【cmu15445c++入门】(5)C++ 包装类(管理资源的类)




// A C++ wrapper class is a class that manages a resource. A resource
// could be memory, file sockets, or a network connection. Wrapper classes
// often use the RAII (Resource Acquisition is Initialization) C++ 
// programming technique. Using this technique implies that the resource's
// lifetime is tied to its scope. When an instance of the wrapper class is
// constructed, this means that the underlying resource it is managing is
// available, and when this instance is destructed, the resource also
// is unavailable. 

//C++ 包装类是管理资源的类。资源可以是内存、文件套接字或网络连接。
//包装类通常使用 RAII(资源获取即初始化)C++ 编程技术。

// Here are a couple resources on RAII that are useful:
// https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/raii (RAII docs on the CPP
// docs website)
// Interesting Stack Overflow answers to "What is meant by RAII?":
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2321511/what-is-meant-by-resource-acquisition-is-initialization-raii

// In this file, we will look at a basic implementation of a wrapper class that
// manages an int*. We will also look at usage of this class.

// Includes std::cout (printing) for demo purposes.
#include <iostream>
// Includes the utility header for std::move.
#include <utility>

// The IntPtrManager class is a wrapper class that manages an int*. The
// resource that this class is managing is the dynamic memory accessible via
// the pointer ptr_. By the principles of the RAII technique, a wrapper class
// object should not be copyable, since one object is supposed to manage one
// resource. Therefore, the copy assignment operator and copy constructor are
// deleted from this class. However, the class is still moveable from different
// lvalues/owners, and has a move constructor and move assignment operator.
// Another reason that wrapper classes forbid copying is because they destroy
// their resource in the destructor, and if two objects are managing the same
// resource, there is a risk of double deletion of the resource.
// IntPtrManager 类是管理 int* 的包装类。此类管理的资源是通过指针ptr_访问的动态内存。
// 根据 RAII 技术的原则,包装类对象不应该是可复制的,因为一个对象应该管理一个资源。
// 因此,从此类中删除复制赋值运算符和复制构造函数。但是,该类仍然可以从不同的左值/所有者移动,并且具有移动构造函数和移动赋值运算符。
// 包装类禁止复制的另一个原因是在析构函数中进行做资源销毁,如果两个对象管理同一资源,则存在双重删除资源的风险。

class IntPtrManager {
    // All constructors of a wrapper class are supposed to initialize a resource.
    // In this case, this means allocating the memory that we are managing.
    // The default value of this pointer's data is 0.
    IntPtrManager() {
      ptr_ = new int;
      *ptr_ = 0;

    // Another constructor for this wrapper class that takes a initial value.
    IntPtrManager(int val) {
      ptr_ = new int;
      *ptr_ = val;

    // Destructor for the wrapper class. The destructor must destroy the
    // resource that it is managing; in this case, the destructor deletes
    // the pointer!
    ~IntPtrManager() {
      // Note that since the move constructor marks objects invalid by setting
      // their ptr_ value to nullptr, we have to account for this in the 
      // destructor. We don't want to be calling delete on a nullptr!
      std::cout << "~IntPtrManager()" << std::endl;
      if (ptr_) {
        std::cout << "ptr is  " << ptr_ <<std::endl;
        delete ptr_;

    // Move constructor for this wrapper class. Note that after the move
    // constructor is called, effectively moving all of other's data into
    // the specified instance being constructed, the other object is no
    // longer a valid instance of the IntPtrManager class, since it has
    // no memory to manage. 
    IntPtrManager(IntPtrManager&& other) {
      ptr_ = other.ptr_;
      other.ptr_ = nullptr;

    // Move assignment operator for class Person. Similar techniques as
    // the move constructor.
    IntPtrManager &operator=(IntPtrManager &&other) {
      ptr_ = other.ptr_;
      other.ptr_ = nullptr;
      return *this;

    // We delete the copy constructor and the copy assignment operator,
    // so this class cannot be copy-constructed. 
    IntPtrManager(const IntPtrManager &) = delete;
    IntPtrManager &operator=(const IntPtrManager &) = delete;

    // Setter function.
    void SetVal(int val) {
      *ptr_ = val;

    // Getter function.
    int GetVal() const {
      return *ptr_;

    int *ptr_;


int main() {
  // We initialize an instance of IntPtrManager. After it is initialized, this
  // class is managing an int pointer.
  IntPtrManager a(445);

  // Getting the value works as expected.
  std::cout << "1. Value of a is " << a.GetVal() << std::endl;

  // Setting the value goes through, and the value can retrieved as expected.
  std::cout << "2. Value of a is " << a.GetVal() << std::endl;

  // Now, we move the instance of this class from the a lvalue to the b lvalue
  // via the move constructor.
  IntPtrManager b(std::move(a));

  // Retrieving the value of b works as expected because b is now managing the
  // data originally constructed by the constructor that created a. Note that
  // calling GetVal() on a will segfault, and a is supposed to effectively be
  // empty and unusable in this state.
  std::cout << "Value of b is " << b.GetVal() << std::endl;
  // 此时去访问a必然会报错退出
  //std::cout << "Value of a is " << a.GetVal() << std::endl;

  IntPtrManager c = std::move(b);
  std::cout << "Value of c is " << c.GetVal() << std::endl;
  // Once this function ends, the destructor for both a and b will be called.
  // a's destructor will note that the ptr_ it is managing has been set to 
  // nullptr, and will do nothing, while b's destructor should free the memory
  // it is managing.
  // 在函数退出之后,会有析构函数

  return 0;






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