



     id="trackDesignCanvas"     //指定 id 的 Canvas 组件
     type="2d"                  //指定 canvas 类型,支持 2d (2.9.0) 和 webgl (2.7.0)
     bindtap="ampliferImg"      //画布的点击事件


.orbit-canvas-main {            //横屏
  width: 100%;
  height: 375.6649rpx;
	box-sizing: border-box;


  data: {
    imgBaseUrl:"https://mpapi.sstlab.cn/pimg/orb_bg_10.jpg" ,//画布背景,
  onLoad() {
    this.drawSatellite(this.data.tabelDate)      // data 数据见文章下 有一组经纬度数据 可直接用测试
  drawSatellite (arrList) {    
    const query = wx.createSelectorQuery()
      .fields({ node: true, size: true })
      .exec((res) => {                     // 获取到选中的 Canvas 节点
        const canvas = res[0].node
        const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')  //获取到 Canvas 组件的 2D 绘图上下文对象
        const dpr = wx.getSystemInfoSync().pixelRatio  //用于获取设备的像素比
        canvas.width = res[0].width * dpr      // 获取宽
        canvas.height = res[0].height * dpr     // 获取高
        ctx.scale(dpr, dpr)  //设置为设备的像素比,以保证后续的绘制操作也能够进行高清屏幕适配。
        let width = res[0].width           //获取 Canvas 组件的原始宽度和高度
        let height = res[0].height
        let originPoint = width * 0.25    //计算出了一个原点的位置
        ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height)  //擦除了之前绘制的所有内容,准备进行新的绘制。
        ctx.beginPath()                   //开始一个新的路径,以便进行绘制操作划线
        // canvas背景图 
        const bg = canvas.createImage()                   //可以创建一个图片对象
        bg.src = `https://mpapi.sstlab.cn/pimg/orb_bg_10.jpg`   //自己的背景图片
        bg.onload = () => {
          ctx.drawImage(bg, 0, 0, width, height)
          ctx.translate(originPoint, 0)
          // canvas轨道
          for (let i = 0; i < arrList.length; i++) {
            let lon = arrList[i][0]
            let lat = arrList[i][1]
            let nowLon = lon
            let nowLat = lat
            let lonc = this.calcCoord(lon, true, width)
            let latc = this.calcCoord(lat, false, height)
            let nextLon = arrList[i + 1] && arrList[i + 1][0]
            let nextLat = arrList[i + 1] && arrList[i + 1][1]
            ctx.lineTo(lonc, latc)
            if (nextLon) {
              let diff = nextLon - lon
              if (Math.abs(diff) > 180) {
                let supLat = this.calcAngle(nowLon, nowLat, nextLon, nextLat)
                console.log('164========', nowLon, nextLon, supLat)
                ctx.lineTo(this.calcCoord(nowLon > nextLon ? 270 : -90, true, width), this.calcCoord(supLat, false, height))
                let lon = arrList[i + 1][0]
                let lat = arrList[i + 1][1]
                lon = this.calcCoord(lon, true, width)
                lat = this.calcCoord(lat, false, height)
                ctx.moveTo(lon, lat)
                ctx.lineTo(this.calcCoord(nowLon < nextLon ? 270 : -90, true, width), this.calcCoord(supLat, false, height))
          ctx.strokeStyle = 'red'
          // canvas经纬线
          ctx.setLineDash([1, 2])
          ctx.font = "12px serif"
          ctx.fillStyle = "#666666"
            // 60度纬线
            ctx.moveTo(originPoint * -1, height / 6)
            ctx.lineTo(width - originPoint, height / 6)
            ctx.fillText("60", originPoint * -1, height / 6)
            // 30度纬线
            ctx.moveTo(originPoint * -1, height / 3)
            ctx.lineTo(width - originPoint, height / 3)
            ctx.fillText("30", originPoint * -1, height / 3)
            // 0度纬线
            ctx.moveTo(originPoint * -1, height / 2)
            ctx.lineTo(width - originPoint, height / 2)
            ctx.fillText("0", originPoint * -1, height / 2)
            // -30度纬线
            ctx.moveTo(originPoint * -1, height - (height / 3))
            ctx.lineTo(width - originPoint, height - (height / 3))
            ctx.fillText("-30", originPoint * -1, height - (height / 3))
            // -60度纬线
            ctx.moveTo(originPoint * -1, height - (height / 6))
            ctx.lineTo(width - originPoint, height - (height / 6))
            ctx.fillText("-60", originPoint * -1, height - (height / 6))
            // 0度经线
            ctx.moveTo(0, 0)
            ctx.lineTo(0, height)
            ctx.fillText("0", 0, height)
            // 30度经线
            ctx.moveTo(width / 12, 0)
            ctx.lineTo(width / 12, height)
            ctx.fillText("30", width / 12, height)
            // 60度经线
            ctx.moveTo(width / 6, 0)
            ctx.lineTo(width / 6, height)
            ctx.fillText("60", width / 6, height)
            // 90度经线
            ctx.moveTo(width / 4, 0)
            ctx.lineTo(width / 4, height)
            ctx.fillText("90", width / 4, height)
            // 120度经线
            ctx.moveTo(width / 3, 0)
            ctx.lineTo(width / 3, height)
            ctx.fillText("120", width / 3, height)
            // 150度经线
            ctx.moveTo(width / 2.4, 0)
            ctx.lineTo(width / 2.4, height)
            ctx.fillText("150", width / 2.4, height)
            // 180度经线
            ctx.moveTo(width / 2, 0)
            ctx.lineTo(width / 2, height)
            ctx.fillText("180", width / 2, height)
            // -150度经线
            ctx.moveTo(width - (width / 2.4), 0)
            ctx.lineTo(width - (width / 2.4), height)
            ctx.fillText("-150", width - (width / 2.4), height)
            // -120度经线
            ctx.moveTo(width - (width / 3), 0)
            ctx.lineTo(width - (width / 3), height)
            ctx.fillText("-120", width - (width / 3), height)
            // -60度经线
            ctx.moveTo(width / 6 * -1, 0)
            ctx.lineTo(width / 6 * -1, height)
            ctx.fillText("-60", width / 6 * -1, height)
            // -30度经线
            ctx.moveTo(width / 12 * -1, 0)
            ctx.lineTo(width / 12 * -1, height)
            ctx.fillText("-30", width / 12 * -1, height)
          ctx.strokeStyle = '#333333'

