数据集介绍:movie_lens数据集是一个电影信息,电影评分的数据集,可以用来做推荐系统的数据集 需求:对电影发展,类型,评分等做统计分析。 目标:巩固pandas相关知识点
1 数据整理
1.1 熟悉数据据知识点
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib. pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
% matplotlib inline
mv_path = r'data\ml-latest-small\movies.csv'
rating_path = r'data\ml-latest-small\ratings.csv'
tags_path = r'data\ml-latest-small\tags.csv'
df_mv = pd. read_csv( mv_path)
df_rating = pd. read_csv( rating_path)
df_tags = pd. read_csv( tags_path)
df_mv. head( )
movieId title genres 0 1 Toy Story (1995) Adventure|Animation|Children|Comedy|Fantasy 1 2 Jumanji (1995) Adventure|Children|Fantasy 2 3 Grumpier Old Men (1995) Comedy|Romance 3 4 Waiting to Exhale (1995) Comedy|Drama|Romance 4 5 Father of the Bride Part II (1995) Comedy
df_rating. head( )
userId movieId rating timestamp 0 1 1 4.0 964982703 1 1 3 4.0 964981247 2 1 6 4.0 964982224 3 1 47 5.0 964983815 4 1 50 5.0 964982931
df_tags. head( )
userId movieId tag timestamp 0 2 60756 funny 1445714994 1 2 60756 Highly quotable 1445714996 2 2 60756 will ferrell 1445714992 3 2 89774 Boxing story 1445715207 4 2 89774 MMA 1445715200
1.2 缺省值判断
dfs = [ df_mv, df_rating, df_tags]
for df in dfs:
print ( df. columns. values)
print ( df. isnull( ) . sum ( ) )
print ( '======' )
['movieId' 'title' 'genres']
movieId 0
title 0
genres 0
dtype: int64
['userId' 'movieId' 'rating' 'timestamp']
userId 0
movieId 0
rating 0
timestamp 0
dtype: int64
['userId' 'movieId' 'tag' 'timestamp']
userId 0
movieId 0
tag 0
timestamp 0
dtype: int64
2 电影分析
2.1 数量
df_mv. movieId. size
2.2 题材分析
df_mv. head( )
movieId title genres 0 1 Toy Story (1995) Adventure|Animation|Children|Comedy|Fantasy 1 2 Jumanji (1995) Adventure|Children|Fantasy 2 3 Grumpier Old Men (1995) Comedy|Romance 3 4 Waiting to Exhale (1995) Comedy|Drama|Romance 4 5 Father of the Bride Part II (1995) Comedy
2.3 genres拆分
tmp = df_mv. set_index( 'movieId' ) [ : 4 ] . genres. str . split( '|' , expand= True )
0 1 2 3 4 movieId 1 Adventure Animation Children Comedy Fantasy 2 Adventure Children Fantasy None None 3 Comedy Romance None None None 4 Comedy Drama Romance None None
t = tmp. stack( )
1 0 Adventure
1 Animation
2 Children
3 Comedy
4 Fantasy
2 0 Adventure
1 Children
2 Fantasy
3 0 Comedy
1 Romance
4 0 Comedy
1 Drama
2 Romance
dtype: object
df_genres = t. droplevel( 1 )
1 Adventure
1 Animation
1 Children
1 Comedy
1 Fantasy
2 Adventure
2 Children
2 Fantasy
3 Comedy
3 Romance
4 Comedy
4 Drama
4 Romance
dtype: object
tmp = df_mv. set_index( 'movieId' ) . genres. str . split( '|' , expand= True )
t = tmp. stack( )
df_genres = tmp. stack( ) . droplevel( 1 )
1 Adventure
1 Animation
1 Children
1 Comedy
1 Fantasy
193583 Fantasy
193585 Drama
193587 Action
193587 Animation
193609 Comedy
Length: 22084, dtype: object
genres = df_genres. value_counts( )
Drama 4361
Comedy 3756
Thriller 1894
Action 1828
Romance 1596
Adventure 1263
Crime 1199
Sci-Fi 980
Horror 978
Fantasy 779
Children 664
Animation 611
Mystery 573
Documentary 440
War 382
Musical 334
Western 167
IMAX 158
Film-Noir 87
(no genres listed) 34
Name: count, dtype: int64
genres = genres. reset_index( ) . rename( { 'index' : 'genres' , 0 : 'count' } , axis= 1 )
genres count 0 Drama 4361 1 Comedy 3756 2 Thriller 1894 3 Action 1828 4 Romance 1596 5 Adventure 1263 6 Crime 1199 7 Sci-Fi 980 8 Horror 978 9 Fantasy 779 10 Children 664 11 Animation 611 12 Mystery 573 13 Documentary 440 14 War 382 15 Musical 334 16 Western 167 17 IMAX 158 18 Film-Noir 87 19 (no genres listed) 34
