time (~60deg) divided by 4 (~15deg nominal)
	mov	Wt_Comm_Start_H, Temp2
	mov	Wt_Adv_Start_L, Temp3		; New commutation advance time (~15deg nominal)
	mov	Wt_Adv_Start_H, Temp4
	mov	Wt_Zc_Scan_Start_L, Temp5	; Use this value for zero cross scan delay (7.5deg)
	mov	Wt_Zc_Scan_Start_H, Temp6
	jnb	Flags1.STARTUP_PHASE, store_times_exit

	mov	Wt_Comm_Start_L, #0F0h		; Set very short delays for all but advance time during startup, in order to widen zero cross capture range
	mov	Wt_Comm_Start_H, #0FFh
	mov	Wt_Zc_Scan_Start_L, #0F0h
	mov	Wt_Zc_Scan_Start_H, #0FFh
	mov	Wt_Zc_Tout_Start_L, #0F0h
	mov	Wt_Zc_Tout_Start_H, #0FFh

	ljmp	wait_before_zc_scan

	mov	A, Temp1				; Copy values
	mov	Temp3, A
	setb	C					; Negative numbers - set carry
	mov	A, Temp1				; Divide by 2
	rrc	A
	mov	Temp5, A
	mov	Wt_Zc_Tout_Start_L, Temp1; Set 15deg time for zero cross scan timeout
	clr	C
	mov	A, Temp8				; (Temp8 has Pgm_Comm_Timing)
	subb	A, #3				; Is timing normal?
	jz	store_times_decrease_fast; Yes - branch

	mov	A, Temp8				
	jb	ACC.0, adjust_timing_two_steps_fast	; If an odd number - branch

	mov	A, Temp1				; Add 7.5deg and store in Temp1
	add	A, Temp5
	mov	Temp1, A
	mov	A, Temp5				; Store 7.5deg in Temp3
	mov	Temp3, A
	ajmp	store_times_up_or_down_fast

	mov	A, Temp1				; Add 15deg and store in Temp1
	add	A, Temp1
	add	A, #1
	mov	Temp1, A
	mov	Temp3, #-1			; Store minimum time in Temp3

	clr	C
	mov	A, Temp8				
	subb	A, #3				; Is timing higher than normal?
	jc	store_times_decrease_fast; No - branch

	mov	Wt_Comm_Start_L, Temp3		; Now commutation time (~60deg) divided by 4 (~15deg nominal)
	mov	Wt_Adv_Start_L, Temp1		; New commutation advance time (~15deg nominal)
	mov	Wt_Zc_Scan_Start_L, Temp5	; Use this value for zero cross scan delay (7.5deg)
	ljmp	wait_before_zc_scan

	mov	Wt_Comm_Start_L, Temp1		; Now commutation time (~60deg) divided by 4 (~15deg nominal)
	mov	Wt_Adv_Start_L, Temp3		; New commutation advance time (~15deg nominal)
	mov	Wt_Zc_Scan_Start_L, Temp5	; Use this value for zero cross scan delay (7.5deg)

;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Wait before zero cross scan routine
; No assumptions
; Waits for the zero cross scan wait time to elapse
; Also sets up timer 3 for the zero cross scan timeout time
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
	jnb	Flags0.T3_PENDING, ($+5)  ;jump if Flags0.T3_PENDING is zero
	ajmp	wait_before_zc_scan

	mov	Startup_Zc_Timeout_Cntd, #2
	setb	Flags0.T3_PENDING
	orl	EIE1, #80h			; Enable timer 3 interrupts
	mov	A, Flags1
	jz	wait_before_zc_scan_exit		

	mov	Temp1, Comm_Period4x_L	; Set long timeout when starting
	mov	Temp2, Comm_Period4x_H
	clr	C
	mov	A, Temp2
	rrc	A
	mov	Temp2, A
	mov	A, Temp1
	rrc	A
	mov	Temp1, A
IF MCU_48MHZ == 0
	clr	C
	mov	A, Temp2
	rrc	A
	mov	Temp2, A
	mov	A, Temp1
	rrc	A
	mov	Temp1, A
	jnb	Flags1.STARTUP_PHASE, setup_zc_scan_timeout_startup_done