            fileType: 'png',
            success: (res) => {
              console.log('canvasToTempFilePath success', res)
                tempFilePath: res.tempFilePath
            fail: (e) => {
              console.log('canvasToTempFilePath fail', e)
  calcCoord(num, isLon, length) {
    if (isLon) {
      return num / 360 * length
    } else {
      let latc = 180 - (num + 90)
      latc = latc / 180 * length
      return latc
 calcAngle(a, b, c, d) {
    if (a > c) {
      c += 360;
    } else {
      a += 360;
    return this.linear(a, b, c, d, 270)
 * 线性插值
 * @param {Number} x1 插值节点1
 * @param {Number} y1 插值节点函数值1
 * @param {Number} x2 插值节点2
 * @param {Number} y2 插值节点函数值2
 * @param {Number} x 插值点
 * @return {Number} 插值点函数值
 * @note x1 != x2
 linear(x1, y1, x2, y2, x) {
  return y1 + ((y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)) * (x - x1);
  ampliferImg () {
      urls: [ this.data.tempFilePath ],
      success: (e) => {
        console.log('previewImage success', e)
      fail: (e) => {
        console.log('previewImage fail', e)



.orbit-canvas-main {     //竖屏
  width: 100%;
  height: 1497.345rpx;
  box-sizing: border-box;

 js中代码,其实两者差不多,就是把width 和height换一下,用哪个直接用了

  drawSatellite (arrList) {       //第一组代码有数据自取
    const query = wx.createSelectorQuery()
      .fields({ node: true, size: true })
      .exec((res) => {
        const canvas = res[0].node
        const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')

        const dpr = wx.getSystemInfoSync().pixelRatio
        canvas.width = res[0].width * dpr
        canvas.height = res[0].height * dpr
        ctx.scale(dpr, dpr)

        let width = res[0].width
        let height = res[0].height
        let originPoint = height * 0.25
        console.log(width, height)

        ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height)

        // canvas背景图
        const bg = canvas.createImage()
        bg.src = `https://mpapi.sstlab.cn/pimg/orb_bg_10.jpg`
        bg.onload = () => {
          // 移动canvas原点
          ctx.translate(width, 0)
          // 旋转
          ctx.rotate(Math.PI / 2)
          ctx.drawImage(bg, 0, 0, height, width)
          // 重置canvas
          // ctx.rotate(-Math.PI / 2)
          // ctx.translate(-width, 0)

          ctx.translate(originPoint, 0)
          // canvas轨道
          for (let i = 0; i < arrList.length; i++) {
            let lon = arrList[i][0]
            let lat = arrList[i][1]
            let nowLon = lon
            let nowLat = lat

            let lonc = this.calcCoord(lon, true, height)
            let latc = this.calcCoord(lat, false, width)
            let nextLon = arrList[i + 1] && arrList[i + 1][0]
            let nextLat = arrList[i + 1] && arrList[i + 1][1]
            ctx.lineTo(lonc, latc)

            if (nextLon) {
              let diff = nextLon - lon
              if (Math.abs(diff) > 180) {
                let supLat = this.calcAngle(nowLon, nowLat, nextLon, nextLat)
                console.log('164========', nowLon, nextLon, supLat)
                ctx.lineTo(this.calcCoord(nowLon > nextLon ? 270 : -90, true, height), this.calcCoord(supLat, false, width))

                let lon = arrList[i + 1][0]
                let lat = arrList[i + 1][1]
                lon = this.calcCoord(lon, true, height)
                lat = this.calcCoord(lat, false, width)
                ctx.moveTo(lon, lat)

                ctx.lineTo(this.calcCoord(nowLon < nextLon ? 270 : -90, true, height), this.calcCoord(supLat, false, width))
          ctx.strokeStyle = 'red'