plt. figure( figsize= ( 16 , 5 ) )
ax = sns. barplot( x= 'genres' , y = 'count' , data= genres)
_ = ax. set_xticklabels( ax. get_xticklabels( ) , rotation= 70 )
UserWarning: FixedFormatter should only be used together with FixedLocator
_ = ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=70)
2.4 电影年代
t = df_mv. set_index( 'movieId' ) . title
df_year = t. str . extract( r'\((\d+)\)' )
df_year. isnull( ) . sum ( )
0 13
dtype: int64
year_data = df_year. dropna( )
year_data = year_data. reset_index( ) . rename( { 0 : 'year' } , axis= 1 )
year_data. head( )
movieId year 0 1 1995 1 2 1995 2 3 1995 3 4 1995 4 5 1995
year_data. year. agg( [ 'max' , 'min' ] )
max 500
min 06
Name: year, dtype: object
tmp = year_data[ year_data. year. isin( [ '06' , '500' ] ) ]
movieId year 674 889 06 7074 69757 500
t = df_mv[ df_mv. movieId. isin( tmp. movieId) ]
movieId title genres 674 889 1-900 (06) (1994) Drama|Romance 7075 69757 (500) Days of Summer (2009) Comedy|Drama|Romance
t. title. str . extract( r'\((\d+)\)$' )
t = df_mv. set_index( 'movieId' ) . title
df_year = t. str . extract( r'\((\d+)\)$' )
year_data = df_year. dropna( )
year_data = year_data. reset_index( ) . rename( { 0 : 'year' } , axis= 1 )
year_data. year. agg( [ 'max' , 'min' ] )
max 2018
min 1902
Name: year, dtype: object
year_data = year_data. sort_values( 'year' )
movieId year 5867 32898 1902 6353 49389 1903 9008 140541 1908 4743 7065 1915 8161 102747 1916 ... ... ... 9684 187541 2018 9685 187593 2018 9686 187595 2018 9672 184931 2018 9654 183295 2018
9718 rows × 2 columns
plt. figure( figsize= ( 20 , 5 ) )
ax = sns. countplot( x= 'year' , data= year_data)
_ = ax. set_xticklabels( ax. get_xticklabels( ) , rotation= 90 )
UserWarning: FixedFormatter should only be used together with FixedLocator
_ = ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90)
plt. figure( figsize= ( 15 , 5 ) )
ax = sns. countplot( x= 'year' , data= year_data[ year_data. year> '1970' ] )
_ = ax. set_xticklabels( ax. get_xticklabels( ) , rotation= 90 )
UserWarning: FixedFormatter should only be used together with FixedLocator
_ = ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90)
2.5 年代与题材
year_data. head( )
movieId year 5867 32898 1902 6353 49389 1903 9008 140541 1908 4743 7065 1915 8161 102747 1916
genres_data = df_genres. reset_index( ) . rename( { 0 : 'genres' } , axis= 1 )
genres_data. head( )
movieId genres 0 1 Adventure 1 1 Animation 2 1 Children 3 1 Comedy 4 1 Fantasy
d1 = year_data[ : 2 ]
d2 = genres_data[ : 10 ]
movieId year 5867 32898 1902 6353 49389 1903
movieId genres 0 1 Adventure 1 1 Animation 2 1 Children 3 1 Comedy 4 1 Fantasy 5 2 Adventure 6 2 Children 7 2 Fantasy 8 3 Comedy 9 3 Romance
ydata = year_data[ year_data. year>= '1990' ]
ygdata = ydata. merge( genres_data)
ygdata. year. unique( )
array(['1990', '1991', '1992', '1993', '1994', '1995', '1996', '1997',
'1998', '1999', '2000', '2001', '2002', '2003', '2004', '2005',
'2006', '2007', '2008', '2009', '2010', '2011', '2012', '2013',
'2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018'], dtype=object)
plt. figure( figsize= ( 100 , 5 ) )
ax = sns. countplot( x= 'year' , data= ygdata, hue= "genres" , orient= 'v' )