	mov	A, Temp2
	add	A, #40h				; Increase timeout somewhat to avoid false wind up
	mov	Temp2, A

	clr	IE_EA
	anl	EIE1, #7Fh			; Disable timer 3 interrupts
	mov	TMR3CN0, #00h			; Timer 3 disabled and interrupt flag cleared
	clr	C
	clr	A
	subb	A, Temp1				; Set timeout
	mov	TMR3L, A
	clr	A
	subb	A, Temp2		
	mov	TMR3H, A
	mov	TMR3CN0, #04h			; Timer 3 enabled and interrupt flag cleared
	setb	Flags0.T3_PENDING
	orl	EIE1, #80h			; Enable timer 3 interrupts
	setb	IE_EA





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在使用IPFoxy全球代理时&#xff0c;选择 SOCKS55代理还是HTTP代理&#xff1f;IPFoxy代理可以SOCKS55、Http协议自主切换&#xff0c;但要怎么选择&#xff1f;为解决这个问题&#xff0c;得充分了解两种代理的工作原理和配置情况。 在这篇文章中&#xff0c;我们会简要介绍 …

每日一类:Qt GUI开发的基石《QWidget》

深入探索QWidget&#xff1a;Qt GUI开发的基石 在Qt框架中&#xff0c;QWidget类扮演着构建图形用户界面&#xff08;GUI&#xff09;的基础角色。它不仅提供了窗口的基本功能&#xff0c;还允许开发者通过继承和定制来创建各式各样的用户界面元素。本文将详细介绍QWidget的关…




需求&#xff1a; 我们在开发过程中&#xff0c;会遇到需要将一个数据选择做成穿梭框&#xff0c;但是要求穿梭框左侧为树形结构、右侧为无层级结构的数据展示&#xff0c;ElementUI自身无法在穿梭框中添加树形结构&#xff0c;网上搜到了大佬封装的插件但是对于右侧的无树形结…


目录 1. 引言文章结构概览 2. Go字符串基础字符串的定义与特性什么是字符串&#xff1f;Go字符串的不可变性原则 字符串的数据结构Go字符串的内部表达byte和rune的简介 3. 字符串操作与应用3.1 操作与应用字符串连接字符串切片字符串查找字符串比较字符串的替换字符串的大小写转…

androidapp开发工具,Android MVP模式详解

**工欲善其事必先利其器&#xff0c;要想拿到满意的offer&#xff0c;必须有一定的准备。**以下列出来的东西是笔者认为应该准备的东西 简历中提到的&#xff0c;一定要有准备&#xff0c;别给自己挖坑Java准备&#xff0c;Java基础&#xff0c;有的公司会扣的很细&#xff0c…


&#x1f3ac;个人简介&#xff1a;一个全栈工程师的升级之路&#xff01; &#x1f4cb;个人专栏&#xff1a;自动驾驶技术 &#x1f380;CSDN主页 发狂的小花 &#x1f304;人生秘诀&#xff1a;学习的本质就是极致重复! 目录 一 自动驾驶视觉感知算法 1目标检测 1.1 两阶…

挑战30天学完Python:Day28 数据库Mysql

&#x1f389; 本系列为Python基础学习&#xff0c;原稿来源于 30-Days-Of-Python 英文项目&#xff0c;大奇主要是对其本地化翻译、逐条验证和补充&#xff0c;想通过30天完成正儿八经的系统化实践。此系列适合零基础同学&#xff0c;或仅了解Python一点知识&#xff0c;但又没…

Dsco Dropship EDI需求分析

供应商要想从Dsco处通过EDI获取订单&#xff0c;需要部署自己的EDI系统&#xff0c;与Dsco的EDI供应商CommerceHub 建立连接&#xff0c;分为两个方向&#xff1a; 1.从CommerceHub 的 Dsco 平台获取 EDI 850 采购订单 2.向Dsco发送库存&#xff08;846&#xff09;、订单状态…