          // canvas经纬线
          ctx.setLineDash([1, 2])
          ctx.font = "12px serif"
          ctx.fillStyle = "#666666"

            // 60度纬线
            ctx.moveTo(originPoint * -1, width / 6)
            ctx.lineTo(height - originPoint, width / 6)
            ctx.fillText("60", originPoint * -1, width / 6)
            // 30度纬线
            ctx.moveTo(originPoint * -1, width / 3)
            ctx.lineTo(height - originPoint, width / 3)
            ctx.fillText("30", originPoint * -1, width / 3)
            // 0度纬线
            ctx.moveTo(originPoint * -1, width / 2)
            ctx.lineTo(height - originPoint, width / 2)
            ctx.fillText("0", originPoint * -1, width / 2)
            // -30度纬线
            ctx.moveTo(originPoint * -1, width - (width / 3))
            ctx.lineTo(height - originPoint, width - (width / 3))
            ctx.fillText("-30", originPoint * -1, width - (width / 3))
            // -60度纬线
            ctx.moveTo(originPoint * -1, width - (width / 6))
            ctx.lineTo(height - originPoint, width - (width / 6))
            ctx.fillText("-60", originPoint * -1, width - (width / 6))

            // 0度经线
            ctx.moveTo(0, 0)
            ctx.lineTo(0, width)
            ctx.fillText("0", 0, width)
            // 30度经线
            ctx.moveTo(height / 12, 0)
            ctx.lineTo(height / 12, width)
            ctx.fillText("30", height / 12, width)
            // 60度经线
            ctx.moveTo(height / 6, 0)
            ctx.lineTo(height / 6, width)
            ctx.fillText("60", height / 6, width)
            // 90度经线
            ctx.moveTo(height / 4, 0)
            ctx.lineTo(height / 4, width)
            ctx.fillText("90", height / 4, width)
            // 120度经线
            ctx.moveTo(height / 3, 0)
            ctx.lineTo(height / 3, width)
            ctx.fillText("120", height / 3, width)
            // 150度经线
            ctx.moveTo(height / 2.4, 0)
            ctx.lineTo(height / 2.4, width)
            ctx.fillText("150", height / 2.4, width)
            // 180度经线
            ctx.moveTo(height / 2, 0)
            ctx.lineTo(height / 2, width)
            ctx.fillText("180", height / 2, width)
            // -150度经线
            ctx.moveTo(height - (height / 2.4), 0)
            ctx.lineTo(height - (height / 2.4), width)
            ctx.fillText("-150", height - (height / 2.4), width)
            // -120度经线
            ctx.moveTo(height - (height / 3), 0)
            ctx.lineTo(height - (height / 3), width)
            ctx.fillText("-120", height - (height / 3), width)
            // -60度经线
            ctx.moveTo(height / 6 * -1, 0)
            ctx.lineTo(height / 6 * -1, width)
            ctx.fillText("-60", height / 6 * -1, width)
            // -30度经线
            ctx.moveTo(height / 12 * -1, 0)
            ctx.lineTo(height / 12 * -1, width)
            ctx.fillText("-30", height / 12 * -1, width)

          ctx.strokeStyle = '#333333'

            fileType: 'png',
            success: (res) => {
              console.log('canvasToTempFilePath success', res)
                tempFilePath: res.tempFilePath
            fail: (e) => {
              console.log('canvasToTempFilePath fail', e)




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在一个平静的午后&#xff0c;两个神秘的数字悄然相遇了。它们分别是-1031158223和-328227871。这两个数字看起来普普通通&#xff0c;但谁知它们背后隐藏着一段令人惊叹的奇幻之旅。 这两个数字其实是π的两位探险家&#xff0c;它们决定通过一次除法运算来探索π的奥秘。它们…


预测并不是特别准确原因 四大原因 1. 预测模型的参数不够好,上篇文章K的取值问题,可以解决; 2. 影响因子不够多,这个需要增加维度,如2维,(x,y); 3. 样本数量不够,这个需要更多的数据采集,才能保证数据的精准度; 4. 预测选取模型不够好,这个只能重新选择其它模型…