_ = ax. set_xticklabels( ax. get_xticklabels( ) , rotation= 90 )
UserWarning: FixedFormatter should only be used together with FixedLocator
_ = ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90)
import numpy as np
ygdata[ 'num' ] = np. ones_like( ygdata. year)
plt. figure( figsize= ( 20 , 5 ) )
ax = sns. lineplot( x= 'year' , y= 'num' , data= ygdata, hue= "genres" , estimator= 'sum' )
df_rating. head( )
userId movieId rating timestamp 0 1 1 4.0 964982703 1 1 3 4.0 964981247 2 1 6 4.0 964982224 3 1 47 5.0 964983815 4 1 50 5.0 964982931
3 评分分析
每年评价数量 小时评价数量 月评价数量 电影评分数量 电影评分排名TOPN
3.1 时间分析
ts = pd. to_datetime( df_rating. timestamp. values, unit= 's' )
df_rating[ 'times' ] = ts
df_rating[ 'day' ] = ts. to_period( 'D' )
df_rating[ 'month' ] = ts. map ( lambda x: x. month)
df_rating[ 'year' ] = ts. to_period( 'Y' )
df_rating[ 'hour' ] = ts. map ( lambda x: x. hour)
df_rating. head( )
userId movieId rating timestamp times day month year hour 0 1 1 4.0 964982703 2000-07-30 18:45:03 2000-07-30 7 2000 18 1 1 3 4.0 964981247 2000-07-30 18:20:47 2000-07-30 7 2000 18 2 1 6 4.0 964982224 2000-07-30 18:37:04 2000-07-30 7 2000 18 3 1 47 5.0 964983815 2000-07-30 19:03:35 2000-07-30 7 2000 19 4 1 50 5.0 964982931 2000-07-30 18:48:51 2000-07-30 7 2000 18
ax = sns. countplot( x= 'year' , data= df_rating, order= sorted ( df_rating. year. unique( ) ) )
_ = ax. set_xticklabels( ax. get_xticklabels( ) , rotation= 90 )
UserWarning: FixedFormatter should only be used together with FixedLocator
_ = ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90)
sorted ( df_rating. year. unique( ) )
[Period('1996', 'A-DEC'),
Period('1997', 'A-DEC'),
Period('1998', 'A-DEC'),
Period('1999', 'A-DEC'),
Period('2000', 'A-DEC'),
Period('2001', 'A-DEC'),
Period('2002', 'A-DEC'),
Period('2003', 'A-DEC'),
Period('2004', 'A-DEC'),
Period('2005', 'A-DEC'),
Period('2006', 'A-DEC'),
Period('2007', 'A-DEC'),
Period('2008', 'A-DEC'),
Period('2009', 'A-DEC'),
Period('2010', 'A-DEC'),
Period('2011', 'A-DEC'),
Period('2012', 'A-DEC'),
Period('2013', 'A-DEC'),
Period('2014', 'A-DEC'),
Period('2015', 'A-DEC'),
Period('2016', 'A-DEC'),
Period('2017', 'A-DEC'),
Period('2018', 'A-DEC')]
3.2 电影评分
3.2.1 评价数量前10
tmp = df_rating. groupby( 'movieId' ) . year. count( )
tmp. sort_values( ascending= False ) [ : 10 ]
356 329
318 317
296 307
593 279
2571 278
260 251
480 238
110 237
589 224
527 220
Name: year, dtype: int64
tmp = df_rating. groupby( 'movieId' ) . rating. mean( )
1 3.920930
2 3.431818
3 3.259615
4 2.357143
5 3.071429
193581 4.000000
193583 3.500000
193585 3.500000
193587 3.500000
193609 4.000000
Name: rating, Length: 9724, dtype: float64
tmp = df_rating. groupby( 'movieId' ) [ 'rating' ] . apply ( lambda x: 0 if x. size < 10 else x. mean( ) )
tmp. sort_values( ascending= False ) [ : 10 ]
1041 4.590909
3451 4.545455
1178 4.541667
1104 4.475000
2360 4.458333
1217 4.433333
318 4.429022
951 4.392857
1927 4.350000
922 4.333333
Name: rating, dtype: float64
3.3 用户喜好
用户打标签 思路:根据用户评分与电影题材,为用户打标签
mvids = df_rating[ df_rating. userId == 1 ] . movieId
t = genres_data[ genres_data. movieId. isin( mvids) ] . genres. value_counts( )
Action 90
Adventure 85
Comedy 83
Drama 68
Thriller 55
Fantasy 47
Crime 45
Children 42
Sci-Fi 40
Animation 29
Romance 26
War 22
Musical 22
Mystery 18
Horror 17
Western 7
Film-Noir 1
Name: count, dtype: int64